Chapter 2 – Achieving Psychological Wellness

Chapter 2 – Achieving Psychological Wellness
Emotionally-well people have a wide variety of responses adjusting to ______ _______
________ stimuli.
Definition of Emotional Health
Depends on ________-______ (mental self-picture) and _____-______ (self-acceptance)
Can emotionally healthy people ________ their emotional health and _______ a
diagnosable _____________ illness?
Is there a grass-roots, common-sense principle to emotional health…found in “emotional
wellness” which is _______________ to _____________.
What are the Characteristics of an emotionally healthy and psychologically well person?
a. Feel _____________ about _____________ range
b. Not _____________ by emotions
c. __________________ life’s disappointments
d. Feel ______________ with others
e. Receive and give ____________ easily
f. Feel ___________ for others when appropriate
g. Establish _________/___________ term goals
h. Ability to function ____________________
i. ___________ others
j. Healthy ___________ (sleep, eat, exercise)
(Read Page 31…Is one of these NOT you?)
Let’s talk about Personality
(The result of these factors)
*Greatly affected by __________ factors (Mom and Dad)
* _____________ factors (include ________, ____, ________, ______ and ______)
What is the role of happiness and sense of humor?
Is it a ____________ technique?
Is it the ___________ (Freud’s ______)
When is happiness and a sense of humor unhealthy?
Self-esteem (self-acceptance)
It ____________ as our self-______________ improves
Has its roots in ________________________
Sets ____________ to work with others
Recognizes ________________ of self
Wants to ____________ a mentoring relationship
What helps in acceptance?
A. Verbal Communication
Take time to ________ before you __________
Focus words on ________________ thoughts
Speak __________ and _______________
Talk with _________________
Start on _________________ note
Seek __________________ from listener
Use __________ forms of __________________
B. Non-verbal Communication
_________l Expressions
___ Contact
Touch with ____
Appropriate _________________ (Seinfeld Close Talker)
___________ for success
Electronic ______________ (Who are you, anyways?)
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
*It attempts to meet inner needs
i. ____________
ii. ____________
iii. ___________
v. ____________
(Meet __________________ needs _______. Self-actualized has “__________”)
Who has self-actualized?
a. More _______experiences
b. More response to ___________
c. Innovators
d. Fuse work with __________
e. More likely to _____________ others
(Do you buy this?)
What is Creative Expresssion?
a. __________ b. Less ________ c. ___________ d. _________
e. Governed by ________________ set of values
(Do you buy this???)
Spiritual Health
*Those who have _________ have meaning to ___________/hopes
*Sense of ____________ to believe in something “___________” than self
Emotional “stability”???????
Taking Proaction to Health
A Key to emotional health is the ability to control the __________ of experiences and
thus to learn about your own emotional ________________.
a. Construct ____________ pictures
View yourself as you ___________ through your _______________
b. Accepting ____________ pictures
__________ the truth of the picture
__________ success
__________ time
__________ to be introspective
c. Undertaking new ______________
Test your _____________ with new _______________ (simple to __________)
d. ______________ Mental __________
With _____________ you can change your ____________ ____________
Psychological Disorders
_______ million American diagnosed with _______ disorders annually
________ % of Adult population ________% of children
Selected Forms of Psych. Disorders
A. General Anxiety Disorders
Intense ___________ and _________
Can’t control _________________ of worry
Restless, appear ________
Treatment: Counseling and _______________
B. Depression
Bi-polar and ___________ depression (severe __________ swings)
Unipolar (Situational - ______________)
General Character
Depressed ___________ most of the day
Loss of _____________ in activities
Significant __________ changes
Psychomotor ________________
Feelings of ________
Decreased ability to act _____________
How handled?
______________________ ________________
Other disorders:
A. Seasonal Affective Disorder (______)
Brought on by a lack of _____________
Weight ________; sluggish; ____________ sleep; social ______________;
Mood __________
Treatment: _______________________
B. Suicide:
Ineffective ___________ mechanisms
Self-destructive _______________
Depression – sense of ____________
(suicide signs – more than ____ weeks for intervention to occur)
C. Obsessive compulsive Disorder (OCD)
(usually ____________)
1. Obsessive – Recurreant Thoughts of __________ to neutralize feeling
Lack of interest in _________ world.
2. Compulsive – Repetitive behavior; _________ behavior; compulsion interferes
with _____________
D. Panic Disorders
Characterized by ________ attacks; Usually ___________ in nature
Excessive ____________ activity
Panic Attack Signs and Symptoms
1. Rapid _________ - like heart _________
2. _________Pain
3. Sweating and __________
4. ______________
5. _____________
6. Feeling of __________ __________
E. Schizophrenia
Personality ______________
Traits: 1.Delusions
2. ________________
3. ________________
4. ________________
5. ________________
6. ________________
Therapists to Handle Situations:
A. Psychiatrists ( ____ or ____)
Specialists – Perform __________________
B. Psychologists (MS, Ph.D, Ed.D)
Do the counseling in ___________ or ___________
C. Counselors (AA, BS, Certificates)
Ministers, _____________, ___________________,________, Social ____________
Forms of Psychotherapy
********* Over _________ forms ***********
Insurance influences type of Therapy (Why is this so?)
A. Psychoanalysis (Deep, ___________ and ___________)
B. Psychodynamic ( ___________ _____________)
C. Behavioral Therapy (Brief, ____________ __________, Desensitizing, One on
D. Cognitive (Understand why ________ arises; extinguish ___________
_________; Effective for Depression ______________ _________)
E. ______________ (Used with other Therapies ________ and listening)
F. Group (Cost ________; Try to rid social _________; good for ______ disorders)
G. _____________ Practice (_____ Therapy, Marital ____, Family ______; ______)
SUCCESS IS TIED TO ___________________________
The Key is ___________ to ________ to _________with a greater self_______ and
greater self ____________