McKeen Community Fellowships and Environmental Studies Fellowships
“Exploring social and environmental issues with policy implications”
Summer 2015
The Community Matters in Maine summer fellowships provide students with a 10-week funded
placement in a local non-profit or municipality with the opportunity to address community issues while
completing a project for the organization. All placements are at 40 hours per week from early June to
mid-August. (Please note that during this time, students may not be employed by the College in any
other position.)
Please prepare your application (Parts I, II, and III) and submit as ONE DOCUMENT by email.
Application Deadline: Wednesday, February 11th at noon
Please note that students can apply to both the McKeen Community Fellowship and Psi Upsilon
Environmental Studies Fellowship programs. Students who decide to submit two applications
can choose to apply to two organizations for each application.
NOTE: We strongly encourage you to meet with an advisor in Career Planning to have your
resumé reviewed before applying for a fellowship. We also encourage prospective applicants to
meet with Eileen (for Environmental Fellowships) and Janice (for McKeen Fellowships) before
the deadline.
Applying for: ____Environmental Fellowship
Class Year:___________
____McKeen Community Fellowship
Major:_____________________________ Minor: __________________________
Campus Address:____________________________________________
Cell Phone:______________________________________________
Permanent Address: _________________________________________
Please provide the name and position of two references, including at least one Bowdoin faculty
Do you have a driver’s license?_______________
Do you have the use of a vehicle this summer? ___________
Are you van certified and willing to drive for some fellowship events? ______
Please note: Fellows are responsible for their own transportation to and from placement sites.
Will you require housing through Bowdoin College this summer?__________________________
Financial Aid Information (for internal use only)
Student ID#:______________________________
Are you receiving financial aid?
Yes______ No______
Are you work-study eligible?
Yes______ No______
Is a summer job a financial necessity for you?
Yes______ No______
Please state below any special financial circumstances you feel the Committee should consider in
reviewing your application.
Preferred Fellowship Placement
Please note that if you are applying for both a McKeen Community Fellowship and a
Environmental Studies Fellowship, fill out and submit an application for both fellowship
Indicate your first and second choice of a placement based upon the project /agency descriptions.
Your actual placement will be based on matching your specific skills and interests with the needs and
interests of the sponsoring organization.
First Choice:______________________________________________
Second Choice:_____________________________________________
Please note that you must complete a separate statement for each organization.
PART III - First Choice Organization: _____________________________________________
For each of your placement choices, please address the following questions, being sure to make your
answers specific to the individual organization, its stated mission, and the placement description in two
separate written statements. If your application is forwarded to the final selection process, each
statement will be sent along separately to the corresponding organization.
1. How does this fellowship relate to your academic and career goals, and how do you plan to continue
building on the summer fellowship experience through coursework or independent research?
2. Why do you want to work for this organization and what specific experience, interest and skills do
you bring to their mission?
PART III - Second Choice Organization: _____________________________________________
For each of your placement choices, please address the following questions, being sure to make your
answers specific to the individual organization, its stated mission, and the placement description in two
separate written statements. If your application is forwarded to the final selection process, each
statement will be sent along separately to the corresponding organization.
1. How does this fellowship relate to your academic and career goals, and how do you plan to continue
building on the summer fellowship experience through coursework or independent research?
2. Why do you want to work for this organization and what specific experience, interest and skills do
you bring to their mission?
Please include your resumé with your application.
Please submit your application statements and resumé IN ONE DOCUMENT AS A
WORD FILE (not pdf or other formats). Note: we will return applications not in
this format and ask that you revise and resubmit by email to:
Eileen Johnson, Environmental Studies Fellowship,
Janice Jaffe, McKeen Community Fellowship,
Deadline: Wednesday, February 11th, 12:00pm