TR30.3/01-04-038 Subject: Comments on PN 3509 Alberto Torres, VOCAL Technologies Ltd. 1. Page 11 of “NORMATIVE REFERENCES” > CCITT, Red Book 1984, Fascicle VIII.1, Recommendation V.35, Data transmission at > 48 kilobits per second using 60–108 KHz group band circuits, Appendix II This should be: ITU-T Recommendation V.35, Data transmission at > 48 kilobits per second using 60–108 KHz group band circuits, Appendix II > ITU–T, Blue Book 1988, Fascicle IV.4, Recommendation O.151, Error performance > measuring equipment for digital systems at the primary bit rate and above This should be: ITU–T Recommendation O.151, Error performance measuring equipment for digital systems at the primary bit rate and above >ITU–T, Blue Book 1988, Fascicle VIII.1, Recommendation V.1, Equivalence between >binary notation symbols and the significant conditions of a two–condition code This should be: ITU–T Recommendation V.1, Equivalence between binary notation symbols and the significant conditions of a two–condition code >ITU–T, Blue Book 1988, Fascicle VIII.1, Recommendation V.14, Transmission of >start–stop characters over synchronous bearer channels This should be: ITU–T Recommendation V.14, Transmission of start–stop characters over synchronous bearer channels 1 >ITU–T, Blue Book 1988, Fascicle VIII.1, Recommendation V.24, List of definitions for >interchange circuits between data terminal equipment (DTE) and data circuit– >terminating equipment (DCE) This should be: ITU–T Recommendation V.24, List of definitions for interchange circuits between data terminal equipment (DTE) and data circuit–terminating equipment (DCE) >ITU–T, Blue Book 1988, Fascicle VIII.1, Recommendation V.25 bis, Automatic calling >and/or answering equipment on the general switched telephone network (GSTN) using >the 100–series interchange circuits This should be: ITU–T Recommendation V.25 bis, Automatic calling and/or answering equipment on the general switched telephone network (GSTN) using the 100–series interchange circuits >ITU–T, Blue Book 1988, Fascicle VIII.1, Recommendation V.42, Error–correcting >procedures for DCEs using asynchronous–to–synchronous conversion This should be: ITU–T Recommendation V.42, Error–correcting procedures for DCEs using asynchronous–to–synchronous conversion >ITU–T, 1992, Recommendation V.42 bis, Data compression procedures for DCEs >using error correcting procedures This should be: ITU–T Recommendation V.42 bis, Data compression procedures for DCEs using error correcting procedures 2. Include Recommendation V.44 ITU–T Recommendation V.44, Data compression procedures for DCEs using error correcting procedures 2 3. When reference to V.42 bis is made, reference to V.44 shall be made as well (e.g. V.42 bis or V.44). Point 4.10 Point 5.1.1 Point 5.1.2 Point 5.1.5 Point (2 times) Point Point (2 times) Point (2 times) Point 5.2.5 Point (2 times) Point (2 times) Point 5.3.4 Annex B (5 times) Annex D (5 times) 4. Figure E.3.2 in page 25 shall be Figure 4 5. Figure E.2 in page 34 shall be Figure 5 6. Figure E.1.1 in page 41 shall be Figure 6 7. Figure E.1.2 in page 41 shall be Figure 7 8. Table E.2 in page 33 is the same than table E.2 in page 50. Table in page 50 should be deleted and reference table in page 33. 9. Figure E.2 in page 34 is the same than Figure E.2 in page 51. Figure in page 51 should be deleted and reference figure in page 34. 10. Figure F.1 in page 53 shall be Figure 8 11. Figure F.2 in page 56 shall be Figure 9 12. From my point of view the document shall be consistent with the outer line in the figures and should be always removed (Figure 1, 2, 3, new 4, 6,7 and 8). 13. Figure E.1.1 in page 41, Throughput (Y axe) versus Network Coverage Percentage (X axe) should be from 0% to 100% instead of from 100% to 0%. 14. Idem page 43. 15. Table in page 17 shall be Table 1. 3 16. Table E.3.2 in page 24 shall be Table 2. 17. Table E.2 in page 33 shall be Table 3. 18. Table E.1.1 in page 38 shall be Table 4. 19. Table E.1.2 in page 39 shall be Table 5. 20. Table E.1.3 in page 40 shall be Table 6. 21. Table E.1.4 in page 42 shall be Table 7. 22. Table E.2.1 in page 50 shall be removed and made reference to Table 3. 23. Table F.1 shall be Table 8. 24. Table F.2 shall be Table 9. 25. Table B.1 “Compressed file size for file 1X30.TST” in annex B shall be Table B.2. 26. Table B.2 “Compressed file size for file 2X10.TST” in annex B shall be Table B.3. 27. Table B.3 “Compressed file size for file 3X06.TST” in annex B shall be Table B.4. 28. Table B.4 “Compressed file size for file 4X04.TST” in annex B shall be Table B.5. 29. Table B.5 “Compressed file size for file 5X16.TST” in annex B shall be Table B.6. 4