Fellowship Number Total Project Period From: Fellowship Final Report Through: Period Reported on: From: Through: 1. TITLE OF RESEARCH TRAINING PROPOSAL 2b. FELLOW’S E-MAIL ADDRESS 2a. FELLOW (Name and address, street, city, state, zip code) 2c. DEPARTMENT, SERVICE, LABORATORY, OR EQUIVALENT 2d. MAJOR SUBDIVISION 3a. NAME OF SPONSOR 3b. DEPARTMENT, SERVICE, LABORATORY, OR EQUIVALENT 3c. TITLE OF SPONSOR 3d. MAJOR SUBDIVISION 3e. SPONSOR’S PHONE NUMBER 3e. SPONSOR’S E-MAIL ADDRESS 4. SPONSORING INSTITUTION (Name and address, street, city, state, 6a. TITLE AND ADDRESS OF OFFICIAL IN SPONSORING INSTITUTION BUSINESS OFFICE zip code) 5. ENTITY IDENTIFICATION NO. 7. HUMAN SUBJECTS NO YES 7a. Research Exempt NO 6b. E-MAIL ADDRESS: 8. VERTEBRATE ANIMALS If Exempt ("Yes" in 7a): Exemption No. YES If Not Exempt ("No" in 7a): IRB approval date 8a. If “Yes,” IACUC approval date NO YES 8b. Animal welfare assurance no. Full IRB or Expedited Review 7b. Human Subjects Assurance No. 7c. NIH Defined Phase III Clinical Trial NO 9. TRAINING SITE(S) (Organizations and addresses) YES 10. NAME AND TITLE OF OFFICIAL SIGNING FOR APPLICANT ORGANIZATION (Item 14) NAME 11. FELLOW’S TELEPHONE INFORMATION TITLE OFFICE TEL FAX E-MAIL FAX HOME Please check here if any of the above information has changed since your initial application. 13. CERTIFICATION AND ACCEPTANCE: I certify that the statements herein are true, complete, and accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGNATURE OF FELLOW NAMED IN ITEM 2. DATE 14. SPONSOR AND SPONSORING ORGANIZATION CERTIFICATION AND ACCEPTANCE: We, the undersigned, certify that the statements herein are true, complete, and accurate to the best of our knowledge. SIGNATURE OF SPONSOR NAMED IN 3 (In DATE ink. “Per” signature not acceptable.) SIGNATURE OF OFFICIAL NAMED IN 10. (In ink. “Per” signature not acceptable.) Page 1 of 4 DATE LRF Individual Fellowship Final Report 15a. PERMANENT MAILING ADDRESS OF FELLOW (Street, city, state, zip code) FELLOWSHIP NUMBER 15b. PERMANENT PHONE NUMBER 16. Human subjects and vertebrate animals – Indicate changes since initial application. A. Human Subjects (Complete Item 7 on the Face Page) Use of Human Subjects Change No Change Since Previous Submission IRB approval of change B. Vertebrate Animals (Complete Item 8 on the Face Page) Use of Vertebrate Animals Change No Change Since Previous Submission IACUC approval of change 17. SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES (Use continuation pages. Do not exceed 3 pages in addition to this form, not including references. Any graphs, tables or figures should be appended as a separate document.) A. CHANGES Since submission of the last application/progress report, have any significant changes occurred in the research project, academic status, or time distribution of activities (i.e., percentage of time devoted to research project, course work, teaching, etc.)? If so, explain. Describe any changes in the specific aims of your project and provide a brief description of any new methodology that has been used to complete the project. B. PROGRESS Describe concisely the research performed and research training obtained during the past year. List all courses taken. C. CONCLUSIONS AND PLANS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH: Please briefly discuss the results of your project and your plans for further research in this area. C. PUBLICATIONS: For each publication resulting directly from the grant and not previously submitted, provide a link to a publicly available online journal or the NIH PubMed Central (PMC) submission identification number. One copy of the publication may be provided if an on-line link or PMC number is not yet available. List the complete citation. Do not submit manuscripts that have not been accepted for publication. State if there have been no publications. E. PROJECT-GENERATED RESOURCES: If the research supported by this grant resulted in data, research materials (such as cell lines, DNA probes, animal models), protocols, software, or other information available to be shared with other investigators, describe the resource and how it may be accessed. If the PI is a member of the MCLC, any cell lines must be made available to the MCLC cell-bank. Any patents or other exclusive resources generated should also be indicated. F. FUTURE PLANS: Briefly describe your plans for the continued development of your career as a lymphoma researcher. If you have been appointed to a faculty position at your current or another institution, please provide us with your new contact information. Page 2 of 4 Name of Applicant (Last, first, middle): Lay Summary: Please give a brief summary of the results of your research project, worded so that the average reader of a daily newspaper could easily understand it: Page 3 of 4 FELLOWSHIP NUMBER LRF Individual Fellowship Final Report (To be completed by sponsor ) 19. COMMENTS OF SPONSOR (Use up to one additional page, if necessary) Evaluate the quality of the training (including academic work) and research progress made by the fellow during the past year. Include performance on cumulative and qualifying examinations, if applicable. Page 4 of 4