ITEM 13 Application Number 07/2010/0422/FUL Address Leyland Leisure Centre Lancastergate Leyland PR25 2EX Applicant South Ribble Borough Council Development Formation of mini skatepark. Officer Recommendation Approval Report Summary The application relates to a small area of infill land within the Leyland Leisure Centre curtilage and adjacent the Tesco Extra car park. A purpose built skate and BMX facility has been acquired and it is proposed to locate this facility within this area of land. There has been a demand for such a facility for a number of years which public consultation into the Leyland Masterplan clearly showed. Due to its location adjacent leisure facilities, the proposal is considered favourably in compliance with policies LTC3, LTC4 and QD1 of the South Ribble Local Plan. Site and Surrounding Area The application site is an area of unused open space adjacent the Leyland Leisure Centre. The area is within the Leyland Town Centre close to the Tesco Extra supermarket which lies to the east. The Police Station and Court buildings and Library are located along Lancastergate to the north together with a small apartment block. To the south of the application site are residential properties on Fox Lane and to the west is the Woodlea Primary School complex and an Air Training Corps building. Planning History There have been a number of planning applications to the Leisure Centre over the years with the most recent being in 2009 for minor alterations to the building, including a change of colour. Proposal The proposal is for the installation of a skate and BMX facility within the Leisure Centre boundary. The equipment is a mini half pipe skate park in steel and measures 8.1m by 3.4m with a platform height of 2.68m. The platform floors are to be no higher than the adjacent car park surface level. It is set on an area of tarmac measuring 13.2m by 8.9m with a tarmac path leading to it from the existing footpath network around the Leisure Centre. Two 'grind' rails are also proposed, one at 3.0m long and one at 0.75m long. A 2.4m high weldmesh fence in green is proposed to the rear of the new facility to separate the 'courtyard' area of the Leisure Centre from the facility. A building mounted flood light is proposed to light the facility and a 'Derby slimline' bin is also proposed. Summary of Publicity Neighbouring properties were notified and a site notice posted with ten letters of representation being received, three in support of the proposal and seven objecting on the following grounds: 1 Noise and disturbance A similar facility was opened in Garstang this year and closed just 3 weeks later due to noise - a waste of public money Funding for the scheme Inappropriate Location Worden Park would be better location Light pollution No details of construction or materials No facility to close/lock up at night Inadequate facility Summary of Consultations Environmental Health commented regarding the materials to be used for the equipment and flooring. They requested that details be submitted of measures to dampen the noise created by skaters and the floor surface which should offer a level of absorption to reduce the likelihood of injury. Environmental Health also commented that the lighting should be directed and shielded to avoid nuisance to neighbouring residents and that the lighting be turned off between the hours of 11pm and 7am to ensure the equipment is not used during the night time. It is therefore considered appropriate to impose conditions in line with these requirements. Environmental Health further suggested that the equipment be located between the walls of the Leisure Centre to ensure that the walls provide an acoustic barrier to the noise and the equipment should also be located at the lowest ground level possible. Amended plans were requested and received in line with this requirement. MAPS raised no objections to the proposal but commented that the lighting times for the proposed building mounted flood light would be agreed by the Neighbourhood Policing Team once the park is operational. Policy Background The application site is within the Leyland Town Centre boundary and therefore Policy LTC3 applies in consideration of the proposal. With in the town centre, existing businesses will be allowed to expand and changes of use to shopping and commercial development, including those from non-commercial property, will be permitted, subject to criteria in Policy LTC4 being satisfied. In Policy LTC4 proposals to provide, redevelop or extend retail, leisure or commercial uses will be considered on the basis of the following criteria: a) Design and siting of the proposed development; b) Provision of car parking and servicing and c) Impact on surrounding land uses, particularly where these are predominantly residential. In terms of the design of the proposal, Policy QD1 applies which seeks to ensure development proposals are well related to neighbouring buildings and to the locality. The layout, design and landscaping should be of a high quality which reflects local distinctiveness. Development proposal cannot prejudice highway safety and should make appropriate provision for car parking and servicing. Development should also ensure that any noise/disturbance will not be detrimental to the amenity of the area and will not cause harm to neighbouring property by leading to overlooking and loss of privacy. Material Considerations Relationship to Neighbours The application site is located on a small infill grassed area to the south-eastern elevation of the existing leisure centre. Residential properties lie approximately 80m to the south of the application site, separated by the Tesco Extra car park and bunding to its southern boundary 2 which is also lined with trees and shrubbery. As such the proposal will not be visible to neighbouring residents. Impact on Character of Area The area has no overriding character and is in mixed use with Tesco Extra car park to the east, the leisure centre building to the west, residential properties to the south and Tesco petrol filling station, the police station and law courts to the north. As the proposal is within the leisure centre curtilage and located in an infill area on the buildings south-eastern elevation, it is considered to be in keeping with the character of the area. Design and Appearance The skate/BMX facility is a purpose built steel structure measuring 8.1m by 3.4m finished in green with yellow railings to the ramp tops. It is located in a tarmac area of 13.2m by 8.9m with a 2.4m high weld mesh fence in green to secure the remaining courtyard area to the leisure centre. The design and appearance is considered to be appropriate in this location. Noise Neighbouring residents have objected to the proposal on the grounds of noise and disturbance. Amended plans were requested and received to move the facility further into the infill area of land to enable the facility to be more enclosed by the Leisure Centre buildings. The facility is also sited at a lower level than the car park and the intervening land will also act as an acoustic bund. Residential properties are located approximately 80m from the application site and the new siting of the proposal together with the lower ground level will both assist in deadening potential noise. Furthermore, the Tesco Extra car park with its recycling facility lies between the site and these residential properties which itself has bunding, trees/shrubs to the boundary. Furthermore, it is considered appropriate to impose a condition requiring noise mitigation measure be submitted prior to installation of the facility. It is therefore considered, with appropriate mitigation, the proposal is acceptable and would not result in an unacceptable level of noise, affecting residential amenity. Lighting Neighbouring residents have also objected to the proposed lighting to the facility. Environmental Health also commented that the lighting equipment should be directed and shielded to avoid nuisance to residential properties in the area. It is therefore considered appropriate to control the levels of luminance and times the lighting may be in use by way of a condition requiring a lighting scheme to be submitted prior to installation of the facility. Other matters In terms of the other issues raised by neighbours objecting to the proposal, it is understood that a similar facility in Garstang closed after three weeks due to noise. It is not appropriate to make comparison with another scheme as the location, design etc may not be comparable. Nevertheless, information has been sought from colleagues at Wyre Borough Council who clarified that the skateboard facility was indeed removed after a few weeks in order to have noise dampening measures implemented Funding for the scheme is not a material planning consideration and cannot be taken into account when determining this application. With regards to the location of the facility, the proposal is for a much needed facility for young people, identified in the consultation exercise for the Leyland Masterplan. It is located adjacent an existing leisure facility which is considered to be a more controlled location, close to current 'informal' activities. No facility to close/lock up at night has been provided as the facility is intended to have 'open' use. Furthermore, the facility and site have been selected to be as low maintenance as possible with ongoing maintenance for the equipment being built into the Parks Team's maintenance programme. 3 A resident has suggested the Worden Park would be a better location for the facility. There may be a number of other alternative locations for the proposal. However, the main issue to determine in relation to this application is whether the proposed location is acceptable not whether other sites would be more suitable. In terms of the objection that the skatepark is an inadequate facility and the idea has been 'ill thought out' are considered unfounded. Public consultation into the Leyland Masterplan clearly showed a public demand for a skate park facility. The project has support from a range of partners including SERCO, Lancashire Constabulary, the Leyland Project, Central Lancashire Primary Care Trust, South Ribble Community Safety Partnership and Fusion. CONCLUSION The proposal is for a much needed facility for young people and is located adjacent an existing leisure facility. This area as a whole is widely used by members of the public and it is considered there will be no greater undue impact in terms of noise and disturbance from the proposal than from these existing uses. The project has support from a number of South Ribble Borough Council's partners and public consultation has been carried out which shows a need for such a facility. For the reasons outlined above, the proposal is considered to accord with policies LTC3, LTC4 and QD1 of the South Ribble Local Plan and the application is therefore recommended for approval subject to the imposition of conditions. RECOMMENDATION: Approval. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS: 1. That the development must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission. REASON: Required to be imposed pursuant to section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2. The prior to the Skateboard/BMX facility being installed, details of noise dampening measures are to be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and agreed in writing. The agreed measures shall be implemented before the first use of the equipment and thereafter retained. REASON: In the interest of residential amenity and in accordance with Quality of Development Policy QD1 of the South Ribble Local Plan. 3. That prior to the skateboard/BMX facility first being brought into use, details of the external lighting scheme shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and approved in writing. The approved lighting scheme shall not operate between the hours of 11.00pm and 07.00am. REASON: In the interest of residential amenity, in accordance with Quality of Development Policy QD1 and Environment Policy ENV24 in the South Ribble Local Plan. RELEVANT POLICY LTC3 Other Development within the Town Centre QD1 Design Criteria for New Development LTC4 Criteria for Determining Applications 4