Parent-Coach Communication-2



Activities Director, Hazelwood West High School

To: Hazelwood West Athletes and Parents

This informational packet is being sent home with your son/daughter in an effort to open a line of positive communication between the athletes, parents, coaches, and activities department. Please read this information carefully and sign the appropriate papers. All signed papers must be in the coach or sponsors hands before your son/daughter will be able to participate in their first contest!

Papers to read, sign and return to coach include:

1. Parent/Coach Communication sheet

2. Hazelwood West Athletic Eligibility Standards

3. Emergency Information Card (white card)

4. Parent Permission & Insurance Record Card (white card)

Papers to be kept by athlete/parent include:

1. Hazelwood School District letter on Insurance Benefits

2. M.S.H.S.A.A. letter on Lifetime Catastrophic Accident Insurance

*(Understand that neither of these policies is meant to replace individual health insurance, but serves as a supplement to existing policies.)

3. M.S.H.S.A.A. pamphlet on how to maintain & protect your high school eligibility.

Hopefully you will find this information helpful in understanding what is expected of your son/daughter as they participate in extra-curricular activities at Hazelwood West High School. Remember to sign and return the proper paperwork to the coach before their first contest.

Activities Director,

Tim Williams – 953-5835

Head Coach Phone Numbers





Cross Country-Boys

Cross Country-Girls















Trainer: Chris Williams


Sports Hotline: 953-5894

Matt L. McClellan 953-8249

Charles Harris 953-5800

Jim Fleming

Shontae Reed



Matt L. McClellan 953-8249

Mark Mendoza 953-8281

Duane Hawthorne 953-7232

Scott Jones 953-8241

Mike Noble

Mike Vaughn

Jason Sellers

Erica Barnes





Todd Ankenbrand 953-5400

Jason King 953-8245

Julie Gordon 953-7221

Scott Borcherding 953-8272

Mark Mendoza

Monica Kircher

Mike Vaughn

Mark Fowler






Both parenting and coaching are extremely difficult vocations. By establishing an understanding of each position, we are better able to accept the actions of the other and provide greater benefit to our student athletes. When your children become involved in our program, you, as a parent, have a right to understand what expectations are placed on your child. This begins with clear communications from the coach of your child’s program.

Communication you should expect from your child’s coach:


Philosophy of the coach.


Expectations the coach has for your child as well as the players on the squad.


Locations and times of all practices and contests.


Team requirements, i.e., practices, special equipment, off-season conditioning, etc.


Procedure to follow should your child become injured during participation.


Discipline that may result in the denial of your child’s participation.

Communication coaches expect from parents:


Concerns expressed directly to the coach FIRST.


Notification of schedule conflicts well in advance.


Specific concern in regard to a coach’s philosophy and/or expectations.

As your child becomes involved in the various programs at Hazelwood West High School, he/she will experience some of the most rewarding moments of his/her life. It is important to understand that there also may be times when things do not go the way you or your child wishes. At these times discussion with the coach is encouraged.

Appropriate concerns to discuss with coaches:


The treatment of your child, emotionally and physically.


Ways to help your child improve.


Concerns about your child’s behavior.

There are situations that may require a conference between the coach and the parent. These are to be encouraged. It is important that both parties involved have a clear understanding of the other’s position. When these conferences are necessary, the following procedure should be followed to help promote a resolution to the issue of concern.

Issues that are not appropriate to discuss with coaches:


Playing time.


Team strategy.


Play calling.


Other student-athletes.

It is very difficult to accept that your child is not playing as much as you would hope. Coaches are professionals. They make judgment decisions based on what they believe to be best for all students involved. As you have seen from the list above, certain things can be and should be discussed with your child’s coach. Other things must be left to the discretion of the coach.

If you have a concern to discuss with a coach, please follow the procedure below:


Call to set up an appointment. The Hazelwood West High School telephone number is 314-953-5800.


If the coach cannot be reached, call the athletic director and a meeting will be set up for you.


Please do not attempt to confront a coach before or after a contest or practice. These can be emotional times for both the parent and coach. Meetings of this nature do not promote resolution.


If the meeting with the coach does not provide a satisfactory resolution, call and set up an appointment with the athletic director to discuss the situation.

Tim Williams – Activities Director

I have read and understand the rules listed above. I also understand that my son/daughter will not be allowed to participate in game contests until this sheet is turned in to the head coach.

Please print athletes’ full name as it appears on eligibility sheet: ________________________________________

Date: _____/_____/_____ Parent Signature: __________________________________________________


To be eligible to participate in school athletics and activities is a privilege-not an inherent right-granted if you meet the eligibility standards as set forth by the Missouri State High School Activities Association.

According to the MSHSAA eligibility standards, athletes must be good citizens in their school and community. More specifically, any student who represents his/her school in interscholastic activities must be a credible citizen and be judged so by the proper school authority certifying the list of students for competition. A student whose character or conduct is such as to reflect discredit upon himself/herself or his/her conduct shall be satisfactory in accord with the standards of good discipline.

1: Citizenship Standards : It is understood that citizenship cases are handled on an individual basis at the school level by the coach, activities director, principal, parents and player. The guidelines that will assist in the uniform handling of such cases are listed below.

Students Under Arrest: If a student is arrested for a misdemeanor (shoplifting, vandalism, etc.) or a felony

(assault, robbery, DWI, possession, etc.) the student will be allowed to represent the school in interscholastic and other activities pending the legal outcome of the case. However, if there is admission of guilt by the student or if after reviewing the case school officials feel there is strong evidence, e.g., witnesses, which indicates probable guilt, the school may restrict the student from participation before the legal outcome of the case. Parents and the students are to be informed of any problem through a meeting with the head coach/sponsor, activities director and the principal, if the circumstances warrant his presence. Penalties for violations are:

Misdemeanor – (excluding traffic violations) up to six months maximum restriction.

Felonies – up to permanent suspension. Decisions related to penalties will be made jointly by the administration and head coach /sponsor.

Use of Alcohol, Non-Prescribed Drugs and Tobacco: Students shall not use alcoholic beverages, nonprescribed drugs or tobacco. If a student violates this regulation, his/her violation will be reviewed by the head coach/Sponsor, activities director and in some cases, the principal. Following the review, the student and his/her parents will be notified of the decision.

First Offense – Two weeks restriction from participation (practice and contests/performances.)

Second Offense – Restriction from participation (practice and contests/performances) for remainder of

that sports season.

Third Offense – Restriction from participation (practice and contests/performances for the remainder of the school year)

Students Involved in Misconduct While at School: This includes truancy, disrespect to teachers, fighting, use of abusive language, etc.

1. Any student who is participating in an activity and is assigned Saturday detention for misconduct or disruptive behavior will be ineligible to participate in the next contest , performance, or game during the week beginning on Monday following the violation.

2. Any student who is participating in an activity and receives a second assignment of Saturday detention or is suspended in school for misconduct or disruptive behavior during any semester or season will be ineligible to participate in 20% of the contest, performances or games during that activity season or semester.

3. Suspension from school one to five days will be ineligible to participate in 30% of the contests or performances during that activity season or semester.


Suspension from school by the principal for six or more days or suspended (in or out of school) for the second time in a semester will be ineligible to participate for the remainder of that activity season or semester.

Unsportsmanlike Acts; Such acts during a contest resulting in ejection by the game official will cause the student to be restricted from participation in the next contest. Malicious acts (flagrant) or repeated unsportsmanlike conduct will result in restriction from participation for the remainder of the sports season.

Attendance/Suspensions: You must be in school a full day on the day of the activity in order to participate in an extracurricular activity and be eligible. If a student misses class(es) without being excused by the principal, the student shall not be considered eligible on that date.


Due Process: Students will have the opportunity to express their side of any incident in which they may be involved. If the student is dissatisfied with any decision, he/she has the right to appeal through the following channels:


School Administration (Principal and Activities Director)


Central Office Committee




Board of Education

Appeals to the Central Office Committee level or above are to be in writing and submitted within 10 days of the previous decision. The body to which the appeal is made will, within 10 days of receipt of the appeal, establish a hearing date. Any incidents which occur that are not covered by these guideline will be reviewed on an individual basis and decisions related to penalties will be made jointly by the school administration and head coach/sponsor.

2. Academic Standards: In the preceding semester of attendance, students grades 9-12 must have earned a minimum of 3.0 credits and currently, you must be enrolled in, and regularly attending, courses that offer 3.0 units of credit. Summer school courses for academic eligibility may count provided the course is necessary for graduation or promotion and is placed on the school transcript.

Semesters of Participation: You cannot participate in more than four seasons in grades 9-12 in any interscholastic activity. A student shall have only eight consecutive semesters (four consecutive years) of eligibility in high school.

Age Limit: If you reach 19 years of age prior to July 1, you will be ineligible the next school year.

Transferring Schools: You will be ineligible for 365 days if you transfer schools and your parents do not move into the district of your new school – unless you meet one of the exceptions listed in the MSHSAA Residence and

Transfer Rules. You and your parents must move to the new residence at the same time. You should always check with your school principal before you transfer to determine whether it will affect your eligibility.

Non-School Competition Conflicts: You may not practice for or participate with a non-school team or as an individual in any organized non-school athletic competition or practice and for your school team in the same sport during the same school sport season. You may participate on a school team and a non-school team in different sports during the same season: however, you may not practice for the non-school team or participate in organized non-school athletic competition on the same day . You should consult your school principal or athletic administrator before you join a non-school team or enter any non-school competitive event to ensure these standards are met.

All-Star Games: You may not compete in an all-star game or contest before you complete your eligibility in each high school sport. A senior that has no eligibility remaining for a specific sport may participate in one All-

Star game for that sport during the school year.

Consult your athletic administrator in your high school before agreeing to play in any All-Star game.

Recruiting of Athlete or Transferring for Athletic Reasons: You will be ineligible if you are influenced directly or indirectly by a person or persons to attend another school for athletic reasons,

You will be ineligible for 365 days if you transfer to another school for athletic reasons, as defined in MSHSAA by-Law 238.

Transportation Policy: Students are required to ride both to and from all contest on the transportation arranged by Hazelwood West High School. By submitting a letter from a parent/guardian the day before an event to the

Principal/Activity Director, special dispensation may be granted to that student to drive to the event.

We have read the Hazelwood West Athletic Eligibility Standards and understand the consequences for any violations of district policy.

Print Student Name: _________________________________________ Grade: ________________

Student Signature: __________________________________________

Parent Signature: ___________________________________________
