Conversational browser for accessing VoiceXML

Conversational browser for accessing VoiceXML-based IVR services via
multi-modal interactions on mobile devices
Computer & Software Technology Lab.
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
161 Kajong-Dong, Yusong-Gu, Taejon, 305-350
Abstract: - Users can access VoiceXML-based IVR(Interactive Voice Response)
systems using their mobile devices such as smart phones in anytime and at any place.
Even though their mobile devices have small screens, they have to interact the services
using voice-only modality. As a result of this uni-modality, the services have some
fundamental problems as follows. 1) Users can not know what service items can be
selected before TTS(Text-to-Speech) engine reads them. 2) Users always have to pay
attentions not to forget items they can select and an item they will select. 3) Users cannot
confirm if their speech input is valid or not at once. So, users always have to wait new
questions from the server in order to confirm. Because of this inconvenience and
cumbersomeness, users generally prefer to connect with a human operator directly.
In this paper, we propose a new conversational browser that makes a user access the
existing VoiceXML-based IVR(Interactive Voice Response) services via multi-modal
interactions on a small screen. The conversational browser fetches voice-only web pages
from web servers, converts the web pages to the multi-modal web pages by using a
multi-modal markup language, and interprets the converted web pages.
Key-Words: - VoiceXML, Multi-modal interaction, XHTML+Voice, WWW, Internet,
Interactive voice response services, mobile devices
1 Introduction
VoiceXML allows Web developers to use their
exiting Java, XML, and Web development skills to
design and implement IVR (Interactive Voice
Response) services. They no longer have to learn the
proprietary IVR programming language[1]. Many
companies have changed their proprietary IVR
systems to be written in VoiceXML. In general, the
voice-only web services have simpler flows and have
more specific domains than the existing visual-web
services because they have to depend on voice-only
modality. Users can access the voice-only web
services using their mobile devices such as smart
phones in anytime and at any place. Even though their
mobile devices have small screens, they have to
interact the services using voice-only modality. As a
result of this uni-modality, the services have some
fundamental problems as follows. 1) Users can not
know what service items can be selected before
TTS(Text-to-Speech) engine reads them. 2) Users
always have to pay attentions not to forget items they
can select and an item they will select. 3) Users cannot
confirm if their speech input is valid or not at once. So,
users always have to wait new questions from the
server and reply to the server in order to confirm.
Because of this inconvenience and cumbersomeness,
users generally prefer to connect with an human
operator directly. In this case, the original purpose of
IVR services that is automation may be not achieved.
In this paper, we propose a new conversational
browser that makes user access the existing
VoiceXML-based IVR services via multi-modal
interactions on a small screen. Users can look at and
listen to items they can select, and confirm the result of
speech input through the displayed text instead of
beginning a new dialogue with a server for
confirmation. The organization of this paper is as
follows. In section II, we describe the concept of
multi-modal access to VoiceXML-based IVR services.
In section III, we describe the conversational browser
architecture and overall execution flows. In section IV
and V, we describe related works and conclusions.
VoiceXML-based IVR services
2.1 VoiceXML-based IVR services
Fig.1 illustrates an architectural model of
VoiceXML-based IVR systems[1]. A conversation
between a user and a system begins when a telephone
call is initiated. Once a call is connected over the
phone network, the VoiceXML Infrastructure acts as a
“browser” and begins making a series of HTTP
requests to a traditional Web server for VoiceXML,
audio, grammar, and ECMAScript documents. The
web server responds with these simple documents
over HTTP.
End User
Fig. 1 The architecture model of VoiceXML-based
IVR services
Once retrieved, the actual VoiceXML “interpreter”
within the VoiceXML Infrastructure executes the IVR
applications and engages in a conversation with the
end user. All software and resources necessary to
“execute” a particular IVR service – such as voice
recognition, computer-generated text-to-speech,
ECMAScript execution etc – are embedded within the
VoiceXML infrastructure. The following is a simple
IVR service example[5] for ordering pizzas via a
conversation between a human and a computer.
Computer: How many pizzas would you like?
Human: one
Computer: What size of pizza would you like? Say one
of small, medium, or large
Human: medium
Computer: Would you like extra cheese? Say one of
yes or no.
Human: yes.
Computer: What vegetable toppings would you like?
Say one of Olives, Mushrooms, Onions, or Peppers?
Human: Um…help.
Computer: What vegetable toppings would you like?
Say one of Olives, Mushrooms, Onions, or peppers?
Human: Mushrooms
Computer: What meat toppings would you like? Say
one of Bacon, Chicken, Ham, Meatball, Sausage, or
Human: Help.
Computer: Say one of Bacon, Chicken, Ham,
Meatball, Sausage, or Pepperoni
Human: Sausage
Computer: Thank you for your orderings.
Example 1. An IVR Service example
In above example, users always have to answer to
questions in a pre-defined order by a service provider
and remember what items they can select. This
voice-only interaction style is very inefficient because
already many users have accessed these services using
their mobile phone with a small screen. The small
screen can support users to look at and listen to the
information about what items he can select. Also it can
support to select any item in any order if the selected
item has no dependency with the others.
In the following section, we will describe how to
access an Example 1 service via multi-modal user
2.2 The access to IVR services
multi-modal user interactions
Fig.2 shows the same service as Fig.1 via
multi-modal user interactions. If the user clicks the
textbox below the label “Quantity”, he can listen to
“How many pizza….” like as the first dialogue in
Example 1. At this time, the user can reply via voice or
text input. If the user say “one”, the textbox will show
a “1” character. If the user clicks the label “Size”, he
can listen to “What size of Pizza …” like as the second
dialogue in Example 1. At this time, the user can
select one of radio buttons or say one of “small”,
“medium”, or “large”. If the user say “small”, the
radio button “small 12” will be selected. After
replying all these questions, user clicks the button
“Submit Pizza Order” for sending data to the servers.
By supplementing visual modality in voice
modality, users can know in advance what items can
be selected and select their own favorite modality
according to circumstances. Also users don’t need to
answer additional questions for validating the speech
input because users can know the recognition results
through a displayed text at once.
Click the textbox
1. How many Pizza would you like?
Click the label
2. What size of Pizza would you like?
Click the label
3. What toppings would you like?
either a speech or a visual input.
In Fig. 2, a “Quantity” value entered via speech is
displayed in a visual element “textbox” below a label
“Quantity” by using a “sync” element. A “cancel”
element allows a user to stop a running speech
dialogue when he doesn’t want the voice interactions.
The structure of an XHTML+Voice Application is as
Fig. 3[5].
Click the label
4. What vegetable toppings would ….
Click the label
5. What meat toppings would like….
Visual Part
Voice Part
Event Type
Event Handler
Fig. 2 A multi-modal web page
By supplementing visual modality in voice
modality, users can know in advance what items can
be selected and select their own favorite modality
according to circumstances. Also users don’t need to
answer additional questions for validating the speech
input because users can know the recognition results
through a displayed text at once.
Previous, there are many researches in the field of
multi-modal browser[6, 7, 8, 9]. The researches focus
on adding other modality (mainly voice) in the
existing visual browser. But we think the effects of
adding voice modality in visual-only web applications
are not more powerful than adding visual modality in
voice-only web applications – VoiceXML based IVR
services. In the case of visual-only applications,
whether the applications support voice-modality or
not are not an indispensable problem. But in the case
of voice-only applications, whether the applications
support visual-modality or not are a very critical
problem to users who already have accustomed to
existing visual environments.
We use a XHTML+Voice(X+V) markup
language[4] for describing multi-modality that is
proposed by IBM and Opera Software in W3C. X+V
extends XHTML Basic with a subset of VoiceXML
2.0[10], XML-Events and a small extension module.
In X+V, a modularized VoiceXML doesn’t include
“non-local transfers” elements such as “exit”, “goto”,
“link”, “script”, and “submit”, “menu” elements such
as “menu”, “choice”, “enumerate”, and “object”,
“root” elements such as “vxml” and “meta”,
“telephone” elements such as “transfer” and
“disconnect”. A small extension module includes
important “sync” and “cancel” elements. The “sync”
element supports synchronization of data entered via
Processing Part
Fig. 3. . The components of an XHTML+Voice
A basic XHTML+Voice multi-modal application
consists of a Namespace Declaration, a Visual Part, a
Voice Part and a Processing Part. The Namespace
Declaration for a typical XHTML+Voice applications
is written in XHTML, with additional declarations for
VoiceXML, and XML-events. The Visual Part of an
XHTML+Voice application is XHTML code that is
used to display the various form elements to the
devices’ screen, if available. This can be ordinary
XHTML code and may include check boxes and other
form items that are found in a typical form. The Voice
Part of an application is the section of code that is used
to prompt the user for a desired field within a form.
This VoiceXML code utilizes an external grammar
to define the possible field choices. If there are many
choices or combination of choices is required, the
external grammar can be used to handle the valid
combinations. The processing part of the application
contains the code that is used to perform the needed
instructions for each of the various events[5].
3 The Conversational Browser
3.1 Conceptual Model
The conversational browser transforms voice-only
web pages into multi-modal web pages that include
visual as well as voice elements to support
multi-modal user interactions. By using our
conversational browser, a mobile user with a small
screen can access the existing VoiceXML-based IVR
applications via voice as well as visual interactions.
The effects of this supplement – adding visual
interaction in voice-only applications is more
convenient to users than the effects of the reverse case
– adding voice interactions in visual-only applications.
Fig.4 describes the conceptual model of our
conversational browser.
modules – a VoiceXML Parser, a VoceXMLtoX+V
Converter, and a XHTML+Voice Interpreter. Also,
the conversational browser needs external systems for
voice interactions such as a text to speech(TTS)
engine and a speech recognizer, and a javascript
engine for executing scripts. In the case of mobile
devices, the TTS and speech recognizer have to be
located in other platforms.
Fig.4 The Conceptual Model of Conversational
The conversational browser fetches VoiceXML
pages from web servers that the user wants to access
and analyzes what elements in the VoiceXML pages
can be visualized. And then the conversational
browser converts the original VoiceXML pages into
the XHTML+Voice pages with the same scenario.
The conversion process is divided into four parts – a
VoiceXML part, a XHTML part, an Event part, and a
Namespace part. In the VoiceXML part, the
conversational browser transforms the elements in
original VoiceXML pages into the modularized
VoiceXML elements allowed in XHTML+Voice. In
the XHTML part, the conversational browser adds
new XHTML elements for visualizing some
VoiceXML elements. For example, a “prompt”
element in VoiceXML gives users to any information
by saying through TTS engines. This “prompt”
element could be changed to a “label” element in
XHTML+Voice and showed in the form of a text
string on the screen. The “field” element in
VoiceXML is an input element to be gathered from the
user. This could be changed to an input element with a
“textbox” attribute in XHTML+Voice and showed in
the form of a text box on the screen. The Event part is
for combining visual and voice elements for
synchronizing inputs generated from different
modalities. The Namespace part is for making
variables defined in the original VoiceXML pages to
be used in new generated XHTML elements.
The results of conversion produce XHTML+Voice
pages including voice as well as visual elements.
Finally, conversational browser executes the
XHTML+Voice pages.
3.2 Architecture
Fig.5 describes an architecture of the conversational
browser. The conversational browser consists of three
VoiceXML Parser
DOM Tree
DOM Tree
DOM Tree
XHTML+Voice Interpreter
VoiceXML Form Interpreter
X+V Viewer
Event Manager
Text To Speech/Speech Recognizer
JavaScript Engine
Fig. 5 The architecture of conversational browser
3.2.1 VoiceXML Parser
A VoiceXML Parser generates a DOM tree by
parsing an input VoiceXML page. The generated
DOM tree is transmitted to a VoiceXML-to-X+V
converter that transforms a voice-only modal
application into a multi-modal application.
3.2.2 VoiceXML-to-X+V Converter
A VoiceXML-to-X+V converter creates a
XHTML+Event dom tree by referencing the
visual-able elements of the VoiceXML dom tree,
delete and edit the some elements in the original
VoiceXML dom tree.
Fig. 6 shows roughly the VoceXML-to-X+V
converter’s execution flows. First, the converter
creates a new XHTML+Event dom tree that includes
only a head element and a body element. And then, the
converter executes as following steps until all
elements in the VoiceXML dom tree are visited.
In case of a “block” element that contains
executable content, there are two cases – one includes
a “pcdata” and the other includes a “submit” element.
In case of the “pcdata”, the original meaning is the
TTS engine to read the contents. Therefore the
converter adds <P> elements in the created dom tree
for visualizing in a text-form. In case of a “submit”,
the meaning is to submit values to the specific server.
The converter adds an <input> node in the created tree
and delete the submit node in the original VoiceXML
tree. The reason of deleting is that host language for
multi-modal descriptions is not VoiceXML but
XHTML. So, the same functions of “submit” is
defined in XHTML.
Interpreter executes the modularized VoiceXML dom
tree and calls a TTS engine or a Speech Recognizer
that is distributed in networked environments. An
X+V Viewer shows the visual items on the screen and
transmits user’s input event to the Event Manager. The
Event Manager is to call the handler of the user’s input
event – focus, click, etc. and synchronizes data entered
via either a speech or a visual input.
Create new DOM tree
Node? in VoiceXML
Block ?
Field ?
Add form node in X+V
Add label node in X+V
Add P node in X+V
Add input node in X+V
Define Event & Handl er
Delete Submit in VoiceXML
Add input node in X+V
Define Event & Handl er
Add link node in X+V
Prompt to Label
Add input node in X+V
Define Event & Handl er
Fig. 6 VoiceXML-to-X+V conerter’s execution flow
3.2.2 VoiceXML-to-X+V Converter
A “field” element specifies an input item to be
gathered from the user. So the converter has to
visualize this item for allowing a multi-modal input.
The converter adds a new form node in the generated
dom tree and add a new “label” node for informing
what input the application want. And also, the
converter adds a new “input” node in the created dom
tree for gathering data from the user and connects the
visual element with the field element in VoiceXML.
The connection between a visual element and a voice
element is needed for synchronizing both modalities.
If a user reply by saying, the recognition result has to
be showed in a text field. Even though in a reverse
case, the input result also has to be transmitted to the
VoiceXML Form Interpreter.
In case of a “menu” element, the converter adds a
new “label” node in the created dom tree for informing
what the menu means. Also for a “choice” element, the
converter adds the necessary numbers of link nodes in
the created dom tree. In case of a “grammar” element,
the converter adds a new “input” node in the created
dom tree for selecting which items the user want and
defines an event and its handler.
3.2.3 XHTML+Voice Interpreter
An XHTML+Voivce(X+V) Interpreter consists of
three parts – a VoiceXML Form Interpreter, an X+V
Viewer, and an Event Manager. A VoiceXML Form
Also, the X+V Interpreter calls the JavaScript
Engine in the case of scripts included in the
VoiceXML pages.
3.3 An Example
This section describes the processing steps of the
conversational browser using a simple example. If a
user accesses a VoiceXML-based service (Example 2)
on his mobile device, the user would listen a
VoiceXML-based system saying - “Would you like
coffee, tea, milk or nothing?” and then answer one of
the items.
<vxml xmlns… >
<field name=”drink”>
<prompt> Would you like coffee, tea, milk, or
nothing? </prompt>
root=”r2” version=”1.0”>
<rule id=”r2” scope=”public”>
Example 2. A simple VoiceXML file
The processing steps of this service in the
conversational browser are as follows. First, the
VoiceXML parser generates a VoiceXML dom tree by
parsing Example 2 as shown in Fig. 7-a.
stopped. This “cancel” button is used when the user
doesn’t want voice modality.
4 Related Works
Our research is related to two separated domains –
automatically converting markup languages for
web-based applications and multi-modal web
Until recently, the researches for converting markup
languages have mainly focused on HTML to
VoiceXML. IBM developed a commercial product –
WebSphere Transcoding Publisher that includes a
HTML-to-VoiceXML transcoder[11].
Fig.7 Converting VoiceXML into XHTML+Voice
And then the VoiceXML-to-X+V converter inputs
Fig. 7-a dom tree, changes it into a modularized dom
tree as Fig.7-b, and generates a new XHTML+Event
dom as Fig. 7-c. In this case, “field: drink” in Fig. 7-b
is synchronized with “input:radio”s in Fig. 7-c. The
XHTML+Voice Interpreter executes two dom trees in
Fig. 7-b and 7-c as Fig. 8.
Event: Click
“Would you
Fig. 8. XHTML+Voice web page
If the user clicks a label “Would you…”, he could
listen the TTS engine’s saying as “Would you…”. At
this time, users could say or click whatever he likes. If
the user clicks a “Submit” button, the conversational
browser sends the input value to a server. If user clicks
a “Cancel” button, the VoiceXML interpreter is
Frankie James proposed a framework for
developing a set of guidelines for designing audio
interfaces to HTML called the Auditory HTML access
system[12]. Stuart Goose et al. proposed an approach
for converting HTML to VoxML that is very similar to
VoiceXML[3]. Gopal Gupata et al. have proposed an
approach for translating HTML to VoiceXML that is
based on denotational semantics and logic
programming[13]. These researches considered only
uni-modality – visual-only or voice-only. The
previous works is to reuse the affluent HTML web
Recently, the researches about multi-modal web
browsers are based on Speech Application Language
Tags(SALT)[14] or XHTML+Voice[4]. SALT tags
are added to an HTML document so that users with a
special browser can interact with the Web using
graphics and voice at the same time. In
XHTML+Voice, existing VoiceXML tags are
integrated to XHTML.
In this paper, we use XHTML+Voice markup
language for describing multi-modal interactions
because our goal is to access the existing
VoiceXML-based IVR applications via multi-modal
[4] Chirs Cross, Jonny Axelsson, Gerald McCobb,
T.V. Raman, and Les Wilson, “XHTML+Voice
Profile 1.1”,
5 Conclusions
[6] X. Huang, A., et. al. “MiPAD: a multimodal
intereaction prototype”, International Conference on
Acoustics, Signal and Speech Processing, vol. 1,
pp.7-11, May 2001.
Even though many people use mobile devices with
small screens, they always have accessed the
VoiceXML-based IVR applications via voice-only
modality. In the case of uni-modality, particularly
voice-only modality, most users tend to connect a
human operator directly by ignoring interaction with
IVR systems. Because the existing IVR systems
burden people with inconvenience such as paying
attentions not to forget what items he select or
repeatedly confirming a user’s speech input is valid or
To resolve these problems on mobile devices, we
suggested a new conversational browser that supports
the user to access the existing VoiceXML-based IVR
applications via multi-modal interactions. The
conversational browser fetches the existing
VoiceXML-based IVR applications and converts in
the forms of multi-modal applications based on
XHTML+Voice. By using this conversational browser,
users can select which modality he use according to
his circumstance, use visual and voice modalities at
the same time, and know in advance what items could
be selected without TTS engine’s saying.
multi-modality have focused on adding the voice
modality in visual web applications. But the effects of
adding the voice modality are not more powerful than
the effects of the reverse case - adding the visual
modality in the voice-only IVR applications.
[1] Chetan Sharma, Jeff Kunins, VoiceXML:
Strategies and Techniques for Effective Voice
Application Development with VoiceXML2.0, John
Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2002.
[2] Zhuyan Shao, Robert Capra and Manuel A.
Perez-Quinones, “Transcoding HTML to VoiceXML
Using Annotations,” Proceedings of ICTAI 2003.
[3] Goose S, Newman M, Schmidt C and Hue L,
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WWW9/Computer Networks, 33(1-6):583-592, 2000.
[5] IBM Pervasive Computing, “Developing
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January 2003.
[7] Georg Niklfeld, et. al. “Multimodal Interface
Architecture for Mobile Data Services”, Proceedings
of TCMC2001 Workshop on Wearable Computing,
Graz, 2001.
[8] Zouheir Trabelsi, et. al. “Commerce and
Businesses: A voice and ink XML multimodal
architecture for mobile e-commerce systems”,
Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on
Mobile commerce, September 2002.
[9] Alpana Tiwari, et. al. “Conversational
Multi-modal Browser: An Integrated Multi-modal
Browser and Dialog Manager”, 2003 Symposium on
Applications and the Internet, Jan. 2003, pp.27-31.
[10] Scott McGlashan, et. al. “Voice Extensible
Markup Language(VoiceXML) Version 2.0”,
[11] Nichelle Hopson, “WebSphere Transcoding
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[12] James F., “Presenting HTML Structure in Audio:
User Satisfaction with Audio Hyper-text”,
Proceedings of the International Conference on
Auditory Display, pp. 97-103, November 1997.
[13] G. Gupta, O. El Khatib, M. F. Noamany, H. Guo,
“Building the Tower of Babel: Converting XML
Documents to VoiceXML for Accessibility”,
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on
Computers helping people with special needs, pp.
[14] Speech Application Tags 1.0 Spec.,
.asp, July 2002.