Teacher Subject H.I.S.D. Objectives Carnegie Vanguard High School Student Objectives Tuesday BIOL.4A BIOL.4B BIOL.4A Compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. BIOL.4B Investigate and explain cellular processes including homeostasis, energy conversions, transport of molecules, and synthesis of new molecules. BIOL.4B BIOL.4B Investigate and explain cellular processes including homeostasis, energy conversions, transport of molecules, and synthesis of new molecules. BIOL.4B BIOL.4B Investigate and explain cellular processes including homeostasis, energy conversions, transport of molecules, and synthesis of new molecules. Wednesday Thursday Houston Independent School District Week of September 14-18, 2015 Period 2-7 Teaching and enrichment Activities List Resources and Materials Warm-Up (5 minutes): Scott giving 5 minutes to look over their Unit 1 Exams Begin Unit 2: Cell Structure & Function DUE: object representing as s i gn ed o r g an el l e FU N C TIO N ; Eu k vs . P ro k. C el l P O G IL h an d o u t & C el l O r gan e l l e C h a rt Students with the same organelle will present their “organelle” and teacher will facilitate a debate, asking “which one is more important” between 2 organelles at a time (In-Class Activity Grade). Remaining handouts in packet will be graded as an one “Other” grade in Gradespeed Warm-Up (5 minutes) Engage: Gummy Bear Osmosis demo Engage and Explain: Cell Membrane Bubble activity – students will create their own cell membrane using bubblesoap and try to pass a paper clip and/or other objects through the soap film without popping it. Teacher will facilitate their understanding of the film = cell membrane and paperclip = molecule. Graded as “In-Class Activity” Warm-Up (5 minutes) DUE: Movement through membrane handout Engage: Check gummy bear osmosis demo and compare size changes Explain: teacher will lecture on movement through cell boundaries Home Work Notes CH 7 & 20.2 Packet: Organelle function assignment; Euk Vs. Pro POGIL; Organelle Chart Unit 1 Test: Characteristics of Life, Scientific Method, and Biomolecules Monday Day Alcoriza, Cantrell, Scott Pre-AP Biology Answer Keys for handouts None Gummy bear 3 Different liquids (tap water, distilled water, Gatorade) Bubblesoap, string, paper clip, straw, tray Movement handout Movement through membrane handout Movement through cell PPT Answer Key for Movement handout Microscope handout Microscope Use Handout Friday Day H.I.S.D. Objectives BIOL.4B Student Objectives BIOL.4B Investigate and explain cellular processes including homeostasis, energy conversions, transport of molecules, and synthesis of new molecules. Teaching and enrichment Activities Warm-Up (5 minutes): Organelle Card Sort DUE: microscope handout Explore: Students will complete a practical on microscope use as they work through the Plasmolyzed Onion Lab. They will record their steps, observations, and thoughts/conclusions in their Interactive Notebooks. Engage: Cell Shrinky Dinks! Students will be given a quarter sheet of rough shrinky dink paper and instructed to choose either a plant or an animal cell to draw and color. They should use the whole quarter sheet and color on the rough side with either colored pencils or fine point sharpies. The cell should include at least 10 organelles. (it is acceptable to print and trace a cell if they don’t like their art skills). The cell and its organelles should be labeled. Baking instructions will be sent home with them as homework. List Resources and Materials Lab materials for Plasmolyzed Onion Lab Answer Key for Microscope handout Organelle Card Sort Shrinky Dink paper, cut into quarter sheets Shrinky Dink baking instructions Notebook rubric Home Work Finish recording notes/thoughts regarding onion lab IN interactive notebooks (Fri) Cell Shrinky Dink! with baking instructions (Sat) Notebook SelfAssessment (Sun) Study for Unit 2 Exam on 9/21/15