EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PASSIVE INNER POWER THERAPY IN CASE OF AUTISM SULISTIYAWATI HOEDIJONO PAMUJI SYAFRIYANUR HARYADI SUPARTO SURABAYA 2005 1 EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PASSIVE INNER POWER THERAPY FOR AUTIS CASES SULISTIYAWATI HOEDIJONO, PAMUJI, SYAFRIYANUR, HARYADI SUPARTO INTRODUCTION The growth and development of a child are very important phases in the adultery process. Many constrains and obstacles can influence the process causing several disorders and diseases. Some infectious diseases make impairment either physics or mental e.g. poliomyelitis, meningo-encephalitis, ricketts etc. Furthermore delivery process disturbance or antenatal period complications such as obstruct labor, eclampsi, anemia or malnutrition during pregnancy will affect the infant. Congenital malformation, premature, cerebral palsy and others are some manifestations caused by pregnancy and delivery abnormalities. In the last decade clinicians and researchers found many child development disorders such as autism, attention deficient hyperactive disorder, cerebral palsy, congenital blindness, congenital deafness etc. These kinds of abnormalities need special attention and taken care by clinicians, researchers and parents. Many studies have been done on all aspects to find solutions for treatment of the suffered cases. The costs of diagnostics, management of treatment, diet and education are very expensive with unsatisfied results. Autism is one of the abnormal developments in childhood in an increasing number of cases. This condition stimulates many researchers and clinicians in trying to find optimal diagnostics criteria, etiology and management of therapy with so many progressive and impressive results .The popular therapy at present consist of medicamentosa, diet and behavior, educational therapy as integrative therapy. In some cases there are good results after intensive and integrative therapy that allow children to live normally with special understanding by their family and in a suitable job. Moreover, Alternative and traditional therapy have remarkable progress to treat several disorders and diseases. Either Western or Eastern Countries conduct many studies to explore potential wealth to find the effectiveness of alternative and traditional therapy. As resource of traditional medicine, people of the Republic of China combine Conventional and Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat Cerebral Palsy, Mongoloid. In the Center Clinic for Cerebral Palsy at Taiyuan, Shanxi Province they give serial therapy consist of: Massotherapy using special herbal cream, Physiotherapy, Hyperbaric oxygenation, speech therapy, aquapuncture using vit B12, B1, herbal solution and accupuncture. (Sulistiyawati report, 2002) Inner power (Chi, bioenergy) can be produced by any person. Everybody has potential inner power, but to create the power someone should do some exercise. Many exercises are known e.g. Taichi, Meditation, Respiratory exercises etc. Inner Power Research and Development Laboratory, Indrapura 17 Surabaya. Inner Power Research and Development Laboratory at Health System and Policy Research and Development Center (HSP R& D Center, Indrapura 17 Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia). This Laboratory is a partnership unit between HSP R&D Center and Yayasan Satria Nusantara. This Laboratory started since February 22 nd 1992. Many research have been done funding by Sub Directorate of Traditional Medicine Ministry of Health, Satria Nusantara and Personal funding. This laboratory had 3 main activities as such as: Short Course for inner power healers, seminar or symposium, services, research. Yayasan Satria Nusantara has more than 100 branches all over the country. Some branches are international e.g. Netherlands, Belgium, Australia. This table below show the research has been done since 1992- 2005. Table 1. Research of Inner Power by Inner Power R&D Laboratory 2 Surabaya, Indonesia 1992- 2005 NO DISEASES DISORDERS METHODE 1. Anaemia 2 Diabetic Mellitus 13cases received passive Innerpower during 2 months Pre-post design 3. Hypertension 4. Morbus Hansen (Leprosy) 5. Schizophrenia 3 min received passive therapy Case-control Pre-post study N = 25 study, 23 control ; passive inner power therapy Active exercises , 3 times weekly during 3 mo Study case –control design N study = 26 control = 10.nths Passive therapy Cases at Psychiatric Hospital, North Sulawesi 6. Blindness cases 7. Asthma cases 8. Congenital deafness 9. Cerebral Palsy 12 days exercise 45 sample pre-post design Active Therapy One group Pre-post study design. N= 15 Active therapy, 3 times a week for 3 months Passive therapy One-group pre-post study design N= 21 Passive therapy 3 times a week. Study-control design pre-post. N =28 RESULTS PRINCIPLE INVESTIGATO R Giri Santosa INSTITUTION Fasting blood sugar decrease 11,7 gr % in average BS 2 hrs after meal decrease 60,1 gr in average Neuropathy decrease Study group Systolic decrease 9 mmHg, Diastolic 5 mmHg Sulistiyawati et al Inner Power R&D Lab, Funding by Min of Health Hariyadi Suparto Inner Power R&D Lab R&D Inner Power Lab. Sensibility of the neural periphery increase, wounds healed Sulistiyawati et al R&D Inner Power Lab, funding by Min. of Health Better communication Lengkana Personal funding Better reading ability. Titien Setyobudi et all Inner Lab. Shortness of breath reduced frequency of asthmatic attack decreased Better ability to hear Sulistiyawati et all Min. of Health Sardjono et all Personal Easier to manage, obsessive & absurd movement decreased IQ did not increased significantly Sulistiyawati et all Min. of Health > 30 yrs old Hb Increase LSP-SN Bandung MATERIAL AND METHODS 3 Power This study located at Citra Cendekia Therapy Foundation at Sidoarjo regency, East Java Indonesia. Design of this study is one group pre- post test. Data analyzed used by t- test., compare pre and post intervention Respondents : first 21 children joint this study , but 6 discontinued by some reasons the rest 15 respondents received fully intervention package Data collection : All respondents examined by 3 psychologists using standard examination to measure 5 aspects includes of Social interaction, Communication, Motor Behavior, Emotion and Academic. The scale ranges between 0-4 . The examination performed before and after intervention. Variables of each aspect : 1. Social Interaction consist of : Eye contact while talking Reaction to other people calling Embracing reaction Playing with others at resting time Expression while learning in classroom Choice of toys 2. Communication ability Speech ability Attention to other persons speech Expression of emotion and thought ability to others Dialog ability Repeat obsessive compulsive pattern Express their own need and demand Using personal substitute while talking 3. Behavior motoric Fix at one object Jumping without purposively Closing the ear if hearing some sounds To put objects into their mouth Rolling by themselves Walking on tiptoe and running head into one direction Beating nails and finger Put objects in rows in classroom 4. Emotional conditions Laughing alone To cry alone To beat objects Obsessive demand Destroy themselves Rules out of regulations Empathy to other persons 5. Academic ability Color identification Number identification Format identification 4 Letter identification Family picture identification Counting ability Reading ability Writing ability Coloring ability Dictating ability Drawing ability Writing simple object using memory Complementing puzzle or picture The intervention : The “ inner power healer” concentrate to transfer his inner power to the respondents. The energy is transferred to the head and other parts of the body which show abnormalities in movement during 5 - 20 minutes. This intervention happened 3 times a week for 10 weeks , therefore they received 30 - 32 inner power passive therapy. RESULTS A total of 15 children, 3 girls and 12 boys, age between 4,9 – 9 years old, mean. Disorders consist of : Delayed learning 3, Mild autism 4, Emotional disorder 1, hyperactive 3, 2 cerebral palsy, combined 2. The incidence of autism male : female is 4 : 1 (Sasanti Yuniar 2000). Regressive type more than congenital. Abnormal motoric behavior found : Hyperactive, Speech disturbance, aggressive, attention deficit, temper tantrum, insomnia, constipation, frequent and prolong cries, difficult eye contact while talking . Instruments for collecting data using scaling 0- 4. 1. Social interaction This study give evidence that the intervention using inner power can increase social interaction ability among 11 respondents , the rest did not change. The difference range between 1- 5. Maximal score for the social interaction is 17 Figure 1. Pre-post test Social Interaction Score after intervention Citra Cendekia School, Sidoarjo, East Java, 2005 ( N = 15 ) 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 pre post 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2. Communication ability 5 The communication ability of the respondents also gives good results only 2 respondents remained. But the difference range between 1- 9 (figure 2) Maximal score communication is 21 Figure 2 . Pre-Post Test Score for Communication ability of respondents Citra Cendekia School, Sidoarjo, East Java, 2005 25 20 15 Pre Post 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 3. Motoric Behavior Motoric behavior aspect did not show impressive results. Among 15 respondents, 3 show decrease score, 3 no change, only 5 increase the score. (figure 3) Maximal score motoric behavior is 24 Figure 3. Pre-Post Test Score for Motoric Behavior of respondents Citra Cendekia School, Sidoarjo, East Java, 2005 6 30 25 20 Pre Post 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 4. Emotional Surprisingly only 2 respondents show no change of their emotion, the rest increase with range between 1- 5. (Figure 4) Maximal score emotional aspects is 21 Figure 4.Pre-Post Test Score for Emotional aspect of respondents Citra Cendekia School, Sidoarjo, East Java, 2005 25 20 Pre 15 Post 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5. Academic Ability 7 The results excited, although 3 show no change , but 4 respondents increase remarkable score more than 10, the rest the score between 1- 7 (figure 5) Maximal score academic ability is 46 Figure 5 Pre-Post Test Score for Academic ability of respondents Citra Cendekia School, Sidoarjo, East Java, 2005 60 50 40 Pre 30 Post 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 5. Statistically analyses Using One sample T –test shown that 4 aspect significantly difference were : Social interaction Communication Emotion Academic The only not significant was Motoric behavior ( Table 6) Table 2. T- test for 5 aspects One- Sample Statistic Citra Cendekia School, Sidoarjo, East Java, 2005 One –Sample Test Variables Social interaction Communication Behavior Emotion academic Test Value = 0 T 4,846 4,110 1,348 5,488 3,864 df 14 14 14 14 14 Sig.(2tailed) ,000 ,001 ,199 ,000 ,002 Mean Difference 2,9333 2,4000 ,6667 2,1333 5,2000 95 % Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper 1,6352 4,2315 2,4000 3,6524 ,6667 1,7271 2,1333 2,9671 5,2000 8,0867 8 Daily Behavior change This information from parents and therapist teachers’ observation. a. Decrease hyperactivity b. Easy for communication c. Decrease aggressiveness d. Better response e. Decrease temper tantrum f. Deep sleeping g. No constipation h. Decrease cries without reasons i. Better eye contact DISCUSSIONS In autism cases many Factors can influence recovery progress such as : a. Severity grade of autism b. Age of the cases. More younger better results. c. Intensity therapy. Lovas standard therapy needs 40 hours weekly. d. Complete comprehensive therapy e. Intelligent Quotient of the child f. The brain damage specific area and luasnya g. Parents and family participation , understanding the whole family and maintaining diet and therapy. Statistically revealed good results especially for aspect of Social interaction, communication, emotion and academic. Base on all figure, revealed some cases did not show change, this phenomenon should be explored more intense to find the reasons. Although many studies had been done with promising results , but Inner power could not measure by objective instrument. This constrain still big questions for standard therapy. To explore the effectiveness of inner power therapy as complements therapy for autism still need more research with more than 50 samples to be studied. REFERENCES 9 Effendi, Irmansyah. 2001. Rei Ki Effective technique for Impressive Healing Capability, PT.Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta. Gatra, (17 Mei 2003). Many Way to break the chain , Jakarta. 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Eye contact While talking 1. > 10 sec ( 3 ) 2. 7 - 9 sec ( 2 ) 3. 5 – 6 sec ( 1 ) 4. < 5 sec ( 0 ) b. Response for others persons calling 1. Answer or turn head once 2. Answer or turn 2-3 times 3. Answer or turn > 3 times 4. No Response > 3 times c. Embracing reaction 1. No Rejection 2. First agree then reject 3. Reject to embrace but agree to close 4. Reject to close and embrace d. Playing around 1. Plays with more 1 friends 2. Plays with I friend with 1 try 3. Plays alone with roley one try 4. Plays alone without try e. Expression while learning in class 1. 2. 3. 4. f. Enthusiastic and cheerful Enthusiastic but not cheers No Enthusiastic and reaction No Enthusiastic and blank Using Toys 1. Plays with toys 2. Plays without toys 3. Communication ability a. Speech ability 1. Clear pronunciation 2. Articulation not clear for 2- 5 sound 3. Articulation not clear for all 4. No sound b. Pay attention to others talking 1. Right response or answers 2. Wrong response or answers 3. Cannot understand c. Expression emotional and thought ability 1. Clear understand able 2. Unclear talking, need repeat 3 - 4 times 3. Can understand d. Discussions ability 1. Good response for discussion 11 2. Discussion difficulties with teacher 3. Difficult to understand e. Repeated sounds or words 1. Never 2. Seldom, 1 – 3 times/day 3. Often > 4 times/day f. Express their need and demand 1. Clear expression 2. Express by speech and body sign 3. Dragging others hand 4. To be silent just watching g. Replacement personal substitute 1. Right mentioning the personal substitute (man, sir, etc) 2. Wrong mentioning personal substitute 3. Specific words to call somebody 4. No sounds only with finger sign 12