NATURAL PRESERVATION Sibolangit Dolok Tinggi Ra ja Dolok Saut Batu Ga jah Martelu Purba Batu Ginuri t Ae k Liang Balik Dolok Sibual -buali Dolok Sipirok NATURAL PROTECTION - SIBOLANGIT Natural Protection Sibolangit is u nity area and Sibolangit Tourism Park. Administratively, it’s area located in Sibolangit villa ge, Sibolangit District, Deli Serdang Sub province. Space this location f rom Medan (Mother Province North Sumatra) about 40 Km can be traced by car or bus (private or public vehicle) more less a bout 1 hours. HISTORY In 1914, J.A. Lorzing built S ibolangit Botanical Garden, as branch of Bogor Botanical Garden. Then in march 10 1938, Sibolangit Botanical Garden Area changed it’s status become Natural Protection based on SK Zb. No. 37/PK. Then in 1980 based On SK Agriculture Min ister No. 636/Kpts -Um/9/1980 most of Sibolangit area (wide 24.85 Ha) is changed as Tourism Park of Sibolangit. So, Natural Protection Area of Sibolangit only has wide 85.15 Ha and until now not yet changed. FLOR A AND F AUNA Vetetative potential has simila r in Tourism Park Sibolangit, include : Angsana (ptercocarpus indicus), and kelenjar (Sa manen saman),Nya mpling (Calophyllu m inphillu m), Meranti (Shorea sp). Palem and pinang planting, and Durian Fruit. Fauna type in this area include: Rangkong Bird ( Beceros sp), Kutilang bird, Kacer, Srigunting bird, and other animals: Forest Pig, Kancil, trenggiling and Kuskus. NATURAL PROTECTION DOLOK TINGGI RAJA Natural Protection Dolok Tinggi Raja in government administratively located in Silau Kahean District, Simalungun Sub Province, Nort h Sumatra Province. To achieve this location can be traced by land route by route : Medan - Lubuk P akam - Tebing Tinggi - Do lok Tinggi Raja about more less 110 Km by 3 hours time. Medan - Lubuk Pakakm _ Dolok Masihul - Dolok Tinggi raja about 97 Km. Total ide of Dolok Raja Area more les 167 Ha and determined based on Decision Letter Zelfbestuur Besluit ZB date 18 April 1924 No. 24. FLOR A AND F AUNA Gro wth Flora potential in this a rea dominat ed by planting t ypes include : Meranti Bunga (Shorea parviff olia), kenari (Canarium) and malu Tua (Trstia sp). W heras to Perdu type include : Rattan (Calamus Manau), Anggrek (Bulb phyllum) Semar Pocket (Nephenthes sp) and Pandan (Pandanus sp). Fauna potenti al include 45 animal type, se ve ral anim als had been protected include: Sumatra Tiger, kancil, Moonder, Deer, Forest Goat, Siamang, Bear and other animal. TOURISM Dolok Tinggi Nat ural protection Area has specif ic natural phenomena such as: hot/warm wate r source that sulphur content by variet y colour. Hot/ warm f low integrate by river f lo w that used to bath. Hot/wa rm water source (about 35 Ha) most interest f or visito rs (usually local visit ors) and more visitors visit in holiday. (Figure : Natural Prot ection of Dolok Tinggi Raja as Tourism Potential) More common interested can be destroy to hot/warm water source in this area because is traced by visitor f oot and rubbish that ignored irregularly can inf luence to environment condition. By more common i nteresting, to avoid destro yed in Natural protection Dolok Tinggi Raja, so need consider to changed this wa rm source location become The Natural Tourism Park by limited utilizat ion. By this developm ent, so common will open simple caf é, shop especially f or holiday or f ree days. KSDA staff take position in out area to secure environment it’s area. Usually visito rs af ter to warm water source continued to rive r f or bath and swim because it’s water f eel hot warm. Beside that, so built clothes replacement place. DOLOK SAUT - NATURAL PROTECTION Dolok Saut Natural Protection, in govermental administratively located in Raut Bosi Villa ge, P angaribuan Dist rict, North Tapanuli Sub -Pdovince, now its’ area included into Sub -Section KSDA management of North T apanuli in Tarutung. To achieve this location can be traced as follows : Medan - Tarutung - Siborog-boron g about 300 Km. Medan - Siborong-borong - Sipahutar - Pangaribuan Route of road to Pangaribuan is go od (asphalt road), whereas to Raut Bosi villa ge r oad still bad road because not yet regular transportation, then continued by walk during 2 hours. This area determined based on Decision opf Zelbestuur Besluit (ZB) No. 36 Date 4 February 1924 by wide 39 Ha. In last era the Natural Protection known as I ron Railin g Spear Forest, that maed by Forestry I nstitution in 1924. FLOR A AND F AUNA (Figure 1: Forest Condition in Dolok Saut Natural Protection) It’s area content unique spin leaf f lora near by widest leaf f lora, that seldom occur. But Natural Prot ection Dolok Saut state Formation two Flora has ecosystem balance Flora t ype include: Pinus (Pinus mekusii), Sampinur bunga (Podocarpus imbricatus), Sampinur Tali (Dacrydium junghuhnii), and Anturmangan that include spin leaf planting. W hereas widest leaf f lora include: Kemenyan (Styrax sp ), Hoting 9Quercus sp), Suren (Toona sureni), Handolok (Euginia sp). Figu re 2: Spin leaf planting lif e harmony by widest leaf planting in b alance ecosystem Fauna types in it’s area include: Forest Pig 9Sus sp), Deer (Cervus Unicolo r), Siamang (Hylobatyes S indactycus), Forest Goat (capricornus sumaternsis), Trenggiling (Manis Ja vanica ), and many bird t yp es such as: Enggang (Bucerotidae), Pergam (Ducula sp). Natural protection of Dolok Saut has importan t role in ecology wo rld, has diff erent variet y t ype but create ecosystem balance condition as stated above, so give important meaning as : a. b. c. Planting seed Supply, to other are a that need protection their habitat. Natural Laboratory that used to research in de velop science and education program. Location f or W ild animal protection that need protected. Consider contribution f rom Natural protection of Dolok Saut, so we must maintain and keep sustainable or continuity th is area. BATU GAJAH - NATURAL PROTECTION Batu gajah -Natura l protection is Natural Protection Area, in go vernmental administrative syste m located in Pematang Villa ge, Pangaribu an District, S ilamulungun Sub -provin ce. To arrive to Natural Protection of Batu Gajah can be traced by route : a. Medan - Tebing Tinggi - Pematang Siantar - Dolok Pangaribuan (Three Dolok) b y space 153 Km during about 3 to 4 hours. b. Medan - Brastagi - Kabanjahe - Tiga Runggu - Prap at Dolok Pangaribua n (Three Dolok) about 202 km during 5 hours. Travel to Dolok Pa ngaribua n still continued to Pematang Villa ge about 3 Km. From Pematang villga e by walk to enter location about 1 Km. HISTORY Natural Protection Batu Gajah established as natural area in Ducth Government Era. By ZB Rule NO. 24 date 18 April, 1924 by wide area 0 .82 Ha. Based on historical legend, it’s a rea as Praying place f or Hindu Religion that consider as sacral place . FLOR A AND F AUNA In Natural protection Batu Gajah, there are many f lora include: Tusam (Pinus Merkusii), Pulai (Alsnia scolaris), Aren (Aren gas sp), bambu (Bambussa sp), Pakis pla nting and etc. Fauna can be seen in area or out area, include: tekukur, pergam, kutilang bird, small mammalian animal: race, monkey, f orest pig, and others. Around if area consist: rice harvest area, society village. ROLE OF ARE A (Figure 1: Elephant Stone/Batu Gajah. In Natural protection Batu Gajah. Beside has f lora and f auna potential, also rich b y pre history object that have religious historical va lue f or religious Place of Hindu. Supporting f acilities in or out area is permanent tracking road as steel sta ir, to make easy f or visitors. There is river by clearly in this area that used common or peoples. For visito r prepared inn or losment or motel and restaurant in Three Dolok, more less 3 Km f rom loc ation. MARTELU PURBA - NATURAL PROTECTION Martelu Purba is youngest Natural Protection Area in North S umatera. Previously, status it’s area as Protection Forest Area, that f irst regulated in ZB date 8 July 1916, then ratif ied by SK Ministe r of Forestry No. 9232/Kpts/Um/1982 date 26 December 1982. Finally based on Decision Letter Forestry Minister No. 4 71/Kpts -II/1993 date 2 September 1993, it’s status changed become Natural Protection Martelu Purba by wide area 195 Ha. It’s Governmental admini strative system located in Tiga Runggu Villa ge, Purba District Simalungun Sub - Province. (Figure 1. Mera nti Planting Forest/ Shorea sp). Location can be achieved usin g private or public vehicle. Tracing time about 4 hours by tra vel route f rom Medan to Pematang Siantar and arrive in Tiga Runggu Villa ge about 140 Km. FLOR A AND F AUNA Martelu Purba is Unique Natural P rotection Area because it’s area has unf easible natural condition, because it’s area as manmade f orest by green peace planting product . W ide this area is planted by Meranti (Shorea sp). There are standing of Meranti b y height only 25 meter b y bar diameter about 60 cm, standing has similar age f ormation. It’s f orest area located in great road side, that split b y road so, if we us e vehicle f rom our car can be seen all beautif ul planting because all planting t ype is categorized as a similar age f ormation. (Figure 2: Forest A rea split b y Great Road) In secure or keep this area Sub -section of Simalungun KSDA Staff s or f rom Branch S ervice staff s has off ice that near by side of area. Fauna type in t his area include: Tiger ( Panthera tigris), although it’s population seldom, but this area is home range. Other fauna/animals is Forest Goat, Forest Pig, Bear ( Helarctos Mayanus), bird t yp e: Murai, Perkutut and Pergam bird. Thia area has potential to research a nd development in f orestry, ecology, and about Planting Aspects. BATU GINURIT - NATURAL PROTECTION Batu Ganurit Natural Gunurit is located in Bandar Durian Villa ge, Aek Nat as Dist rict, Labuhan Batu Sub Province. Location can be achieved by public vehicle about more less 320 Km, f rom Medan to Bandar Durian Village during 6 hours. Established as Natural Protection based on ZB No. 90 date 17 October 1934. It’s area has historical value in stone wa lls it’s building precisely by Natural P rotection in Aek Liang Balik. FLOR A AND F AUNA Generally, Flora in Batu Gunurit area dominated by shrub and climbed planting in clude: Composite, rattan and liana type. W hereas fauna type f ound i nclude: Deer, Beruk or Monkey, Forest Pig, squirre l (Bajing), Pergam Bird, Bats, and others. If vie wed f rom it’s potential, it’s f orest more operated in cultural aspect than f orestry aspect, but this area must operated research continuously. AEK LIANG BALIK NATURAL PROTECTION Aek Liang Balik Natural Protection is located in Band ar Manis Villa ge, Kuala Hulu Dist rict, Labuhan Batu Sub province. Location can be achieve use vehicle route Medan - Aek Kanopan - Bandar Manis about 270 Km during a bout 7 hours trave l time. Further, f rom Bandar Manis to location must wa lk during 4 hours. Aek Liang Balik Natural protection is a small natural protection f rom all natural protecting in No rth Sumatra, by wide area 0.31 Ha. Previous status op Aek Liang Ba lik as Protection Forest of Dolok Tombus, then in 22 November 1936 based on ZB No. 211 it’s status changed become Natural Protection Aek Liang Balik. It’s re gion has prehistory elements that found hieroglyph f rom Egypt, simila r in Natural protection Batu Ginurit. FLOR A AND F AUNA Vegetation in it’s Natural Protection Area include shrub f orest include Ficus sp, rattan and liana planting that climbed to cytus stone wall. Fauna in this area don’t stay in area but only f ind eat. S needed research in this a rea, beside it’s a small area and irrelevant as f orest area. DOLOK SIBUAL - BUALI NATURAL PROTECTION This Natural Protection is located in Baringin V illa ge, Marancar and Tapus, Spirok District , Batang Toru and Padang Sidempuan, North Tapanuli Sub Province. This location can be achieved b y vehicle route: Medan Tarutung and Sipirok about 350 meter during 7 hours. Established become Natural protection date 8 April 1982 based on SK Forestry Minister No. 215/Kpts/Um/14/1982 by total wide about 5,000 Ha. Condition it’s are a is f ull and as water source to local around area. Beside that, it’s area has large geothermal and potential. FLOR A AND F AUNA Flora is dominated by Euphobiacae f amily, Anacardiaceae and Moraceae, Dipterocarpaceae, Raf lssia sp, Pinus Merkusii Strain Tapanuli and other types. Beside large planting, in th is area more f ound seed planting and per type, a lso more f ound a f lower planting an d forest Anggrek. Beside that, also f ound water source and small river b y clearly w ate r. Geothermal potential is used to variet y activities. Based f inal inf ormation, there is O rang Utan (Pongo P ygmenaeus), other animal or f auna include: Pelanduik (Tragulus napu), Deer, Trenggiling, Honey Bear, Landak (Hystrik banhyura), Siamang (S ymphala ngus syndact ylus), Stone Cat (Felis Ma rmorata), Ungko *Hylobates agilis). Bird types include: Pokai Hambu putih (Garrula x leucophus), Julang (Rh yt iceros undulatus), Celepuk (Otus sp), Long Tail Sun/Matahari Ekor Panjang (Hete rophasia picaides). Figu re : Aeschynanthus sp & Paku sarang burung/Asplenium nidus). DOLOK SIPIROK NATURAL PROTECTION By administrative it’s area located in Silanggo and Rambe Sikasor villa ge, Sipirok District, South Tapanuli Sub -Pro vince and partially area located in Pahae jae District, North Tapanuli Sub province. To location can be achieved by ro ute: Meda Tarutung-Sipirok-Ramba Sikasor about 370 Km during 7 hours. Af ter arrive in near village must be wa lk. Tra vel in this area b y hikin g to mountain and down sloping, becaus e has high sloping rate wa ve. It’s area established as Natural protection based on Agricu lture Minister No. 2669/Kpts/14/Um/ 14/1982 by total wide 6,970 Ha. (Figure 1: Forest a rea keep ecosystem balance) FLOR A AND F AUNA Dolok Sipirok Natural P rotect ion near by Dolok Sib ual -buali Area, so two area have similar f orest ecosystem include topography, land, climate, f lora and f auna. There Based f inal inf ormation, there is Orang Utan (Po ngo P ygmenaeus) uin this area, and also can be f ound Orang Utan Nest (sa rang oran g utan). Continued research about Orang Utan is hoped to estimate condition of wild animal, so in short time can be planned continued program. ANIMALS PROTECTION AREA Karang Gading and Langkat Timur Laut Dolok Surungan Barumun Sirangga ANIMALS PROTECTION KARANG GADING/ NORTH EAST LANGKAT AREA W ild Animal Protection in Karanggading and North East Langkat based on administrative system is located in Tanjung Pura and Secanggang District, Langkat Sub p rovince and Labuan Deli, Hamparan P erak District, Deli Serdan g Sub Province. (Figure 1: Daily Operation by usin g boat transport system) To achieve location can be tracked by land and sea road : Land road: by car or bus (public veh icle) by route Medan -St abat-Secanggang about 70 Km during 2 ho urs. And Route Me dan Tanjung Pura -Pematang Sentang about 90 Km during 3 hours. Sea road: f rom Belawan to location a bout 2 hours by boat transportation. W ild Animal Protection Area Karanggadin g and North East Langkat is mangro ve or beach ecosystem f orest. HISTORY Previous status it’s area as Production Forest by Re gister 2/L based on Besluit Deli Serdang Kin g date 6 Au gust 1 932 No. 148/PK and had been ratif ied by Gove rnor of Perca Island on 24 September 1932. Based on Decision Letter Agricult ure Minist er No. 811/Kpts/Um/11/1980 it’s p roduction f orest area changed become Natural Protection by W ild animal protection f unction. Based on SK Mentan determined that : Forest area of Karanggadin g b y wide 6,245 Ha lcated in Deli Serdang Level II S ub Pro vince. Forest Area of North East Langkat by wide 9,250 Ha located in Langkat Level II Sub province. FLOR A AND F AUNA It;as areaincluded beach/mangro ve f orest ecosystem so theses ve getation dominated by Black/W hite Bakau Planting ( Rizo phora apiculata ), Langadai (Bru quiera parvif lora), B uta-buta (E xcocaria sp), an d Nyirih (Nipa fructican). Fauna type in it’s include: Monkey ( Macaca fascicularis) , Lutung (Presbytis cristata) and King Lobster (Alcedo athis) , beside that also f ound Sea Hawk, Snake, Fish and many mammalian types. ROLE OF ARE A Karanggadin g and North East Langkat area beside as supporting f orest or port f rom beach abrasion, also has role as nursuery ground and sea biota habitat such as: Fish, Lobster, Capricorn and etc. Figu re 2: Nipah Forest as Supporting Forest) As we known that sea biota is basic consumption commodities f or society especially that live in aro und of area. Beside as W ild animal protection area, Karanggadin g a nd North East Langkat) also developed as tourisme area bec ause has beautidul natural. Furtherm it’s area can be used to ecotouriosm development. More tourisme activities can operated in this area, include: painting, recreation in bakau f orest, f ishing, photograph y and others. ANIMALS PROTECTION DOLOK SURUNGAN AREA W ild Animal Protection Dolong Surungan based on administrative syst em is located in North Tapanuli Sub province (Habinsaran dist rict) and Asahan Sub province (Bandar Pulau District). T wo route that can be tracked as follows : Medan-Kisaran -Dolok Maraja-Salimpotpot about 235 Km during 7 hours. Medan-Prapat-Pasoburan -Janji about 260 km and during 7 hours. HISTORY Previously Do long Surungan are a as Forest area Dolok Surungan by wide 10,800 ha and Forest area Dolok Sihobun wide 12,000 Ha, based on Decision Letter Zelf bestuur date 25 June 1924 Number 50. Then in 1974, date 2 February 1974, based on Decision Letter Agriculture Min ister No. 43/Kpts/Um/2/1974 two area established (Dolo k Surungan and Dolok Sihobun) becoma DolokSurungan W ild Animal Prote ction Area by wide 23,800 Ha. FLOR A AND F AUNA Flora it’s a rea include two t ypes: gro wth t ype b y height 1,000 2,173 meter above sea surf ace, Anturmangan ( Casuarina sp), Mayan g (Palagiu m sp) , Haundolok ( Eugenia sp), Medang (Manglietia sp). This area al so is wild animal habitat area include: Deer, Forest Pig, Sumatra Tiger, Landak, hawk Bird, Siamang and others. ROLE OF ARE A Dolok Surungan Area, as third widest conservation area af ter TAHURA of Bukit Barisan (51,600 Ha) and Barunum area (40,330 Ha), it’s area has important benef it by other area as f ollows : Main habitat to live and growth wild animal that protected, especially Tapir (Tapirus Indicus) to benef icial f or science. Prehistory place such as : wooden doll (Prasasti) and cave. (Figure 1: Intimacy f orest in area) Also f easible to study about social cultural f rom society around of area. Beside society still belie ve Old Batak Credentials tha called Parmalin and Parbaringan . Sonsider this area has high potential but meet many obstacle o r disturbance problems. So needed protecting this a rea. Man y disturbs or obstacle in this area include: Forest user to individual needs (oil palm planting). Oil Palm and rubber export commodity will support society to operate illegal act ivities b y chop to area. Because limited securer staff s will result local securing become anxious condition. Prospect this area as wild animal d evelopment area is good. Although still illegal f orest user, it’s area is enough good. In support f auna rehabilitaion activit y, s o this area has f unction as Fauna Rehabilitation Centre/Station. BARUMUN ANIMALS PROTECTION AREA Barumun Animals protection Area based on administrative system located in Sosopan, Barumun, Siabu and Panyabungan Districts, South Tapanuli Sub province. This area can be achieved f rom Medan so f ar about 510 Km by tra velling time during 10 hours. (Figure 1: Ecosystem in middle balance area) Barumun animal protection is second widest conservat ion area af ter Great Forest Bukit Barisan (T ahura) about 40, 333 Ha. Established based on Decision Letter Forestry Minister No. 70/Kpts-II/1989 date 6 February 1989. Before as animal protection area status of Barumun area is Protection Forest that showed as Forest area since 1 921. By f orestry administrative in Sub S ection KSDA Management of South Tapanuli. Topography or area include mountains and wave area by slope more 45% by highly mount is Dolok Malga (2,014 m). To achieve this location f rom Medan -Padang Sidempuan, Siabu-Sosopan by car about 8 hours. Limit of a rea had been regulated, but in f act most linear limit had been destroyed. FLOR A AND F AUNA Include f orest f ormation by height under 1,000 m dpl and height forest more 1000 m dpl. Low area ve getative dominated by Dipterocarpaceae f amilia by : Damar (Sh orea multif lora, meranti padi (Hopea sp), Meranti Bunga (Shorea acuminata) type. Height area ve getative include: Anturmangun (Casuarina sumatrana), tusam (Pinus merkusii), Sampinur bunga (Podocarpus imbricatus) and Sampinur Tali (Dacrydium ju ng -huhnii) t yp es. (Figure 2 : commodity). Beautif ul W ild f lower not yet optimalized as Fauna type has wide tracking dist rib ution, because as limitin g by pro vince f orest area of W est Sumatra or Riau. Fauna types include : Tiger, Elephant (Elepha maximus sumatranus), Bear, Tapir (Tapirus indicus), Siamang, Deer, Forest Pig. Other types include: rept ile such as: harve t snake (Phyton reticu latus), dru m snake (Phyton curtus) . Bird types include: Perkutut, Pergam, Kutilang, Forest Hen. Area f unction especially to protect f auna and other protection f unction f or generl common, this ecosystem is important to kept or maintained. Theref ore, linear limit need kept, and change or improve that had been lost or destroyed. It’s case to prevent ille gal f orest user, wood thief and i legal hunting of fauna that of etn occur in this area. SIRANGGAS ANIMALS PROTECTION It’s area is one Animal Protetion in Dairi Sub pro vince. In go vernment administrative system located in Kerajaan and Salak District, Dairi Sub province. Animal protect ion area of Siringgas Based on Determining Forest Area Mapping of North Tapanuli in Dutch Era date 6 January 1934 No. 28 has status as P rotection Forest a rea, then strength by Decision Letter f rom Agriculture Min ister No. 923/Kpts/Um/12/1982 date 27 Decemb er 1982. On 6 February, March 1989 based on Forestry Minsiter No. 71/Kpts-II/1989 it’s status changed become Animal Protection Area by total wide about 5,657 Ha. By term “Sirangga s” mean “thin”. If related by that meaning, so Siranggas Area mean Forest a rea include a thin planting. Generally gro wth vegetation in it’s area relative thin an d small. FLOR A AND F AUNA Its’ vegetative include: Hoting (Quercus sp), Medang (Palagium sp), Sampinur Bunga (Pdocarpus sp), Damar (A gathis sp), dan Kemenyan by natyra l gro wth, and f ruit type include: Durian (Durio Zibethinus), Bacang (Man gif era sp), and Manggis (Garcina sp). W hereas intimacy planting t ype is Familia Zingiberaceae type . Fauna type in thias area include: Sumatra Tiger, Der, Kiah -kiah, Kancil, Bear and Tr enggiling. ROLE OF ARE A Main role of this area (Sirin ggas Animal Protection) as habitat area that kept variet y in maintain all f lora and f auna in this area. (Figure 1: Area Function as Lif e local common supporting and va riet y of planting t ype as ra w material to wood and drugs material). Thin planting type (Siran ggas : mean thin) is mean a diff erent ecosystem condition by other area, although has similar ve getative type. Land, climate, temperature, height factor is these f actor that determine in the se condition. So to understand these condition must operated accurately research or st udy. Consider it’s a rea has important role, as area that produce wood, tradit ional drug material, continuity of area must be kept and controlled. In f uture, development it’s area, will f ocused as research laboratory, and seed plasma source. HUNTI NG P ARK I N PINI ISL AND Hunting Park of Pini island is one Island group that located in East Sumatra Beach. In go vernment administrative system located in Batu Island, Nias Le vel II Sub province in administrative Rule include Job area Sub Section of KSDA Nias. W ide of Pini island is 31,250 Ha. Previously, this area as production f orest, but activitie s in area stopped. Pini Island Park is partial of Pini Island, based on SK. Forestry Ministe r No. 347/Kpts -II/1996 by wide 8,350 Ha. It’s established as Hunting Park because has forest and f auna potential beside it’s beautif ul natural and strategic geographically. (Figure 1: Hunting) Forest Habitat of Pini Island to To achieve Pini Island can be achieved by route as f ollows : From Medan pass Nias Island b y Aeroplane about 1 hours, then continued by chartered boat f rom Nias, (because until now not yet re gular na vigat ion), during 6 hours. Travelling also ca n be achieved by car f rom Medan to Padang Sidempuan continued to Natal and Batahan, as a small port in W est Beach of North Sumatra. From It’s port more chartered boat, chartered cost as replace f isher cost. Travel time about 6 hours, trace beach and crossing f ree sea. In Pini island needed camping f acility o r inn in Labuhan Bajo of f isher area. FLOR A AND F AUNA Flora is classif ied as tropical rain f orest type, ex. Closed production f orest. But has good residual standing: keruing, meranti, kajur type . Vegetative composition include ke ruing, meranti, kajur planting as seed planting combined by other types: pandan, sarai midi, tongkat ali (pasak bumi), jahe. Mangro ve f orest is round Hunting Pini Island f rom wa ving abrasion. Dominant type is mangro ve ( Rhi zophora sp ) a nd apaiapi. In Labuhan Baji most it’s beach planted by coconut planting, coconut or palm is prof ession work of common af ter f ishing. Fauna potential is main support in hunting activit ies in Buru island, b y diversif ication Reptile (Reptilia)_, A mphibian (amphibi), A ves and Mammalian as main type, f orest pig ha s more population, kancil, deer, and monkey. It’s more d evelop as predator relative f ew to tradit ional hunting in loca l common. Most Pini area horizontal and content white sand in specif ic activities, e xample in Labuhan Bajo, must be use small boat to approach of beach area. Coral rock ( teru mbu karang) more found in Pasir Island, that located in North Pini Island, as wh it e sand land by horizontal beach and coral rock decoration. W ide Pasir Island only 300 m2 that planted many shrub and planting, but seem beautif ul by combined between green natural, white and blue colour. This location has high potential to deleloped as se tourism object that support Hunting Park, example: divin g, f ishing, hunting photo. Most f isher can be destroy coral rock condition in sea, because f isher boat clash rock, f inding f ish by bomb . Coral or rock type include: otak coral, jari coral, table rock, giant kima rock and etc. FORESTRY AND ESTATE CROPS (PLANTATION) IN WEST SUMATRA Forestr y a nd Esta te Crops Potential . Conserva tion Are a in West Sumatra FORESTRY AND ESTATE CROPS I. Forest Area 1. Register Forest W est Sumatra by it’s topograph y by Dutch Hindia go vernment had been established as protected f orest by Besluit Gove rmental that started in 1916 to 1933 called by Simpanan Forest, wide about 707,703 Ha. Not measured f orest 270,529 and residual f orest 467,821 Ha, by total wide 2,175,551 Ha. For traditional Society b y Dutch Hindia Government determined Nagari For est wide about 600,000 Ha, so total wide area approximately 2,775,551 Ha or 2,700,000 Has. Or 63.84%. 2. Forest, Agreement Forest Re gulation (TGHK) Forestry buildin g development is rapidly to maintain and anticipate land utilization planning in f uture by Government established Forest Regulation Planning Agreement that called by TGHK. TGHK had been agreed b y Local Government and many Institution, where to W est Sumatra established by f orest area : 3,380,602 Ha or 80% f rom W est Sumatra province Area, partially include f orest conversion wide 437,733 Ha. 3. Harmony Combined By publish La w No. 24 Year 1992 about Space Regulation had been operated harmony combined between TGKH by Space Regulation W est Sumatra Province b y Decision Gove rnor K DH L e vel II west Sumatra No. 522.13.330 -1996 date 4 July 1996. Harmony combine d result determin ed wide of f orest area 2,600,286 Has (61,47%). Hist orical f orest area development determine f orest situation in W est Sumatra as f ollows : a. Register Forest : 2,175,551 Ha (51.43%) b. TGHK Forest : 3,380,602 Ha (79.92%) c. Combined Forest : 2,600,286 Ha (61.47%). d. Space Regulation: Protection Area: 1,756,708 Ha (41.53%). Forestry resou rces area: 843,578 ha or (19.95%). Non f orestry re sources Area: 1,629,444 Ha (38.52%). And Harmony Combined Mapping or Are space regulation Plan b y TGHK, based it’s function as f ollows: PPA Forest : 864,175 Ha (20.00 %). Protection Forest : 910,533 Ha (21.33%) Limited Combined Forest:246,384 Ha (5.83%). Production Forest : 407,849 Ha (9.64%). Converted production f orest: 189,346 Ha (4.485). Total W ide Of Forest Area : 2,600,286 Ha (61.48%) Other Using Of Area : 1,629,444 Ha (38.52%) --------------------------------Total wide of area : 4.229,730 Ha (1 00.00%) II. ESTATE CROPS O R PL ANT ATION 1. People Plantation/gardening People Plantation in W est Sumatra province based on Plantation/Estate Corps Service Le vel II of W est Sumatra in 1997 include 5 Commodities wide 351,814 Ha, by detail as f ollows: No . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Commodi ties Rubber Domestic Coconut Hybrid Coconut Oil Palm/Crude Oil Cassia vera Clo ve Tobacco Sugar bit Coff ee Nutmeg Chewing Pepper Kapok Cacao Tea Enau/Aren (Arenga Palm) Pinang Nilam Gardamon Wide (Ha) 99,552 88,359 1,510 41,276 38,472 6,926 1,012 9,185 28,578 2,158 14,857 654 559 7,373 457 2,082 1,462 1,392 908 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Kina Vanilla Ginger Drugs Hemp string (Rami) Kemiri TOTAL 0 66 414 858 0 3,974 351,814 2. State Plantation There are 3 (three) commodities that developed by state d as f ollows: Rubber Oil Palm Tea TOTAL wide 2,889 Ha wide 3,256 Ha wide 620 Ha -------------------6,765 Ha 3. Large Pri vate Company Commodity that developed by large private company in W est Sumatra include 7 (seven) t yp e by wide 107,039 Ha. Detail and wid e each commodity as f ollows : No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Commodities Rubber Oil Palm Coff ee Cacao Tea Kina Hemp String /Rami TOTAL W ide (Ha) 3,127 89,283 576 10,879 3,149 15 10 107,039 CONSERVATION AREA WEST SUMATRA PROVINCE “Conserva tion Ar ea is Seriousness of Indonesia Peoples Keep Natural Sustainable” Big Fauna Bird as W est Sumatra M ascot CONSERV ATIO N FOREST ARE A O F WEST SUM ATR A. Natural resources in Forestry aspect operated by determining conservation f orest area f or research, education, science purpose, water re gulation protection , seed plasma source and Tourism of Natural resour ce Conservat ion Sub House W est Sumatra wide 599,694 Ha. Include f rom natural protection/animal protection or tourism park. The f ollowin g conservation f orest area are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Lembah Harau Natural Protection Lembah Harau Tourism Park. Lembah Anai Natural Protec tion Mega Mendung Tourism Park. Rimbo Panti Natural Protection Rimbo Panti Tourism Park. Batang paupuh Natural Protection Beringin Sakti Natural Protection Siberut Tourism Park. Great Forest Park of Bung Hatta Natural protection, malampah, Alahan Panj ang Natural Protection Merapi, Singgalan g -tandikat. North and South Maninjau - Natural Protection Natural Protection - Barisan I Natural Protection Sinang Malintan g Mount Aran Hilir Natural Protection Air Tarusan Natural Protection Batang Pangean/Kua ntan II-Natural Protection Sulasih -Talang Nat ural Protection