Andrea Mantegna

Italian and North Renaissance Artists
Ambrogio Lorenzetti
Andrea del Castagno
Paolo Uccello
Andrea Mantegna
Fra Angelico
Piero della Francesca
Raphael Sanzio
Giorgione da Castelfranco
Tiziano Vecellio(Titian)
Sandro Botticelli
Andrea Verrochio
Michelangelo di Buonarroti
Pieter Brueghel the Elder
Robert Campion
Jan Van Eyck
Rogier van der Weyden
Hugo van der Goes
General Resources
1. America’s Distinguished Artists: searchable web index of information on artists including current and past
exhibitions, biography and critical analysis
2. Art History Resources on the Web: web index created by Christopher Witcombe, Sweet Briar College, Virginia.
3. Artcyclopedia
4. Olga’s Gallery: image database searchable by artist
5. World Wide Arts Resources: search by artist. Database contains full index of all major artworks plus external links for
the artist from Artcyclopedia, ArtOnline, Artchive and other art history resources.
6. Art History Resources on the Web: Renaissance Art in Italy - Directory of Renaissance in Italy links.
7. Christus Rex Art Gallery: Renaissance - A virtual gallery of some of the most famous Italian Renaissance painters,
featuring Masaccio, Masolino, Caravaggio, Raphael, and Leonardo.
8. Fine Art Touch - Devoted to the exploration of Italian Renaissance Art. It is owned by Brenda Harness, an art
historian writing about a variety of art related topics.
9. Northern Renaissance ArtWeb - A collection of links and book reviews for exploring the Renaissance of the North.
10. The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Van Eyck to Bruegel - Dutch paintings from the 15th and 16th century by artists
including Jan van Eyck, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Hans Memling, Gerard David, and Rogier van der Weyden.
11. WebMuseum: La Renaissance - The Renaissance in Europe, covering Italy, Netherlands, Germany and France.
Italian Renaissance
Ambrogio Lorenzetti
1. A Lost Madonna del Latte by Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Michael Mallory, The Art Bulletin, Vol. 51, No. 1 (Mar., 1969), pp.
41-47, 11/30/2010
2. Ambrogio Lorenzetti at Panopticon Virtual Art Gallery
3. Ambrogio Lorenzetti's Annunciation. A Re-Examination, Norman E. Muller, Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen
Institutes in Florenz, 21. Bd., H. 1 (1977), pp. 1-12, 11/30/2010. (JSTOR login required)
4. Ambrogio Lorenzetti's Buon Governo Frescoes: Two Old Questions, Two New Answers, Quentin Skinner, Journal of
the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, Vol. 62 (1999), pp. 1-28, 11/30/2010. (JSTOR login required)
5. Arch 343: Cities in History - Lecture 10: The Uses of Decorum - Lorenzetti's Good and Bad Government
6. New Advent: Catholic Encyclopedia
7. Smart History : Sienese Art
8. The "Martyrdom of the Franciscans" by Ambrogio Lorenzetti, S. Maureen Burke, Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Zeitschrift für
Kunstgeschichte, 65 Bd., H. 4 (2002), pp. 460-492, 11/30/2010. (JSTOR login required)
9. The Forgotten Masterpiece of Ambrogio Lorenzetti, F. Mason Perkins, The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs,
Vol. 5, No. 13 (Apr., 1904), pp. 81-85+87, 11/30/2010. (JSTOR login required)
Italian and North Renaissance Artists
Andrea del Castagno
Andrea Castagno Online: biography, images, museum collections, etc
Andrea del Castagno at WGA: biography and major works
Andrea del Castagno in the "History of Art"
Andrea del Castagno on WWAR: biography, images, and critical articles
The Earliest Works of Andrea Del Castagno: Part One, Frederick Hartt, The Art Bulletin, Vol. 41, No. 2 (Jun., 1959),
pp. 159-181, 11/30/2010. (JSTOR login required)
The Earliest Works of Andrea del Castagno: Part Two, Frederick Hartt, The Art Bulletin, Vol. 41, No. 3 (Sep., 1959),
pp. 225-236, 11/30/2010. (JSTOR login required)
The Saint Sebastian by Andrea del Castagno, Theodore Rousseau, Jr., The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, New
Series, Vol. 7, No. 5 (Jan., 1949), pp. 125-135, 11/30/2010. (JSTOR login required)
The Sources of the Young David by Andrea del Castagno, Dalia Haitovsky, Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen
Institutes in Florenz, 29. Bd., H. 1 (1985), pp. 174-182, 11/30/2010. (JSTOR login required)
Two Portraits Ascribed to Andrea del Castagno, Georg Pudelko, The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 68,
No. 398 (May, 1936), pp. 235-237+239-240+242, 11/30/2010. (JSTOR login required)
Web Gallery of Art - Last Supper
Web Gallery of Art - Resurrection
Andrea Mantegna
Andrea Mantegna - Marysas/St. Sebastian 1431-1506 bronze gilded Liechtenstein Museum
Andrea Mantegna - Portrait of a Man c. 1470 tempera on hardboard National Gallery of Art
Andrea Mantegna - The Infant Savior c. 1460 tempera on canvas National Gallery of Art
Andrea Mantegna: biography and paintings list from Uffizi Gallery, Firenza.
Art Renewal Center: Andrea Mantegna - Image gallery of artist's works.
Artcyclopedia: Andrea Mantegna - Links to works by Andrea Mantegna in art museum sites and image archives
Catholic Encyclopedia: Andrea Mantegna - Artist's biography.
CGFA: Andrea Mantegna - Collection of artist's works and biography from MS Encarta '97.
J. Paul Getty Museum -Study of Four Saints
J. Paul Getty Museum -Two Standing Male Figures
LACMA - The Entombment, Mantegna, Andrea (Italy, Isola di Cartura, 1431 - 1506)
Lives of the Early Painters: Andrea Mantegna, Mrs. Jameson, The American Art Journal (1866-1867), Vol. 6, No. 7
(Dec. 8, 1866), pp. 108-109. (JSTOR login required)
Madonna and Child by Andrea Mantegna, Roger Fry, The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 62, No. 359
(Feb., 1933), pp. 52-55. (JSTOR login required)
Mantegna - Collection of images of artist's works with the excerpts from biography by Giorgio Vasari.
MetMuseum: Madonna and Child with Seraphim and Cherubim, ca. 1460 Andrea Mantegna
Olga's Gallery - Collection of works of the Italian Renaissance artist with biography and historical comments.
The "Pietà" by Andrea Mantegna, William M. Milliken, The Bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art, Vol. 39, No. 7,
Part I (Sep., 1952), pp. 172-174. (JSTOR login required)
The Metropolitan Museum of Art - Bacchanal with a Wine Vat, ca. 1490 After Andrea Mantegna (Italian, Isola di
Carturo, 1430-31-.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art -Rodolfo Gonzaga (1451-1495) Style of Andrea Mantegna
The Metropolitan Museum of Art -The Adoration of the Shepherds, shortly after 1450 Andrea Mantegna (Italian,
Paduan, born no later
The Metropolitan Museum of Art -The Holy Family with Saint Mary Magdalen, 1496-1506 Andrea Mantegna
Web Gallery of Art: Mantegna, Andrea - Collection of images of artist's works and a biography.
Italian and North Renaissance Artists
23. WebMuseum: Mantegna, Andrea - Artist's biography and images of his works.
Andrea Verrocchio
Andrea del Verrocchio - Giuliano de' Medici c. 1475-1478 terracotta National Gallery of Art
Andrea del Verrocchio - Putto Poised on a Globe c. 1480 unbaked clay National Gallery of Art
Andrea Verrocchio - Madonna and Child 1460-1470 terracotta Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery
Leonardo as Verrocchio's Coworker, W. R. Valentiner, The Art Bulletin, Vol. 12, No. 1 (Mar., 1930), pp. 43-89. (JSTOR
login required)
5. New Advent: Catholic Encyclopedia
6. The Metropolitan Museum of Art -Madonna and Child, ca. 1470 Workshop of Andrea del Verrocchio (Italian,
Florentine, 1435-1488) Tempera and gold
Fra Angelico
1. An Early Crucifixion by Fra Angelico, Francis Russell, The Burlington Magazine, Vol. 138, No. 1118 (May, 1996), pp.
315-317. (JSTOR login required)
2. Beato Angelico - The life and art of Fra Angelico.
3. Catholic Encyclopedia: Fra Angelico - Biography of this Dominican, a famous painter, who died in 1455.
4. CGFA: Fra Angelico - Life and work of a Gothic painter and illuminator.
5. Fra Angelico - Annunciatory Angel 1450-55 gold leaf and temper The Detroit Institute of Art Italian
6. Fra Angelico - Blessing Redeemer c. 1423 egg tempera on wood The National Gallery, London Italian
7. Fra Angelico - Coronation of the Virgin 1420's tempera and gold on Cleveland Museum of Art Italian
8. Fra Angelico - Saint Benedict c. 1440 tempera on panel Minneapolis Institute of Arts Italian
9. Fra Angelico - Saint Romulus c. 1423-1424 egg tempera on wood The National Gallery, London Italian
10. Fra Angelico - The Adoration of the Magi c. 1440-1460 tempera on panel National Gallery of Art Italian
11. Fra Angelico - The Dominican Blessed 1423-1424 egg tempera on wood The National Gallery, London Italian
12. Fra Angelico - The Entombment of Christ c. 1450 tempera on panel National Gallery of Art Italian
13. Fra Angelico - The Madonna of Humility c. 1430 tempera on panel National Gallery of Art Italian
14. Fra Angelico - Virgin Annunciate 1450-55 gold leaf and temper The Detroit Institute of Art
15. Fra Angelico - Virgin Annunciate 1450-55 gold leaf and temper The Detroit Institute of Art Italian
16. Fra Angelico and Early Florentine Renaissance Painting in the John G. Johnson Collection at the Philadelphia Museum
of Art, Carl Brandon Strehlke, Philadelphia Museum of Art Bulletin, Vol. 88, No. 376, Fra Angelico (Spring, 1993), pp.
1+4-26. (JSTOR login required)
17. Life of an Artist: Fra Giovanni Angelico - Includes a biography as written by Giorgio Vasari and a gallery.
18. Olga's Gallery: Fra Angelico - Comprehensive collection of works of the Italian Early Renaissance artist with
biography and historical comments.
19. Patron Saints Index: Fra Angelico - Illustrated profile.
20. The Metropolitan Museum of Art - A Bishop Saint, ca. 1425 Fra Angelico
21. The Metropolitan Museum of Art - The Crucifixion, possibly ca. 1440 Fra Angelico
22. The Metropolitan Museum of Art - The Nativity, possibly ca. 1440 Workshop of Fra Angelico
23. The Nativity by Fra Angelico, Bryson Burroughs, The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, Vol. 19, No. 3 (Mar.,
1924), pp. 66-68. (JSTOR login required)
24. WebMuseum: Angelico, Fra - Bl. Fra Angelico as an artist.
Tomas Masaccio
1. A Biography
2. A Madonna by Masaccio, Lionello Venturi, The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 57, No. 328 (Jul., 1930),
pp. 21-23+27. (JSTOR login required)
Italian and North Renaissance Artists
3. Art Gallery: Masaccio - An Online Gallery Featuring many Hi Res images of the artist, featuring the Brancacci Chapel
frescos and the tribute money.
4. Artchive: Masaccio - Images (details) of the paintings.
5. Further Observations on Masaccio's Trinity, John Coolidge, The Art Bulletin, Vol. 48, No. 3/4 (Sep. - Dec., 1966), pp.
382-384. (JSTOR login required)
6. Holy Trinity: Smarthistory video
7. Life of an Artist: Masaccio di S. Giovanni - Biography of the painter as recorded by Giorgio Vasari. Includes an image
8. Lives of the Early Painters: Masaccio, Mrs. Jameson, The American Art Journal (1866-1867), Vol. 6, No. 1 (Oct. 25,
1866), pp. 10-11. (JSTOR login required)
9. Masaccio at Panopticon Virtual Art Gallery
10. Masaccio Biography and Photo
11. Masaccio's Early Career as a Sculptor, James H. Beck, The Art Bulletin, Vol. 53, No. 2 (Jun., 1971), pp. 177-195.
(JSTOR login required)
12. Masaccio's The Tribute Money in the Brancacci Chapel: Smarthistory video
13. Masaccio's Trinity: Altarpiece or Tomb?, Charles Dempsey, The Art Bulletin, Vol. 54, No. 3 (Sep., 1972), pp. 279-281.
(JSTOR login required)
14. National Gallery of Art: Empire of the Eye [YouTube]
15. Observations on Masaccio's Trinity Fresco in Santa Maria Novella, Ursula Schlegel, The Art Bulletin, Vol. 45, No. 1
(Mar., 1963), pp. 19-33. (JSTOR login required)
16. Olga's Gallery: Masaccio - Collection of the artist's works with a biography and historical comments.
17. Photos of five frescoes attributed to Masaccio
18. The Anatomy of Masaccio's Holy Trinity, Joseph Polzer, Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen, Bd. 13 (1971), pp. 18-59.
(JSTOR login required)
19. Virgin and Child Enthroned: Smarthistory video
Giorgione da Castelfranco
1. A Clever Work of Art: "The Concert" by Giorgione, Petronius Arbiter, The Art World, Vol. 1, No. 4 (Jan., 1917), pp.
270-271, 273. (JSTOR login required)
2. Artchive: Giorgione - Excerpt from the Story of Art, by E.H. Gombrich and images of artist's works.
3. Artcyclopedia: Giorgione on the Internet - Links to artist's works in art museum sites and image archives worldwide.
4. Catholic Encyclopedia: Giorgione - Artist's biography.
5. CGFA: Giorgione - Image gallery and artist's biography from the MS Encarta '97.
6. Giorgione [Giorgio Barbarella] - Biographical sketch and introduction to the work of the Renaissance artist.
7. Giorgione's Birth of Paris, Martin Conway, The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 51, No. 296 (Nov., 1927),
pp. 204+208-209+211. (JSTOR login required)
8. Giorgione's Portrait of a Young Woman, Giles Robertson, The Burlington Magazine, Vol. 91, No. 557 (Aug., 1949), pp.
222-223. (JSTOR login required)
9. Lives of the Early Painters: Parmigiano and Giorgione, Mrs. Jameson, The American Art Journal (1866-1867), Vol. 6,
No. 21 (Mar. 16, 1867), pp. 323-325. (JSTOR login required)
10. Olga's Gallery: Giorgione - Collection of artist's works with a biography and historical comments.
11. Reminiscences. Titian and Giorgione, Rembrandt Peale, The Crayon, Vol. 2, No. 9 (Aug. 29, 1855), p. 127. (JSTOR
login required)
12. The Life of Giorgione by Vasari - Excerpts from the biography of the artist by famous Giorgio Vasari and a collection
of images.
13. Tour: Giorgione and the High Renaissance in Venice - Virtual tour from the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.
14. Web Gallery of Art: Giorgione - Image gallery and artist's biography.
Italian and North Renaissance Artists
Giovanni Bellini
1. Bellini Paintings - Part of the Christus Rex Project - a virtual gallery of the artist's work.
2. Bellini, Giovanni - Features biography of the Italian Renaissance artist. Comes with pictures and links to related
3. Christ Carrying the Cross by Giovanni Bellini, George Martin Richter, The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol.
75, No. 438 (Sep., 1939), pp. 94-97. (JSTOR login required)
4. Giovanni Bellini - Profile of the Venetian painter. Includes details on his early life, his art, and achievements.
5. Giovanni Bellini's Madonna and Child, Roger Fry, The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 47, No. 269 (Aug.,
1925), pp. 64-65. (JSTOR login required)
6. Investigating Bellini's Feast of the Gods - X-rays and infrared images of 1512 Italian Renaissance masterpiece reveal
hidden underpaintings: Bellini, Dossi, and Titian.
7. Life of an Artist: Jacopo, Giovanni, and Gentile Bellini - Information on the life and works of the Bellini family of
painters. Includes a gallery.
8. Olga's Gallery: Giovanni Bellini - Comprehensive collection of the artist's works with biography and historical
9. Smarthistory Giovanni Bellini, Saint Francis in the Desert or Saint Francis in Ecstasy, oil on panel, c. 1480
10. Smarthistory: Venetian Renaissance Giovanni Bellini and Titian, The Feast of the Gods, 1514 and 1529, oil on canvas
(National Gallery of Art)
11. Two Portraits by Giovanni Bellini, Detlev Baron von Hadeln, The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 51, No.
292 (Jul., 1927), pp. 2+4-5+7. (JSTOR login required)
12. WebMuseum: Bellini, Giovanni - Article on the life story of the Venetian painter, with pictures and details on his
13. Works by Giovanni Bellini, W. Suida, The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 51, No. 295 (Oct., 1927), pp.
183+186-189. (JSTOR login required)
Leonardo da Vinci
1. Institute - Leonardo da Vinci - Investigating the mysteries of several works.
2. Art Gallery: Leonardo da Vinci - The so famous Leonardo masterpiece "annunciation" in a beautiful format. From the
Uffizi Gallery.
3. Artchive: Leonardo da Vinci - Archive of artwork by Leonardo da Vinci.
4. BBCi: Leonardo's Life In Science And Arts - Interactive site featuring paintings, imposters, quizzes, and the studio of
the artist.
5. British Library: Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519) - An illustrated biography, including photographs of three full-size
models made for the BBC One series Leonardo, and online images of the Library's Leonardo notebook.
6. CGFA: da Vinci - Short biography but comprehensive feature on his works, all illustrated.
7. Leonardo da Vinci - Olga's Gallery - Collection of images of artist's works with a biography and historical comments.
8. Leonardo da Vinci - Paintings and Biography – OCAIW - Links to images of Artworks by Leonardo da Vinci on the
Web, included biography.
9. Leonardo as Verrocchio's Coworker, W. R. Valentiner, The Art Bulletin, Vol. 12, No. 1 (Mar., 1930), pp. 43-89. (JSTOR
login required)
10. Leonardo da Vinci - Details biography and the accomplishments made by this renaissance artist.
11. Leonardo Da Vinci's Life - Featuring a biography and discussing several images of the artist.
12. Leonardo the Ideal City - A possible reconstruction from an "ideal city" that he could have projected assembling the
most of this studies. Offers drawings of buildings and machines related to the city and urban live, biography.
13. Leonardo Virtual Museum - A visual review of web items which have been associated with the artist.
14. Leonardo's Horse - Project to actualize Leonardo's planned but never-completed sculpture of a 24-foot horse.
15. Life of an Artist: Leonardo da Vinci - Biography from Giorgio Vasari's "The Lives of the Artists" and a gallery.
Italian and North Renaissance Artists
16. Online Gallery: Leonardo da Vinci - Explores into the life of the Italian artist, inventor, and scientist. Also provides
information on the designs he made.
17. Sketches of a Renaissance Man - Collection of artist's drawings.
18. Smarthistory:Leonardo da Vinci
19. The Last Supper - Very close details of the figure of Christ, the faces of Philip and John, and the hand of Thaddeus.
20. The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci - Etext at Project Gutenberg.
21. The Worldwide Art Gallery: Leonardo da Vinci - Biography and image collection of this genius of the Italian
22. Thinkquest: Da Vinci A Man of Both Worlds - Offers artist's art as well as his scientific observations, his inventions,
and interesting facts about his life.
23. Thinkquest: Learning About Leonardo - Arts and science driven inquiry exploring the mystery of the Mona Lisa,
featuring original music.
24. Washington State University: Leonardo da Vinci - Excerpt from Reading About the World, Volume 1.
25. Web Gallery of Art: Leonardo da Vinci - A collection of many works of the author, including paintings, drawings and
sculptures. With notes for each work
26. WebMuseum: Leonardo da Vinci - Collection of paintings and information on the great master.
27. Private Life of a Masterpiece: documentary on Leonardo’s The Last Supper available on Netflix
Michelangelo di Buonarroti Simoni
1. Artcyclopedia: Michelangelo Buonarroti - Guide to 30 art museum sites and image archives where Michelangelo's
paintings and sculptures can be viewed online.
2. - Offers facts, biography, and images of works of the Renaissance artist.
3. Buonarroti, Michelangelo - Overview on the personal background and accomplishments of the painter and sculptor.
4. Cappella Sistina - Pictorial overview of the Sistine Chapel. Detailed and complete.
5. Great Buildings Online: Michelangelo - Presents biography of the Italian painter, sculptor, and architect.
6. Life of an Artist: Michelangelo Buonarotti - Includes a biography as written by Giorgio Vasari and a gallery.
7. Michaelangelo Buonarroti - Provides biographical information and facts on the famous painter and sculptor.
8. Michelangelo - Olga's Gallery - Comprehensive collection of the images of Michelangelo's works with biography and
historical comments
9. Michelangelo - Highlights the Italian artist’s life story, from his early years to his final days. Presents pictures and
details on his artworks.
10. Michelangelo Buonarroti - Provides a comprehensive overview of Michelangelo's life. Three-part biography includes
links to photographs of many of his works.
11. Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) - Presents the life and art of the Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, and
12. Michelangelo Buonarroti, Renaissance Artist - Narrative on the life of Michelangelo and his Renaissance art, with
details on his paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
13. Michelangelo Drawings: Real or Fake? - Article discusses the authenticity of artist's drawings in connection with the
Michelangelo Drawings exhibition in the British Museum. (June 25, 2006)
14. Michelangelo: The Flower of Florence - An article about the artist, his life and his work and his time spent in
Florence, Italy.
15. Smarthistory: Michelangelo
16. Thais - 1200 Years of Italian Sculpture - Image archive with good photographs of many of Michelangelo's sculptures.
Text is in Italian and English.
17. The Digital Michelangelo Project - Home page of a group developing a way to scan Michelangelo's sculptures and
represent them digitally in 3 dimensions.
18. Web Gallery of Art: Michelangelo Buonarroti - Account on the life history of the painter and sculptor along with
details on his artworks.
Italian and North Renaissance Artists
19. Web Gallery of Art: Visit to the Sistine Chapel in Vatican - Virtual tour guides through the Sistine Chapel, presenting
the ceiling frescoes painted by the artist, the Last Judgment, also by Michelangelo, and the frescoes on the side
walls. Image galleries and history.
20. WebMuseum: Michelangelo - Provides biographical information on the Renaissance artist, along with pictures and
details on some of his artworks.
21. World Wide Art Resources: Michelangelo
22. Private Life of a Masterpiece: documentary on Michelangelo’s David available on Netflix
Paolo Uccello
Catholic Encyclopedia: Uccello - Artist's biography.
Life of Uccello by Giorgio Vasari - Excerpts from the biography of the artist by famous Giorgio Vasari.
Olga's Gallery: Paolo Uccello - Artist's biography and gallery of his works.
Paolo di Dono aka Paolo Uccello - Artist's biography and images of some of his works.
Paolo Uccello's Polyhedra - Article describes artist's usage of the polyhedral forms in artwork.
Web Gallery of Art: Uccello, Paolo - Collection of images and artist's biography.
The Early Works of Paolo Uccello, Georg Pudelko, The Art Bulletin, Vol. 16, No. 3 (Sep., 1934), pp. 230-259,
11/30/2010. (JSTOR login required)
8. Paolo Uccello's 'Hunt in the Forest', Martin Kemp, Ann Massing, Nicola Christie, Karin Groen, The Burlington
Magazine, Vol. 133, No. 1056 (Mar., 1991), pp. 164-178, 11/30/2010. (JSTOR login required)
9. Battle Scene, by Paolo Uccello, M. C., Museum of Fine Arts Bulletin, Vol. 13, No. 78 (Aug., 1915), p. 62, 11/30/2010.
(JSTOR login required)
10. Private Life of a Masterpiece: documentary on Uccello’s Battle of San Romano available on Netflix
Piero della Francesca
1. A Profile Portrait of a Lady by Piero Della Francesca, G. H. Edgell, Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Vol. 38, No.
229 (Oct., 1940), pp. 64-67. (JSTOR login required)
2. Artchive: Piero della Francesca - Images of his work.
3. CGFA: Piero della Francesca - Biography and collection of images.
4. Christus Rex: Piero della Francesca - Some of the artist's most famous paintings in a beautiful format.
5. Life of an Artist: Piero Della Francesca - Biography of the painter as recorded by Giorgio Vasari. Includes a gallery.
6. Madonna and Child with an Angel: Piero Della Francesca, C. H. H., Museum of Fine Arts Bulletin, Vol. 21, No. 126
(Aug., 1923), pp. 47-48. (JSTOR login required)
7. Olga's Gallery - Piero della Francesca - Collection of works of the artist, with a biography and historical comments.
8. Piero della Francesca and the Renaissance Proof of Linear Perspective, James Elkins, The Art Bulletin, Vol. 69, No. 2
(Jun., 1987), pp. 220-230. (JSTOR login required)
9. Smarthistory: Piero della Francesca's Portraits of Federico da Montefeltro & Battista Sforza
10. Web Gallery of Art: Piero della Francesca - Biography and image archive, altarpieces, fresco cycle, paintings of the
Madonna, and portraits.
11. WebMuseum: Piero della Francesca - Short biography and examples of his work.
12. Private Life of a Masterpiece: documentary on Piero della Francesca’s The Resurrection available on Netflix
Raphael Sanzio
1. Art Gallery: Raphael - A virtual gallery of the artists paintings in a beautiful format. Featuring the so famous paintings
with the two Angels.
2. Brian Yoder's Art Gallery and Critic's Corner - Raphael's The School of Athens, with a brief discussion. A few other
works are presented as well.
3. CGFA: Raphael - Carol Gerten's image archive, with many great scans of works by Raphael.
4. Life of an Artist: Raphael - Biography of the painter as written by Giorgio Vasari. Includes an image gallery.
Italian and North Renaissance Artists
Olga's Gallery: Raphael - Comprehensive collection of artist's works with a biography and historical comments.
Raphael (1483-1520) - Covers profile and gallery of paintings from the Italian renaissance artist.
Raphael of Urbino - Discusses the biography, style, and artworks of the painter and architect.
Raphael Sanzio - Profile of the Italian renaissance painter along with details and images of selected paintings.
Smarthistory: Raphael
The Worldwide Art Gallery: Raphael - Biography and image collection (including The School of Athens) of this Italian
Renaissance master.
11. Web Gallery of Art: Raphael - Hungary-based image archive with a variety of Raphael's works available online.
12. World Wide Art Resources: Raphael
Sandro Botticelli
1. "The Annunciation" of San Martino; By Botticelli, Giovanni Poggi,The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 28,
No. 154 (Jan., 1916), pp. 128-130+132-133+137. (JSTOR login required)
2. Alessandro Botticelli - Olga's Gallery - About 70 images of Botticelli's works with artist's biography and historical
3. Artcyclopedia: Guide to Sandro Botticelli - Guide to 25 art museum sites and image archives where Botticelli's
paintings can be viewed online.
4. Botticelli - Resource for information on the life and career of the Renaissance painter.
5. Botticelli's "Primavera" and the Poetic Imagination of Italian Renaissance Art, Paul Barolsky, Arion, Third Series, Vol.
8, No. 2 (Fall, 2000), pp. 5-35. (JSTOR login required)
6. Botticelli's Three Graces, Charles Dempsey, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, Vol. 34 (1971), pp. 326330. (JSTOR login required)
7. CGFA- Sandro Botticelli - Image archive with lots of examples of the artist's work.
8. Life of an Artist: Sandro Boticelli - Biography of the Florentine painter as written by Giorgio Vasari. Includes a gallery.
9. Sandro Botticelli - Biography with interpretation of major works.
10. Sandro Botticelli - Biography, images and resources.
11. Sandro Botticelli - Contains biographical information and facts on the renaissance painter and his artworks.
12. Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510) - Combines biography of the artist with images of the stamps created to celebrate his
13. Sandro Botticelli, Roger Fry, The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 48, No. 277 (Apr., 1926), pp. 196-200.
(JSTOR login required)
14. Sandro Botticelli: Biography and Gallery of Art - Describes training, commissions, paintings, and timeline of major
works. Includes gallery.
15. Smarthistory: Botticelli's Birth of Venus
16. The Botticelli Room at the Uffizi, E. H. Ramsden, The Burlington Magazine, Vol. 123, No. 945 (Dec., 1981), p. 748.
(JSTOR login required)
17. The Central Figure in Botticelli's "Primavera", Jean Gillie, Woman's Art Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1 (Spring - Summer, 1981),
pp. 12-16. (JSTOR login required)
18. The Worldwide Art Gallery: Botticelli - Biography of the Early Renaissance painter and a selection of paintings
including "Birth of Venus".
19. Web Gallery of Art - Hungary-based image archive with a variety of works by Botticelli.
20. WebMuseum: Botticelli, Sandro - Presents an overview on the life and career of the Italian painter.
21. Private Life of a Masterpiece: documentary on Botticelli’s Birth of Venus available on Netflix
Tiziano Vecellio (Titian)
1. Artchive: Titian - An article by Antonio Paolucci called 'The Portraits of Titian', bibliography and a list of images.
2. Artcyclopedia: Titian on the Internet - Links to works by the artist in art museum sites and image archives worldwide.
3. Catholic Encyclopedia: Titian - Biography of the artist with the bibliography.
Italian and North Renaissance Artists
CGFA: Titian - Image archive of artist's works with the biography from MS Encarta '97.
Fact Monster - Titian - Venetian renaissance painter. Details highlights of his life and work in the visual arts.
History House: Stories: The Great Titian - Rather unconventional biography of the great artist.
Lives of the Early Painters: Titian, Mrs. Jameson, The American Art Journal (1866-1867), Vol. 6, No. 22 (Mar. 23,
1867), pp. 339-342. (JSTOR login required)
New Light on Titian's Portraits, Wilhelm Suida, The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 64, No. 375 (Jun.,
1934), pp. 272-273+276-278. (JSTOR login required)
Olga's Gallery: Titian - Comprehensive collection of more than 100 images of artist's works with biography and
historical comments.
Reminiscences. Titian and Giorgione, Rembrandt Peale, The Crayon, Vol. 2, No. 9 (Aug. 29, 1855), p. 127. (JSTOR
login required)
The Life of Titian by Vasari - Excerpts from the biography of the artist by famous Giorgio Vasari.
Titian - Contains biographical information along with details on his accomplishments and artworks.
Titian (1477(?) -1576) - Biography of the Venetian painter. Includes pictures and details on his artworks.
Titian [Tiziano Vecellio] - Biographical sketch of the Renaissance artist generally regarded as the leading painter of
the Venetian school
Titian as a Court Painter, Charles Hope, Oxford Art Journal, Vol. 2, Art and Society (Apr., 1979), pp. 7-10. (JSTOR
login required)
Titian at Prado - Artist's paintings from the Prado with historical comments.
Titian/Tiziano Vecellio - Overview on the personal and professional background of the Venetian painter.
Titian's Ariosto, Georg Gronau, The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 63, No. 368 (Nov., 1933), pp. 194195+197-199+203. (JSTOR login required)
Titian's Portrait of Giulio Romano, John Shearman, The Burlington Magazine, Vol. 107, No. 745, Italian Painting
between the Renaissance and the Baroque in Connection with the Manchester Exhibition (Apr., 1965), pp. 170+172175+177. (JSTOR login required)
Web Gallery of Art: Tiziano Vecellio - Gallery of images of the artist's works with a biography.
WebMuseum: Titian - Biography of the famous artist.
World Wide Art Resources:Titian
Northern European Renaissance
Rogier van der Weyden
1. A Proposed Reconstruction of an Altarpiece by Rogier Van der Weyden, John L. Ward, The Art Bulletin, Vol. 53, No. 1
(Mar., 1971), pp. 27-35. (JSTOR login required)Fifteenth-Century Pictures of the Blessing Christ, Based on Rogier van
der Weyden, Jan BiaƂostocki, Gesta, Vol. 15, No. 1/2, Essays in Honor of Sumner McKnight Crosby (1976), pp. 313320. (JSTOR login required)
2. Artcyclopedia: Rogier van der Weyden on the Internet - Links to artist's works in art museum sites and image
archives worldwide.
3. Catholic Encyclopedia: Rogier van Der Weyden - Artist's biography.
4. CGFA: Rogier van der Weyden - Image gallery and artist's biography from MS Encarta '97.
5. Netherlandish Primitives: Rogier van der Weyden and Robert Campin, Martin Davies, The Burlington Magazine for
Connoisseurs, Vol. 71, No. 414 (Sep., 1937), pp. 140+142-145. (JSTOR login required)
6. Olga's Gallery: Rogier van der Weyden - Comprehensive collection of artist's works with biography and historical
7. Robert Campin or Rogier van der Weyden? Some Portraits Painted between 1432 and 1444, G. Hulin de Loo, The
Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 49, No. 285 (Dec., 1926), pp. 268-269+272-274. (JSTOR login required)
8. Rogier van der Weyden at J. Paul Getty Museum - Artist's biography with links to works of art and images.
9. Web Gallery of Art: Weyden, Rogier van der - Collection of artist's works with a biography.
10. WebMuseum: Rogier van der Weyden - Some paintings by the Dutch Renaissance master (1399/1400 - 1464).
Italian and North Renaissance Artists
Robert Campin
1. Artcyclopedia: Robert Campin on the Internet - Links to artist's works by in art museum sites and image archives
2. Centre for the Study of Fifteenth-Century Painting in the Southern Netherlands and the Principality of Liège List of
3. Gallery of works attributed to Campin
4. Netherlandish Primitives: Rogier van der Weyden and Robert Campin, Martin Davies, The Burlington Magazine for
Connoisseurs, Vol. 71, No. 414 (Sep., 1937), pp. 140+142-145. (JSTOR login required)
5. Robert Campin (Master of Flemalle) - Olga's Gallery - Collection of artist's works with a biography and historical
6. Robert Campin at Artcyclopedia
7. Robert Campin at
8. Robert Campin or Rogier van der Weyden? Some Portraits Painted between 1432 and 1444, G. Hulin de Loo, The
Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 49, No. 285 (Dec., 1926), pp. 268-269+272-274. (JSTOR login required)
9. Robert Campin, the Master of Flémalle and the Master of Mérode, Lorne Campbell, The Burlington Magazine, Vol.
116, No. 860 (Nov., 1974), pp. 634-646. (JSTOR login required)
10. Tigertail Virtual Museum: Master of Flemalle (Robert Campin) - Image gallery of artist's works.
11. Web Gallery of Art: Master of Flémalle - Image gallery of artist's works and a biography.
12. WebMuseum: Flémalle, Master of (Campin, Robert) - Artist's biography.
Hugo van der Goes
1. Olga's Gallery: Hugo van der Goes - Comprehensive collection of the images of van der Goes's works with biography
and historical comments.
2. WebMuseum: Goes, Hugo van der - Artist's biography and a collection of images.
3. Further Symbolism in the Portinari Altarpiece, M. B. McNamee S.J., The Art Bulletin, Vol. 45, No. 2 (Jun., 1963), pp.
142-143. (JSTOR login required)
4. The Demon of the Portinari Altarpiece, Robert M. Walker, The Art Bulletin, Vol. 42, No. 3 (Sep., 1960), pp. 218-219.
(JSTOR login required)
5. The Portinari Altarpiece: article from Guardian UK
6. Hugo van der Goes: biography from Encyclopedia of Irish and World Art
Jan van Eyck
1. Artchive: Jan van Eyck - Biography of the Flemish painter. Discusses his personal and professional life and his
2. Jan van Eyck - John the Baptist in a Landscape c. 1440 oil on panel Cleveland Museum of Art Netherlandish
3. Jan van Eyck - Saint Jerome in His Study c. 1435 oil on linden paper The Detroit Institute of Art Flemish
4. Jan van Eyck - Short biography with illustrations of his work.
5. Jan van Eyck - The Annunciation c. 1434-1436 oil on canvas transf National Gallery of Art Netherlandish
6. Jan Van Eyck - Provides biographical information as well as details on the painter’s accomplishments and selected
7. Metropolitan Museum of Art - Jan Van Eyck - Presenting a profile of the artist and two of his images.
8. Olga's Gallery: Jan van Eyck - Collection of images of artist's works with a biography and historical comments.
9. The Guardian - Jan Van Eyck - Read the article to learn more about the artist and the Arnolfini Portrait.
10. The Metropolitan Museum of Art - Virgin and Child in a Niche Netherlandish Painter, about 1500Oil on wood; 23 x
11. The Metropolitan Museum of Art Portrait of a Carthusian, 1446 Petrus Christus (Netherlandish, active by 1444, died 1475-76)Oil on wood;
Italian and North Renaissance Artists
12. The Metropolitan Museum of Art Portrait of a Man, 1520-25 Jan Gossart (called Mabuse) (Netherlandish, active by 1503, died 1532)Oil
13. The Metropolitan Museum of Art The Crucifixion; The Last Judgment, ca. 1430 Jan van Eyck and Workshop Assistant (Netherlandish, active
14. The Metropolitan Museum of Art The Holy Family, ca. 1512-13 Joos van Cleve (Netherlandish, active by 1507, died 1540-41)Oil on
15. The Metropolitan Museum of Art -Christ Bearing the Cross North Netherlandish (possibly Utrecht) Painter, about
1470Oil on wood; 42 3/8
16. The Metropolitan Museum of Art -Head of Christ, ca. 1445 Petrus Christus (Netherlandish, active by 1444, died
1475-76)Oil on parchment,
17. The National Gallery - Jan Van Eyck - View the 'Portrait of a Man' (1433) and read a short biography.
18. Van Eyck's Ghent Altarpiece - An alternative iconographic interpretation of Van Eyck's Ghent Altarpiece
19. WebMuseum: Eyck, Jan van - Biographical information on the Flemish artist along with picture gallery of selected
Pieter Brueghel the Elder
1. Artchive: Pieter Bruegel the Elder - Essay by E.H. Gombrich and images.
2. Bosch Bruegel Society
3. Bruegel's Peasant Wedding Celebrates the True Purpose of Marriage - Ruth Oron explains the meaning of this artist's
masterpiece for people living now, with Aesthetic Realism as her viewpoint.
4. CGFA: Pieter Bruegel the Elder - Biography and images of his paintings.
5. Complete list of paintings which includes all of the 100 proverbs from the painting, with explanation (in French).
6. Olga's Gallery: Pieter Bruegel the Elder - Collection of the images of his works with biography and historical
7. Pieter Bruegel and The Feast of Fools, Keith P. F. Moxey, The Art Bulletin, Vol. 64, No. 4 (Dec., 1982), pp. 640-646.
(JSTOR login required)
8. Pieter Bruegel the Elder at Olga's Gallery
9. Pieter Bruegel the Elder in the "A World History of Art"
10. Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Christopher White, The Burlington Magazine, Vol. 101, No. 681 (Dec., 1959), p. 456. (JSTOR
login required)
11. Pieter Bruegel: Painter for Poets, Donald B. Burness, Art Journal, Vol. 32, No. 2 (Winter, 1972-1973), pp. 157-162.
(JSTOR login required)
12. Pieter Bruegel's Children's Games, Folly, and Chance, Sandra Hindman, The Art Bulletin, Vol. 63, No. 3 (Sep., 1981),
pp. 447-475. (JSTOR login required)
13. The Harvesters by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Bryson Burroughs, The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, Vol. 16, No.
5 (May, 1921), pp. 96-103. (JSTOR login required)
14. The Winter Landscape with Skaters and Bird Trap by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Linda Bauer, George Bauer, The Art
Bulletin, Vol. 66, No. 1 (Mar., 1984), pp. 145-150. (JSTOR login required)
15. Timken Museum of Art's "Parable of the Sower" by Pieter Bruegel the Elder
16. Web Gallery of Art: Bruegel - Biography and archive of his best known works.
17. About Pieter Brueghel the Elder
18. 99 works by Pieter Brueghel the Elder