Risk Prevention and Management Annual Report 2012-2013 Date of Report: October 2013 PQI Meeting Members: Executive Council Leadership Team Mike Puto, Chair Rick Ramsay, Vice Chair Kym Collins, Treasurer Jay Rourke, Secretary Don Hiller Andy Griffith Kurt Rockenbach Jennifer George-Nichol Greg Brown, President & CEO Janey Wawerna, CDO Ben Kemmer, CLEO Dave Bley, CFO Sheila Doerr, EAS Bill Mann, COO The report coves the fiscal year 2012-2013. This includes July 2012 through June 2013. www.fkcs.org Florida Keys Children's Shelter, Inc. 73 High Point Road, Tavernier, FL 33070 (305) 852-4246 Compliance with legal requirements: Personnel policies were reviewed by Vernis and Bowling on 5/26/2011policies and will be reviewed again January 2014. Council on Accreditation (COA) reaccreditation occurred April 2012 for the Florida Keys Children’s Shelter audits are conducted every four years. DCF licensing inspections and renewal occurred for Jelsema center in February 2013 and for Poinciana 1 and Poinciana 2 in June 2013. “CINS/FINS Programs Only” DJJ quality assurance review assessed DDJ standards and Florida statutes and Code in February 2013 and FKCS received a rating of Satisfactory. Health and Human Services audits are conducted every four years. The last inspection was May of 2010. FKCS was found to be in compliance with HHS standards. Insurance and liability: Insurance reviews were completed annually. Florida Keys Children’s Shelter maintains all necessary insurance such as wind, flood, directors & officers, employee bond, liability, property and auto. The main insurance package is reviewed and put out for bid annually to be renewed in March. The main package includes liability, property and auto. All current policies were competitively priced and didn’t switch companies last year. Health and safety: All FKCS programs had annual fire extinguisher inspections. Fire extinguishers were replaced at the Poinciana facilities. Annual fire inspections by the Fire Marshall were completed at Poinciana 1 and 2 in April 2013 both facilities were found to be in compliance. Jelsema had fire inspection and review of evacuation plan completed in August 2012. The Jelsema center was found to be in full compliance. Florida Network of Youth and Family services reviewed annual the FKCS disaster plan and training plans. Both plans were found to meet contract requirements. Health Department inspections were completed for Poinciana 1 and Poinciana 2 in May 2012, the hot water thermostat at Poinciana 1 was adjusted and then both were found to be in compliance. Jelsema had a health department inspection on 3/29/2012 and was found to be in compliance. Elevator inspection at Jelsema occurred on 8/02/2012. www.fkcs.org Florida Keys Children's Shelter, Inc. 73 High Point Road, Tavernier, FL 33070 (305) 852-4246 Sprinkler system at Jelsema occurred on 3/11/2013 Fire alarm system at Jelsema occurred on 4/30/2013 Jelsema Fire Suppression Hood Inspection was 2/8/13 FKCS Maintenance Supervisor conducts weekly van and facility safety inspections at the Jelsema Center; forms are filled out and signed weekly documenting all needed repairs. All staff go through emergency disaster training at hire and each May. This occurred at all programs in May 2013. All staff are also certified in Red Cross CPR and First Aid and Emergency Preparedness training. All residential programs maintain pest control contracts with local vendors. Human resources practices: All staff has local and live scan background checks completed prior to hire. Local background checks are conducted quarterly post hire as well as five year live scan background rescreening. Drug testing for all staff occurs pre-hire and random testing every year after. Driving records are checked through FKCS auto insurance company pre-hire and annually thereafter. Reviews of personal files are completed quarterly. Annual staff performance evaluations were consistently late. The executive administrative assistant will notify supervisors monthly of any staff needing evaluation. The executive administrative assistant will then send a follow-up email after completion or incompletion of individual evaluations. Personnel policies were reviewed internally and then by Vernis and Bowling 5/26/2011. The Executive Administrative Assistant tracks turnover rates quarterly. The fiscal year 2012-2013organizational turnover rate was 24.32% a great improvement from the previous year. The rate for fiscal year 2011-2012 was 52.78%. Florida Keys Children’s Shelter will continue to run advertisements for employment continually on houseparent.com. Florida Keys Children’s Shelter also will run adds for employment in Monroe and Dade county news papers as well as careerbuilder.com. File reviews are also conducted by DJJ, DCF and during Florida network contract monitoring during their annual audits. External file reviews found FKCS Personnel files to be in full compliance by contract monitoring standards. Exit interviews are conducted with staff at termination/exit of employment with the agency. Common issues expressed during exit interviews are pay rates, benefit costs and www.fkcs.org Florida Keys Children's Shelter, Inc. 73 High Point Road, Tavernier, FL 33070 (305) 852-4246 employee recognition. Pay rates are contingent on funding. FKCS continues to be proactive in it continuing search for competitive employee benefits packages. FKCS continues to build relationships with placing organizations throughout central and south Florida in order to bring in more funding to continue to offer competitive salaries. The Development of a new employee recognition program is in progress. Contracting practices and compliance: Forefront LLC conducted the Comprehensive Compliance Monitoring visit for Florida Keys Children’s Shelter (FKCS) for FY 2012-2013 contract February 2013. In general, the Reviewer found that FKCS is in compliance with the contract requirements. Specifically, FKCS receives a satisfactory (Highest rating) as a result of achieving an overall compliance rating of 94%. There were no corrective actions cited as a result of the monitoring. FKCS staff was prepared and cooperative during the visit which created a productive and hospitable monitoring environment. Florida Keys Children’s Shelter continues to work with Broward county organization, Child Net. Florida Keys Children’s Shelter continues to work with Dade county organization” Center for Family and Child Enrichment”. All new contracts are reviewed by the FKCS Leadership Team and questions or concerns are referred to the FKCS attorney on retainer. The Florida Network runs monthly, semi annually, and annual data progress reports on contract compliance. FKCS was found to be in 100% compliance to all contract requirements in the annual report for 2012-2013. Client rights and confidentiality issues: Client rights are outlined in parent and youth handbooks as is the grievance policy and form. Parents sign and receive a client rights and confidentiality statement at beginning of services. Client rights are posted throughout FKCS facilities. All staff receives annual training on client rights and confidentiality issues. Florida Keys Children’s Shelter had no reported client rights or confidentiality violations for the fiscal year 2012-2013. www.fkcs.org Florida Keys Children's Shelter, Inc. 73 High Point Road, Tavernier, FL 33070 (305) 852-4246 Financial risks: Annual audit for FY 12-13 will be completed December 2012. Financial Review will be part of the December Board meeting. Accounting reviews are also performed monthly and quarterly. Accounting policies are reviewed annually. Conflicts of interest: Florida Keys Children’s Shelter has conflict of interest policies in place. The policies are reviewed annually. Board and staff members all sign conflict of interest statements. Florida Keys Children’s Shelter had no reported conflict of interest violations for the fiscal year 2012-2013. www.fkcs.org Florida Keys Children's Shelter, Inc. 73 High Point Road, Tavernier, FL 33070 (305) 852-4246