SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NURSING AND HEALTH SCIENCES SCHOOL OF NURSING DNP Administrative Council Meeting Minutes DATE: March 28, 2013 TIME: 3:00pm – 5:00pm PLACE: Hammond Campus, Department Head’s Office MEMBERS PRESENT: Dr. Eileen Creel Dr. Lorinda Sealey Dr. Luanne Billingsley MEMBERS ABSENT: Not applicable AGENDA ITEM I. Call to order II. Approval of minutes ACTION/DISCUSSION Not applicable PLAN Not applicable III. New business A. DNP faculty 1. Confirm DNP faculty? 2. Discuss meeting schedule/agenda for DNP program within the Graduate Level meeting Listed/discussed potential DNP faculty as follows: Donna Hathorn: NURS 800 Vic Swaim: NURS 801 Wynn Gillan: NURS 802 Janet Jones: NURS 804 Luanne Billingsley: NURS 803, 821, 822, 823 & 809 Mary Burke: NURS 806 Ken Tillman: NURS 807 Danny Lee: NURS 808 DNP faculty to be scheduled by Eileen – options discussed. Graduate Level Meeting DNP agenda items will include reports from DNP Committee Chairs. The DNP program will be listed on the Graduate Level meeting agenda 1 SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NURSING AND HEALTH SCIENCES SCHOOL OF NURSING DNP Administrative Council Meeting Minutes AGENDA ITEM B. University standards and guidelines 1. DNP program 2. DNP program coordinator a. Committees C. Establish/confirm/define DNP committees 1. DNP Curriculum Committee – confirm team members a. Needs and Team members b. Project Planning, Residency I, II, III – format ACTION/DISCUSSION The DNP program coordinator was invited to attend the Southeastern University Graduate Council Committee. New Chair (John Boulahanis) did not have L. Billingsley’s contact information to add to committee. Curriculum committee needs discussed and members tentatively assigned: Janet Jones (Chair), Donna Hathorn, Michelle Ellis Discussed project planning, residency I, II, III – and need for continuity across these courses. 2. Discuss curriculum changes made at UL Discussed recent changes made to our partner UL at Lafayette’s DNP program. Will keep biostats in the fall semester PLAN DNP program coordinator will attend meetings scheduled on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 3pm. Next meeting scheduled: April 16, 2013. (E. Creel forwarded L. Billingsley’s contact information during the meeting. L. Billingsley will plan to attend meetings.) E. Creel will follow up with recommendations and notify faculty of committee assignments. These courses (syllabi and outcomes) will be reviewed together to assure continuity and timeline for synthesis project completion. The Capstone Committee will be updated and feedback requested prior to offering Project Planning in the fall 2013. L. Billingsley will share with committee for understanding of the process/outcomes. 1. Will continue with plan to move biostats to Fall semester. Flow will be biostats in the Fall then epidemiology in the Spring semester. This is how it is 2 SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NURSING AND HEALTH SCIENCES SCHOOL OF NURSING DNP Administrative Council Meeting Minutes AGENDA ITEM ACTION/DISCUSSION Changed pre-req to N809 Added courses to add various number of practicum hours. PLAN listed in the 2012-2013 Southeastern General Catalogue. L. Sealey will send to University Curriculum Committee for congruence. 2. We do not have pre-req to N809 – this allows flexibility to assist students to get additional hours (for non-NP students), to continue or to extend synthesis projects as needed. Southeastern’s curriculum does this – no changes recommended to our program. Will not add courses – adds to confusion for N809 – no established hours are listed and will depend/flex to student’s need and objectives. Southeastern’s program requires a minimum of 420 practicum hours. UL has moved to a minimum of 480 practicum hours. L. Billingsley will continue to work with UL on this project and share work with Program Evaluation Committee when completed. Will plan to revise DNP AAP at the completion of program outcome work 3 SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NURSING AND HEALTH SCIENCES SCHOOL OF NURSING DNP Administrative Council Meeting Minutes AGENDA ITEM a. DNP Handbooks i. Student ii. Faculty ACTION/DISCUSSION DNP faculty handbook needs discussed. DNP student handbook needs discussed PLAN with UL – at that time – this work will be shared with the Program Evaluation Committee for revisions to enhance continuity and relevance to DNP program. –L.Billingsley DNP faculty handbook to be developed/revised PRN– L. Sealey/L. Billingsley DNP student handbook to be developed/revised PRN – E. Creel/L. Billingsley E. Creel will follow up with recommendations and notify faculty of committee assignments. 3. DNP Program Evaluation Committee – confirm team members b. Review program outcome work – with UL DNP Program Evaluation committee needs discussed and members tentatively assigned: Danny Lee (Chair), Mary Burke, Lorinda Sealey, Ken Tillman, Michelle Ellis DNP Essentials cross-walked for outcomes. Work shared with team. L. Billingsley assigned DNP Essential IV: 4 SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NURSING AND HEALTH SCIENCES SCHOOL OF NURSING DNP Administrative Council Meeting Minutes AGENDA ITEM b. University Academic Assessment Plan a. Previous meeting: Faculty development meeting at OLOL – February 7, 2013. Identify all meetings/agendas, minutes to complete and add to appropriate folders. 5. DNP Capstone Committee a. Policies ACTION/DISCUSSION Informatics. PLAN Reviewed current DNP AAP. L. Billingsley is the DNP AAP Plan Coordinator and is a member of the university level AAP committee. Discussed co-Southeastern and UL at Lafayette DNP faculty development meeting hosted by OLOL/2/7/2013 to share information about the DNP program/student/and faculty and to begin discussions for program improvements. DNP Capstone committee needs discussed and members tentatively assigned: See above discussion re: Project Planning and residency courses. Laurie Kinchen (Chair), Lucie Agosta, Kristin Whitty, Judith Bradford, Luanne Billingsley 6. DNP Advisory Committee (Southeastern and UL) Patricia Johnson, DNP – Woman’s Hospital L. Billingsley to follow up on meeting date/agenda/minutes with A. Carruth to place in DNP meeting folder. 5 SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NURSING AND HEALTH SCIENCES SCHOOL OF NURSING DNP Administrative Council Meeting Minutes AGENDA ITEM ACTION/DISCUSSION PLAN E. Creel will follow up with recommendations and notify faculty of committee assignments. D. SYNTHESIS PROJECTS 1. Under what circumstances is it appropriate at place of employment? 2. Ability for Southeastern students to do population based/aggregate DNP projects out of state? 1. Discussed that is appropriate for DNP students to implement and evaluate practice improvement projects at their place employment. The DNP student will need to be outside of their normal role during employment. Practicum hours should not include hours on the clock – some exceptions can be made – but this is an exception not the rule. Ex: An organizational meeting that occurs during the workday of the employee. Will continue this discussion in Capstone Committee. We have a student with both MS/LA nursing licenses and would like to consider practice improvement project in MS. 2. DNP students may implement practice 6 SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NURSING AND HEALTH SCIENCES SCHOOL OF NURSING DNP Administrative Council Meeting Minutes AGENDA ITEM ACTION/DISCUSSION improvement projects in other states – where they are qualified to do the project. E. CCNE 1. Review CCNE self-study and CCNE 2009 standards for tentative assignments – Due July 30, 2013 2. Discuss CCNE Self Study timeline needed 3. CCNE site visit – scheduled for September 10, 2013 PLAN Meeting dates/tasks: Discussed 2009 CCNE Standards and timeline. CCNE Self-Study Assignments Standard I: A. Carruth Standard II: L. Sealey Standard III: L. Billingsley (D. Lee) Standard IV: E. Creel April 10: Dean’s meeting – validate timeline (See revised timeline – Self-Study Timeline 04102013 attached to minutes – E. Creel) Timeline: Self-Study to Provost: JUNE 30th FINAL DATE TO UPLOAD: July 29th IV. MISCELLANEOUS A. DNP Course Evaluations DNP Course evaluations in progress since Fall 2012. Need to add SOTs. E. Creel will notify M. Hall to add to current NURS 801 (Swaim) & NURS 804 (Jones) DNP courses. B. Stakeholder Communication Discuss recruitment efforts. Continue to educate stakeholders to gain support for the DNP program, students and faculty. L. Billingsley will meet with organizations prior to June 25, 2013 DNP application due date. 7 SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NURSING AND HEALTH SCIENCES SCHOOL OF NURSING DNP Administrative Council Meeting Minutes AGENDA ITEM V. Parking Lot Items ACTION/DISCUSSION PLAN Discussed the need for clarification of what “same” means with courses: NURS 800, 805 & 808 Questions/thoughts: Does it mean just the course description/objectives have to be the same? Do the assignments need to match? Does the entire syllabus need to match? L. Sealey shared that she had worked with UL faculty on syllabus for NURS 805 and thought it had to be the same. L. Billingsley to facilitate discussion at the Dean level to get feedback. REFERENCE: See minutes of meeting with UL (?/2012) – this where these guidelines were established. Meeting scheduled April 25, 2013 with UL Lafayette. (On agenda) Reviewed/Discussed that Southeastern will accept NURS 800, 805 & 808 from any DNP program. Reviewed/Discussed that NURS 803, 821, 822, 823 & 809 can only be taken at the home institution. Adjourned at: 5:00pm Next Meeting(s) scheduled: Next meetings scheduled for April 10, 2013: Dean’s Meeting DNP Program Coordinator Meeting – April 11, 2013 at 9:00am in the Dean’s Conference Invite DNP Committee Chairs (E. Creel) Curriculum: Janet Jones Capstone: Laurie Kinchen Program Evaluation: Danny Lee 8 SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NURSING AND HEALTH SCIENCES SCHOOL OF NURSING DNP Administrative Council Meeting Minutes AGENDA ITEM ATTACHMENTS ACTION/DISCUSSION Room PLAN See revised timeline – Self-Study Timeline 04102013 attached to minutes – E. Creel) 9