Land adjacent Bull Farm Middle School, Booth Crescent, Mansfield.

John Krawczyk
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LAND ADJACENT BULL FARM MIDDLE SCHOOL BOOTH
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RECOMMENDATION: GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION WITH CONDITIONS
This application proposes the construction of 14 no. two storey
dwellinghouses on vacant land between Booth Crescent and Peel Crescent.
The site is approximately 0.225 hectares in area and the proposal would
result in a density of 60 dwellings per hectare. The site is roughly triangular in
shape and shares a boundary with Bull Farm Middle School to the rear and
with Peel Crescent and Booth Crescent along its sides, with a small part of
the boundary located opposite Bright Square. The area is predominately
residential although a small parade of shops and the school are located
nearby. The site was formerly occupied by a triangular shaped school
building, however this has been demolished and the site remains vacant. The
site slopes from the Peel Crescent boundary down towards Booth Crescent.
The development would consist of 1 no. three bedroom house and 13 no. two
bedroom houses. The proposed dwellings would be arranged to front the
surrounding roads and would be of a contemporary design and finished with
brick with contrasting details and interlocking concrete tile roofs. The applicant
has stated that all of the proposed dwellings would be affordable homes.
The development would incorporate 24 parking spaces with 10 of the
dwellings having 2 off-street parking spaces and 4 having 1 space.
The application is being reported to Planning Committee as it is a major
2011/0228/ST – Approval of reserved matters (appearance and landscaping)
for 12 no. houses
2010/0394/ST – Outline application including the reserved matters of access,
layout and scale for the construction of no. 2 storey houses
Throughout this report observations received in respect of each application
are presented in summary form. The full letters and consultation responses
received, including details of any non-material planning observations, are
available for inspection both prior to and at the meeting.
Anyone wishing to make further comments in relation to the application must
ensure these are received by the Council by 12 noon on the last working day
before the date of the Committee.
Nottinghamshire County Council (Highways)
No objection
Nottinghamshire Police Architectural Liaison Officer
No objection but the following observations are made;
Plots 1, 2, 5, 6, 10 and 14 have parking against gable ends and it is
assumed the windows are non-active with no natural surveillance to
these areas
Plots 7, 8 and 9 have parking positioned away from the properties and
have no surveillance from the host property
Parks Manager
Public open space capital contribution to be spent at Bull Farm Park on
improving footpath links
Nottinghamshire County Council Planning Contributions Manager
No contribution toward the provision of additional school places is required for
this development
National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)
Section 6 – Delivering a wide choice of high quality homes
Section 7 – Requiring good design
Section 8 – Promoting healthy communities.
Mansfield District Local Plan 1998 Saved Policies (28/09/07)
DPS2 - Advises development will be concentrated within the main urban
areas within the district
H2 - Advises planning permission will be granted for housing developments
within the urban boundary, as defined on the proposals map, provided certain
criteria are met.
BE1 - Advises planning permission will be granted for developments which
achieve a high standard of design, listing four sets of criteria.
M16 - States planning permission will be granted for new developments,
including residential, provided proposals meet 6 sets of criteria in respect of
transport / movement issues.
Other guidance
Mansfield District Council Interim Planning Guidance Note 3 – Recreational
Provision on New Residential Developments.
Mansfield District Council Draft Interim Planning Guidance Note 10 – Parking
for New Developments
Mansfield District Council Development Control Policy Note ‘Space about
Dwellings and Floorspace Standards for Residential Accommodation’ Provides guidance on designing residential layouts including on separation
distances which should be achieved between existing and proposed dwellings
and on garden standards
The Mansfield District Local Plan 1998 identifies all the development sites as
being within the defined urban boundary.
The key issues in respect of this application are as follows:1.
The principle of residential development
The impact upon the surrounding area
The impact upon residential amenity
The impact upon highway safety
Planning obligations
1. The principle of residential development
The application site is a previously developed, brownfield site located within a
predominantly residential area within the defined urban boundary. The site
does not have any specific Local Plan allocation; therefore policy DPS2 is
relevant, together with the aims of the National Planning Policy Framework.
The application site falls within the defined urban boundary and therefore
complies with Policy DPS2 and as the proposal will re-use land which has
previously been developed, it accords with the objectives of the NPPF.
The general principle of residential development on the site is therefore
considered to be acceptable.
The impact upon the surrounding area
As the site is largely bounded by residential development with a primary
school positioned to the north-west. The site forms a corner plot and is
prominent within the wider surrounding area. The site appears to have been
vacant for a considerable period of time and has become extremely
overgrown and is to the detriment of the surrounding area.
The proposed dwellings would be two storeys which is considered to be
appropriate within the context of the surrounding area. The proposed layout
would be to arrange the dwellings to the site perimeter, providing road
frontages to Booth Crescent, Peel Crescent and Main Bright Square. Due to
its irregular triangular shape, it is considered that the proposed layout is the
most appropriate as it ensures that the development fronts both of the existing
roads. The proposed layout demonstrates each dwelling would meet the
minimum requirements of the Space about Dwellings guidance note in terms
of rear garden size and it is considered that in general the distances between
dwellings would be adequate to ensure acceptable privacy levels for future
occupiers. The dwellings are a mixture of semi-detached and terraced
dwellings and this would reflect the existing settlement pattern and character
of the area.
The density of the proposed development is 60 dwellings per hectare. The
density of development within the surrounding area is generally lower than
this, with maximum densities of up to approximately 40 dwellings per hectare
in the area immediately to the south of the site. Although the existing densities
are lower than that proposed by the current application, it is noted that larger
front gardens are provided to the front of the existing dwellings. Despite its
relatively high density it is considered that the proposed development would
create an acceptable street scene and it is not considered that there is any
justification to require that more substantial front gardens are provided.
Furthermore, to do so without sound basis would conflict with the
requirements of National Planning Policy Framework which seeks to ensure
effective use of brownfield land. Such an approach would also restrict the
ability to provide strong frontages through the arrangement of development
around the perimeter of the site and would be likely to result in a large
proportion of the site not featuring active frontages.
Overall, it is considered that the proposal would have a positive impact upon
the character and appearance of the surrounding areas and would integrate
well with the existing pattern of settlement and is in accordance with the
criteria set out with Saved Policies BE1 and H2 of the Mansfield District Local
Plan and the aims of the NPPF.
The impact upon residential amenity
Despite being positioned within a predominantly residential area, the site’s
characteristics mean it does not share a common boundary with any existing
residential properties. Front elevations of the proposed dwellings would be
separated from existing dwellings by the public highway which provides an
adequate distance to maintain reasonable privacy levels and prevent
The dwellings have been designed and arranged to prevent overlooking
between the dwellings and the proposed layout would meet the minimum
requirements of the Space about Dwellings guidance note in terms of rear
garden size and it is considered that in general the distances between
dwellings would be adequate to ensure acceptable privacy levels for future
The impact upon highway safety
The dwellings would be accessed directly from Booth Crescent and Peel
Crescent on to private driveways.
The proposed layout shows that ten of the dwellings would provide 2 no. offstreet car parking spaces and four would provide 1 no. parking space. The
guidance contained within Draft Interim Planning Guidance Note 10 ‘Parking
for New Developments recommends 2 no. off-street parking spaces be
provided for dwellings of up to 3 bedrooms. Despite the proposed parking
provision being slightly below the recommended level it is considered that due
to the wide roads surrounding the site a small increase in on-street parking
would not be detrimental to highway safety.
Planning Obligations
The applicant is required to enter into a Section 106 Agreement with the
Council. The agreement would usually include obligations in relation to the
following matters;
off-site provision of public open space
Interim Planning Guidance Note 3 states that off-site provision of public open
space is required for developments of between 6 and 20 dwellings. The
Councils Parks Development Manager has confirmed that the developer will
be required to provide a capital contribution of £1,100 per dwelling for
improvements to footpath links within Bull Farm Park.
Nottinghamshire County Council have advised an education contribution is
not required in this instance.
Other matters
Concern has been raised from the Nottinghamshire Police Architectural
Liaison Officer regarding a lack of natural surveillance to the driveways of
some of the plots. Whilst the driveway to plot 6 is positioned adjacent to a
blank gable elevation and car parking is positioned away from the dwellings of
plots 7, 8 and 9, I am satisfied that the surrounding properties would provide
natural surveillance to these parking areas and the arrangement would not
encourage crime and disorder.
In conclusion, the proposal is considered to be in accordance with Saved
Policies DPS2, BE1, H2 and M16 (28/09/07) of the adopted Mansfield District
Local Plan (1998) and the advice contained within Sections 6, 7 & 8 of the
National Planning Policy Framework. It is considered that the proposed
development would be acceptable in principle, would have a positive impact
upon character and appearance of the surrounding area, would not have a
detrimental impact upon the residential amenity of the occupiers of
neighbouring dwellings and would not cause a detriment to highway safety.
There are no other material considerations which indicate that a decision
should be taken at variance with these policies or guidance.
It is therefore recommended that:a) It is resolved to grant full planning permission subject to conditions and a
Section 106 Agreement and;
b) Delegated Authority be granted to the Head of Planning and Regulatory
Services to issue the permission following the applicant having entered into
the Section 106 Agreement in respect of appropriate contributions as outlined
within the Planning Obligations section of this report.
(1) Condition: The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the
expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
(1) Reason: In accordance with Section 91(1) of the Town and Country
Planning Act 1990, as amended by S51(1) of the Planning and Compulsory
Purchase Act 2004.
(2) Condition: This permission shall be read in accordance with the submitted
application and following plans:
Site Location Plan, Drawing No. 103, received 30 May 2014
Site Plan, Drawing No. 103, received 30 May 2014
Proposed Street Elevations, Drawing No. 103 Rev. A, received 30 May 2014
Proposed Site Layout, Drawing No. 102 Rev. C, received 30 May 2014
H2.2 Housetype Plans and Elevations, Drawing No. 201 Rev. A, received 30
May 2014
H3.3 Housetype Plans and Elevations, Drawing No. 202 Rev. A, received 30
May 2014
Plots 1 & 2 Housetype Plans and Elevations, Drawing No. 201, received 11
July 2014
Plots 3 & 4 Housetype Plans and Elevations, Drawing No. 202, received 11
July 2014
Plots 5 & 6 Housetype Plans and Elevations, Drawing No. 203, received 11
July 2014
The development shall thereafter be undertaken in accordance with these
plans unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
(2) Reason: To define the permission, for the avoidance of doubt.
(3) Condition: No development shall commence until details of the proposed
external facing materials to be used have been submitted to and approved in
writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development thereafter shall be
undertaken in accordance with the approved details.
(3) Reason: In the interests of visual amenity and to accord with Saved Policy
BE1 (28/09/07) of the adopted Mansfield District Local Plan.
(4) Condition: Building operations shall not be commenced until details of the
existing and proposed ground levels and proposed finished floor levels of the
building(s) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local
Planning Authority. The development thereafter shall be undertaken in
accordance with the approved details.
(4) Reason: In the interests of visual amenity and to accord with Saved Policy
BE1 (28/09/07) of the adopted Mansfield District Local Plan.
(5) Condition: No development shall take place until the method of working
during the construction phase, in the form of an environmental management
plan, to include control of noise, vibration and dust emission has been
submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. All
subsequent construction shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved
scheme unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
(5) Reason: To protect the amenities at present enjoyed by the occupiers of
nearby residential properties, in accordance with Saved Policy BE1 (28/09/07)
of the adopted Mansfield District Local Plan.
(6) Condition: The hours of work during construction and the delivery of
materials on to the site shall be restricted to 08.00-17.00 hours Monday-
Friday, 08.00-12.00 hours Saturdays and no working shall take place on
Sundays and Bank Holidays.
(6) Reason: To protect the amenities at present enjoyed by the occupiers of
nearby residential properties, in accordance with Saved Policy BE1 (28/09/07)
of the adopted Mansfield District Local Plan.
(7) Condition: Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country
Planning General Permitted Development Order 1995 (or any order revoking
and re-enacting that order) no extensions, buildings, enclosures, fences or
walls as described in Schedule 2 Part 1 Classes A, B, C & E and also in
Schedule 2 Part 2 Class A of that order shall be erected without the prior
consent in writing of the Local Planning Authority.
(7) Reason: In the interests of visual and residential amenity, in accordance
with Saved Policy BE1 (28/09/07) of the adopted Mansfield District Local
(8) Condition: No part of the development hereby permitted shall be brought
into use until the driveways are constructed with provision to prevent the
unregulated discharge of surface water from the driveway to the public
highway. The provision to prevent the unregulated discharge of surface water
to the public highway shall then be retained for the life of the development.
(8) Reason: To ensure surface water from the site is not deposited on the
public highway causing dangers to road users.
(9) Condition: No part of the development hereby permitted shall be brought
into use until a dropped vehicular footway crossing is available for use and
constructed in accordance with the Highway Authority specification to the
satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.
(9) Reason: To ensure the development is constructed to adoptable
(10) Condition: Any proposed soakaway shall be located at least 5.0m to the
rear of the highway boundary.
(10) Reason: To protect the structural integrity of the highway and to allow for
future maintenance.
(1) Note to Applicant
The development makes it necessary to construct vehicular crossings over a
footway of the public highway. These works shall be constructed to the
satisfaction of the Highway Authority. You are, therefore, required to contact
the County Council’s Highways Area Office tel. 01623 520711 to arrange for
these works to be carried out.
Proactive Working Statement
The application as submitted was acceptable and therefore did not require the
Local Planning Authority to work positively and proactively with the applicant