Saint Agnes Academy

Department of Music
Strake Jesuit Triple Trio
Dear Parents,
Your son has signed up to audition for Strake Jesuit’s elite
chamber vocal ensemble, the Triple Trio. Throughout the
course of the year, the “Trio” learns and performs variety of
musical works, in a variety of styles, languages, costumes, and
Membership in the Trio is a great honour, which includes
a great deal of responsibility. The following is meant to further
inform you of what involvement in the Triple Trio means for
your son and for your family.
Requirements for Membership
The Audition
The audition for Triple Trio will be held Wednesday, April 16th
at 3:30pm in the SAA Choir Room, and will conclude when a
decision has been reached. This audition is “closed”: no
observers will be allowed.
NOTE: Sight singing is not required for the audition.
Academic Standing
This course is part of the SJ curriculum. No student may
participate in any extra-curricular activity if he has failed 2
subjects. Because of the extensive travel involved in being a
member of the Trio, every member is expected to maintain, at
minimum, a C average
Membership in Chorus
All Trio members are required to be members of the Saint
Agnes/Strake Jesuit Mixed Chorus. Trio members are also
required to participate in the annual choir tour.
Voice Lessons
Each member is required to take private voice lessons. It is
highly recommended that Trio members study voice at St.
Agnes Academy. There will be a minimum of two different
teachers at St. Agnes, and the boys may select either teacher.
Students may study with any other voice teacher in the Greater
Houston Community, if he wishes, but he will be accountable
for his hours. A minimum of 10 voice lessons are required each
semester. Evaluations for lessons will count toward the overall
Triple Trio Grade.
Membership in the Triple Trio means participation in ALL TRIO events
and performances! Based on the 2007-2008 school year, a typical schedule
looks as follows:
Learning Trio Renaissance music
Mass of the Holy Spirit
Chorus Retreat
2 weekends at the Texas Renaissance Festival []
All Saints Mass
1 weekend at the Texas Renaissance Festival
2 Messiah performances
3-5 private performances
TPSMEA All State – San Antonio
SJ Open House
Spring Musical Rehearsals – daily 4-6pm [optional]
Spring Musical Rehearsals – daily 4-6pm
Spring Musical
Holy Thursday Mass
Contest and Sight-Singing Competition
Choir Tour
Chorus Variety Show
Chorus Banquet
NHS Mass
Junior Ring Ceremony
Voice Recital
SJ Baccalaureate and Graduation
1. Each individual member is responsible for the finances,
construction, and maintenance of his own Renaissance costume.
Detailed information will be given to the boys who are chosen. The
Triple Trio costume maker is Mrs. Donna Bell, and all Renaissance
dresses are made by her.
2. Each member is responsible for the finances of any Trio activity.
For example voice lessons were $350.00 per semester last year.
3. The Triple Trio is considered an academic course. Each new
member MUST be willing and able to change his course
registration, if necessary, to accommodate Trio.
4. Once accepted, a member MUST remain in the Trio for the
duration of the next school year. A member’s status may be reevaluated at the end of the year, at either her or the director’s
5. The members are looked up to as examples of talent, dedication,
and leadership, as well as being public representatives of Saint
Agnes. Each member is expected to know and abide by the school
6. Every member is REQUIRED to participate in EVERY Trio
performance. This may mean rescheduling of ACTs, SATs, family
vacations, etc. Each new member will be given a calendar of
performances scheduled for 2008-2009, but parents, please be
I would be honoured, as an educator and as a musician, to be
given the opportunity to share in the musical growth and
development of your son. If your son is accepted, please
know that BOTH he and I will need your continued support
and encouragement. Be assured that, as parents, you will
have my support and assistance in any way that you feel is
YOUR SON! He will need your help and guidance to learn
to balance, in a healthy and creative way, study, family
obligations, rehearsals, performances – even transportation!
If you are willing, please sign this contract, and give it to
your son. His presence at the audition, with your signature,
means that, as a family, you are prepared to enter the
experience of the Strake Jesuit Triple Trio.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact
me at school : 713-219-5541.
Kimberly F. Mendoza
Vocal Director
As a member of the SJ Triple Trio I will:
1. Be a member of the SAA/SJ Mixed Chorus;
2. Maintain at least a C average;
3. Take private voice lessons;
4. Be responsible for the construction and maintenance
of my costumes;
5. Abide by the rules of the SJ handbook when in
6. Memorize all music assigned to me;
7. Be present and prepared for all performances.
Student Signature
I have read the contract, and my son has my permission and
support to be a member of the SJ Triple Trio.
Parent Signature