Art – Grade 4 Week 1 Unit of Study: Balance TEKS Grade 4 (Content) 3 B The student is expected to compare cultural themes honoring history and traditions in American and other artworks. 4 B The student is expected to analyze original artworks, portfolios, and exhibitions by peers and others to form conclusions about properties. Vocabulary Word Wall balance symmetrical balance asymmetrical balance radial balance Resources Scott Foresman Art Unit 2 – Cultural Expressions Optional Resources: College Prep The teacher will use resources and Before, During, and After strategies to: guides students as they examine balance in mosaics facilitate and demonstrate mosaic techniques 1. 2. 3. Rigor C How to Teach Student Behaviors Key Questions Getting the Big Ideas ? ? ? Identify and describe balance Relev ance in a variety of artworks. Express ideas by using symmetrical and radial balance. Evaluate original artworks by self and peers. Strategies Structured Overview Discussions Concept Mapping Demonstrations Creative Problem Solving Primary Resources Assessment Supplemental Resources: Art Prints Fine Art Transparency Instructional Prints Unit-by-Unit Resources: Rubric 2 Internet Resources Scott Foresman online tour Carmine’s introductions to line and shape The Artist’s Toolkit Visual Understanding in Education Reading/Writing and the Visual Arts: Research and Correlations Project Rubric SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Instructional Guidelines Lesson 4 – Balance Studio Lesson – Design Stained Glass Bilingual Word Wall Second Grading Period TEKS Grade 4 (Skills and Processes) 2 C The student is expected to create original artworks and explore photographic imagery, using a variety of art materials and media appropriately. 4 A The student is expected to analyze personal artworks to interpret meaning Students will identify patterns in artworks and in their environment through classroom discussions. Students will complete a pattern print using found objects. Students will participate in a class critique of their original artworks. Before: Engage 'Mosaic' Have students list examples of mosaics that they have seen around town. During: Check for Understanding Have students use a graphic organizer to make note of the similarities and the differences of the two mosaic images provided in the text. After: Evaluate Have students write a short statement that describes the type of balance illustrated in one of the mosaics. Technology Connection Balance WEB LINKS Page 1 of 1 Special Education Art Express Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP During: Check for Understanding Have students create the outline with glue first and then fill in areas. Have students partner with another student that will assist them. Art – Grade 4 Week 2 Unit of Study: Mixed Media P r e p l e g e TEKS Grade 4 (Content) 4 A The student is expected to analyze personal artworks to interpret meaning. 4 B The student is expected to analyze original artworks, portfolios, and exhibitions by peers and others to form conclusions about properties. Vocabulary SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Resources Second Grading Period TEKS Grade 4 (Skills and Processes) 2 A The student is expected to combine information from direct observation, experience, and imagination to express ideas about self, family, and community. 1 B The student is expected to identify in artworks that color, texture, form, space, and value art basic art elements and that the principles such as emphasis, pattern, rhythm, balance, proportion, and unity serve as organizers. Instructional Guidelines Page 2 of 2 Word Wall photomontage composition scale Bilingual Word Wall fotomontage composición escala Art Express Unite 2 – Viewpoints : Images that Inspire Lesson 10 – Heroic Statues and Photomontage Heroic Statues –Community Art Connections The teacher will use resources and Before, During, and After strategies to: question students as they examine community art demonstrates mixed media and photomontage techniques How to Teach Student Behaviors Key Questions Getting the Big Ideas 4. Have you seen any community art displayed in your neighborhood? 5. What is a photomontage? C 6. What type of media did you Relev ance incorporate into your photomontage? Discuss heroic statues in the Rigor Optional Resources: community. Identify and describe characteristics of photomontage. Express ideas by using mixed media for the creation of a photomontage. Evaluate original artwork by self and peers. Strategies Compare and Contrast Group Discussion Questions Discussions Graphic Organizer Reading Process Primary Resources Assessment Supplemental Resources: Art Prints Fine Art Transparency Instructional Prints Unit-by-Unit Resources: Rubric 2 Internet Resources Scott Foresman online tour Carmine’s introductions to line and shape The Artist’s Toolkit Visual Understanding in Education Reading/Writing and the Visual Arts: Research and Correlations Project Rubric SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Students demonstrate understanding of mixed media techniques and community art through classroom discussions and demonstrations. Students will complete a mixed media photomontage. Students will analyze and evaluate original artworks using art criticism format. Before: Engage How do these works of art make you feel about the United States? Have students list feelings and emotions elicited by the images and titles. During: Check for Understanding Have students label the photographic images that they select for their project. After: Evaluate Have students complete a self evaluation paragraph that follows the Art Criticism format. Technology Connection WEB LINKS Page 3 of 3 Special Education Art Express Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP During: Check for Understanding Have students work with pre-selected images. Art – Grade 4 Week 3 Unit of Study: Graphic Design P r e p l e g e TEKS Grade 4 (Content) 1 A The student is expected to communicate ideas about feelings, self, family, school, and community, using sensory knowledge and life experiences. 4 A The student is expected to analyze personal artworks to interpret meaning. 4 B The student is expected to analyze original artworks, portfolios, and exhibitions by peers and others to form conclusions about properties. Vocabulary SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Resources Second Grading Period TEKS Grade 4 (Skills and Processes) 1 B The student is expected to identify in artworks that color, texture, form, space, and value art basic art elements and that the principles such as emphasis, pattern, rhythm, balance, proportion, and unity serve as organizers. 2 C The student is expected to create original artworks and explore photographic imagery, using a variety of art materials and media appropriately. Instructional Guidelines Page 4 of 4 Word Wall impasto unity variety Bilingual Word Wall impasto unidad variedad Art Express Unit 2 – Viewpoints Graphic Design Lesson 11 – Graphic Design Lesson 12 – Impasto Technique Optional Resources: The teacher will use resources and Before, During, and After strategies to: introduce and examine graphic design guide and demonstrate the painting technique of impastos How to Teach Student Behaviors Key Questions Getting the Big Ideas 7. Why do we call it graphic design? 8. What feeling or position do you want to change in the viewers? C 9. How did the use of this painting Relev ance technique help your design? Identify and describe graphic Rigor Supplemental Resources: Art Prints Fine Art Transparency Instructional Prints Unit-by-Unit Resources: Rubric 2 Internet Resources Scott Foresman online tour Carmine’s introductions to line and shape The Artist’s Toolkit Visual Understanding in Education Reading/Writing and the Visual Arts: Research and Correlations Special Education Project Rubric SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Art Express Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP design. Design a poster using the impasto technique that persuades viewers to feel or to do something. Evaluate original artwork by self and peers. Strategies Compare and Contrast Group Discussion Questions Discussions Graphic Organizer Reading Process Primary Resources Assessment Students demonstrate understanding of graphic design through classroom discussions and demonstrations. Students will complete a poster demonstrating proper impasto technique. Students will analyze and evaluate original artworks using art criticism format. Before: Engage What type of product or message does this poster illustrate? Have students view a variety of posters or illustrations in the textbook and or magazines. During: Check for Understanding Have students begin collecting images and labeling them as to their theme. After: Evaluate Have students summarize their reasons for the label on their images. Technology Connection WEB LINKS During: Check for Understanding Have students view and use poster designs that are simple and direct such as sports logos and advertisements. Page 5 of 5 Art – Grade 4 Week 4 Unit of Study: Experimenting with Space P r e p l e g e TEKS Grade 4(Content) 4 B The student is expected to analyze original artworks, portfolios, and exhibitions by peers and others to form conclusions about properties. Vocabulary SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Resources Second Grading Period TEKS Grade 4 (Skills and Processes) 1 B The student is expected to identify in artworks that color, texture, form, space, and value art basic art elements and that the principles such as emphasis, pattern, rhythm, balance, proportion, and unity serve as organizers. 2 C The student is expected to create original artworks and explore photographic imagery, using a variety of art materials and media appropriately. Instructional Guidelines Page 6 of 6 Word Wall positive space negative space collage Bilingual Word Wall espacio positivo espacio negative collage Art Express Unit 3 – Lesson 13 – Positive and Negative Space The teacher will use resources and Before, During, and After strategies to: guide students as they distinguish the element of space in their environment and in a variety of artworks question students as they analyze the use of space by Henri Matisse Optional Resources: How to Teach Student Behaviors Key Questions Getting the Big Ideas 10. How does the positive space of an object affect the negative space in the drawing plane? C 11. What types of shapes did Matisse Relev ance use in his paintings? 12. Does your collage present an interesting use of negative space? Identify and describe positive Rigor Supplemental Resources: Art Prints Fine Art Transparency Instructional Prints Unit-by-Unit Resources: Rubric 2 Internet Resources Scott Foresman online tour Carmine’s introductions to line and shape The Artist’s Toolkit Visual Understanding in Education Reading/Writing and the Visual Arts: Research and Correlations Project Rubric and negative space in a variety of artworks. Develop and construct a collage using cutouts inspired by Henri Matisse. Evaluate original artwork by self and peers. Strategies Compare and Contrast Group Discussion Questions Discussions Graphic Organizer Reading Process Primary Resources Assessment Students demonstrate understanding of negative and positive space through classroom discussions and demonstrations. Students will complete a paper shape collage that models Henri Matisse’s work. Students will analyze and evaluate original artworks using art criticism format. Before: Engage Positive Shapes, Negative Shapes? Have student set up the graphic organizer that they will use. During: Check for Understanding Have students list types of shapes, colors, lines, use of space, and other distinguishing elements viewed in the paintings. After: Evaluate Have students write a short analysis of Henri Matisse's style of painting. Technology Connection WEB LINKS SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Page 7 of 7 Special Education Art Express Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP During: Check for Understanding Have students use cookie cutter molds to actually cut out the positive shape and physically manipulate the negative space left. Art – Grade 4 Week 5 Unit of Study: Complementary Colors and Op Art P r e p l e g e TEKS Grade 4 (Content) 1 B The student is expected to identify in artworks that color, texture, form, space, and value art basic art elements and that the principles such as emphasis, pattern, rhythm, balance, proportion, and unity serve as organizers. 3 B The student is expected to compare cultural themes honoring history and traditions in American and other artworks. Vocabulary SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Resources Second Grading Period TEKS Grade 4 (Skills and Processes) 2 C The student is expected to create original artworks and explore photographic imagery, using a variety of art materials and media appropriately. Instructional Guidelines Page 8 of 8 Word Wall Op Art complementary colors Bilingual Word Wall Arte Optical colores complementari os Art Express Unit 3 – Lesson 14 - Experimenting with Colors Connections (pp. 60) Optional Resources: The teacher will use resources and Before, During, and After strategies to: question students as they examine images that create an optical illusion guide students through an investigation of Op Art and reviews color and collage techniques How to Teach Student Behaviors Key Questions Getting the Big Ideas 13. What do we mean by Op Art? 14. How can you change the color in Rigor order to create the illusion of C movement? Relev ance 15. Does your collage create an optical illusion? Analyze techniques use by Supplemental Resources: Art Prints Fine Art Transparency Instructional Prints Unit-by-Unit Resources: Rubric 2 Internet Resources Scott Foresman online tour Carmine’s introductions to line and shape The Artist’s Toolkit Visual Understanding in Education Reading/Writing and the Visual Arts: Research and Correlations Project Rubric artist to create optical illusion. Develop and construct a cutpaper collage using complementary colors that creates the illusion of movement. Evaluate original artwork by self and peers. Strategies Compare and Contrast Group Discussion Questions Discussions Graphic Organizer Reading Process Primary Resources Assessment Students demonstrate understanding of optical illusion through classroom discussions and demonstrations. Students will complete a shape collage that creates the illusion of movement using complementary colors. Students will analyze and evaluate original artworks using art criticism format. Before: How does the setting of each painting help the artist fool the viewer? During: Check for Understanding Have the students select on of the paintings and list the reasons that the painting fools the eye. After: Evaluate Have the students write a short summary of their analysis of the painting. Technology Connection Complementary Colors Special Education WEB LINKS SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Art Express Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP During: Check for Understanding Have students use pre-cut papers to create their collages. Page 9 of 9 Art – Grade 4 Week 6 Unit of Study: Surrealism P r e p l e g e TEKS Grade 4 (Content) 4 B The student is expected to analyze original artworks, portfolios, and exhibitions by peers and others to form conclusions about properties. Vocabulary SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Resources Second Grading Period TEKS Grade 4 (Skills and Processes) 2 A The student is expected to combine information from direct observation, experience, and imagination to express ideas about self, family, and community. 2 C The student is expected to create original artworks and explore photographic imagery, using a variety of art materials and media appropriately. 4 A The student is expected to analyze personal artworks to interpret meaning. Instructional Guidelines Page 10 of 10 Word Wall Surrealism illusion Bilingual Word Wall Surrealismo illusion Art Express Unit 3 – Lesson 17 - Making Impossible Paintings Optional Resources: The teacher will use resources and Before, During, and After strategies to: guide students as they examine Surrealistic images assist students in the selection of everyday objects and design possibilities How to Teach Student Behaviors Key Questions Getting the Big Ideas 16. How did Surrealistic artist view everyday objects? 17. How will you rearrange common C objects to create your still life? Relev ance 18. How doe the viewer feel when they look at your painting? Identify and differentiate Rigor Supplemental Resources: Art Prints Fine Art Transparency Instructional Prints Unit-by-Unit Resources: Rubric 2 Internet Resources Scott Foresman online tour Carmine’s introductions to line and shape The Artist’s Toolkit Visual Understanding in Education Reading/Writing and the Visual Arts: Research and Correlations Project Rubric characteristics of the Surrealistic art movement. Create a still life painting in a Surrealistic style. Evaluate original artwork by self and peers. Strategies Compare and Contrast Group Discussion Questions Discussions Graphic Organizer Reading Process Primary Resources Assessment Students demonstrate understanding of Surrealistic painting through classroom discussions and demonstrations. Students will complete a still life painting using common objects interpreted in a surrealistic style. Students will analyze and evaluate original artworks using art criticism format. Before: Engage What is strange about each of these paintings? Have students study the text and the paintings before the lesson. During: Check for Understanding Have students list the objects that do not belong in the images. After: Evaluate Have students explain their designs in a short paragraph. Technology Connection Surrealism WEB LINKS SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Page 11 of 11 Special Education Art Express Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP During: Check for Understanding Have students select a background from a travel magazine and overlay a cutout picture to create their surrealistic design. Art – Grade 4 Week 7 Unit of Study: Community Art P r e p l e g e TEKS Grade 4 (Content) 4 B The student is expected to analyze original artworks, portfolios, and exhibitions by peers and others to form conclusions about properties. Vocabulary SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Resources Second Grading Period TEKS Grade 4 (Skills and Processes) 2 A The student is expected to combine information from direct observation, experience, and imagination to express ideas about self, family, and community. 2 C The student is expected to create original artworks and explore photographic imagery, using a variety of art materials and media appropriately. Instructional Guidelines Page 12 of 12 Word Wall papier-mâché Bilingual Word Wall papel-mâché Art Express Unit 3 – Community Art Lesson 18 – Making a PapierMâché Model The teacher will use resources and Before, During, and After strategies to: guide students as they discuss community art demonstrate papier-mâché techniques Optional Resources: How to Teach Student Behaviors Key Questions Getting the Big Ideas 19. Where would you like to place your finished sculpture? Explain. 20. What subject will you use for your C sculpture? Relev ance 21. Does this sculpture represent the community? Identify and examine the use of Rigor Supplemental Resources: Art Prints Fine Art Transparency Instructional Prints Unit-by-Unit Resources: Rubric 2 Internet Resources Scott Foresman online tour Carmine’s introductions to line and shape The Artist’s Toolkit Visual Understanding in Education art in everyday life and in community art. Develop and organize ideas from the environment and design and construct a papiermâché sculpture. Evaluate original artwork by self and peers. Strategies Compare and Contrast Group Discussion Questions Discussions Graphic Organizer Reading Process Primary Resources Assessment Students demonstrate understanding of community art through classroom discussions and demonstrations. Students will complete a papier- mâché sculpture as a model. Students will analyze and evaluate original artworks using art criticism format. Before: Engage What is surprising about these sculptures? Have students set up their graphic organizers. During: Check for Understanding Have students compare and contrast the images of community art. After: Evaluate Have students write a description of their sculpture. Technology Connection WEB LINKS SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Page 13 of 13 Special Education Art Express Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP During: Check for Understanding Have students partner with another student that will help them with the construction process. Art – Grade 4 Week 8 Unit of Study: Artist Preparation for Exhibits/Contest/Evaluation P r e p l e g e TEKS Grade 4 (Content) 1 B The student is expected to identify in artworks that color, texture, form, space, and value are basic art elements and that the principles such as emphasis, pattern, rhythm, balance, proportion, and unity serve as organizers. Vocabulary SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Resources Second Grading Period TEKS Grade 4 (Skills and Processes) 2 C The student is expected to create original artworks and explore photographic imagery, using a variety of art materials and media appropriately. 4 A The student is expected to analyze personal artworks to interpret meaning. Instructional Guidelines Page 14 of 14 Art Express The teacher will use resources and Before, During, and After strategies to: clarifies ideas, materials and methods used to create art explains and demonstrates selection and preparation procedures How to Teach Student Behaviors Key Questions Getting the Big Ideas 22. What type of balance do you see in this painting? Explain. 23. How is the impasto painting C technique different? Relev ance 24. Which section of your painting was most successful? Explain. 25. What do you feel when you view this artwork? Identify and describe art Rigor concepts such as balance, movement, color, and space. Demonstrate artistic techniques such as mosaic, collage, painting, and sculpture. Select and prepare artwork for exhibition or contest. Evaluate original artwork by self and peers. Strategies Compare and Contrast Group Discussion Questions Discussions Graphic Organizer Reading Process Primary Resources Assessment Students demonstrate understanding or art concepts and techniques through classroom discussions and demonstrations and quizzes. Students will select and prepare an original artwork for exhibit or contest. Students will analyze and evaluate original artworks using art criticism format. Before: Preview Art concept: techniques, materials? Have students set up a graph that reflect the key words During: Check for Understanding Have students list which techniques and what materials were used to illustrate the art concept. After: Evaluate Have students select one of their artworks and use the art criticism format to evaluate their work. Technology Connection SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Page 15 of 15 Special Education SAISD © 2004-05 ESL Art Express Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP During: Check for Understanding Have students respond orally and/or partner them with a fellow student. Page 16 of 16