UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI Publications Andrew L. Brickman, Ph.D. Date: October, 2005 PUBLICATIONS Books and monographs published: Brickman, A.L and Yount, S.E. Predictors of compliance in end-stage renal disease patients. In Pediatric Nephrology: Anniversary Issues; Current Concepts in Diagnosis and Management (23rd25th edition), Strauss, J. (Ed.). University of Miami Press (2000). Kaplan D-Nour A & Brickman A. Depression bei terminaler Niereninsuffizienz (Depression in end-stage renal disease), In Franz H & Hörl W (Eds.), Blutreinigungsverfahrenm Technik und Klinik, Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart (1997). Kaplan De-Nour A & Brickman AL. Determining quality of life in the renal replacement therapies. In Spilker B. (Ed.), Quality of life and pharmacoeconomics in clinical trials, Second Edition, Lippincott-Raven Publishers, Philadelphia (1995). Brickman, A.L. & Fins, A.T. (1993). Psychological and cognitive aspects of chronic fatigue syndrome. In Goodnick, P. (ed.) Chronic Fatigue and related immune syndromes. American Psychiatric Press, Washington, D.C. Brickman, A.L. & Eisdorfer, C. Anxiety in the Elderly. In Geriatric Psychiatry, Busse, E.W. Ed. American Psychiatric Press, Inc., 1989. Szapocznik, J., Perez-Vidal, A., Hervis, O., Brickman, A.L. & Kurtines, W.A. Innovations in Family Therapy: Strategies for Overcoming Resistance to Treatment. In R.A. Wells & V.J. Giannetti (Eds.), Handbook of Brief Psychotherapies. New York: Plenum Publishing Company, 1989. Brickman, A.L., Greco, P. & Weinberg, M. Psychosocial factors related to noncompliance in endstage renal disease. In Pediatric Nephrology: Renal Disease Dynamics: Current Concepts in Diagnosis and Management (17th & 18th edition), Strauss, J. (Ed.). University of Miami Press (1993). Szapocznik, J., Perez-Vidal, A., Hervis, O., & Brickman, A.L. Engagement: some clinical examples. In Szapocznik & Kurtines (Eds.), Breakthroughs in family treatment of drug abusing youth, Springer Publishing Company, New York, 1989. Szapocznik, J., Brickman, A.L., Hervis, O., & Perez-Vidal, A. Engagement: How to get the family into therapy when they don't want to come. In Szapocznik & Kurtines (Eds.), Breakthroughs in family treatment of drug abusing youth, Springer Publishing Company, New York, 1989. Szapocznik, J., Perez-Vidal, A., Brickman, A., Foote, F.H., Santisteban, D., & Hervis, O. Engaging adolescent drug abusers and their families into treatment: A Strategic Structural Systems Approach. Annual Review of Addictions Research and Treatment, 331-336, 1991. Andrew L. Brickman, Ph.D. October, 2005 Page 2 Juried or referred journal articles or exhibitions: Mintz DC, Marcus SC, Druss BG, West JC & Brickman AL. Association of Utilization Management and Treatment Plan Modifications Among Practicing Psychiatrists in the U.S. American Journal of Psychiatry, 161:1103-1109, 2004. Brickman AL & Mintz DC. US Rate of Self-Inflicted Injuries Increases While Suicide Rate Decreases, 1992-1999, Psychiatric Services, 54(2): 168, 2003 Brickman AL, Taylor ET, LoPiccolo CJ, Hendrix, and Eisdorfer C. Transition of enrollees from an MCO to an academic managed behavioral health carve-out. Psychiatric Services, 53(11): 1383-1385, 2002. Brickman AL, Garrity CP & Shaw JA. Risk factors for psychosocial dysfunction among children enrolled in The State Children’s Health Insurance Program. Psychiatric Services, 53(5):614-619, 2002. Brickman AL, Lopiccolo, CJ & Johnson SL. Screening for bipolar disorder. Psychiatric Services, 53:349, 2002. Wilson A, Hickie I, Hadzi PD, Wakefield D, Parker G, Straus SE, Dale H, McCluskey, D, Hinds, G, Brickman A, Goldenberg D, Demitrack M, Blakely T, Wessely S, Sharpe M, Lloyd A. (2001).What is chronic fatigue syndrome? Heterogeneity within an international multicentre study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 35(4):520-527. Yount S, Brickman AL and Ironson G. (1999). Perceived family environment predicts hospital utilization following kidney transplantation. Dialysis and Transplantation, 28(5):272-286. Yount SE, Jacobs C, Bustamante VA and Brickman AL. (1998). Psychosocial and biomedical predictors of attention and memory in end-stage renal disease patients. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 5(4):497-510. Brickman AL, Rothberg S, Yount SE, Blaney NT and Morgan R. (1998). Is satisfaction with kidney transplantation influenced by personality and posttransplant side effects? Dialysis and Transplantation, 27(11):725-733. Greco P, Brickman AL and Routh DK. (1996). Depression and coping in candidates for kidney transplantation: racial and ethnic differences. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 3(4):337-353. Brickman AL and Yount SE.(1996). Noncompliance in end-stage disease: A threat to quality of care and cost containment. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 3(4):399-412. Brickman AL, Yount SE, Blaney NT, Rothberg S, Kaplan De-Nour A. (1996). Pathogenesis of cognitive complaints in patients on hemodialysis. General Hospital Psychiatry, 18:36-43. Andrew L. Brickman, Ph.D. October, 2005 Page 3 Brickman AL, Yount SE, Blaney NT, Rothberg S, Kaplan Denour A. (1996). Personality and long-term health: Neuroticism, conscientiousness, and renal deterioration in Type 1 Diabetes. Psychosomatics, 37(5):459-468. Brickman AL, Fins AI. (1996). Kidney allograft survival: relationship to dialysis compliance and other behaviors. Dialysis & Transplantation, 25(2):88-93. Lutgendorf S, Klimas NG, Antoni M, Brickman A, & Fletcher,MA.(1995). Relationships of cognitive difficulties to immune measures, depression and illness burden in chronic fatigue syndrome. Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 1 (2):23-40. Lim AJ, Brandon AH, Fiedler J, Brickman AL, Boyer Raub WA, Soloway MS. (1995). Quality of Life: radical prostatectomy versus radiation therapy for prostate cancer. Journal of Urology, 154:1420-1425. Braslis KG, Santa-Cruz C, Brickman AL, Soloway MS. (1995). Quality of life 12 months after radical prostatectomy. British J. Urology 75:48-53. Brickman AL. Rushing to embrace the union of mind and body: too eager, too soon? Contemporary Psychology, 40(11), 1087-1088, 1995. Antoni MH, Brickman A, Lutgendorg S, Kilmas N, Imia-Fins A, Ironson G, Quillian R, Miguez MJ, van Riel F, Morgan R, et al. (1994). Psychosocial correlates of illness burden in chronic fatigue syndrome. Clinical Infectious Disease. 18 Suppl 1:S73-8. Sevush S, Leve N and Brickman A. (1993). Age at disease onset and pattern of cognitive impairment in probable Alzheimer's Disease. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 5, 66-72. Goodnick PJ, Sandoval R, Brickman A, and Klimas, NG. (1992). Buproprion Treatment of Fluoxetine-Resistant Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Biological Psychiatry, 32, 834-838. Szapocznik J, Perez-Vidal, A Brickman A, Foote FH, Santisteban D, Hervis O, and Kurtines WM. (1988). Engaging adolescent drug abusers and their families into treatment: A Strategic Structural Systems Approach. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 57(4), 552-557. Brickman AL, Calaresu FR, and Mogenson GJ. (1979). Bradycardia during stimulation of the septum and somatic afferents in the rabbit. American Journal of Physiology, 236(3):225-230. Brickman AL, and Schneiderman N. (1977). Classically conditioned blood pressure decreases induced by electrical stimulation of posterior lateral hypothalamus in rabbits. Psychophysiology, 14(3):287-292. Brickman AL, Kaufman MP, Patrick GK & Schneiderman N. (1977). Responses of anterior hypothalamic neurons to stimulation of aortic nerve and caudate nucleus in rabbits. Experimental Neurology, 56(3):622-627. Andrew L. Brickman, Ph.D. October, 2005 Page 4 Gimpl MP, Brickman AL, Kaufman MP & Schneiderman N. (1976). Temporal relationships of barosensory attenuation in conscious rabbits. American Journal of Physiology, 230(6):1480-1486. 20. Other works, publication and abstracts: Letters to the Editor Brickman AL & Mintz, DC. Suicide, Firearms, and Data. (2003). Psychiatric Services, 54(5):749. Abstracts Brickman AL, Calaresu FR & Mogenson, GJ. Are the basal ganglia involved in central cardiovascular regulation? Canadian Federation of Biological Societies, 1976. Brickman AL, Mogenson GJ & Calaresu FR. Modulation of somato-vagal reflexes by septal stimulation in the rabbit. Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, 1977. Brickman AL, Kaufman MP, Schneiderman N & Pertrik GK. Responses of single units in anterior hypothalamus to electrical stimulation of aortic nerve in rabbits. Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 1976. Brickman AL, Miller M & Olsen E. Effects of environmental stimulation on self-feeding behavior in demented elderly. Annual Meeting of Gerontological Society of America, 1988. Brickman AL, Cohen S, Miller J, Greco P, Rosen A, Antoine L & Bailey J. Biopsychosocial and Cognitive Factors in Organ Transplantation. First Working Conference on the Psychiatric, Psychosocial & Ethical Aspects of Organ Transplantation, 1990. Ochipa K, Brickman A, Rothberg S & Efantis J. Development and effectiveness of and "Adolescent Support Group" for HIV seropositive teenage girls. Sixth Annual National Pediatric AIDS Conference, 1990. Antoni MH, Brickman A, Lutgendorf S, Klimas N, & Fletcher MA. Cognitive appraisals and coping strategies related to effective distress and lifestyle compromise in chronic fatigue syndrome. Paper presented at the First International Chronic Fatigue Immune dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS) meeting. Albany, N.Y. (October, 1992). Brickman AL, Rothberg S, Rosen A, Cohen S and Miller J. Effects of Attention Upon Recent Memory in Renal Pre-transplantation Patients. Seventh International Conference of Psychonephrology, San Francisco, 1990. Lutgendorf SK, Antoni MH, Brickman A, Patarca R, Ironson G, Klimas N, Fins AI, Quillian RE, van Reil F, Miguez MJ, & Fletcher, MA (1993, March). Symptom burden and depression severity parallel immune system dysregulation among chronic fatigue syndrome patients. Poster presented Andrew L. Brickman, Ph.D. October, 2005 Page 5 at the 14 annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco, CA, (Abstract published in Proceedings of the Society of Behavioral Medicine's 14th Annual Scientific Sessions, 15 Suppl., 111. Lutgendorf SK, Brickman A, Antoni MH, Klimas N, Patarca R, Imia-Fins A, Ironson G, Quillian R, van Riel F, & Fletcher, MA (1993, March) Immune functioning predicts cognitive difficulties in chronic fatigue syndrome. Paper (Abstract published in Psychosomatic Medicine, 55, 100. Fins AI, Antoni MH, Brickman AL, Ironson G, Carver CS, Klimas NG, Quillian RE (1994). Coping style in chronic fatigue syndrome. Annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Boston, MA. Yount SE, Brickman AL, Ironson GH, Rothberg S. Demographic, affective and dispositional predictors of medical utilization in kidney transplant recipients. Psychosomatic Medicine, 57(1), 95, 1995. Articles in unrefereed journals Brickman AL. I wish I had known.... The Chimera, 1(1), 7, 1996. Brickman AL & Eisdorfer C. Models and Measurement of Cognition in Dementia. Final report submitted to the National Institute of Mental Health, May, 1987. Szapocznik J, Perez-Vidal A, Brickman AL, Kurtines WM, Foote F, Hervis O. & Santisteban D. (1987). Structural Family Systems Engagement of Adolescent Drug Abusers: Final Report. (National Institute on Drug Abuse Grant No.: R18 DA03224). Miami: University of Miami. Brickman AL. Neuropsychological Assessment - What is it? Brain Endowment Bank Newsletter (Miami, FL), 2(1), 1991. Brickman AL & Fins AI. (1991). Are compliance behaviors in dialysis patients related to graft survival following kidney transplantation? Research Project #MN213, Florida Department of Health & Rehabilitative Services.