Socio-emotional Development

Social- Emotional Development
Fall 2011
Dr. Megan Fulcher
234 Parmly Hall
Office Hours: MWF 11:15-12:15
540 458-8107
This course provides an introduction to social/emotional development across
the lifespan. We will also examine methods and theories involved in
measuring and studying human development. We are focusing particularly
on social development in a cultural context.
Study Guides:
On each Wednesday students will be responsible for reading one article and
preparing a study guide for the rest of the class. Students are expected to
lead the class through the article for 10 minutes and to prepare a handout to
be used for studying for the exam.
There will be one midterm on October 24th.
Cultural Focus: Each student will choose a cultural context that is interesting to them. There
will be a series of workshops where students will consider their own
cultural context within the domain the class has been studying that week.
On the last day of classes students will hand in a portfolio of your workshop
work all semester. It will be a cumulative examination of social development
in your chosen cultural context.
Each student will develop and final research proposal by expanding an idea
first proposed in a workshop seminar. This research proposal will be 8 to 10
pages and designed to empirically test a question surrounding social
Much of the course will center on class discussion. It is expected that all
students will participate in these discussions. Participation will be
respectful and involves listening to the viewpoints of your classmates.
Disrespectful behavior toward the instructor and other students, inattentive
behaviors (falling asleep, phone ringing, working on other classes) or a
consistent lack of participation in class discussions will negatively affect
your grade.
Because this course is discussion orientated and your grade will rely partially
on your discussion, attendance is important. Many classes will have graded
group work. Missing more than two classes will negatively affect your grade.
Exam= 25%
Study Guides= 15%
Portfolio= 15%
Workshop Readiness= 10%
Reading Assignments
September 9
September 12
Theories of Development
Bukowski W. M. & Sippola, L. K. (1998). Diversity and the Social Mind: Goals,
Constructs, Culture, and Development. Developmental Psychology, 34, 742-746.
Saarni, C. (1998). Issues of Cultural Meaningfulness in Emotional Development,
Developmental Psychology, 34, 647-652.
Schneider, B. H. (1998). Cross-Cultural Comparison as Doorkeeper in Research on the
Social and Emotional Adjustment of Children and Adolescents. Developmental Psychology, 34, 793797 .
Tudge, R.H. & Winterhoff, P.A. (1993). Vygotsky, Piaget, and Bandura: Perspectives on
the relations between the social world and cognitive development. Human Development, 36, 61-81.
September 14
Theories of Development
1. Diener, M. (2000). Gift from the Gods: A Balinese guide to early child rearing. In
DeLoache, J & Gottlieb, A. (eds.) A World of Babies: Imagined Childcare Guides for Seven
Societies. (partnered with 8).
2. Delaney, C. (2000). Making babies in a Turkish village. In DeLoache, J & Gottlieb, A.
(eds.) A World of Babies: Imagined Childcare Guides for Seven Societies. (partnered
with 9).
3. Gottlieb, A. (2000). Luring your child into this life: A Beng path for infant care. In
DeLoache, J & Gottlieb, A. (eds.) A World of Babies: Imagined Childcare Guides for Seven
Societies. (partnered with 13).
4. Johnson, M.C. (2000). The view from the Wuro: A guide to childrearing for Fulani
parents. In DeLoache, J & Gottlieb, A. (eds.) A World of Babies: Imagined Childcare Guides
for Seven Societies.(partnered with 10).
5. Le, H. (2000). Never leave your little one alone: Raising an Ifaluk child. In DeLoache, J
& Gottlieb, A. (eds.) A World of Babies: Imagined Childcare Guides for Seven Societies.
(partnered with 11).
6. Pierroutsakos, S.L. (2000). Infants of the dreaming: A Warlpiri guide to child care. In
DeLoache, J & Gottlieb, A. (eds.) A World of Babies: Imagined Childcare Guides for Seven
Societies. (partnered with 14).
7. Reese, D. (2000). A parenting manual, with words of advice for Puritan mothers. In
DeLoache, J & Gottlieb, A. (eds.) A World of Babies: Imagined Childcare Guides for Seven
Societies. (partnered with 12)
September 16
Theories of Development
Edwards, C. P. (2005). Children's Play in Cross-Cultural Perspective: A New Look at the Six
Cultures Study. Child, Youth, and Family Studies, Department of Faculty Publications,
Department of Child, Youth, and Family Studies University of Nebraska – Lincoln.
Tronick, E.Z., Morelli, G.A. & Ivey, P.K. (1992). The Efe forager infant and toddler’s
pattern of social relationships. Developmental Psychology, 28, 568-577.
September 19
Early Emotional Development
Roth-Hanania, R. Davidov, M, & Zahn-Waxler (2011). Empathy development from 8
to 16 months: Early signs of concern for others. Infant Behavior and Development, 34, 447-458.
Rutter, M., O’Connor, T. G., and the English & Romanian Adoptees (ERA) Study
Team Are There Biological Programming Effects for Psychological Development? Findings
From a Study of Romanian Adoptees. Developmental Psychology, 40, 81–94.
September 21
Early Emotional Development
1. Ispa, J. M., Fine, M. A., Halgunseth, L. C., Harper, S., Robinson J., Boyce L.,
Brooks-Gunn J., and Brady-Smith, C. (2004). Maternal Intrusiveness, Maternal
Warmth, and Mother–Toddler Relationship Outcomes: Variations Across LowIncome Ethnic and Acculturation Groups. Child Development, 75, 1613 – 1631.
2. Morelli, G.A., Rogoff, B. Oppenheim, D. & Goldsmith, D. (1992). Cultural
variation in infants’ sleeping arrangements: Questions of independence.
Developmental Psychology, 4, 604-613.
3. Mosier, C. E. & Rogoff B. (2003). Privileged Treatment of Toddlers: Cultural
Aspects of Individual Choice and Responsibility. Developmental Psychology, 39,
September 23
Early Emotional Development
Moore, G.A. & Cohn, J.F. & Campbell, S.B (2001). Infant affective responses to
mother’s still face at 6 months differentially predict externalizing and internalizing behaviors
at 18 months.
Schuetze, P. (2003) The Perceptions of Infant Distress Signals Varying in Pitch by
Cocaine-Using Mothers. Infancy, 4, 65-83.
September 26
Thomas, A., Chess, S. & Birch, H.G. (1970).The origin of personality. Scientific American,
223, 102-109.
September 28
4. Chen , X., Hastings, P.D., Rubin, K.H. , Chen, H., Cen, G., Stewart, S.L. (1998).
Child-Rearing Attitudes and Behavioral Inhibition in Chinese and Canadian
Toddlers: A Cross-Cultural Study. Developmental Psychology, 34. 677-686
5. Kagan, J., Arcus, D., Snidman, N., Wang, Y. F., Hendler, J. & Greene, S. (1994).
Reactivity in infants: A cross-national comparison, Developmental Psychology, 30,
6. Tsai, J.L., Louie, J.Y., Chen, E.E. & Uchida, Y. (2007). Learning what feelings
to desire: Socialization of ideal affect through children's storybooks. Personality
and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33.
September 30
Pesonen, A., Räikkönen,K. Heinonen, K., Komsi, N., Järvenpää, A., &Str andberg, T.
(2008). A Transactional Model of Temperamental Development: Evidence of a Relationship
between Child Temperament and Maternal Stress over Five Years. Social Development, 17, 326340.
October 3
Friedman, S.L. & Boyle, D.E. (2008). Attachment in US children experiencing
nonmaternal care in the early 1990s. Attachment & Human Development, 10, 225–261.
October 5
7. Constantine, M.G. (2006).Perceived Family Conflict, Parental Attachment, and
Depression in African American Female Adolescents. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic
Minority Psychology . 12, 697–709
8. Posada, G., Jacobs, A. ,. Richmond, M.K, Carbonell, O.A., Alzate, G.,
Bustamante, M.R., & Quiceno.M. (2002). Maternal Caregiving and Infant
Security in Two Cultures. Developmental Psychology, 38, 67-78.
9. Rothbaum, F. Weisz, J., Pott, , Miyake, 0.2. & Morelli,, G (2000). Attachment
and Culture: Security in the United States and Japan. American Psychologist,
October 7
Allen, J.P. & Land, D. (1999). Attachment in adolescence. In Cassidy, J. & Shaver, P.R.
(eds.) Handbook of Attachment: Theory, Research, and Clinical Applications. The Guilford Press: New
York: 319-335.
Raikesa, H.A. & Thompson, R.A. (2008). Attachment security and parenting quality
predict children’s problem-solving, attributions, and loneliness with peers. Attachment & Human
Development, 10, 319–344.
October 10
Prosocial Behavior
Kochanska, G. (2002). Mutually Responsive Orientation Between Mothers and Their
Young Children: A Context for the Early Development of Conscience. Current Directions in
Psychological Science, 2.
Jarett, R.L. Successful parenting in high-risk neighborhoods. 122October 12
Prosocial Behavior
10. Catalino, L.I. & Fredrickson, B.L. (2011). A Tuesday in the life of a flourisher:
The role of positive emotional reactivity in optimal mental health. Emotion, 11,
11. French, D.C., Chen, X., Chung, J., Li, M. Chen, H., & Li, D. (2011). Four children
and one toy: Chinese and Canadian chidren faced with potential conflict over a
limited resource. Child Development, 82, 830-841.
12. Keller, M., Edelstein, W., Schmid, C., Fang, F. & Fang, G. (1998). Reasoning
About Responsibilities and Obligations in Close Relationships: A Comparison
Across Two Cultures. Developmental Psychology, 34, 731-741.
October 17
Development of the self
Bohanek, J.G., Marin, K.A., & Fivush,R. (2008). Family narratives, self, and gender in
early adolescence. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 28, 153-176.
Leyva,D., Reese, E., Grolnick, W. & Price, C. Elaboration and Autonomy Support in
Low-Income Mothers’ Reminiscing: Links to Children’s Autobiographical Narratives. Journal of
Cognition and Development, 9, 363–389.
October 19 Development of the self
13. Melzi, G., Schick, A.R. & Kennedy, J.L. (2011). Narrative elaboration and
participation: Two dimensions of maternal elicitation style. Child Development.
14. Wang, Q. (2004). The Emergence of Cultural Self-Constructs:
Autobiographical Memory and Self-Description in European American and
Chinese Children. Developmental Psychology 40, 3–15.
15. Wiley, A.R., Rose, A.J., Burger, L.K. & Miller, P.J. (1998). Constructing
autonomous selves through narrative practices: A comparative study of
working-class and middle-class families. Child Development, 69, 833-847.
October 21
Development of the Self
Garner, P.W., Dunsmore,J.C., & Southam-Gerrow, M. (2007). Mother–Child
Conversations about Emotions: Linkages to Child Aggression and Prosocial Behavior. Social
Development, 17.
Van Bergen, P., Salmon, K., Dadds, M.R. & Allen, J. The Effects of Mother Training in
Emotion-Rich, Elaborative Reminiscing on Children’s Shared Recall and Emotion Knowledge.
Journal of Cognition and Development, 10, 162–187.
October 26
Menon, M., Tobin, D.D., Corby, B.C., Menon, M., Hodges, E.V.E., & Perry, D.G.
(2007). The Developmental Costs of High Self-Esteem for Antisocial Children. Child
Development, 78, 1627 – 1639.
McKee, L., Roland, E., Coffelt, N., Olson, A. L., Forehand, R., Massari, M., Jones, D.,
Gaffney C.A., & Zens, M.S. (2007). Harsh Discipline and Child Problem Behaviors: The Roles
of Positive Parenting and Gender. Journal of Family Violence, 22, 187–196.
16. Javo, C., Rønning, J.A., Heyerdahl, S. & Rudmin, F.W. (2004). Parenting
correlates of child behavior problems in a multiethnic community sample of
preschool children in northern Norway. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
1. Thomases, S., Steege, H., Olthof, T., Bushman, B.J., Nezlek, J.B. (2011). Turning
shame inside-out: “Humiliated fury” in young adolescents. Emotion, 11, 786-793.
2. Varela, R.E., Vernberg, E.M., Sanchez-Sosa, J.J., Riveros, A., Mitchell, M. &
Mashunkashey, J. (2004). Parenting Style of Mexican, Mexican American, and
Caucasian–Non-Hispanic Families: Social Context and Cultural Influences.
Journal of Family Psychology , 18, 651–657.
October 31 Gender
Martin, C.L. & Ruble, D.N. (2009). Patterns of Gender Development. Annual Review of
Psychology, 61, 353–81.
November 2
3. Hossain, Z. & Roopnarine, J.L. (1993). Division of household labor and child
care in dual-earner African-American families with infants. Sex Roles, 29 , 571585.
4. Kiang, L., Supple, A.J., Stein, G.S. & Gonzalez, L.M. (2011). Gendered academic
adjustment among Asian American adolescents in and emerging immigrant
community. Journal of Youth and Adolescence.
5. Konrad, A.M. & Harris, C. (2002). Desirability of Bem Sex-Role Inventory
Items for women and men: A comparison between African Americans and
European Americans. Sex Roles, 47,
November 4
Weisgram, E.S. & Bigler, R.S. (2006). Girls and science careers: The role of altruistic
values and attitudes about scientific tasks. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 27 ,326–
Lamb, L.M., Bigler, R.S., Liben, L.S. & Green, V.A. (2009). Teaching Children to
Confront Peers’ Sexist Remarks: Implications for Theories of Gender Development and
Educational Practice. Sex Roles, 61,361–382.
November 7
McElwain, N.L., Halberstadt, A.G. & Volling, B.L. (2007). Mother- and FatherReported Reactions to Children’s Negative Emotions: Relations to Young Children’s
Emotional Understanding and Friendship Quality. Child Development, 78, 1407 – 1425.
Howe, N. & Recchia, H. (2009). Individual differences in sibling teaching in early and
middle childhood. Early Education and Development, 20(1), 174–197.
November 9 Family
6. Cabrera, N.J., Hofferth, S.L., & Chae, S. (2011). Patterns and predictors of
father-infant engagement across race/ethnic groups. Early Childhood Research
Quarterly, 26, 365-375.
7. Evans, G.W., Maxwell, L.E., & Hart, B. (1999). Parental language and verbal
responsiveness to children in crowded homes. Developmental Psychology, 35, 10201023.
8. Hoeve, M., Dubas, J.S., Gerris, J.R.M., van der Laan, P.H., & Smeenk, W.(2011).
Maternal and paternal parenting styles: Unique and combined links to
adolescent and early adult delinquency, Journal of Adolescence, 34, 813-827.
November 11
Sanders, M.R., Ralph, A., Sofronoff, K., Gardiner, P., Thompson, R., Dwyer, S &
Bidwell, K. (2008). Every Family: A Population Approach to Reducing Behavioral and
Emotional Problems in Children Making the Transition to School. Journal of Primary Prevention,
29, 197-222.
Joachim, S., Sanders, M.R., & Turner, K.M.T. (2010). Reducing preschoolers’ disruptive
behavior in public with a brief parent discussion group. Child Psychiatry Human Development, 41,
November 14
Harris, J.R. (1995). Where is the child’s environment? A group socialization theory of
development. Psychological Review, 102, 458-489.
November 16
9. Constantine, M.G & Blackmon, S.M. () Black adolescents’ racial socialization
experiences: Their relations to home, school, and peer self-esteem. Journal of
Black Studies, 32, 322-335.
10. Abou-ezzeddine, T., Schwartz, D., Chang, L., Farver, J. & Xu, Y. (2007). Positive
peer relationships and risk of victimization in Chinese and South Korean
children’s peer groups. Social Development, 16.
11. Boseovski, J.J. & Lee, K. (2008). Seeing the world through rose-colored glasses?
Neglect of consensus information in young children’s personality judgments.
Social Development, Social Development, 17.
November 18
Hubbard, J.A. (2001). Emotion expression processes in children’s peer interaction: The
role of peer rejection, aggression and gender. Child Development, 72, 1426-1438.
Sturaro, C. van Lier, P.A.C., Cuijpers, P., Koot. H.M. (2011). The role of peer
relationships in the development of early school-age externalizing problems. Child
Development, 82, 758-765.
November 28
Brown, J.D. & Walsh-Childers, K. Effects of media on personal and public health.
Bushman, B.J. & Cantor, J (2003). Media ratings for violence and sex: Implications for
policymakers and parents. American Psychologist, 58, 130-144.
November 30
12. Cole, C.F. Arafat, C., Tidhar, C., Tafesh, W.Z., Fox, N.A., Killen,M. Ardila-Rey,
A., Leavitt, L.A., Lesser, G. Richman, B.A. & Yung, F.(2003)The educational
impact of Rechow Sumsum/Shara’a Simsim: A Sesame Street television series to
promote respect and understanding among children living in Israel, the West
Bank, and Gaza. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 27, 409-422.
13. Smith, S.L., Pieper, K.M., Granados, A. & Chouciti, M. (2010) Assessing genderrelated portrayals in top-grossing G-rated films. Sex Roles, 64, 774-786.
14. Wright, J.C, Huston, A.C., Murphy, K.C., St.Peters, M., Pinon, M., Scantlin, R.,
& Kotler, J. (2001). The relations of early television viewing to school readiness
and vocabulary of children from low-income families: The Early Window
Project. Child Development, 72, 1347-1366.
December 2 Media
Bryant, J.A., McCollum, J.M., Bryant, J. Mullikin, L. & Love, C.C.(). Curriculum-based
preschool television programming and the American family: Historical development, impact of
public policy, and social and educational effects.
Huston, A.C., Anderson, D.R., Wright, J.C., Linebarger, D.L. & Schmitt, K.L. Sesame
Street views as adolescents: The recontact study.
December 5
Fantuzzo, J.W., Bulotsky-Shearer, R., Fusco, R.A. & McWayne, C. (2005). An
investigation of preschool classroom behavioral adjustment problems and social–emotional
school readiness competencies. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 20, 259-275.
December 7
15. McMullen, M., Elicker, J., Wang, J., Erdiller, Z., Lee, S. Lin, C. Sun, P.(2005).
Comparing beliefs about appropriate practice among early childhood education
and care professionals from the U.S.,China, Taiwan, Korea and Turkey. Early
Childhood Research Quarterly, 20, 451–464.
16. Chazan-Cohan, R., Ayoub, C., Pan, B.A., Roggman, L. Raikes, H., McKelvey, L.,
Whiteside-Mansell, L. & Hart, A. (2007). It takes time: Impacts of Early Head
Start that lead to reductions in maternal depression two years later.
December 9 Presentations