Tenure Track Faculty Search Checklist Date Completed Responsibility Action Department Department Chair facilitates Search Committee election and identifies Search Chair and Diversity Advocate. Department Department Chair submits TT Faculty Search Approval Request with Rational and CSUSM Faculty Search Plan to Dean’s Office. Dean’s Office If approved, Dean writes supporting memo addressed to Provost. Dean forwards memo, search request, rational and search plan to Faculty Affairs Office for approval. Faculty Affairs Reviews documents submitted and forwards to Provost for approval. Faculty Affairs Requests Resource Mailbox to be used for receiving application documents. Faculty Affairs Faculty Affairs notifies college of approval to search and posts approved announcement on CSU Careers, EDD and Faculty Opportunities websites. Department Posts approved announcement on college website and/or other approved publications, professional organizations or caucuses requested in search plan. Committee Elect Diversity Advocate & provide results to Faculty Affairs Office Search Chair & Diversity Advocate Committee Administrative Designee Diversity Advocate Attend training with AVPDEEI. (Optional for other committee members and/or search administrative support.) Monitors & logs applications received, verifies packet is complete and sends acknowledgements to applicants. Emails Faculty Applicant Survey Form to all applicants. 1 Diversity Advocate Develop rubric to determine, prioritize, and document search criteria used for screening application materials based on the stated qualifications in the position announcement. Forward Applicant Screening Form to AVPFA for approval. Committee Screens applications received using approved Applicant Screening Form. Diversity Advocate Committee Completes and submits the Outreach and Applicant Summary report and a memo with applicant ratings (Highly Qualified, Qualified, Not Qualified) as well as describing how applicants were sorted into these categories to the Dean and AVPFA for the AVPFA’s approval. Determine if phone/Skype interviews will be conducted to assist with determining which candidates will be semifinalists. Determine list of phone interview questions and submit to Diversity Advocate for approval. Diversity Advocate Forward approved list of phone interview questions to Dean and AVPFA for approval. Committee & Diversity Advocate Committee to conduct phone interviews and identify semifinalist to be invited to campus. Committee to work with Diversity Advocate to write justification to include each candidate’s strengths and weaknesses and identifying the recommended semi-finalist to be submitted with each candidates CV and application to the Dean for approval. Dean’s Office Complete degree verification for semi-finalist & send copy to Faculty Affairs Office. Dean Forward approved list of semi-finalist with all materials, including degree verification to the AVPFA for review and final approval. Committee Committee to develop interview questions based upon the position description and scoring rubric for ranking semifinalist to be submitted to Diversity Advocate for approval. Diversity Advocate Submit approved interview questions and rubric to AVPFA for approval. Page 2 of 4 Committee Develop campus visit schedule for each candidate. Committee Design list of reference check questions and submit to Diversity Advocate for approval. Committee Chair Request candidate’s permission before contacting references. *Reference checks are optional except for the finalist. Checks may be done before or after the finalist’s campus visit. Invite semi-finalist for campus visit. Committee Chair Committee Work with Committee Chair to coordinate candidate Administrative campus visits. Reserve meeting rooms, parking permit. Designee Arrange transportation from airport to hotel. Send interview confirmation letter and other materials and to candidates. Committee Chair Committee & Diversity Advocate Diversity Advocate Conduct reference checks if not already done. Collect and review documentation from interviews, reference checks, and written materials relating to the established criteria. Prepare a Finalist Comparison report evaluating each semi-finalist that visited campus to include a narrative of each semi-finalists strengths and weaknesses for Diversity Advocate review. Submit Finalist Comparison report and recommendation on awarding service credit, if applicable to the Dean and Department Chair for review. Dean Consult with search committee and department chair and select Finalist. Dean Complete Approval to Offer/Hire (Green Form). *Diversity Advocate signature required in Part II. Submit Approval to Offer/Hire form with Dean’s recommendation letter and candidate’s vita to AVPFA for approval. Faculty Affairs Page 3 of 4 Route approval to Offer/Hire form with attachments to Provost for approval. Dean Negotiates terms and conditions of employment with the candidate. Dean’s Office Requests sample offer letter from Faculty Affairs Office and drafts written offer letter to be forward to the AVPFA for review and approval. Faculty Affairs Forwards offer letter along with Approval to Offer/Hire form to Provost Office for approval and Provost signature. Dean’s Office Provides Fed Ex From to Faculty Affairs Office Faculty Affairs Sends offer letter and Moving Expense Regulation Acknowledgement Form if applicable to candidate. Faculty Affairs Notifies Dean’s Office when signed offer letter is received. Faculty Affairs Removes announcements on Faculty Affairs, CSU Careers, and EDD websites. Committee Chair Removes announcements placed by the committee and notifies candidates that the search is now closed. Faculty Affairs Email Committee Chair the Faculty Recruitment Survey form – copy designated administrative assistant Committee Chair & Dean’s Office Committee Chair Complete the Faculty Recruitment Survey to be submitted to the Faculty Affairs Office. Rev 08/14/13 Page 4 of 4 Closes search by reviewing search file to ensure all required documents are included. *Search file must be retained in the college for three years.