Ministry of agriculture, fisheries and rural development Agriculture pollution control project Pressure on Croatian water resources caused by nitrates and phosphorus of agricultural origin Dr Darko Znaor Pressure on Croatian water resources caused by nitrates and phosphorus of agricultural origin DRAFT Ministry of Agriculture, Fishery and Rural Development Agricultural Pollution Control Programe for Croatia Dr Darko Znaor Project nitrate policy and nitrate management consultant Independent Consultant Tarthorst 204 6709 JG Wageningen The Netherlands Tel: +31 61 34 44 505 E-mail: April, 2011 This report has been carried out with support from the Global Environmental Facility Fund CONTENTS 1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION ................................................................................................... 6 2 AGRICULTURAL LAND USE ........................................................................................................ 7 3 4 5 6 7 8 2.1 Land use categories recorded by EUROSTAT ...................................................................................... 7 2.2 Agricultural land use in Croatia .............................................................................................................. 9 2.3 Conclusions and policy recommendations ........................................................................................... 18 CONSUMPTION OF SYNTHETIC FERTILISERS ....................................................................... 19 3.1 Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development ................................................................... 19 3.2 Central Bureau of Statistics .................................................................................................................. 19 3.3 The International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA) ......................................................................... 21 3.4 The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN (FAO) .................................................................... 24 3.5 Petrokemija d.d..................................................................................................................................... 25 3.6 Environment Agency ............................................................................................................................ 25 3.7 Overview on fertiliser consumption data discrepancies ....................................................................... 26 3.8 Synthetic fertiliser consumption: Croatia vs. EU Member States ......................................................... 29 3.9 Conclusions and policy recommendations ........................................................................................... 35 NITROGEN AND PHOSPHOROUS LOAD FROM LIVESTOCK excreta ..................................... 37 4.1 Livestock statistics in Croatia ............................................................................................................... 37 4.2 Nutrient load from livestock excreta ..................................................................................................... 39 4.3 Nutrients load from livestock excreta: Croatia vs. EU Member States ................................................ 43 4.4 Conclusions and policy recommendations ........................................................................................... 49 TOTAL NITROGEN AND PHOSPHOROUS LOAD ..................................................................... 51 5.1 Synthetic fertiliser and livestock excreta load in Croatia ...................................................................... 51 5.2 Comparison of nutrients load from synthetic fertilizers and livestock excreta in Croatia and EU Member States ..................................................................................................................................... 52 5.3 Conclusions and policy recommendations ........................................................................................... 56 GROSS NITROGEN BALANCE .................................................................................................. 57 6.1 Previous and new calculations ............................................................................................................. 57 6.2 Experimental results on N losses into water ........................................................................................ 60 6.3 Conclusions and policy recommendations ........................................................................................... 62 GROSS PHOSPHOROUS BALANCE ......................................................................................... 63 7.1 Previous and new calculations ............................................................................................................. 63 7.2 Conclusions and policy recommendations ........................................................................................... 67 GROSS POTASSIUM BALANCE ................................................................................................ 68 8.1 Previous and new calculations ............................................................................................................. 68 8.2 Conclusions and policy recommendations ........................................................................................... 69 9 NUTRIENT EFFICIENCY AND LOW YIELDS ............................................................................. 70 9.1 Nutrient efficiency ................................................................................................................................. 70 9.2 Why does Croatian agriculture attain low yields? ................................................................................ 71 9.3 Conclusions and policy recommendations ........................................................................................... 75 10 APPORTIONMENT ASSESSMENT OF NITROGEN AND PHOSPHOROUS PRESSURE ......... 76 10.1 Share of sectors in N and P pressure on Croatian water resources .................................................... 78 10.2 Conclusions and policy recommendations ........................................................................................... 79 11 APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................. 80 11.1 Agricultural land use in Croatia ............................................................................................................ 80 11.2 CORINE Land Cover statistics for Croatia ........................................................................................... 81 11.3 Availability of forage areas in Mediterranean EU countries in 2007 and Mediterranean Croatia in 2009 ...................................................................................................................................................... 82 11.4 Fertiliser consumption in Croatia according to the Statistical Yearbook .............................................. 83 11.5 Fertiliser consumption by Croatian family farms (extrapolated from Statistical Yearbook 2010) ........ 84 11.6 Fertiliser consumption by Croatian legal entities and family farms ...................................................... 85 11.7 Fertiliser consumption according to production, import and export data of CBS, Croatia ................... 86 11.8 Fertiliser production, imports, export and consumption in Croatia ....................................................... 87 11.9 Consumption of straight and compound fertilisers in Croatia .............................................................. 88 11.10 Fertiliser consumption in Croatia in the period 1998–2008 .................................................................. 88 11.11 Fertiliser consumption in Croatia by product ........................................................................................ 89 11.12 Fertiliser consumption in Croatia as recorded by the FAO .................................................................. 90 11.13 Fertiliser consumption in Croatia according to different sources ......................................................... 91 11.14 Comparison of IFA and FAO fertiliser consumption data for the EU-27 .............................................. 92 11.15 Nitrogen fertiliser consumption in the EU ............................................................................................. 93 11.16 Phosphate fertiliser consumption in the EU ......................................................................................... 94 11.17 Potassium fertiliser consumption in the EU .......................................................................................... 95 11.18 Total nutrients (N, P2O5 and K2O) consumption from synthetic fertilisers in the EU ............................ 96 11.19 Utilised agricultural area (UAA) in the EU (‘000 ha) ............................................................................. 97 11.20 Consumption of nitrogen from synthetic fertilisers in the EU ............................................................... 98 11.21 Consumption of phosphate from synthetic fertilisers in the EU ........................................................... 99 11.22 Consumption of potassium from synthetic fertilisers in the EU .......................................................... 100 11.23 Conversion factors used to calculate LUS ......................................................................................... 101 11.24 Population trend of livestock in Croatia .............................................................................................. 102 11.25 Livestock units 2000–2008 in Croatia ................................................................................................ 103 11.26 Average annual (2000–2008) nutrient load from livestock in Croatia ................................................ 104 11.27 Nutrients from livestock excreta produced and applied onto Croatian agricultural land .................... 105 11.28 Nutrients load from livestock excreta ................................................................................................. 106 11.29 Total nutrients load from fertilisers and livestock excreta .................................................................. 107 11.30 Gross nitrogen balance for Croatia in 2006 ....................................................................................... 108 11.31 Gross phosphorous balance for Croatia in 2006 ................................................................................ 108 11.32 Gross potassium balance for Croatia in 2006 .................................................................................... 109 11.33 Crop nutrient requirements ................................................................................................................. 110 11.34 Crop nutrient recovery ........................................................................................................................ 111 11.35 Source apportionment of N and P inputs into the aquatic environment ............................................. 112 11.36 Environmental pressure from N and P onto Croatian water resources in 2008 ................................. 113 12 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................... 114 Chapter 1: Background information 1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION Agricultural pollution control in the Danube Watershed Under the Danube - Black Sea Strategic Partnership Program - Nutrient Reduction Investment Fund, the Government of Croatia has requested and received $5 million assistance from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) for an Agricultural Pollution Control Project (APCP) to implement pilot actions for controlling nutrient discharge in the Danube River Watershed. The GEF assistance is part of a larger $15 million World Bank project aimed at supporting Croatia's efforts in protecting the Danube Watershed from adverse agricultural practices. Project objectives The global environmental objective of the project is to reduce the discharge of nutrients into surface and groundwater in watersheds draining into the Danube River and Black Sea. The specific project objective is to increase significantly the use of environmentally friendly agricultural practices by farmers in Croatia’s Pannonian plain in order to reduce nutrient discharge from agricultural sources to surface and ground water bodies. Project set-up The project is co-ordinated by the World Bank and the Croatian Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (MAFRD). A team of international and Croatian consultants has been engaged to undertake an in-depth analysis of the feasibility of the proposed actions, select project regions and design project activities protecting the Danube Watershed from nutrient discharge deriving from agricultural practices. Task of nitrate policy and nitrate management advisor Dr Darko Znaor acts as nitrate policy and nitrate management advisor to the project. MAFRD has requested him to produce a study providing a comprehensive overview on the pressure on Croatian water resources caused by nitrates and phosphorous of agricultural origin. The study should contain data and analysis on: Agricultural land use statistics Consumption of synthetic fertilizers Nitrogen and phosphorus load from livestock excreta The total nitrogen and phosphorus load from synthetic fertilizers and livestock excreta A comparison of nitrogen and phosphorus load (per hectare of utilized agricultural area) from synthetic fertilizers and livestock excreta in Croatia and EU Member States The surface nitrogen balance for Croatia, according to OECD methodology. Source apportionment of nitrogen and phosphorus pressure in Croatia arising from point and non-point sources. The assessment should indicate the share of agriculture-induced nitrogen and phosphorus pressure, compared to the pressure deriving from background pollution, industry, the population sector (settlements) and any other relevant source. 6 Chapter 2: Agricultural land use 2 AGRICULTURAL LAND USE Why it is important to understand agricultural land use? A proper understanding of the statistics on the land use in Croatia is essential since the entire assessment of nitrogen and phosphorus pressure on Croatian water resources is based on the data on agricultural land use. The agricultural land use in Croatia has been a source of dispute among Croatian agronomists. The debate about how much agricultural land Croatia has, and how much it utilises, has been going on since the Agricultural Census from 2003 (CBS, 2003a) showed that Croatia has nearly three times less agricultural land than registered in the outdated cadastre maps. A smaller agricultural area leads to a higher per hectare consumption of nutrients from synthetic fertilisers, livestock manure and other sources. Knowing the precise per hectare nutrients consumption (notably nitrogen and phosphorus) is the heart of the matter since this allows us to compare Croatian consumption with the consumption in other countries. The Croatian authorities regularly report relatively low per hectare nutrient/fertiliser consumption (ICID, 2001; MPŠ, 2003; MPŠVG, 2006; MZOPU, 2002; VRH, 2003). However, these figures should be treated with caution since they contain a methodological mistake: the estimated nutrient consumption is divided by a non-existent 2-3 million hectares of agricultural land. Structure of this Chapter This Chapter is an attempt to provide a contribution to a better understanding on the agricultural land use in Croatia. It begins with an overview of the agricultural land use records kept by EUROSTAT. Understanding this is essential as it will help in understanding what EUROSTAT means under a particular land use category – as well as to understand the discrepancies between EUROSTAT and Croatian statistics on the issues. The second part of this Chapter presents and discusses Croatian agricultural land use statistics. 2.1 Land use categories recorded by EUROSTAT Functional dimension of land use EUROSTAT records agricultural land use in terms of its functional dimension. In other words, agricultural land area is recorded according to its agricultural (production) purpose. All major agricultural land use categories recorded by EUROSTAT are presented below and their definitions are taken and quoted from the relevant EUROSTAT databases. Utilised agricultural area Utilised agricultural area (UAA), in the EUROSTAT statistics often coded as “AGRAREA” is the total area taken up by arable land, permanent grassland, permanent crops and kitchen gardens used by the holdings, regardless of the type of tenure or whether it is used as common land (EUROSTAT, 2011j). It refers to the total area used for crop production, which is exhaustively described as: arable land including temporary grassing and fallow and green manure, permanent grassland, land under permanent crops (e.g. fruit and grapes), crops under glass and other utilised agricultural areas. The utilised agricultural area in some EUROSTAT publications/databases is not fully compatible and comparable because of different interpretations of the area concepts. The data relaying on the statistics whose source is the Farm Structure 7 Chapter 2: Agricultural land use Survey do not include areas outside the farm, whereas these areas are, in principle, included in some other figures referring to utilised agricultural area (EUROSTAT, 2011j). In the Community vineyard register "utilised agricultural area" means the total area taken up by arable land, permanent pasture and meadow, land used for permanent crops and kitchen gardens (EUROSTAT, 2011j). Agricultural area in use (AAU) Agricultural area in use (AAU) is the total area of arable land, permanent pasture and meadows, land under permanent crops and family gardens (EUROSTAT, 2011a). Basically, it means the same as utilised agricultural area (UAA). Cropped area Cropped area refers to the area that corresponds to the total sown area for producing a specific crop during a given year (EUROSTAT, 2011c). Temporary grass Temporary grass means grass plants for grazing, hay or silage included as a part of a normal crop rotation, lasting at least one crop year and less than five years, sown with grass or grass-clover mixtures. These areas are broken up by ploughing or other tilling or the plants are destroyed by other means as by herbicides before they are sown again. Mixtures of predominantly grass plants and other forage crops (usually leguminous), grazed, harvested green or as dried hay are included here (EUROSTAT, 2011h). Fallow land All arable land included in the crop rotation system, whether worked or not, but with no intention to produce a harvest for the duration of a crop year is called fallow land (EUROSTAT, 2011d). The essential characteristic of fallow land is that it is left to recover, normally for the whole of a crop year. Fallow land may be: 1. bare land bearing no crops at all 2. land with spontaneous natural growth, which may be used as feed or ploughed in 3. land sown exclusively for the production of green manure (green fallow). Other land Eurostat’s agricultural statistics records (under code “H”) also include a category called “other land”. This includes: 1. unutilised agricultural land 2. wooded area 3. land occupied by buildings, farmyards, tracks, ponds, quarries, infertile land, rock, etc. (EUROSTAT, 2011g). Unutilised agricultural land Unutilised agricultural land is the agricultural land which is no longer farmed, for economic, social or other reasons, and which is not used in the crop rotation system, i.e. land where no agricultural use is intended. This land could be brought back into cultivation using the resources normally available on an agricultural holding (EUROSTAT, 2011i). Wooded area Wooded area comprises areas covered with trees or forest shrubs, including poplar plantations inside or outside woods and forest-tree nurseries grown in woodland for the holding’s own requirements, as well as forest facilities (forest roads, storage depots for timber, etc.) (EUROSTAT, 2011k). The wooded area can be either for commercial or non-commercial use. 8 Chapter 2: Agricultural land use Natural colonization of non-forest land Eurostat also records natural colonisation of non-forest land with forest trees through stages of natural succession without human intervention. Natural colonization may frequently occur after other (non-forest) land has been abandoned or withdrawn from its former utilization, e.g. farming or pasturing (EUROSTAT, 2011f). Natural conversion of other wooded land to forest is a result of natural processes. The process may occur without intentional intervention by man, but may be aided by human interventions such as the withdrawal of animal grazing from the land allowing tree regeneration to succeed, soil scarification, or actions to protect the area from fire, over-cutting, etc (EUROSTAT, 2011f). 2.2 Agricultural land use in Croatia 2.2.1 Sources of statistical data Statistics until 2003 Until 2003 the only sources of official information on agricultural land use were the Statistical Yearbooks (CBS, 1991-2003) published annually by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). According to these, the agricultural land area in Croatia covers 3.15 million hectares and this area has remained stable over time. The Statistical Yearbooks indicated a rather bipolar land use pattern, with arable and permanent crops occupying nearly half (45%) of the total area and grassland occupying the other half (56%). Agricultural census 2003 In 2003 the CBS performed an agricultural census (CBS, 2003a) – the first since Croatia gained independence. The census gave quite a different picture on agricultural land use, suggesting that the total agricultural area in use is nearly three times smaller – just 1.1 million hectares, of which about 80% is made up of arable land and permanent crops and 20% of grassland. This huge discrepancy is due to the different methodologies employed in making the assessments of the agricultural land use (CBS, 2007c). The Statistical Yearbook data are derived from expert estimates based on the land survey register. This register was last updated at the beginning of the 20th century when Croatia belonged to the Austro-Hungarian Empire (GRC, 2003). As such it is unlikely to be a source of reliable information or the basis for a sound estimate on the present land use. The census, however, was based on a detailed survey run among all registered agricultural companies and nearly all agricultural households. It recorded data on the actual land use and is most likely to give a much more precise estimate. Land use data comparison from 2004 Surprisingly, the release of the census data on agricultural land use did not provoke discussion until three months after a report was published by Znaor and Karoglan Todorović (2004). This study compared the census data with two other, but unrelated, sources also giving an indication on the present use of agricultural land and land cover: a satellite image of habitats from 2000 (SINP, 2004), provided by the State Institute for Nature Protection (SINP) and the Farm Register maintained by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management (MAFWM, 2004b). The figures on agricultural land use from both sources corresponded much better with the census than with the data presented in the Statistical Yearbooks. The satellite map suggests that 9 Chapter 2: Agricultural land use in 2000, Croatia had 1.4 million hectares of agricultural land in use while in 2004 only 0.85 million hectares were inscribed in the Farm Register. This register includes all farms which have ever received direct payments from the MAFWM, as well as all smallholdings selling their produce at local markets. ... triggered a dispute Consequently, the study concluded that it is reasonable to believe that the census data are very likely to reflect the present reality and that the previously published data on agricultural land use from the Statistical Yearbooks should be considered as outdated and unreliable. This conclusion caused disputes within the National Committee for Agriculture (Maceljski, 2005) and provoked the agri-chemical industry and the scientific community close to it to send letters of protest (CSSS, 2004; Petrokemija, 2004; PPC, 2004) to the Minister of Agriculture. These could not accept the study’s suggestion that the “shrunken” agricultural area also means that Croatia’s per hectare consumption of fertilisers and pesticides is much higher than previously reported. ... and a change However, the Ministry of Agriculture acknowledged the approach presented in this study by adopting the census data in all its key policy documents that followed (MAFWM, 2004a; MAFWM, 2006a; MAFWM, 2006b; MAFWM, 2006c; MAFWM, 2007). Similarly, in 2005 the CBS abandoned its sixty year long tradition of assessing agricultural land use on the basis of the outdated land survey register (CBS, 2006). Instead it introduced a survey method covering about 11,000 agricultural households (2.4% of the total). The survey showed that both in 2005 and 2006 there were 1.2 million hectares of agricultural land in use (just 10% more than according to the census), reconfirming the validity of the census figures for 2003 (CBS, 2007c). The agricultural land use data before 2005 have been revised accordingly and the data provided in the recent Statistical Year Books and other publications are consistent and harmonised with the EUROSTAT methodology. 2.2.2 Utilised agricultural area (UAA) UAA according to the CBS According to the revised data, in the period 2000–2009 Croatia’s utilised agricultural area ranged between 1 168 705 ha in 2000, up to 1 299 582 ha in 2009 (Figure 1). The CBS defines utilised agricultural area as the total surface land that was used for crop production in the year in question. It covers arable land and gardens, kitchen gardens, orchards, olive groves, meadows and pastures, nurseries, vineyards and land with basket willow (osier). Kitchen gardens here are defined as areas scheduled for growing crops (mostly vegetables) that are primarily intended for household consumption and not for sale. 10 Chapter 2: Agricultural land use 1.350.000 Hectares 1.300.000 1.250.000 1.200.000 1.150.000 1.100.000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Figure 1: Utilised agricultural area (after CBS, 2010) Share of major land use categories With a share of 67%, in 2009 arable land occupied by far the most UAA (Figure 2). It is followed by permanent grassland (meadows and pastures) which accounted for 26% of UAA. Orchards covered 3% of UAA, the same as vineyards. Olive groves, nurseries and osier willows occupied 1% of UAA. A detailed overview of the share of major agricultural land use categories in the period 2000 – 2009 is presented in Appendix 11.1. 3% 3% 1% Arable land Permanent grassland 26% Orchards 67% Vineyards Olive groves, nurseries & osier willows Figure 2: Share of major agricultural land use categories (after CBS, 2010) 11 Chapter 2: Agricultural land use Farm Register In 2003 the Ministry of Agriculture established a Farm Register. This database includes all farms/land receiving direct payments, as well as all smallholdings selling their produce at local markets. In 2009 the Farm Register encompassed 1,036,490 ha, representing 80% of the UAA (as registered by CBS). Arable land accounted for 76% and permanent grassland for 15% of the area. Orchards and vineyards occupied 4% (2% each); forest 3% and other land 1% (olive groves, reed-beds, unfertile land and other) of the Farm Register area. 2.2.3 CORINE Land Cover What is CORINE Land Cover? Corine Land Cover (CLC) is a map of the European environmental landscape based on interpretation of satellite images. The land cover project is part of the CORINE (Coordination of information on the environment) programme and is intended to provide consistent localised geographical information on the land cover of the Member States of the European Community. Recently, Croatia has also been included in the CLC system. According to the latest reference year (2006), Croatia has an area of 2,284,112 ha under land cover that is associated with agricultural practices, which is nearly as twice as big as the UAA area reported by CBS. Heterogeneous agricultural areas Heterogeneous agricultural areas with complex cultivation patterns (CORINE code 242) occupy 42% of the land (Figure 4). An additional 21% of the area is made up of heterogeneous agricultural areas (CORINE code 243) – land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation. Meadows and pastures account for 19% of the area, while arable land accounts for only 16%. Vineyards, orchards and olive groves cover a tiny 2% of the area. This pattern substantially differs from those reported CBS and the Farm Register (Figure 5). 12 Chapter 2: Agricultural land use Figure 3: Land cover pattern according to CORINE Land Cover (EA, 2011) 13 Chapter 2: Agricultural land use Arable land 16% 21% 2% Vineyards, orchards & olive groves Meadows & pastures 19% 42% Heterogenous, complex cultivation patterns Heterogenous, agric. land with natural vegetation Figure 4: Land cover pattern according to CORINE Land Cover (after (EA, 2011) Land cover vs. land use The distinction between land cover and land use is fundamental, and the two are often confused. Land cover is the observed physical cover, as seen from the ground or through remote sensing, including natural or planted vegetation and human constructions (buildings, roads, etc.) which cover the earth's surface. Land use is based upon function, the purpose for which the land is being use. It should be noted that CORINE Land Cover deals only with land cover and not land use (EPA, 2011). CORINE land cover is primarily used for mapping the type and distribution of habitats and not for determining agricultural land use and practices. EA uses CORINE as reference area The Croatian Environment Agency (EA) has been using CORINE Land Cover data and the area of 2.3 million ha to determine per hectare consumption of mineral fertilisers in Croatia (EA, 2011). By doing this it lowers the actual consumption of fertilisers and disables comparison with consumption in other countries. ... though this is not done in the EU It should be noted that no EU Member State uses CORINE Land Cover as the area basis for determining per hectare use of agricultural inputs. The same goes for EUROSTAT and the European Environment Agency (EEA). Both organisations base their calculations on UAA and not CORINE Land Cover. CORINE operates at 25 ha scale grids Last but not least – it is essential to point that CORINE Land Cover has a serious methodological shortcoming, which in the case of Croatia makes it particularly unsuitable and imperfect. The smallest mapping scale unit applied in CORINE images for Croatia is 25 ha! CORINE images are unable to detect anything finer than this. Having in mind that agricultural land in Croatia is extremely fragmented and small, it is very unlikely that CORINE is the right “tool” to determine agricultural land in Croatia. Its precision is even more disputable in the Croatian karst region, where CORINE registers most agricultural land, so called 14 Chapter 2: Agricultural land use heterogeneous areas which CORINE presumes are predominantly agricultural. According to CORINE, these account for 68% of the area associated with agricultural practices. However, the fact is that the average farm size of the farms inscribed in the Farm Register in the karst region is 2.0 ha. In Šibenik–Knin County for instance, this is even much smaller – only 0.6 ha. It is therefore no wonder that CORINE which operates at the scale of 25 ha grids cannot “filter” and extract agricultural from non-agricultural land cover. Consequently, it reports a huge heterogeneous “agricultural” area of 1.5 million ha. The difference in hectares between UAA reported by CBS, hectares inscribed in the Farm Register and agricultural Land Cover is presented in Figure 5. (Note that the pink area in the last column indicates 1.5 million ha heterogeneous land). 2.500.000 2.250.000 Hectares 2.000.000 1.750.000 Others/ heterogeneous 1.500.000 Vineyards 1.250.000 Orchards 1.000.000 750.000 Permanent grassland 500.000 250.000 Arable land 0 CBS Farm Register CORINE Figure 5: Agricultural land in 2006 according to different sources (author's calculation after CBS, 2010; EEA, 2011 and MAFRD, 2011) 2.2.4 Do Croatian farmers utilise more land than the CBS records? Evergreen question The question whether Croatian farmers utilise more land than the CBS records is central in all discussions on the per hectare nutrients load in Croatia, notably the per hectare consumption of synthetic fertilisers. This is a legitimate question and the answer deserves to be properly analysed. Outdated cadastre - basis for the land use evaluation The huge discrepancies regarding the agricultural land use data in Croatia are primarily the result of the chaotic situation in the cadastre. 15 Chapter 2: Agricultural land use The Croatian cadastre was last updated at the very beginning of the 20 th century, while Croatia was still part of the Austrian monarchy (VRH, 2000). However, in spite of this the official land use evaluators that were providing land use data to the CBS prior to 2005, based their assessment on cadastre maps. Apart from having used cadastre maps which were decades out of date, the problem was also that this job was done for years by the same people whose estimates were most likely influenced by the data they had submitted in previous years. Legacies of the past The problem regarding inaccurate agricultural land use statistics has been recognised and documented for a long time. Reports from the mid sixties as well as from the early nineties (RZS, 1964; Stipetić, 1991) emphasise cadastral inaccuracy in terms of land use. Stipetić (1991) stresses that Croatia “has less arable land than shown in the cadastre and statistics on crop production”. According to the same sources, it was quite common for evaluators to report the surface under wheat and maize as being 20% greater than actually sown. The same goes for grassland development into shrubs and later forest. This was not recorded either, partly because the owners did not report on it. An additional problem was also cadastre regulations, which “did not accept conversion of arable land into grassland” (RZS, 1964). This is because the municipal land tax was paid according to the land use categories from the cadastre, with arable land, vineyards and orchards being taxed much higher than grassland. Therefore, each municipality claimed to have a large area of agricultural land, particularly under arable and permanent crops (Stipetić, 1991). On the other hand, for the same reason, most farmers did not declare grassland conversion into arable land or permanent crops. This system of land taxing was abolished in 2000. Permanent grassland is the biggest puzzle The biggest dilemma regarding the agricultural land use in Croatia relates to permanent grassland. It is not unlikely that Croatia uses a greater area of permanent grassland than what is recorded in the current statistics. Croatia still has considerable state-owned grassland areas, notably in the karst region. In practice, these can be utilised free of charge and without having obtained a permit from the authorities, notably in remote areas – and most karst grassland is in remote areas. However, due to the rural exodus and abandonment of livestock husbandry in the Croatian karst region, vast areas which used to be pastures and meadows have already been out of production for decades. Consequently, they are overgrown by forest vegetation by now. According to EC classification grassland with a forestry canopy of more than 25% and tree trunks whose diameter is greater than 50 cm cannot longer be classified as agricultural land, but must be classified as forests. CBS disclaimer on permanent grassland The CBS statistics on permanent grassland refer only to the area actually utilised. According to CBS methodology, permanent grassland comprises permanent meadows and grassland. Semi-permanent (temporary) grassland – usually made of sown grass-clover mixtures or alfalfa - is recorded under arable land use statistics. It is worth noticing that for figures on permanent grassland the CBS has a disclaimer stating that “It is estimated that this area is larger due to the fact that the stateowned land is jointly used by more than one family farm for pasture”. 16 Chapter 2: Agricultural land use How large is unrecorded permanent grassland? The key question is: if there was more permanent grassland in use (presumably in the karst region) – how large could this unrecorded area be? This is difficult to estimate. But by relating the current stocking density of grazing livestock (those requiring grass and/or hay: cattle, sheep, goats and equidae) with the forage area, one may get an approximate idea. ... can be estimated From the regional CBS data on the number of grazing livestock (CBS, 2011) and by applying standard EU LSU factors (see Chapter 4.2) it appears that the Croatian Mediterranean region has 68,658 LSU and an area of 141,346 ha permanent grassland, plus an additional area of 18,466 ha on which fodder plants are grown on arable land (CBS, 2011). So in total there are 159,812 ha of fodder area. Dividing the total number of grazing LSU by the permanent grassland it appears that in the Croatian Mediterranean region there are 2.1 ha available to support 1 grazing LSU – or 2.3 ha if the total fodder area is included in the calculation. However, the key question here is whether this area is sufficient to provide enough feed for 1 LU. In case it is not, it is very likely that Croatian farmers in the Mediterranean region utilise more permanent grassland than recorded by CBS (because the recorded area is not able to provide enough fodder). Comparison with EU Mediterranean countries In order to get a proxy answer to this question a comparison is made with the EU Mediterranean countries. The fodder area in these countries (France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Slovenia) is believed to have comparable agro-ecological conditions and productivity as the Croatian Mediterranean region. In other words, the hypothesis is that 1 ha of permanent grassland or total fodder area in Mediterranean Croatia should be able to support a similar number of grazing LSUs as in the EU Mediterranean countries. From the EUROSTAT data it appears that there is a significant variation between these countries. The average grazing livestock density is 0.7 LSU/ha (vs. 2.1 LSU/ha in Croatia) and 3.1 LSU/ha (vs. 2.3 LSU/ha in Croatia) for the total fodder area. From this calculation we can conclude that: 1. Croatia has far more (nearly three times) permanent grassland area per grazing LSU than any of the EU Mediterranean countries. So from this perspective it is unlikely that Croatia uses more grassland area than recorded by CBS. 2. When calculated on the basis of the total fodder area (= permanent grassland + fodder crops on arable land), it appears that Croatia has 25% less area per grazing LSU than the average for the EU Mediterranean countries (though it has more area than France and Slovenia and the same as Greece). Consequently, from this point of view it seems reasonable to argue that Croatia is likely to use an additional 25% grassland area (approximately 40,000 ha) than registered by the CBS. However, it is important to highlight that a more precise assessment of this kind would also have to take into account the type and quantity of feedstuff imported or bought in from other areas, as this is also a strategy for farmers to overcome the problem of grassland shortage or inaccessibility. Grassland in Mediterranean Croatia is not likely to be fertilised Even if we suppose that Croatian farmers use an additional 40,000 ha of grassland, it is very unlikely that this grassland would be fertilised, notably with synthetic fertilisers. Nearly all grassland in Mediterranean 17 Chapter 2: Agricultural land use Croatia is in marginal, remote areas, growing on shallow, rocky soils. These areas are not easily accessible and fertilising them is not economically feasible. They are predominantly used for extensive sheep and goat husbandry, sometimes also for cattle. 2.3 Conclusions and policy recommendations Conclusions Based on the above-presented analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. Statistics on the agricultural land use have been considerably improved over the last few years. However, the CBS still does not provide sufficient data on “other land” use (EUROSTAT code “H”). 2. Approximately 80% of the UAA is now inscribed in the Farm Register. From 265,000 ha “missing” in the Farm Register, the vast majority – 190,000 ha is permanent grassland. 3. The CORINE Land Cover methodology operates in 25 ha scale grids, which in Croatian conditions - with plenty of small plots and fragmented farmland - cannot provide reliable results 4. The Environment Agency uses CORINE Land Cover area as a basis for determining fertiliser consumption per hectare. This is not an appropriate approach as CORINE Land Cover deals only with land cover and not land use. Member States, EUROSTAT or EEA never use CORINE Land Cover area as basis for agricultural statistics. 5. A hypothetical comparison of grazing LSU per ha of total fodder area between Croatia and EU Mediterranean countries suggests that Croatia might utilise an additional area of approximately 40,000 ha permanent grassland – which is not recorded by the CBS. Policy recommendations From the above-presented analysis and conclusions, the following policy recommendations can be made: 1. Encourage CBS in further refinement of the statistics on agricultural land use, notably permanent grassland and “other land”. 2. Discourage the use of CORINE Land Cover area as the basis for per hectare calculations in agriculture. Prevent the usage of the figure 2.3 million hectares of agricultural land in all official publications. 3. In all calculations and publications use the CBS data on agricultural land use. 18 Chapter 3: Consumption of synthetic fertilisers 3 CONSUMPTION OF SYNTHETIC FERTILISERS No reliable statistics Due to the lack of farm accounts, Croatia has no figures on the consumption of agricultural inputs at the farm level. The available statistics consist of aggregated figures at the national level and they vary from source to source. Croatia has no comprehensive statistical method of data collection with regard to the use of agricultural inputs. In other words, all sources used provide only partial data with limited reliability. Thus, the official figures can vary a lot, depending on the source of primary data used and the purpose for which it is gathered. Currently, information on fertiliser use in Croatia is provided by several sources and their estimates are presented below: 3.1 Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development Legal requirement for data The Ordinance on Inscription into the Fertiliser Register (OG, 2007) requires all producers and traders with synthetic fertilisers to be inscribed into the Fertiliser Register by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MAFRD) and to keep the Ministry informed about their production and sales. The fertiliser type, their nutrient content and produced/sold quantity should be reported to the MAFRD. However, this database is still under development and no precise data on fertiliser consumption can be obtained and derived from it yet. 3.2 Central Bureau of Statistics Data provided in Statistical Yearbooks The Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) provides data on fertiliser consumption in its Statistical Yearbooks. The figures are derived from two sources: annual statistical reports from agricultural companies and estimates based on questionnaires carried out among some 9,000 family farms. While the data on the usage of fertilisers by companies should be quite accurate, estimates based on interviewing representatives of a limited number of farms are certainly less accurate. Data extrapolation for family farms Although the data on the total fertiliser consumption are provided both for legal entities and family farms, this is not the case with nutrients. CBS provides data on nutrients (active ingredients) consumption only for legal entities – and not for family farms. However, these can be extrapolated by subtracting from the total fertiliser consumption the amount consumed by legal entities. This results in fertiliser consumption by family farms and provides us a consumption ration between legal entities and family farms (depending from the year, this range from 1.0:1.0 to 1.0:2.5). Multiplication of this ration with the quantity of nutrients consumed by legal entities gives us an indication about what the nutrient (N, P2O5 and K2O) consumption by family farms might have been in a particular year. Figure 6 and Appendices 11.4, 11.5 and 11.6 offer an indication about fertiliser consumption by Croatian legal entities and family farms in the period 2000–2008. 19 Chapter 3: Consumption of synthetic fertilisers 200,000 175,000 tonnes 150,000 Total nutrients N P2O K2O 125,000 100,000 75,000 50,000 25,000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Figure 6: Nutrients consumption by Croatian legal entities and family farms (author's calculation, data extrapolated from Statistical Yearbook 2010; CBS, 2010) Data on fertiliser production, import and export CBS statistics contain very precise data on fertiliser production and their import and export. However these are available only as “raw” data at the level of each product and the country from which it has been imported or to which it has been exported. “Filtering” these data is very laborious work. It requires not only knowledge of industrial products and their custom codes, but also good knowledge on fertiliser products and their nutrient content. Consequently, CBS does not use these data. However, there have been some independent efforts to “filter“ this data and use them assuming that the sum of fertiliser production and import, with exports deducted, would yield reliable figures on fertiliser consumption, notably if used for multiple year series (this eliminates potential errors caused by produced and imported fertilisers whose sale has not been realised in the same year). A detailed calculation of the Croatian fertiliser based on the data of domestically produced, imported and exported fertilisers has been presented by Znaor et al., 2005 and Znaor 2008 (Figure 7 and Chapter 11.7). According to these, the average annual consumption of nutrients (N, K2O and P2O5) in the period 2001-2006 was 203,918 t, of which nitrogen fertilisers contributed with 117,156 t, phosphate fertilisers with 41,434 t and potassium fertilisers with 45,328 t. 20 Chapter 3: Consumption of synthetic fertilisers 250.000 225.000 200.000 Total nutrients N P2O K2O tonnes 175.000 150.000 125.000 100.000 75.000 50.000 25.000 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Figure 7: Fertiliser consumption in Croatia (Znaor, 2008 after CBS, 2008) Agricultural census The agricultural census (CBS, 2003a) does not provide information about the total or per hectare consumption of fertilisers, but it does provide data on the land area treated. According to these, in 2003 fertilisers were spread on as much as 755,517 hectares - an area that is equal to 70% of the total UAA or 93% of arable land. 3.3 IFA database The International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA) The International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA) provides a detailed overview on the type and quantities of fertilisers consumed in Croatia in the period 1994-2004. The source of IFA's data for Croatia is its member, the sole Croatia fertiliser manufacturer, Petrokemija d.d. (Rousseau, 2011). The IFA database contains historical production, trade and consumption statistics of nitrogen, phosphate and potash fertilizers by country and by product. The figures are given in term of the nutrients N, P2O5 and K2O for production, import, export and consumption. The data for Croatia are presented in Figure 8 and Appendix 11.4. 21 Chapter 3: Consumption of synthetic fertilisers '000 tonne nutrients Production Exports Consumption Imports 450 425 400 375 350 325 300 275 250 225 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Figure 8: Fertiliser production, imports, exports and consumption (IFA, 2011) The figure below gives an overview of nitrogen, phosphate and potassium consumption in the period 1998-2007 (after IFA, 2011). 275 250 Nutrients 225 N '000 tonnes 200 P2O 175 K2O 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 22 Chapter 3: Consumption of synthetic fertilisers Particularly interesting is the trend from 2001-2008 (Figure 9). During this time, consumption of total nutrients increased by 40%, nitrogen consumption by 36%, potassium by 78% and phosphate consumption by 16%. 275 250 increase 40% 225 '000 tonnes 200 Total nutrients 175 150 increase 36% N 125 100 increase 78% 75 50 increase 16% K2O P2O 25 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Figure 9: Fertiliser consumption in the period 2001-2008 (after IFA, 2011) Detailed data on fertiliser consumption by product (the types of fertiliser are presented in Appendix 11.11. Urea accounts for 38% of all nitrogenous fertilisers, followed by CAN (31%), while compound NPK fertilisers make up 27% of all fertiliser consumption (Figure 10). Urea 38% CAN 31% Others 4% NPK 27% Figure 10: Share of nitrogen fertiliser products in total nitrogen fertiliser consumption (after IFA, 2011) 23 Chapter 3: Consumption of synthetic fertilisers 3.4 The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN (FAO) FAOSTAT FAOSTAT – the statistical database of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN (FAO) provides data on nutrient production, import, export and consumption for the period 2002-2008. The compilation of the fertilizer data is made possible by the cooperation of governments and industry experts. Improved data The new FAO fertiliser datasets have been prepared using a revised methodology and new dissemination formats. The fertilizer statistics data received from individual countries are converted to nutrients and validated for consistency regarding summary totals of production, imports, exports, consumption and including domestic availability for the three types of straight fertilizers (N), phosphates (P2O5), potash (K2O) and complex fertilizers (NP, NPK). In addition, the fertilizer data is reviewed with regard to the quantities allocated for non-fertilizer use, fertilizer used for crop production, and fertiliser used to manufacture other NPK compounds or blended among others. Consumption figures are developed based on the underlying assumption that supply equals consumption. The main source of data is the FAO Fertiliser questionnaires sent to countries. Additional sources include: national statistical publications, country project reports, studies available in other FAO Divisions, economic journals, national statistics, Internet websites and country trade data received from customs departments and industry experts. MAFRD provides data on fertiliser consumption for Croatia, after having received these from Petrokemija d.d. (Deur, 2011). 350.000 300.000 tonnes 250.000 Total nutrients N P2O K2O 200.000 150.000 100.000 50.000 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Figure 11: Fertiliser consumption in Croatia (after FAO, 2011) 24 Chapter 3: Consumption of synthetic fertilisers 3.5 Petrokemija d.d. Uses own data Petrokemija d.d. - the sole fertiliser manufacturer in Croatia keeps its own records on fertiliser consumption for Croatia, but these are not publicly available. However, the Croatian Environment Agency and scientific community refer to Petrokemija’s figures and sometimes use these in their reports (CEA, 2007a; CEA, 2007b; Mesić, et al., 2004) Uses CBS’s data to calculate import and export However, Petrokemija primarily keeps records about its own production and sales. The figures it passes to the EA and Croatian scientific community do not seem to take into account fertilisers imported and sold by other companies (at least there is no reference to this calculation). For Petrokemija – as for all others in Croatia - the only source of data on imported fertilisers are the “raw” data from CBS. This is important to understand, because Petrokemija’s data on imported fertilisers, as well as on those exported by other companies can only originate from “filtering” CBS’s raw data. So, Petrokemija’s calculations on imported and exported fertilisers are not official data. 3.6 Environment Agency Uses third-party data The Environment Agency uses different data sources in different publications: from CBS’s Statistical Yearbooks; from the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Zagreb (which seems to process data it obtains from Petrokemija d.d.) or data directly from Petrokemija d.d. Does not provide data on nutrients consumption The data from the Faculty of Agronomy, used in the latest Environmental Report (EA, 2010), provides only an estimate on the total quantities of fertiliser consumed (Figure 12). It does not provide data on nutrients consumption, which is far more essential than data on total fertiliser consumption. This is because different types of fertilisers contain different quantities of nutrients (N, P2O5 and K2O). Thus a figure indicating consumption of 100 kg fertiliser gives no idea about how much nutrients were loaded into the environment. For instance 100 kg of urea fertilisers contains 46 kg N, while the same amount of calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) contains only 25–28 kg N – just over half as much. In both cases, consumption of fertilisers is 100 kg. But the consumption of nutrients in the first case is nearly double that of the second. Finally, it is important to note that the data from the Faculty of Agronomy do not specify whether the calculation takes into account also imported fertilisers – or solely those produced and sold by Petrokemija d.d. 25 Chapter 3: Consumption of synthetic fertilisers Figure 12: Fertiliser consumption in the period 1991 – 2007 (after (EA, 2010), quoting the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Zagreb, 2010). 3.7 Data discrepancies Overview on fertiliser consumption data discrepancies As can be seen from the above-presented analysis, the exact fertiliser consumption in Croatia is not known – or at least there is no consensus about it. Official and industry data vary substantially from one source to another. In this Chapter, an overview on fertiliser consumption data available from the CBS, IFA and FAO is presented (Appendix 11.12 and Figure 13, Figure 14 and Figure 15). As can be seen, for the period that is common to all these data (2002–2006), the CBS data from Statistical Yearbooks report the lowest consumption. The FAO tends to have somewhat higher consumption figures than the IFA and data derived from CBS’s statistics on fertiliser production, import and export (as calculated by Znaor, 2008). The convergence between the CBS data on production, import and export with those of the FAO is better than between the IFA and the FAO data (Appendix 11.12 and Figure 13, Figure 14 and Figure 15). The difference in the case of nitrogen fertiliser consumption is only 1%, while the difference at the level of total nutrients consumption is only 9% (Appendix 11.12). 26 Chapter 3: Consumption of synthetic fertilisers 160,000 140,000 tonnes N 120,000 100,000 80,000 FAO IFA 60,000 CBS (prod., import, export) CBS (Statistical Yearbook) 40,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Ø 20022006 Figure 13: Nitrogen fertiliser consumption according to different sources (author's calculation after CBS, 2010; CBS, 2007a; IFA, 2011 and FAO, 2011) 90,000 FAO IFA CBS (prod., import, export) CBS (Statistical Yearbook) 80,000 tonnes P2O5 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Ø 20022006 Figure 14: Phosphate fertiliser consumption according to different sources (author's calculation after CBS, 2010; CBS, 2007a; IFA, 2011 and FAO, 2011) 27 Chapter 3: Consumption of synthetic fertilisers 75,000 70,000 65,000 FAO IFA CBS (prod., import, export)** CBS (Statistical Yearbook)* tonnes K2O 60,000 55,000 50,000 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Ø 20022006 Figure 15: Potash fertiliser consumption according to different sources (author's calculation after CBS, 2010; CBS, 2007a; IFA, 2011 and FAO, 2011) 270,000 tonnes total nutrients 250,000 230,000 210,000 190,000 170,000 FAO IFA CBS (prod., import, export) CBS (Statistical Yearbook) 150,000 130,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Ø 2002-2006 Figure 16: Total nutrients consumption according to different sources (author's calculation after CBS, 2010; CBS, 2007a; IFA, 2011 and FAO, 2011) 28 Chapter 3: Consumption of synthetic fertilisers 3.8 Synthetic fertiliser consumption: Croatia vs. EU Member States Comparison of per hectare consumption with EU The information about the tonnes of fertiliser being consumed in Croatia tells us very little unless we put it in the context of consumption in other countries. In order to provide an indication about whether Croatia uses a “lot”, “similar” or “very little” synthetic fertiliser a comparison of per hectare consumption is made with the EU Member States. Putting Croatia’s consumption shoulder-to-shoulder with other countries will offer us a better idea about the magnitude of the pressure Croatian fertiliser consumption puts on the environment, notably water resources. IFA data on fertiliser consumption divided with EUROSTAT’s UAA Figures from the IFA database were chosen for the comparison because they seem to be most complete – time-wise and geographically. The only EU country which is not in this database is Luxembourg, and the data for Malta are questionable. However, these two countries are anyhow insignificant consumers at the level of EU-27. Data from some other sources suggest that Luxembourg uses less than 0.5% of all nutrients consumed in the EU-27 and Malta 0.05%. The EUROSTAT statistics are less useful than IFA since EUROSTAT lacks fertiliser consumption data for 2003 and 2007. It has no data for Belgium, Luxembourg and Malta whatsoever and for 2002, 2004 and 2005 for quite a number of other countries. FAOSTAT is missing data for Belgium, but its statistics cover only the period 2002–2006 (vs. IFA’s 1985–2008). In any case, at the level of the EU-27, there is a very high convergence between the IFA and FAO statistics – just 1% difference for total nutrients consumption (Appendix 11.14). In order to obtain per ha fertiliser consumption for the EU Member States, consumption data from IFA statistics have been divided by the UAA obtained from EUROSTAT. Croatia: one of the top European fertiliser consumers Comparison results indicate that Croatia is one of the top European fertiliser consumers. In the period 2000-2008, the average annual consumption rate was 98 kg N /ha UAA. This ranks Croatia as the fourth largest nitrogen user in Europe (Figure 17 and Appendix 11.20). In the same period, Croatia was the European champion of phosphate use (41 kg P2O5/ha UAA) (Figure 18 and Appendix 11.21) and vice-champion of potassium fertiliser consumption (45 kg P2O5/ha UAA) (Figure 19 and Chapter 11.22). It is worth noticing that Croatia’s consumption rates of all nutrients are substantially higher than the average for the EU-15, EU27 or EU-12. With an input of 185 kg nutrients/ha UAA, in terms of total nutrient consumption from synthetic fertilisers, Croatia in the period 2000-2008 ranked fourth in Europe (Figure 20). 29 Chapter 3: Consumption of synthetic fertilisers Romania Latvia Portugal Bulgaria Estonia Austria Spain Lithuania EU-12 Slovak Rep. Italy Hungary Sweden Poland EU-27 Cyprus Greece UK EU-15 Finland Denmark France Czech Rep. Ireland Croatia Germany Belgium Slovenija Netherlands 43 60 67 98 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 kg N per ha UAA Figure 17: Average annual (2000–2008) nitrogen consumption from synthetic fertilisers (after IFA, 2011; EUROSTAT, 2011b and CBS, 2011) Bulgaria Romania Estonia Latvia Lithuania Hungary Slovak Rep. Sweden Denmark Austria EU-12 Czech Rep. Portugal UK Germany EU-27 Ireland Finland EU-15 Spain France Poland Netherlands Greece Italy Slovenija Belgium Cyprus Croatia 12 17 20 41 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 kg P2 O5 /ha Figure 18: Average annual (2000–2008) phosphate consumption from synthetic fertilisers (after IFA, 2011; EUROSTAT, 2011b and CBS, 2011) 30 Chapter 3: Consumption of synthetic fertilisers Bulgaria Romania Latvia Slovak Rep. Portugal Estonia Czech Rep. Hungary EU-12 Austria Sweden Cyprus Greece Lithuania Spain EU-27 UK Italy EU-15 Poland Germany Ireland Denmark Netherlands France Finland Slovenija Croatia Belgium 12 20 23 45 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 kg K2 O / ha Figure 19: Average annual (2000–2008) potassium consumption from synthetic fertilisers (after IFA, 2011; EUROSTAT, 2011b and CBS, 2011) 31 Chapter 3: Consumption of synthetic fertilisers Romania Bulgaria Latvia Estonia Portugal Austria Lithuania Slovak Rep. EU-12 Spain Hungary Sweden EU-27 Italy Greece UK Czech Rep. Poland Cyprus EU-15 Denmark Finland Ireland France Germany Croatia Netherlands Slovenia Belgium 18 51 28 21 21 6 6 30 6 9 24 14 9 32 12 14 40 10 14 46 11 7 43 12 12 40 20 17 55 10 11 58 11 14 60 17 20 50 26 22 61 25 14 66 15 21 79 13 11 58 22 26 60 34 14 67 20 23 77 11 27 71 19 29 80 19 27 78 22 28 103 17 98 41 142 123 116 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 N P2O5 K20 26 45 24 32 32 140 160 27 41 60 180 200 220 Total nutrients/ha UAA Figure 20: Average annual (2000–2008) consumption of total nutrients from synthetic fertilisers (after IFA, 2011; EUROSTAT, 2011b and CBS, 2011) Worrying trend It is not only the high consumption of synthetic fertilisers in Croatia that is a point of concern and needs improvement. The consumption pattern in the period 2001–2008 shows a worrying trend (Figure 21). In this period the EU-15 reduced its fertiliser consumption by 45% and the EU27 by 20%, while the EU-12 increased it by 16%. However, in the same period, Croatia has increased its fertiliser consumption by as much as 40%. 32 Chapter 3: Consumption of synthetic fertilisers 160 Linear (EU-12) 150 Linear (EU-27) 140 Linear (Croatia) 130 Linear (EU-15) Index 120 110 100 90 80 70 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Figure 21: Linear trend of total nutrients consumption from synthetic fertilisers in Croatia and the EU (author’s calculation after IFA, 2011) The European champion in 2008 Due to the above-mentioned trend, Croatia in 2008 became the European champion in synthetic fertiliser consumption. It consumed 199 kg nutrients per hectare UAA (Figure 22), as much as 20% higher than the second most intensive consumer (Belgium). It is also has by far the highest consumption of phosphate and potassium (27% and 32% higher than the second most intensive users). In terms of nitrogen consumption it ranked third – it consumed 18% less nitrogen than the Netherlands and 3% less than Belgium. A note on potassium It is important to make a clarification regarding the consumption of potassium. Due to the high consumption of potassium chloride, IFA’s figures for Croatia for the period 2005–2008 appear to be higher than in the previous years. Several efforts have been made to clarify with IFA (Rousseau, 2011) whether potassium chloride was used for the manufacture of fertilisers or as fertilisers. Unfortunately, IFA wasn’t able to provide a clear answer. Consequently, potassium chloride was included in the calculation since it does appear in the IFA statistics as fertiliser consumption. However, it is important to stress that the exact figures on potassium consumption are of limited importance in the context of this study since contrary to nitrogen and phosphorous, potassium is not a water pollutant. 33 Chapter 3: Consumption of synthetic fertilisers Romania Portugal Bulgaria Estonia Latvia Spain Austria Hungary Greece Lithuania Sweden Italy EU-12 Slovak Rep. EU-27 EU-15 UK Finland Denmark France Cyprus Ireland Germany Poland Czech Rep. Slovenia Netherlands Belgium Croatia 25 53 19 9 6 33 31 27 3 8 28 5 7 29 6 7 31 7 7 40 7 6 38 16 9 45 9 12 51 7 9 46 15 11 48 13 12 61 14 0 55 11 12 58 10 11 60 9 14 59 11 17 71 5 14 71 10 13 52 32 12 68 13 16 92 10 11 67 26 26 96 16 84 22 128 108 105 0 20 40 60 80 100 N P2O5 K2O 16 26 17 17 19 40 41 120 53 140 160 180 200 kg total nutrients/ ha UAA Figure 22: Consumption of total nutrients from synthetic fertilisers in 2008 (after IFA, 2011; EUROSTAT, 2011b and CBS, 2011) Exceptionally high N use in APCP pilot regions The survey run among 326 farmers cultivating 13,700 ha in the three APCP pilot regions indicates an exceptionally high consumption of nitrogen synthetic fertilisers: 265 kg N/ha in Vukovar-Sirmium County, 157 kg N/ha in Osijek-Baranja County and “only” 117 kg N/ha in Varaždin County. The average consumption is 193 kg N/ha, which is, theoretically speaking 350% higher than was the average consumption for EU-27 in 2008. However, this comparison is not entirely fair since we compare here fertiliser consumption in a fertile lowland practising intensive agricultural with the national averages – agricultural areas which besides intensive agricultural land comprise also regions with extensive or “zero-input” agriculture. 34 Chapter 3: Consumption of synthetic fertilisers 280 265 240 kg N / ha 200 193 160 157 120 117 80 40 0 Figure 23: Nitrogen fertiliser consumption on 327 farms that took part in the APCP survey (own calculation after APCP survey) 3.9 Conclusions Conclusions and policy recommendations Based on the above-presented analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. The exact fertiliser consumption in Croatia is not known – or at least there is no consensus about it. Official and industry data vary substantially from one source to another. 2. Croatia has three exceptionally valuable sources on fertiliser statistics: MAFRD’s Fertiliser Register, CBS’s data on fertiliser production, import and export; and Petrokemija’s d.d. data. However, for some reason, no sufficient efforts have been made to standardise these data. 3. Except the CBS’s, all other data on fertiliser consumption in Croatia derive from those submitted by Petrokemija d.d. 4. Expressing fertiliser consumption in terms of tonnes of total fertiliser is not appropriate as this does not provide information about the actual quantity of nutrients loaded into the environment. 5. Comparison with EU countries indicates that Croatia is one of the heaviest European fertiliser consumers per hectare of UAA, which potentially leads to environmental problems and calls for a better water protection policy and practices. 35 Chapter 3: Consumption of synthetic fertilisers Policy recommendations From the above-presented analysis and conclusions, the following policy recommendations can be made: 1. It is of the outmost importance to obtain independent, reliable data on fertiliser consumption in Croatia and not only those provided by Petroemija d.d. In this respect MAFRD is advised to: a) Make more efforts in improving and upgrading its Fertiliser Register. b) Request the CBS to provide more precise and reliable data on fertiliser consumption – those presented in the Statistical Yearbooks are substantially underestimated. MAFRD and CBS could jointly set up a task force of 3-4 experts and “filter” all raw data on fertiliser production, import and export since e.g. 2000 and based on these assess fertiliser consumption for each nutrient. 2. MAFRD should check the source of fertiliser consumption data provided to FAOSTAT (= Petrokemija d.d.) and try to understand why these suggest higher fertiliser consumption than other data. 3. MAFRD should enter into a dialogue both with the CBS and the Environment Agency and request that all Government Agencies use uniform data on fertiliser consumption. 4. MAFRD should stimulate reduction of synthetic fertiliser consumption. It should abandon vouchers for mineral fertiliser purchase and stimulate water-friendly farming practices through agri-environment schemes and pilot projects. 36 Chapter 4: Nitrogen and phosphorous load from livestock excreta 4 NITROGEN AND PHOSPHOROUS LOAD FROM LIVESTOCK EXCRETA 4.1 Livestock statistics in Croatia Methodology used by CBS CBS keeps a record on livestock numbers in Croatia by running regular surveys among approximately 15,000 private family farms. Until 2004 this survey was not carried out in all Counties. In order to enable harmonisation with EU requirements, the livestock census date is set at 1 December. Livestock unit (LSU) Croatia has no official statistics on livestock units. Livestock unit (LSU) is a standard measurement unit that allows the aggregation of the various categories of livestock in order to enable them to be compared (EUROSTAT, 2011e). In the EU, livestock units are defined on the basis of the feed requirements of the individual animal categories, for which the coefficients are adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure defined in Regulation (EC) No 1166/2008 of the European Parliament; the Council of 19 November 2008 on farm structure surveys and the survey on agricultural production methods and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 571/88 (EUROSTAT, 2011e). Knowing the number of livestock units is important since this enables easier to assess the quantity of nitrogen produced in livestock excreta. It is estimated that 1 LSU produces approximately 80 kg N per year. LSU for Croatia Applying standard EU LSU coefficients (Appendix 11.23) to the number and category of livestock recorded by the CBS an estimate of LSU in Croatia has been made. In order to allow a comparison between nutrients supplied in synthetic fertilisers as presented in the previous Chapter and nutrients supplied through livestock excreta, the LSU estimate is made for the same period: 2000-2008. The average annual LSU in this period was 913,493 LSU. The average livestock density (LSU/ha UAA) was 0.76, which is exactly the same as in the EU-27 average; 17% less than in EU-15 and 49% higher than in the EU-12 (Figure 25). Cattle accounted for 39% of all LSU, followed by pigs (36%). Poultry makes 16%, sheep 7% and horses and goats 1% each (Figure 25). 37 Chapter 4: Nitrogen and phosphorous load from livestock excreta Latvia Bulgaria Estonia Lithuania Slovakia Hungary Romania EU-12 Finland Czech… Spain Portugal Sweden Poland Italy Greece Croatia EU-27 Austria France EU-15 UK Germany Slovenia Ireland Denmark Cyprus Belgium Netherlands 0,0 0,51 0,76 0,76 0,87 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 LSU per ha UAA Figure 24: Livestock density in Croatia and the EU (author's calculation after CBS, 2011; EUROSTAT, 2011b and EC1200/2009) Horses 1% Goats 1% Poultry 16% Sheep 7% Cattle 39% Pigs 36% Figure 25: Share of livestock categories in total LSU (author's calculation after CBS, 2011 and EC1200/2009) 38 Chapter 4: Nitrogen and phosphorous load from livestock excreta Declining number of livestock The current number of livestock in Croatia is some 2.5 times less than at the beginning of the 20th century and approximately 2 times less than in the eighties (UPR, 2000). In 2009 Croatia had just 49% of the livestock it had in 1911 (calculated on LSU basis) (Figure 26 and Chapter 11.24). In 1991, Croatia still had 1,320,566 LSU. However, the number significantly dropped during the Homeland War (1991-1995) and in 1995 Croatia had only 904,346 LSU. Since 1995 until today, livestock population has been quite stable, ranging from 828,034 LSU in 1998 to 981,931 LSU in 2004. In 2009 Croatia ended up with 33% less LSU than it had in 1999. 2.000.000 1.812.014 1.800.000 1.600.000 LSU 1.400.000 1.320.566 1.200.000 981.936 882.414 1.000.000 800.000 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1996 1995 1991 1911 1997 828.034 600.000 Figure 26: Livestock population in Croatia (author's calculation, after CBS, 2011; (CBS, 2003b); CBS, 2011 and Stipetić, 1964) 4.2 Nutrient load from livestock excreta Estimates on production It is estimated that Croatian livestock produces some 65,000 tonnes of nitrogen and 33,000 tonnes of P2O5 annually (MPŠVG, 2006; MZOPU, 2002; UN-ECE, 1999). While in 1991 the Croatian farming sector consumed 16 million tonnes of manure, due to the decreased number of animals, this figure was reduced to 10 million tonnes in 2001 (MPŠVG, 2006). In 2000, only 35 percent of the total nitrogen applied in Croatian agriculture originated from livestock manure (Mesić, 2002) and in the period 2001-2003 only 33 percent (Znaor, et al., 2005). Calculation methodology employed In order to allow comparison with the average annual (2000–2008) nutrients load from synthetic fertilisers, a calculation is made on the average nutrients load from livestock for the same period. The livestock number for each livestock category, identified in the previous step has 39 Chapter 4: Nitrogen and phosphorous load from livestock excreta been multiplied with the coefficients for the annual nitrogen production for different type of livestock, as laid down in the Croatian Ordinance on Good Agricultural Practice in the Use of Fertilizers (OG, 2008). Phosphate and potassium content of livestock excreta has been determined by multiplying the LSU number of each livestock type with the figures on the typical annual P2O5 and K2O content produced in their excreta (Appendix 11.26), as suggested in the handbooks of the UK and the Netherlands Ministries of Agriculture (LNV, 2003; MAFF, 2000). Some of these coefficients have been slightly modified in order to better match phosphate and potassium production of the livestock categories which are recorded by CBS, but for whom no figures for the annual P2O5 and K2O production from their excreta is provided. Nutrient content in livestock excreta may vary greatly In the context of the above–mentioned calculation, it is important to highlight that nutrient content in livestock excreta may vary significantly. The amount of manure produced by livestock and nutrient content in it varies, even within species. Dietary regime, housing conditions, bedding system and the breed are among the most important factors influencing such differences. Shepherd et al. (2002) for instance measured N content of manure from 43 cattle farmyards and of 14 cattle slurries from organic farms in the UK and found this to be 20-40% lower than the standard published values for conventionally produced manures. All this makes it a challenge to estimate the quantity of nutrients produced in livestock excreta at a national or regional level. For instance, the estimates of N excreted by livestock in the EU-27, involving several teams of top European researchers, still vary significantly (de Vries, et al., 2007). Nutrients excreted by livestock (2000–2008) In the period 2000–2008, the average annual nitrogen excreted by Croatian livestock was 69,363 t N, 44,967 t P2O5 and 53,463 t K2O ( Figure 27 and Appendix 11.26). All phosphate and potassium produced remains in the excreta and is applied in that quantity onto the agricultural land. However, this is not the case with nitrogen. Some nitrogen from livestock excreta is lost into the atmosphere (as ammonia (NH3) and nitrous oxide, (N2O)) during storage and transportation to the field. These loss estimates vary from just a few percent to more than 50%. The loss of nitrogen into the air and water from livestock manure during handling, storage and application in Croatia is estimated to be about 40% (Mesić, et al., 2004) to 50% (Vukadinović, 2007b). However, for the purpose of this study, we have deducted only nitrogen from livestock excreta that is lost into the air, since all other nitrogen exerts environmental pressure on soil and water. Thus, in this study it is estimated that on average 25% N excreted by Croatian livestock would be lost before it ends up in the soil (or water). This estimate is based on multi-year, Europe-wide research, suggesting that the average N loss during storage and transportation of manures and slurries at the level of the EU-27 is 20-30%. Consequently, it is estimated that from 69,369 t N produced in livestock excreta on average annually in the period 2000– 2008, 17,341 t N was lost into the atmosphere and that only 52,022 t N were applied onto agricultural soil. When calculated per hectare of UAA, 40 Chapter 4: Nitrogen and phosphorous load from livestock excreta the average nutrient load in the period 2000–2008 was 122 kg, of which 43 kg N, 37 kg P2O5 and 44 kg K2O. 70.000 60.000 50 Lost into air 17.341 45 40 40.000 30.000 20.000 35 Appled onto agric. land 52.022 kg / ha tonnes 50.000 44.967 53.463 30 25 20 43 37 44 15 10 10.000 5 0 0 N P2O5 K2O N P2O5 K2O Figure 27: Average annual (2000–2008) nutrient production from livestock excreta (author's calculation after CBS, 2011; OG, 2008, LNV, 2003 and MAFF, 2000) Pigs and cattle largest source of N he overall nutrient composition of Croatian livestock excreta exhibits a fairly equal content of nitrogen, phosphate and potassium. Phosphate accounts for 38%, nitrogen for 36% and potassium for 26% of the overall nutrient content (Figure 28 and Appendix 11.26). In terms of nitrogen production, the most important are pigs and cattle. The first one accounts for 38% and the second for 36% of all N produced by Croatian livestock (Figure 28). 41 Chapter 4: Nitrogen and phosphorous load from livestock excreta Horses 1% Goats 1% Poultry 18% Cattle 36% Sheep 6% Pigs 38% P2O5 38% N 36% K2 O 26% Figure 28: Average annual contribution to N content in livestock excreta (2000-2008) and share of N, P2O5 and K2O in the excreta produced (author's calculation after CBS, 2011; OG, 2008, LNV, 2003 and MAFF, 2000) Declining nutrient load from livestock excreta In 2009 the total nutrient load originating from livestock excreta was 56% of that in 1911 and 71% of what it used to be in 1991 (Figure 29 and Appendix 11.27). It is worth noticing that this pattern does not entirely correspond with the percentage of LSU shown in Figure 26. This is due to the different composition of livestock mix. In 1911, poultry, whose excreta contains more nutrients than excreta of other livestock – accounted only for 3% of all LUS, while in 2009 its share was 16%. Because of the higher share of poultry in the total LSU, the livestock excreta in 2009 contained more nutrients than in 1911. 42 Chapter 4: Nitrogen and phosphorous load from livestock excreta 250.000 239.045 Nutrients 225.000 N K2O 200.000 190.534 P2O5 175.000 154.535 Tonnes 150.000 125.000 100.000 127.713 99.554 119.474 79.050 75.000 50.000 62.773 25.000 Figure 29: Nutrient load from livestock in Croatia (author's calculation, after CBS, 2011; CBS,2003; Stipetić, 1964, OG, 2008, LNV, 2003 and MAFF, 2000) 4.3 Nutrients load from livestock excreta: Croatia vs. EU Member States Calculation methodology employed EUROSTAT provides data on the nitrogen and phosphate content of livestock excreta at the level of each MS. In order to compare the per hectare nutrient load from livestock excreta in Croatia and EU MSs, relevant data on nitrogen and phosphate production from livestock excreta were taken from EUROSTAT. The production of potassium is estimated by multiplying the LSU by 65 kg. This is believed to be a reasonable average estimate for the livestock mix in the EU-27 and is based on the standard coefficients for K2O production in livestock excreta, suggested by the UK and the Netherlands Ministries of Agriculture (LNV, 2003; MAFF, 2000). Different approaches for N calculation EUROSTAT does not explain how it determines the annual N production from livestock excreta. However, multiplying the EUROSTAT LSU numbers for different livestock types with their standard Croatian N production coefficients laid down in N.N. 56/08 results in very similar figures on N produced by livestock excreta as those given by EUROSTAT. The difference at the level of the EU-27 is only 15%. In other words, for the comparison of N load from livestock excreta between Croatia and EU-27, it does not matter very much whether data 43 Chapter 4: Nitrogen and phosphorous load from livestock excreta on N production from livestock excreta were taken directly from the EUROSTAT datasets or calculated by multiplying the LSU number with the coefficients used in Croatia. Latvia Bulgaria Estonia Slovenia Lithuania Romania Hungary EU-12 Spain Czech… Poland Sweden Portugal Italy Finland EU-27 Austria Croatia EU-15 France Greece UK Germany Cyprus Denmark Slovakia Ireland Belgium Netherlands 0 21 40 43 47 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 kg N/ha UAA Figure 30: Average annual (2000–2008) nitrogen load from livestock excreta applied onto agricultural land (own calculation after CBS, 2011, OG 2008 and (EUROSTAT, 2011b) Nitrogen load 44 Chapter 4: Nitrogen and phosphorous load from livestock excreta Figure 30 shows the average annual (2000–2008) nitrogen load from livestock excreta applied onto agricultural land. Croatia's load is 43 kg N/ha UAA, which is very close to the average N load of the EU-27 (43 kg N/ha UAA) and EU-15 (47 kg N/ha UAA). However, when compared with the EU-12, Croatia's livestock produce per ha UAA as twice as much nitrogen in their excreta. Phosphate load With a load of 37 kg P2O5/ha UAA (Figure 31), Croatia is also very close to the phosphate load from livestock excreta of EU-27 (42 kg P2O5/ha UAA), but is 25% lower than in EU-15 (50 kg P2O5/ha UAA). Compared with the EU-12, which has a load of only 24 kg P2O5/ha UAA, Croatia’s livestock produce 53% P2O5/ha UAA. Latvia Bulgaria Estonia Lithuania Hungary Romania Slovakia EU-12 Sweden Spain Poland Czech Republic Finland Italy Portugal 45 24 37 Chapter 4: Nitrogen and phosphorous load from livestock excreta Figure 31: Average annual (2000–2008) phosphate load from livestock excreta applied onto agricultural land (author's calculation after CBS, 2011, OG 2008 and EUROSTAT, 2011b) Potassium load Similarly as with nitrogen and phosphate, Croatia’s per hectare potassium load of 46 kg K2O/ha UAA (Figure 32) is very similar to that of the EU-27 (50 kg K2O/ha UAA). However it is 19% lower than in the EU15 and 38% higher than in the EU-12. 46 Chapter 4: Nitrogen and phosphorous load from livestock excreta Latvia Bulgaria Estonia Lithuania Slovakia Hungary Romania EU-12 Finland Czech Republic Spain Portugal Sweden Poland Italy Greece Croatia EU-27 Austria France EU-15 UK Germany Slovenia Ireland Denmark Cyprus Belgium Netherlands 33 46 50 56 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 kg K2O/ha UAA Figure 32: Average annual (2000–2008) potassium load from livestock excreta applied onto agricultural land (author's calculation after CBS, 2011, OG 2008 and EUROSTAT, 2011b) Total nutrients load When calculated per hectare of UAA, Croatia’s total nutrient load from livestock excreta of 125 kg nutrients/ha UAA is just 5% lower than in EU27 and 19% lower than in EU-15. However, compared with EU-12, which has a load of only 78 kg nutrients/ha UAA, Croatia’s livestock produce 60% more nutrients/ha UAA. 47 Chapter 4: Nitrogen and phosphorous load from livestock excreta Latvia Bulgaria Estonia Lithuania Slovakia Hungary Romania EU-12 Spain Czech Republic Poland Sweden Finland Portugal Italy Croatia EU-27 Greece Austria EU-15 France UK Germany Slovenia Ireland Denmark Cyprus Belgium Netherlands 78 125 131 154 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 kg total nutrients/ha UAA Figure 33: Average annual (2000–2008) potassium load from livestock excreta applied onto agricultural land (author's calculation after CBS, 2011, OG 2008 and EUROSTAT, 2011b) More detailed information on the load of each of the three nutrients, as well as the total nutrients is provided in Appendix 11.28 and Figure 31. Latvia Bulgaria Estonia Lithuania Slovakia Hungary Romania EU-12 Spain 91115 48 111318 1216 25 1619 26 14 24 27 19 19 30 19 23 31 21 24 33 24 30 37 N P2O5 K2O Chapter 4: Nitrogen and phosphorous load from livestock excreta Figure 34: Average annual (2000–2008) potassium load from livestock excreta applied onto agricultural land (author's calculation after CBS, 2011, OG 2008 and EUROSTAT, 2011b) 4.4 Conclusions Conclusions and policy recommendations Based on the above-presented analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn: 49 Chapter 4: Nitrogen and phosphorous load from livestock excreta 1. Croatian official statistics do not contain information about the number of livestock expressed in LSU. 2. Croatian livestock density equals that in the EU-27 3. Croatia has no official data on the nutrient production from livestock excreta. 4. Nutrients load from livestock excreta in Croatia per ha of UAA is very similar to the average for the EU-27. Policy recommendations From the above-presented analysis and conclusions, the following policy recommendations can be made: 1. MAFRD is suggested to encourage the CBS to further refine the statistics on livestock number, notably their expression in LSU. 2. MAFRD is recommended to produce typical standard values for nitrogen, phosphate and potassium annually produced by different livestock categories. This would facilitate an easier estimate of nutrients production in livestock excreta, both at the national and regional level, as well as on individual farms. 50 Chapter 5: Total nitrogen and phosphorous load 5 TOTAL NITROGEN AND PHOSPHOROUS LOAD 5.1 Synthetic fertiliser and livestock excreta load in Croatia Synthetic fertilisers supply majority of nutrients Figure 35 shows the contribution of synthetic fertilisers and livestock excreta to the total load of nitrogen, phosphate and potassium, as well as the total nutrients. Synthetic fertilisers are a source of 69% of nitrogen, 52% of phosphate, 51% of potassium and 60% of all nutrients applied onto Croatian agricultural land. Calculated per hectare of UAA, fertilisers supply 98 kg N, 41 kg P2O5 and 47 kg K2O. Livestock excreta provide 43 kg N, 37 kg P2O5 and 44 kg K2O (Figure 36). Nitrogen P2O5 Livestock excreta 31% Synthetic fertilisers 69% Synthetic fertilisers 52% Total nutrients K2O Synthetic fertilisers 51% Livestock excreta 48% Livestock excreta 49% Synthetic fertilisers 60% Livestock excreta 40% Figure 35: Share of synthetic fertilisers and livestock excreta in nutrients applied to Croatian agricultural soils (2000–2008) (author’s calculation) 51 Chapter 5: Total nitrogen and phosphorous load 150 135 120 43 kg/ ha UAA 105 Livestock excreta Fertiliser 90 75 60 45 37 44 98 30 15 41 47 P2O5 K2O 0 N Figure 36: Average annual (2000–2008) nutrients supply by synthetic fertilisers and livestock excreta in Croatia (author’s calculation) 5.2 Comparison of nutrients load from synthetic fertilizers and livestock excreta in Croatia and EU Member States Only 7 EU MS have a higher nutrients load From the above-presented calculations, it appears that only seven EU Member States have a higher per hectare nutrients load than Croatia (Figure 37 and Figure 39). Croatia’s consumption of nutrients per hectare of UAA is 19% higher than in the EU-15, 37% higher than in the EU-27 and 115% higher than in the EU-12. 52 Chapter 5: Total nitrogen and phosphorous load Latvia Bulgaria Romania Estonia Lithuania Slovakia Hungary EU-12 Portugal Spain Sweden Czech Rep. Austria Poland Italy Finland EU-27 Greece UK EU-15 France Croatia Germany Ireland Cyprus Denmark Slovenia Belgium Netherlands 31 1821 39 1519 37 27 32 42 22 34 56 29 40 60 35 34 74 29 41 64 36 45 57 50 64 N 48 50 89 53 44 48 75 61 63 84 53 69 84 63 66 106 55 63 99 59 69 110 71 117 65 80 114 70 79 126 58 77 142 79 78 159 91 79 168 97 89 131 120 119 153 128 95 209 136 96 257 115 169 335 0 K2O 54 41 104 P2O5 200 247 196 400 249 600 800 kg nutrients/ha UAA Figure 37: Average annual (2000–2008) nutrients load in European agricultural soils (author’s calculation) 53 Chapter 5: Total nitrogen and phosphorous load Latvia Bulgaria Romania Estonia Lithuania Slovakia Hungary EU-12 Portugal Spain Sweden Czech Rep. Austria Poland Italy Finland EU-27 Greece UK EU-15 France Croatia Germany Ireland Cyprus Denmark Slovenia Belgium Netherlands N fertilisers N livestock excreta P2O5 fertilisers P2O5 livestock excreta K2O fertilisers K2O livestock excreta 0 200 400 600 800 kg nutrients/ha UAA Figure 38: Synthetic fertilisers and livestock excreta as source of nutrients load in European agricultural soils (average annual for 2000-2008) (author’s calculation) 54 Chapter 5: Total nitrogen and phosphorous load Highest dependence on fertilisers Among all European countries, Croatia seems to be the country that is most dependent on the use of synthetic fertilisers. As much as 60% of all nutrients applied onto Croatian agricultural soils originate from synthetic fertilisers. This is much higher than in any EU Member State. At the level of the EU-27 and EU-15, fertilisers provide only 42-41% of nutrients supplied. The situation in the EU-12 is slightly different. But the share of 46% is still far lower than in the case of Croatia. Netherlands Romania Austria Cyprus Portugal Denmark Belgium Ireland UK EU-15 Bulgaria Greece EU-27 Germany Sweden France Spain EU-12 Italy Slovenia Estonia Latvia Slovakia Lithuania Poland Czech Rep. Hungary Finland Croatia 41 42 46 60 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Percent Figure 39: Share of synthetic fertilisers in total nutrients load from (author's calculation after IFA, 2011; CBS 2011 and EUROSTAT, 2011b) 55 Chapter 5: Total nitrogen and phosphorous load 5.3 Conclusions and policy recommendations Conclusions Based on the above-presented analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. Synthetic fertilisers supply the majority of nutrients applied to Croatian agricultural soils. 2. Per hectare of UAA, Croatia consumes more nutrients than the EU15, EU-27 and notably the EU-12. Only 6 EU MS have a higher consumption rate. 3. Among all countries in Europe, Croatia is most dependent on synthetic fertilisers as a source of nutrients applied onto agricultural soils. Policy recommendations From the above-presented analysis and conclusions, the following policy recommendations can be made: 1. Croatia should reduce its nutrient application on agricultural soils. The level of yields it obtains does not justify such a high input of nutrients. 2. Croatia should reduce its high dependence on synthetic fertilisers at least because of the following three reasons: a) Synthetic fertilisers are prone to run-off and leaching and pollute water resources. b) Long-term and irrational application of synthetic fertilisers reduces soil organic matter, causes soil acidity and in the long run depletes soil nitrogen reserves and the overall soil fertility. c) Production and transport of synthetic fertilisers are energyintensive operations. A likely energy crisis will hit hard the Croatian farming sector and threaten Croatia’s food security. 56 Chapter 6: Gross nitrogen balance 6 GROSS NITROGEN BALANCE 6.1 Previous and new calculations What is nitrogen balance? The N balance is the difference between the sum of N supplied to agricultural land (fertilisers, organic manures, biological N fixation, atmospheric deposition, seeds and planting material) and N withdrawn by harvested crops (OECD, 2001). This is a widely accepted methodology and is also used by the EEA (EEA, 2008). Contradicting information The official information on the gross nitrogen balance of Croatian agriculture is contradictory. According to the MAFRD (MAFRD, 2009), the average annual gross nitrogen balance for the period 2001– 2003 was 124,371 t N – an equivalent of 115 kg N/ha UAA. The MAFRD has taken this calculation from the Sectoral Analysis for Agri-Environment (Znaor and Karoglan Todorović, 2006). However, according to the Environment Agency (EA, 2005), in the period 2000–2003 the annual nitrogen balance ranged from 39,000 t to 67,000 t – equalling 12–21 kg N/ha agricultural land. The Environment Agency has taken this data from the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Zagreb. According to a more recent study (Znaor, 2008), the average annual nitrogen balance in the period 2001–2005 was 114,415 t N, or 106 kg N/ha UAA. Time series In order to compare the Croatian gross nitrogen balance with that of the EU, an attempt has been made to make a more recent calculation of the Croatian gross nitrogen balance. EUROSTAT has a mineral balance for the time series 1998–2009 (EUROSTAT, 2011b). However, the year 2006 is the last one with the complete statistics for all EU countries having a mineral balance account. It is therefore decided to make the gross mineral balance also for Croatia for this year. An average annual nitrogen balance of the EU Member States for the period 2000–2008 would offer a better and more comprehensive overview (as done with all other calculations in this study). However, calculating the average annual nitrogen balance for 2000–2008 from the annual balances presented by EUROSTAT would be methodologically incorrect because it would be a calculation of the average of an average. A proper calculation for this period would be the calculation of the average of all annual nitrogen inputs and outputs. However, this is a very laborious exercise and would be by far beyond the scope and time allocated for this report. Methodology The Croatian gross nitrogen balance for 2006 is calculated using the standard OECD soil surface N balance methodology (OECD, 2001; OECD and EUROSTAT, 2007; OECD/Eurostat, 2004). The amount of N in fertilisers and livestock excreta is taken from the calculations presented in Chapters 3 and 4. Biological N fixation rates are estimated from the OECD Nitrogen Balance Database (OECD, 2007) and Habets (1999). The N-fixing free-living micro-organisms are assumed to be 4 kg N ha-1 yr-1. For the N-fixing crops the following N fixation is assumed: soya beans 100 kg N ha-1 yr-1, beans 80 kg N ha-1 yr-1, other pulses 80 kg N ha-1 yr-1, alfalfa 250 kg N ha-1 yr-1, grass-clover 150 kg N ha-1 yr-1 57 Chapter 6: Gross nitrogen balance and for meadows and pastures 40 kg N ha-1 yr-1. The average annual N atmospheric deposition is taken from CBS data (CBS, 2010). The N content of seeds and planting material is calculated using the standard seeding rates reported by the CAEI (Mikšić, et al., 2004) and applying the N content in seeds reported in Habets (1999). The crop output data (t crop-1) for individual crops is taken from the CBS (CBS, 2010). The N content of crops is taken from the OECD Nitrogen Balance Database (OECD, 2007), Habets (1999) and Grbeša (Grbeša, 2004). N inputs In 2006, the N input in Croatian agriculture was 251,262 t N (Appendix 11.30 and Figure 41). The majority of N (52%) was provided by synthetic fertilisers, while livestock manure provided 28%, biological N fixation by legume crops 10%, atmospheric deposition 6% and other sources 3% (Figure 40). Livestock manure production 29% Total fertilisers 52% Biological N fixation legumes 10% Others 3% Atmosph. deposition 6% Figure 40: N inputs in Croatian agriculture in 2006 (author’s calculations) N outputs In 2006, the N output in Croatian crops was 127,088 t N, of which 90,993 t N was harvested in crops and 36,094 t N in forage crops ( Figure 41). N surplus The nitrogen surplus for Croatian agriculture in 2006 was 124,174 t N ( Figure 41), which is equivalent of 101 kg N/ha UAA. From the data on gross nitrogen balance from EUROSTAT (2011), it appears that in 2006 58 Chapter 6: Gross nitrogen balance only the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany had a higher nitrogen surplus per hectare of UAA. Croatia shares the fourth place with Germany (Figure 42). It is very difficult to estimate what is the percentage of nitrogen surplus that might have been lost into water resources. However, following IPCC recommendations (IPCC, 2001) it is estimated that 30% nitrogen from fertilisers and livestock excreta leaches and runs off into groundwater and watercourses. The same factor for N loss into water is also used by the Croatian Ministry of Environment (MEPSPC, 2006). Consequently, in 2006, some 62,857 t N might have been lost into water ( Figure 41). However, this figure has to be treated with caution. It should be considered as an indicator – a guide value of possible losses – rather than the actual N loss into water. Especially since N losses into water are subject to spatial and temporal variability, notably precipitation. Los t into air & accumulated in s oil 260,000 240,000 6,766 14,147 220,000 25,957 Los t into water 200,000 Harvested forage crops 180,000 160,000 t N Surplus N that potentially ended into water 74,392 Harvested crops 140,000 Others 120,000 36,094 100,000 62,857 80,000 60,000 Biological N fixation legumes 130,000 90,993 40,000 61,318 20,000 Atmospheric deposition 0 Livestock manure production Total fertilisers N input N output N surplus Figure 41: Nitrogen input, output and surplus in 2006 (author’s calculations) 59 Chapter 6: Gross nitrogen balance 6.2 Experimental results on N losses into water Three major experimental sites The relationship between agricultural inputs and nitrogen loss into water has been subject to several experiments in Croatia. However, nearly all relevant data from the last 15-20 years seem to be derived from the three experimental sites in central Croatia: Popovača, Karašica and Kutina. Too few data seem to exist for the karst region. This area covers some 50 percent of Croatian territory and due to its hydro-geological structure it is particularly prone to nitrate leaching. Popovača site experiments The results from the experimental field in Popovača have been widely reported in various publications by Mesić et. al. (2002b; 2003; 2005b) and Sumelius et al. (2002b; 2003; 2005b). Depending on the year and the amount of nitrogen applied, the experiment recorded a leaching range from 7.1 kg NO3-N ha-1 for plots receiving no nitrogen, up to 64.2 kg NO3-N ha-1 at the input level of 300 kg N ha-1. The latter leaching corresponds to 21.3 percent of the nitrogen amount applied by fertilisers. However, these figures do not seem to include N loss from the run-off and drainage water. Treatments with nitrogen input above 150 kg N/ha basically recorded nitrogen concentrations above the admissible level of 10 mg NO3-N L-1, while other treatments exhibited much higher nitrogen concentrations - up to 28.7 mg NO3-N L-1. … used for mathematic models Based on the results from the Popovača experiments, Sumelius et al. (2002b; 2003; 2005b) have developed a mathematical model which enabled them to determine nitrogen leaching for the family farms in Lonjsko Polje Nature Park. Although farming in this area is perceived as extensive, farmers in Lonjsko Polje Nature Park have been found to be applying rather high dosages of nitrogen: 206-230 kg N ha-1 (fertilisers plus manure) on maize and 234-236 kg N ha-1 on wheat. The average N application on maize was 218 kg N ha-1, of which 161 kg (74 percent) originated from fertilisers and 57 kg (26 percent) from livestock manure. The corresponding leaching levels as determined by the mathematical model were in the range of 82-96 mg NO3-N L-1, which is some 60-90 percent higher than the critical maximum level defined by the EU Nitrates Directive (50 mg NO3 L-1). Profit maximising levels of fertilisation in maize production were estimated to be in the range of 145-185 kg N ha-1 (average 160 kg N ha-1). At this level the NO3 level in water was found still to be 25 percent higher than the MAC for nitrates prescribed by the EU Nitrates Directive (Sumelius, et al., 2002a). Kutina site experiments Šimunić et al. (2002; 2003; 1998a; 1998b; 1996; 2002a; 2002b) performed a ten-year experiment (1991-2000) in the vicinity of the Petrokemija fertiliser plant. The crop rotation included maize and winter wheat (a common crop rotation in Croatia) and received fertiliser application of 145-200 kg N ha-1. The average NO3-N concentration in drainage water was found to be 12.7 mg NO3-N L-1, which is above the maximum allowable concentration of 10 mg NO3-N L-1. Similar results were also reported by Klačić et al. (Klačić, et al., 1998). The average ammonia nitrogen levels at the Kutina experiments were also above the MAC, typically ranging from 0.7-1.9 mg NH4-N L-1. 60 Chapter 6: Gross nitrogen balance Karašica site experiments In the Karašica and Vučica catchment Vidaček et al. (2003; 2002; 1999) ran a seven year experiment measuring the environmental impact of different fertilisation levels. The crops included were maize (173 kg N ha1 ), winter wheat (199 kg N ha-1), winter barley (110 kg N ha-1) and oilseed rape (128 kg N ha-1). In spite of these - by the standards of Croatian farming - modest nitrogen levels, typical nitrate concentrations in ground water were above the maximum admissible levels – in the range of 12.0-97.9 mg NO3 L-1, sometimes reaching levels up to 147 mg NO3 L-1 in groundwater and 171 mg NO3 L-1 in drainage water. Other findings Excessive nitrate concentrations found in Croatian drainage and groundwater have also been reported by several other authors (Grgić, et al., 2002; Klačić, et al., 1998; Mesić, et al., 2000; Romić, et al., 1997; Šimunić, 2002; Šimunić, 2003; Šimunić, et al., 1998a; Tomić, et al., 1997) The nitrate concentration has sometimes reached levels up to 147 mg NO3 L-1 in groundwater and 171 mg NO3 L-1 in drainage water (Vidaček, et al., 2003; Vidaček, et al., 2002; Vidaček, et al., 1999). The left tributaries to the Sava have been found to have high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus, leading to occasional blooming and in some locations mass fish deaths (Bacca, et al., 2007). Nitrate leaching is endangering drinking water supplies in some Croatian areas (Bacca, et al., 2007). Hungary Portugal Italy Estonia Greece Austria Spain Slovakia France Sweden Ireland Finland Poland Slovenia Luxembourg Czech Rep. Denmark Germany Croatia UK Belgium Netherlands -6 11 22 25 26 31 37 42 49 51 60 60 64 72 72 88 96 101 101 103 131 -25 0 25 50 75 220 100 125 150 175 200 225 61 kg N/ha UAA Chapter 6: Gross nitrogen balance Figure 42: Nitrogen budget for 2006 (author's calculation) 6.3 Conclusions Conclusions and policy recommendations Based on the above-presented analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. The official information on the gross nitrogen balance of Croatian agriculture is contradictory. 2. The calculation for 2006 suggests that Croatia’s gross nitrogen balance for 2006 was 101 kg N/ha UAA, ranking Croatia among the four European countries with the highest gross nitrogen balance per ha UAA. 3. Results from the Croatian experiments on N losses from agriculture suggest that – generally speaking – N inputs above 150 kg N/ha result in nitrogen concentrations in water above the maximum admissible level. Policy recommendations From the above-presented analysis and conclusions, the following policy recommendations can be made: 1. The MAFRD is advised to enter into a dialogue with the Environment Agency in order to harmonise the figures on gross nitrogen balance. 2. The MAFRD is advised to enforce cross-compliance requirements and further stimulate water-friendly farming methods, notably those reducing N inputs (e.g. organic farming, integrated farming, extensive livestock husbandry, etc.). 62 Chapter 7: Gross phosphorous balance 7 GROSS PHOSPHOROUS BALANCE 7.1 Previous and new calculations Limited information Phosphorous is a major factor contributing to eutrophication. The only official information on phosphorous balance is provided by the Environment Agency (EA, 2005), for the period 2000–2003. Unfortunately, the map presented and the accompanying text, do not give information about the aggregated figure at the national level – but rather at the county levels. The map suggests that most countries have a phosphorous balance in the range 0–10 kg P/ha. Regional calculations questionable At this point it seems to be appropriate to say a few words about the regional (county) calculations of agricultural inputs and nutrient balances. In the case of Croatia these calculations have to be treated with caution as they are of questionable reliability. Chapters 3 and 4 provide a detailed analysis highlighting difficulties in obtaining reliable figures on nutrient inputs at national level. These difficulties are even more pronounced at the regional levels, notably for the consumption of synthetic fertilisers. Croatia simply does not have any recording and monitoring mechanism for fertiliser consumption at the county levels. The exclusive source of information about this is Petrokemija d.d. This sole Croatian fertiliser manufacturer does have records about where to it has sold its fertilisers. However, this information is of limited validity for the assessment of fertiliser consumption. The address of traders or farmers who have bought fertilisers from Petrokemija d.d. is unreliable source of information about the location of fertilisers consumption because: 1. The address of many companies and individuals differs from their place of farming. This is particularly true for large companies, whose headquarters tend to be in urban areas, often far away from farming regions. 2. It does not take into account further distribution and resale of fertilisers bought. 3. It does not take into account fertilisers that are temporarily stored before being exported. 4. It does not contain any imported fertilisers. Methodology Croatian gross phosphorous balance for 2006 is calculated using the same methodology as described in the Chapter on gross nitrogen balance. The only exception is biological fixation and atmospheric deposition. These are excluded from the calculation as these inputs are nitrogen-specific and not applicable to phosphorous. P inputs In 2006, the P input was 45,508 t P, of which 53% was provided by synthetic fertilisers, 46% by livestock manure and 1% by seeds and planting material (Figure 43 and Appendix 11.31). P outputs In 2006, phosphorous output in Croatian crops was 21,917 t P, of which 16,944 t P was harvested in crops and 4,973 t P in forage crops (Figure 44). 63 Chapter 7: Gross phosphorous balance Total fertilisers 53% Livestock manure 46% Seeds 1% Figure 43: Phosphorous inputs in Croatian agriculture in 2006 (author's calculation) P surplus The phosphorous surplus for Croatian agriculture in 2006 was 23,951 t P (Figure 44), which is equivalent to 19 kg P/ha UAA. From the data on gross phosphorous balance from EUROSTAT (2011), it appears that in 2006, besides Croatia, only the Netherlands had such a high per hectare phosphorous surplus (Figure 45). Surplus P that potentially ended up in water Surplus phosphorous that potentially might have ended up in water in 2006 is very difficult to estimate. There are no widely accepted methodologies for this estimate. 64 Chapter 9: Nutrient efficiency 50,000 45,000 Surplus 615 40,000 35,000 Harvested forage crops 20,913 Harvested crops t P 30,000 25,000 20,000 Seeds and planting material 4,973 15,000 10,000 23,981 23,591 Livestock manure production 16,944 5,000 Total fertilisers 0 P input P output P surplus Figure 44: Phosphorous input, output and surplus in 2006 (author's calculation) 65 Chapter 9: Nutrient efficiency Hungary Estonia Italy Greece Slovakia Luxembourg Sweden Austria France Germany Czech Rep. Switzerland Spain Portugal Ireland Finland Poland Denmark Belgium UK Slovenia Norway Croatia Netherlands -10 -5 -4 -2 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 6 7 9 9 9 10 10 16 19 19 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 Figure 45: Phosphorous budget for 2006 (author's calculation) 66 Chapter 9: Nutrient efficiency 7.2 Conclusions Conclusions and policy recommendations Based on the above-presented analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. The official information on the gross P balance of Croatian agriculture is limited and presented at the county level only – which is of questionable validity since Croatia has no monitoring system of fertiliser consumption in place at the county level. 2. The calculation for 2006 suggests that Croatia’s gross P balance for 2006 was 19 kg N/ha UAA, ranking Croatia (and the Netherlands) as the European country with the highest gross P balance per ha UAA. Policy recommendations From the above-presented analysis and conclusions, the following policy recommendations can be made: 1. The MAFRD is advised to enter into a dialogue with the Environment Agency in order to harmonise the figures on P balance. 2. The MAFRD is advised to enforce cross-compliance requirements and further stimulate water-friendly farming methods, notably those reducing P inputs (e.g. organic farming, integrated farming, extensive livestock husbandry, etc.). 67 Chapter 9: Nutrient efficiency 8 GROSS POTASSIUM BALANCE 8.1 Previous and new calculations Limited information Unlike nitrogen and phosphorous, potassium is not considered to be a source of water pollution. However, it is one of the three major plant nutrients and its presence in soil and inputs largely determines crop growth and the overall efficiency of N and P. The only official information on potassium balance is provided by the Environment Agency (EA, 2005), for the period 2000–2003. Unfortunately, the map presented and the accompanying text, do not give information about the aggregated figure at the national level – but rather at the county levels. The map suggests that most countries have either a negative potassium balance, or that this is in the range of 0–10 kg K/ha. Methodology The Croatian gross potassium balance for 2006 is calculated using the same methodology as described in the Chapter on phosphorous. K inputs In 2006, the K input was 106,188 t K, of which 54% was provided by synthetic fertilisers, 45.5% by livestock manure and 0.5% by seeds and planting material (Appendix 11.32). K outputs In 2006, the K output in Croatian crops was 44,543 t K, of which 24,219 t K was harvested in crops and 20,324 K in forage crops (Figure 46). K surplus The potassium surplus for Croatian agriculture in 2006 was 61,575 t K (Figure 46), which is an equivalent of 50 kg K/ha UAA. Unfortunately, EUROSTAT does not provide data on gross potassium balance. Consequently, comparison between Croatia and EU Member States on gross potassium balance is not possible. Surplus K that potentially ended up in water Surplus phosphorous that potentially might have ended up in water in 2006 is very difficult to estimate. There are no widely accepted methodologies for this estimate. Last but not least – this information would be of limited use since potassium does not cause water pollution. 68 Chapter 9: Nutrient efficiency 120,000 100,000 t K 80,000 Surplus 492 Harvested forage crops 48,126 Harvested crops 60,000 Seeds and planting material 40,000 57,500 20,324 61,575 Livestock manure production 20,000 24,219 Total fertilisers 0 K input K output K surplus Figure 46: Potassium input, output and surplus in 2006 (author's calculation) 8.2 Conclusions Conclusions and policy recommendations Based on the above-presented analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. The official information on the gross P balance of Croatian agriculture is limited and presented at the county level only – which is of questionable validity since Croatia has no monitoring system of fertiliser consumption in place at the county level. 2. The calculation for 2006 suggests that Croatia’s gross K balance for 2006 was 50 kg N/ha UAA. Comparison with the EU Member States is not possible since EUROSTAT does not provide information on gross potassium balance. Policy recommendations From the above-presented analysis and conclusions, the MAFRD is advised to enter into a dialogue with the Environment Agency in order to harmonise the figures on potassium balance. 69 Chapter 9: Nutrient efficiency 9 NUTRIENT EFFICIENCY AND LOW YIELDS 9.1 Nutrient efficiency Low nutrient efficiency If the Croatian Agriculture Extension Institute per hectare nutrient recommendations for each crop (Mikšić, et al., 2004) are multiplied by the cropping pattern for 2006, it appears that crops require 135,586 t N, 105,988 t P2O5 and 142,581 t K2O (Figure 47 and Appendix 11.33). At the same time, fertilisers, manure, soil and other sources provided 246,550 t N, 120,317 t P2O5 and 159,761 t K2O of readily available nutrients (Figure 47 and Appendix 11.34). The average annual supply from soil is assumed to be 40 kg N/ha, 38 kg P2O5/ha and 50 kg K2O/ha. These figures are derived from the estimated average soil nutrient content for Croatia and are based on soil test results run by the Agricultural University of Osijek (Vukadinović, 2007b). Calculations from Vukadinović (2007a, 2007b), show that depending on texture, soils on the Croatian Pannonian plan with 2 percent of organic matter provide 35-100 kg N ha-1 year-1. Here a conservative average of 40 kg N ha-1 year-1 for the whole country is estimated. Phosphate and potassium content in the soil is assumed to be on average 15 mg P2O5/ 100 g soil and 22 K2O/ 100 g soil. Low recovery rate However, in spite of the abundant nutrient supply in 2006, the crops took up (recovered) only a portion of the supplied nutrients: 52% N, 32% K2O and 33% P2O5 (Figure 47 and Appendix 11.34). 260,000 240,000 Readily available Required Recovered Surplus 220,000 200,000 tonnes 180,000 160,000 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 N P2O5 K2O Figure 47: Nutrient recommendation, supply and uptake in 2006 (author's calculation) 70 Chapter 9: Nutrient efficiency Nutrient supply exceeds requirements The N supply exceeded crop requirements by 90 kg N/ ha. The situation with P2O5 and K2O is much more balanced, since the supply exceeds the requirements only by 12 and 14 kg/ha. This calculation shows that there is room for nutrient reduction and suggests that a reduced nutrient supply under a less intensive nutrient regime would not necessarily be a bottleneck for sound yields, especially in the case of N, whose reduction is a precondition for preventing water pollution. N fertiliser reduction needed Since the N supply from the soil, livestock manure, biological deposition and biological fixation is a given factor which is difficult and/or uneconomical to reduce, the only possible N reduction can come through a cut in fertiliser usage. 9.2 Causes of low yields Why does Croatian agriculture attain low yields? Exceptionally high inputs on one hand and the rather low yields achieved by Croatian farming (Figure 48) on the other hand call for a deeper analysis of this anomaly. This discrepancy suggests that nutrients and pesticides - which are abundantly supplied - might not be the key bottleneck preventing higher yields in the case of Croatia and point to inappropriate overall management practices. It is far beyond the scope of this study to analyse the causes of low yield in Croatia. However, a brief attempt is made to clarify this issue as the low yields in Croatia are often used as one of the key arguments denying the validity of figures on high fertiliser use. The poor yields obtained by Croatian farming could be explained as the result of one or a combination of the following factors: 175 Belgium Netherlands Germany Croatia 150 125 100 EU-15 75 50 25 0 Wheat Barley Sugar beet Grain maize Cows' milk Potatoes Figure 48: Croatian average (2001-05) yields per hectare or milking cow as compared with those in the EU-15 (after EUROSTAT 2011 and CBS, 2006) 71 Chapter 9: Nutrient efficiency 9.2.1 Water shortage Precipitation Croatian agricultural soils are “thirsty” and badly need more water. They are relatively poor in organic matter and have an unfavourable ratio between water and air holding capacity, leading to a constant or temporary water surplus or shortage (Martinović, 1997; Moller, 2003). Croatian farming is exposed to low quantity or unfavourable distribution of precipitation (Bašić, 2003) and suffers from periodical water shortages. This has worsened over the time and Croatian agricultural soils have become thirstier every year. In the period 1994-2003, all agricultural crops grown in Croatia annually required 22 L/m2 more water than in the period (1961-2003)(Šimunić, et al., 2006). In the period 19942003, Croatian soils on average annually failed to provide sufficient water quantities to crops by 9 L m-2 (Šimunić, et al., 2006). However, in spite of this, less than 1% of Croatian agricultural land is irrigated (CBS, 2003b). Drainage On the other hand, there is a severe problem with water logging. Some 57% of agricultural land (mostly arable) suffers from seasonal water logging (CEA, 2007a) and requires drainage. This is completely or partly built on about two-thirds of the area needed, while another third with excessively moist soils have no drainage systems at all (UN, 2002). Subsoil pipe drainage has been installed on only 19% of the area requiring this system (UN, 2002). However, since nearly the entire drainage system was built before 1990 and has been inadequately maintained, it is in rather bad condition (MAF, 1996). Neglected drainage channels Neglected maintenance of drainage channels is another serious problem. According to Marušić (2003a; 2003b) since the fall of the centrally planned economy, most of these channels have become neglected, resulting in 60-66% lower yields for maize and 57-60% for wheat on the land along them. 9.2.2 Deprived soil fertility Soils poor in organic matter Agricultural soil organic matter has been subject to a constant decline since the mid 1960s (Martinović, 1997; Vidaček, et al., 2003). The most fertile Croatian soil types (chernozem and eutric brown soil) have in the last hundred years of cultivation lost 50-70% of their SOM - their average content has dropped from 4-6% to 1-2% and most Croatian agricultural soils currently have a SOM level of 1.5%-2.5% (Vidaček, et al., 2005). Martinović (1997) gives a similar estimate stating that in the last 50 years SOM decreased from 4-5% to 2.1-2.8%. The mean SOM content of the most fertilised Croatian soils (Eastern Croatia) today is less than 1.98% and the mean pH value 5.6 (Vukadinović, 2007b). Soil compaction is another pronounced problem in Croatian soils and the reported loss of air/water porosity is in the range of 3-9% (Vidaček, et al., 2005). Soil acidity Another cause that hinders Croatian yields is the ever increasing soil acidity due to the application of synthetic fertilisers and water logging. Soil acidity seriously hinders the fertility and the effective utilisation of applied nutrients, particularly phosphorus (Vukadinović, 2007b). It is estimated that about 35% of the total agricultural land has a mean pH 72 Chapter 9: Nutrient efficiency value less than 5.5 (Moller, 2003). … promoted by fertilisers Mihalić and Bašić (1997) suggest that all fertilisers produced by Petrokemija d.d. promote soil acidity. From their recommendations on CaO-equivalents required to correct acidity caused by fertiliser use it appears that based on the fertiliser consumption in 2001-05, Croatia should have applied about 111 kt CaO-equivalents or 191 kt CaCO3 per year (Znaor, 2008). This means that for every kg of applied fertilisers, on average an additional 0.2 kg CaO or 0.4 CaCO3 should have been added. However, from the CBS data it appears that on the Croatian market less than 1% of the required amount was available and consequently applied (CBS, 2007b). The results of 6,000 analyses of the most fertile Croatian soils - in Eastern Slavonia (Vukadinović, 2007a; Vukadinović, 2007b) - suggest that due to increased soil acidity the requirements for liming might actually be about ten times higher than estimated by Mihalić and Bašić (1997) - on average 1.1 t CaO ha-1. Pronounced soil acidity is believed to be the cause of the low recovery rate of applied nutrients and the reason for the rather high recommendations in regard to their supply through fertilisers (Moller, 2003). It is also worth noticing that acid soils seem to accelerate ammonia loss from urea (Fan and Mackenzie, 1993; Siva, 1999). 9.2.3 Inappropriate use of inputs Poor nutrient management Croatian farmers and agronomists do not seem to be sufficiently aware of the potential utilisation of nutrients in livestock manure (Moller, 2003; Znaor and Karoglan Todorović, 2004). Neither the application of fertilisers nor manure is satisfactory, since it is often applied in inadequate formulations, quantities and time, as well as using inadequate technical equipment (Moller, 2003; Sumelius, et al., 2005b). The application of fertilisers is done without prior analysis on nutrient content, mostly according to farmers’ experience and “feeling” of what is needed (Sumelius, et al., 2005b). Soil testing and monitoring is reported to be inadequate and insufficient (Bašić, 2002; Vidaček, et al., 2005). It is estimated that less than 1 percent of the farmers practice soil testing. Application of nitrogen in autumn preceding a spring crop is common practice by many farmers. The soil nutrient application rates recommended by the extension service often double the recommendations in Denmark for instance (Moller, 2003). The official extension service fertilisation recommendations do not suggest or take into account fertilisation with livestock manure/slurry for any single crop (Mikšić, et al., 2004). No tailor-made fertilisers Unlike in many other countries, Croatian farmers cannot purchase tailormade fertilisers. This is a common practice in most EU Member States. After having made the soil analysis, farmers order tailor-made fertilisers with formulations matching the exact needs of their crops. However, in Croatia, farmers are forced to purchase one of the few fertilisers available on the market. These contain a fixed amount and ration of nutrients. Consequently, it is practically impossible to match the crop nutrient needs with the supply, resulting either in under or overfertilisation. Single P and K fertilisers are also not available on the Croatian market, largely because Petrokemija does not produce them. So farmers can purchase P and K only in NPK fertilisers. 73 Chapter 9: Nutrient efficiency Over usage of urea However, when in need of N, farmers prefer to buy urea fertilisers instead of NPK because urea is a cheaper source of N. Consequently, there is oversupply of urea fertilisers and undersupply of NPK fertilisers. In the period 2001-2005, Croatian farmers applied 61% more urea and 51% less NPK than recommended by the extension service (Znaor, 2008). The use of urea is a particular problem, since if not quickly incorporated into the soil, urea releases ammonia into the air and this loss can be up to 60% of the N applied (Christianson, 1989; Motacha, 1976). It is likely that many Croatian farmers are not informed about this and do not practice quick incorporation of urea into the soil, resulting in less N supplied to crops. 9.2.4 Lack of farming skills and inappropriate farm management Poorly educated farmers Farming in Croatia is practiced by people who do not have adequate agricultural education. A huge 98% of those living in agricultural households rely only on practical experience and do not have any agricultural education at all (CBS, 2003a). An additional 0.3% have attended an agricultural course, while 1.3% have finished a secondary agricultural school and 0.4% have finished an agricultural college or university (CBS, 2003a). Inappropriate farm management Further reasons for the poor yields obtained by Croatian farming relate to inappropriate farm management (rather than to a shortage of inputs) and include one or a combination of the following factors: Inadequate crop rotation: cereals occupy about 70% of the arable land (grain maize alone nearly 40%). Improperly designed crop rotation enhances pest, disease and weed occurrence (Oomen, et al., 1998; van Mansvelt and Znaor, 1999; Znaor, 1995). It is also detrimental to soil fertility, as it can destroy the soil structure and deplete soil organic matter (van der Werff, 1992). The use of lower quality, cheaper seeds (Ćorić, 2007; Sever, 2007) and inadequate choice of crop variety and crop density (Bašić, 2003). Neglected or inappropriate management of livestock manure, resulting in high nutrient losses (Mesić, et al., 2004; Moller, 2003; Znaor and Karoglan Todorović, 2004; Znaor and Karoglan Todorović, 2007). Absence of crops whose root exudates are able to mobilise less available forms of P and K (Znaor and Karoglan Todorović, 2007). Absence of anti-erosion measures (Znaor and Karoglan Todorović, 2006). Non-application of soil acidity corrective measures, notably lime Poor overall management skills of Croatian farmers (Krištek, et al., 2002; Sumelius, et al., 2005a; Summers, 1996), the application of inappropriate technology and farmers’ limited knowledge (Franić, 2003; Mesić, 2003; Znaor and Karoglan Todorović, 2006). 74 Chapter 9: Nutrient efficiency 9.3 Conclusions Conclusions and policy recommendations Based on the above-presented analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. The nutrient supply in Croatian agriculture exceeds crop requirements, suggesting that there is room for nutrient reduction. Nutrients – which are abundantly supplied – are probably not the key bottleneck preventing higher yields – but rather other factors. 2. Among these the most important are: water shortage, deprived soil fertility, inappropriate use of inputs, the lack of farming skills and inappropriate farm management practices. Policy recommendations From the above-presented analysis and conclusions, the MAFRD is advised to: 1. Stimulate the adoption of measures aimed at more efficient use of nutrients, notably those increasing the soil organic matter. 2. Introduce massive training programmes aiming at educating farmers about the more efficient use of nutrients and general farm management skills. 75 Chapter 10: Apportionment assessment of N and P pressure 10 APPORTIONMENT ASSESSMENT OF NITROGEN AND PHOSPHOROUS PRESSURE Agriculture is the main source of N pollution According to the European Environment Agency, agricultural land is the principal source of nitrogen pollution of European water resources (Figure 49) (EEA, 2005). In Europe, agriculture typically contributes 50– 80% of the total nitrogen load (EEA, 2005). The agriculture’s “nitrogen footprint” is even greater if water pollution by nitrogen arising from production of synthetic fertilisers is added. Figure 49: Total area-specific nitrogen load (before retention) by sources and nitrogen surplus in large river catchments (EEA, 2005) Type of pollution sources Generally, nitrogen and phosphorous enter water resources through so called point and diffuse sources. Point sources include discharges from urban wastewater (settlements), industry and fish farms. Diffuse sources comprise background losses (N and P deriving from forest and other non-agricultural land), losses from agriculture, losses from scattered dwellings and atmospheric deposition on water bodies, for example marine areas or lakes (EEA, 2005). The background loss of nitrogen is 76 Chapter 10: Apportionment assessment of N and P pressure usually small, typically estimated at 1–2 kg N/ha. When assessing N and P load, some countries do not distinguish between agriculture and diffuse sources and express the agriculture-induced pollution as part of the diffuse pollution (Figure 50). However, agriculture accounts for by far the biggest portion of the diffuse pollution. Figure 50: Source apportionment of nitrogen load in selected European regions and catchments (EEA, 2005) 77 Chapter 10: Apportionment assessment of N and P pressure 10.1 Share of sectors in N and P pressure on Croatian water resources Agriculture makes >90% of the total N load Data from the Croatian Water Resources Management Plan indicate that agriculture accounts for more than 90% of the total nitrogen pressure on Croatian water resources (Hrvatske vode, 2003a). A calculation from Znaor (2008) confirms this estimate for the period 2001-2005, suggesting that the quantity of nitrogen excreted by humans (faeces and urine) which is often believed to be a significant source of nitrogen is barely a few percent of the total man-made nitrogen load. Pressure from different sectors in 2008 In order to assess N and P pressure on Croatian water resources from the individual sectors, a new calculation has been made for 2008. Background N load is estimated by multiplying the non-agricultural land area with wet and dry N deposition indicated in CBS (2010), as well as by multiplying this area with an estimated average rate of N mineralisation (15 kg N/ha). The N pressure from population/settlements is taken from the Environment Agency (EA, 2007) figure for 2003 (the latest available year). Values for the N load from agriculture are taken from the previous calculations made in this study. Industrial N load is taken from the figures provided by the Environment Agency (EA, 2011a). The same methodology was applied for calculating P load, except that an average rate of P load from non-agricultural soils is assumed to be 6 kg P/ha. From Figure 51 and Appendix 11.36 it appears that 67% of the total nitrogen pressure and 61% of phosphorous pressure derives from agriculture. Background 31.5% Background 37.0% Agriculture 61.4% Agriculture 66.7% Population 1.8% Industry 0.2% Population 1.5% Industry 0.1% Figure 51: Share of sectors in total nitrogen (left) and phosphorous (right) pressure on Croatian water resources in 2008 (author’s calculation) 78 Chapter 10: Apportionment assessment of N and P pressure However, when only anthropogenic (man-made) pressure is taken into account, agricultural N and P input is exceptionally high. From Figure 52 and Appendix 11.36 it appears that 97.3 of the anthropogenic (manmade) N pressure and 97.4% P pressure originate from agriculture. Population 2.6% Agriculture 97.3% Industry 0.1% Population 2.4% Agriculture 97.4% Industry 0.1% Figure 52: Share of sectors in nitrogen (left) and phosphorous (right) anthropogenic pressure on Croatian water resources in 2008 (author’s calculation) 10.2 Conclusions and policy recommendations Conclusions Based on the above-presented analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. Agriculture is by far the most significant human activity causing nitrogen and phosphorous pressure on European water resources. 2. In Croatia, agriculture is responsible for 61%-67% of the total and 97% of the anthropogenic nitrogen and phosphorous pressure on water resources. Consequently, agriculture should be the primary sector to be tackled in relation to nitrogen and phosphorous load reduction to Croatian water resources. Policy recommendations From the above-presented analysis and conclusions, the MAFRD is advised to: 1. Publish a clear statement indicating that agriculture, and not population, industry or any other sector is the primary source of water pollution in Croatia. 2. Stimulate more pro-actively the adoption of water-friendly farming measures. 79 Chapter 11: Appendices 11 APPENDICES 11.1 Agricultural land use in Croatia UAA 2009 ha % 2008 ha % 2007 ha % 2006 ha % 2005 ha % 2004 ha % 2003 ha % 2002 ha % 2001 ha % 2000 ha % Arable land and gardens 863.023 66,4 855.416 66,4 846.730 70,5 873.028 71,0 864.830 71,4 840.587 71,5 858.905 71,8 852.224 72,2 848.642 72,0 836.425 71,6 Kitchen gardens 5.315 0,4 5.337 0,4 5.275 0,4 7.604 0,6 7.852 0,6 5.500 0,5 5.436 0,5 5.400 0,5 5.400 0,5 5.400 0,5 Permanent grassland 343.306 26,4 342.430 26,6 269.745 22,4 273.193 22,2 265.238 21,9 259.465 22,1 260.866 21,8 253.491 21,5 254.708 21,6 257.657 22,0 Orchards 36.659 2,8 35.933 2,8 32.720 2,7 31.807 2,6 30.280 2,5 29.421 2,5 30.903 2,6 30.170 2,6 29.424 2,5 28.828 2,5 Vineyards 34.380 2,6 32.741 2,5 32.454 2,7 30.766 2,5 29.670 2,5 28.000 2,4 27.688 2,3 27.727 2,3 27.723 2,4 28.394 2,4 Olive groves 15.304 1,2 14.971 1,2 14.346 1,2 13.363 1,1 12.357 1,0 12.391 1,1 11.275 0,9 11.480 1,0 11.412 1,0 11.398 1,0 Nurseries 579 0,0 346 0,0 210 0,0 247 0,0 296 0,0 445 0,0 344 0,0 327 0,0 365 0,0 332 0,0 Osier willows 1016 0,1 917 0,1 276 0,0 175 0,0 267 0,0 352 0,0 321 0,0 319 0,0 325 0,0 271 0,0 Total 1.299.582 100,0 1.288.091 100,0 1.201.756 100,0 1.230.183 100,0 1.210.790 100,0 1.176.161 100,0 1.195.738 100,0 1.181.138 100,0 1.177.999 100,0 1.168.705 100,0 Source: CBS, 2010 80 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.2 CORINE Land Cover statistics for Croatia Code Land cover type 211 212 221 222 223 231 242 243 1980 ha % Non-irrigated arable land 385.633 16 Permanently irrigated arable land 9.443 0 Vineyards 28.200 1 Fruit trees and berry plantations 9.760 0 Olive groves 18.759 1 Meadows/Pastures 475.815 19 Heterogeneous agricultural areas, complex cultivation patterns 1.034.844 42 Heterogeneous agricultural areas,"land principally 515.282 21 occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation" Total 2.477.736 100,0 1990 ha 378.430 9.397 28.193 9.410 18.705 477.566 1.026.779 510.822 % 2000 ha 15 368.974 0 9.821 1 28.925 0 9.548 1 20.223 19 307.296 42 1.017.238 21 523.509 % 2006 ha 16 370.262 0 9.821 1 29.055 0 9.574 1 20.197 13 298.950 45 1.022.051 23 524.202 % Ø 2000-2006 ha % 16 0 1 0 1 13 45 23 377.679 99.731 23.785 14.443 16.815 320.219 844.453 642.916 16,1 4,3 1,0 0,6 0,7 13,7 36,1 27,5 2.459.302 100,0 2.285.534 100,0 2.284.112 100,0 2.340.040 100,0 Source: EA, 2011 81 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.3 Availability of forage areas in Mediterranean EU countries in 2007 and Mediterranean Croatia in 2009 Mediterranean and EU countries with extensive grassland France Greece Italy Portugal Spain Slovenia Cattle No. 19.350.470 732.000 6.364.350 1.324.290 5.740.560 472.360 Total 33.984.030 Mediterranean Croatia 40.367 LSU 14.125.843 534.360 4.645.976 966.732 4.190.609 344.823 24.808.342 29.468 Sheep No. 8.446.620 10.079.900 6.790.050 2.339.610 18.758.640 135.890 46.550.710 339.416 LSU 844.662 1.007.990 679.005 233.961 1.875.864 13.589 4.655.071 33.942 Goats No. LSU 1.308.240 130.824 4.987.090 498.709 936.840 93.684 389.290 38.929 2.475.710 247.571 34.590 3.459 10.131.760 1.013.176 27.273 2.727 Equidae No. 394.000 31.990 156.610 52.500 276.990 19.620 931.710 3.602 LSU Total grazing livestock (LSU) 275.800 22.393 109.627 36.750 193.893 13.734 652.197 2.521 15.377.129 2.063.452 5.528.292 1.276.372 6.507.937 375.605 31.128.786 68.658 Forage plants Permanent Forage plants grassland on arable (ha) land (ha) Total forage plants area (ha) 8.105.260 819.610 3.451.760 1.780.580 8.649.790 288.220 23.095.220 141.346 35.582.190 4.895.840 16.195.960 5.253.520 33.542.310 776.990 96.246.810 159.812 27.476.930 4.076.230 12.744.200 3.472.940 24.892.520 488.770 73.151.590 18.466 Availability of forage area per LSU Permanent Forage plants Total forage grasland on arable land plants area (ha/LSU) (ha/LSU) (ha/LSU) 0,5 0,4 0,6 1,4 1,3 0,8 0,7 2,1 1,8 2,0 2,3 2,7 3,8 1,3 2,3 0,3 2,31 2,37 2,93 4,12 5,15 2,07 3,09 2,33 Source: author's calculation, after Eurostat 2001 and CBS, 2011. 82 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.4 Fertiliser consumption in Croatia according to the Statistical Yearbook Source: CBS, 2010 83 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.5 Fertiliser consumption by Croatian family farms (extrapolated from Statistical Yearbook 2010) Source: author's calculation, extrapolated from the Statistical Yearbook 2010 (CBS, 2010) 84 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.6 Fertiliser consumption by Croatian legal entities and family farms Source: author's calculation, extrapolated from the Statistical Yearbook 2010 (CBS, 2010) 85 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.7 Fertiliser consumption according to production, import and export data of CBS, Croatia kt nutrients 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 124.341 122.151 110.509 107.722 132.430 105.785 Ø 20012006 117.156 Phosphate fertilisers 43.014 42.869 40.210 39.474 41.257 41.782 41.434 Potash fertilisers 53.643 50.857 43.249 43.252 38.448 42.519 45.328 220.997 215.877 193.968 190.448 212.135 190.086 203.918 Nitrogen fertilisers Total Source: Znaor, 2008 (after CBS, 2008) 86 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.8 Fertiliser production, imports, export and consumption in Croatia kt nutrients Nitrogen Production Imports Exports Consumption Phosphate Production Imports Exports Consumption Potash Production Imports Exports Consumption Total nutrients Production Imports Exports Consumption 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Ø 20002008 328 3 211 116 263 29 161 99 258 22 136 109 275 12 168 108 327 14 181 113 315 9 180 122 333 14 205 130 328 12 197 134 334 7 184 135 307 13 180 119 99 22 46 49 67 27 29 46 64 15 35 38 72 23 17 42 94 31 15 42 65 12 15 64 79 15 30 55 79 6 34 57 76 5 34 53 77 17 28 49 0 107 52 58 0 96 32 38 0 84 34 32 0 81 45 52 0 89 16 51 0 80 10 68 0 92 25 69 0 108 28 74 0 92 25 68 0 92 30 57 427 133 309 223 330 152 222 183 322 120 205 179 347 116 230 201 421 134 212 206 380 101 205 254 412 122 260 254 407 125 259 265 410 103 243 256 384 123 238 225 Source: IFA, 2011 87 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.9 Consumption of straight and compound fertilisers in Croatia kt nutrients N straight N compound Total N consumption 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Ø 20002008 82 34 116 70 29 99 81 29 109 74 34 108 76 37 113 81 41 122 89 41 130 91 43 134 92 43 135 82 37 119 P straight P compound 0 49 0 46 0 38 0 42 0 42 0 64 0 55 0 57 0 53 0 49 Total P2O5 consumption 49 46 38 42 42 64 55 57 53 49 K straight K compound 0 58 0 38 0 32 0 52 0 51 36 32 37 32 40 34 37 31 17 40 Total K2O consumption 58 38 32 52 51 68 69 74 68 57 Total straight Total compound Total nutrients 82 141 70 113 81 98 74 127 76 130 117 137 126 128 131 134 129 127 98 126 223 183 179 201 206 254 254 265 256 225 Source: IFA, 2011 11.10 Fertiliser consumption in Croatia in the period 1998–2008 Source: IFA, 2011 88 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.11 Fertiliser consumption in Croatia by product kt nutrients 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 3,6 3,7 6,0 - 1,6 - - 1,3 - 0,8 - 39,1 39,6 33,7 29,5 37,2 28,6 41,4 33,4 28,5 4,0 47,0 27,0 30,2 5,0 43,7 30,5 32,0 9,0 45,0 36,0 32,0 9,0 50,0 38,0 32,0 Total nitrogen Phosphate Ammonium phosphate (P) Basic slag Ground rock dir. applic. N P K compound (P) Other NP (P) Other P straight P K compound (P) Single superphos. Triple superphos. 116,0 99,0 109,3 108,2 112,8 122,0 49,0 - 45,6 - 38,3 - 41,5 - 42,0 - Total phosphate Potash N K compound (K) N P K compound (K) Other K straight P K compound (K) Potassium chloride Potassium sulphate 49,0 45,6 38,3 41,5 58,0 - 38,3 - 31,5 - Total potash 58,0 38,3 3,6 39,1 39,6 140,7 223,0 Nitrogen Nitrogen solutions Other N straight N K compound (N) Other NP (N) Ammonia dir. applic. Ammonium nitrate Ammonium sulphate Ammonium sulphate Ammonium phosphate (N) Urea CAN N P K compound (N) Total nutrients Ammonium (all) Other N straight NP NK PK Urea KAN NPK K chloride K sulphate GRAND TOTAL NUTRIENTS 2008 Ø 20002008 % 9,1 50,0 40,0 34,0 9,0 51,0 41,0 34,0 1,2 4,4 7,5 44,1 35,9 31,7 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 37 30 27 130,3 133,9 135,0 123,6 100 23,0 41,0 - 23,0 32,0 - 23,0 34,0 - 21,0 32,0 - 22,5 39,5 - 36 64 - 42,0 64,0 55,0 57,0 53,0 62,0 100 51,5 - 51,0 - 32,0 35,0 1,0 32,0 36,0 1,0 34,0 38,0 1,8 35,0 2,0 39,9 36,0 1,5 52 47 2 31,5 51,5 51,0 68,0 69,0 73,8 68,0 77,4 100 3,7 29,5 37,2 112,5 - 6,0 41,4 33,4 98,3 - 4,0 47,0 27,0 123,2 - 5,0 1,6 43,7 30,5 125,0 - 32,0 45,0 36,0 105,0 35,0 1,0 32,0 1,3 50,0 38,0 96,0 36,0 1,0 32,1 0,8 50,0 40,0 102,0 38,0 1,8 30,0 51,0 41,0 97,0 35,0 2,0 16,5 1,2 7 1 44,1 35,9 111,1 36,0 1,5 18 15 45 15 1 182,9 179,1 201,2 205,8 254,0 254,3 264,7 256,0 246,2 100 31,0 Source: IFA, 2011 89 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.12 Fertiliser consumption in Croatia as recorded by the FAO kt nutrients 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 Ø 20022008 Nitrogen fertilisers Phosphate fertilisers Potash fertilisers 129.821 123.597 145.499 124.858 113.944 130.646 170.541 170.541 39.876 63.829 48.844 76.410 82.036 77.708 90.605 90.605 50.799 65.555 70.416 55.838 62.280 59.292 72.207 72.207 138.681 71.239 63.574 Total 220.496 252.981 264.759 257.106 258.260 267.646 333.353 333.353 273.494 Source: FAOSTAT, 2011 90 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.13 Fertiliser consumption in Croatia according to different sources Source: author's calculation after CBS, 2010;CBS, 2007a; IFA, 2011 and FAO, 2011 91 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.14 Comparison of IFA and FAO fertiliser consumption data for the EU-27 kt nutrients 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Ø 2002-2006 11.055.900 10.990.137 11.272.000 11.562.837 10.870.200 11.073.569 10.653.000 10.723.233 10.563.500 10.471.949 10.882.920 10.964.345 101 Phosphate fertilisers IFA FAO 3.494.500 3.435.420 3.360.900 3.435.420 3.334.900 3.435.420 3.095.100 3.435.420 3.012.400 3.435.420 3.259.560 3.435.420 105 Potash fertilisers IFA 3.906.400 3.888.900 3.804.700 3.417.600 3.518.100 3.707.140 FAO 3.691.736 3.691.736 3.691.736 3.691.736 3.691.736 3.691.736 100 18.456.800 18.117.293 18.521.800 18.689.993 18.009.800 18.200.725 17.165.700 17.850.389 17.094.000 17.599.105 17.849.620 18.091.501 101 Nitrogen fertilisers IFA FAO Total nutrients IFA FAO Index (IFA=100 ) Source: IFA, 2011 and FAO, 2011 92 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.15 Nitrogen fertiliser consumption in the EU Source: IFA; 2011 93 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.16 Phosphate fertiliser consumption in the EU Source: IFA; 2011 94 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.17 Potassium fertiliser consumption in the EU Source: IFA; 2011 95 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.18 Total nutrients (N, P2O5 and K2O) consumption from synthetic fertilisers in the EU Source: IFA; 2011 96 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.19 Utilised agricultural area (UAA) in the EU (‘000 ha) Country 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Ø 2000-2008 Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Netherlands Portugal Spain Sweden United Kingdom EU-15 3.399 1.396 2.666 2.211 29.865 17.067 3.901 4.418 15.401 1.976 3.881 25.425 2.980 15.722 130.308 3.375 1.390 2.694 2.216 27.856 17.038 3.575 4.458 15.355 1.933 3.838 25.596 3.054 15.799 128.177 3.387 1.393 2.690 2.216 29.622 16.971 3.917 4.372 15.341 1.933 3.813 25.554 3.039 15.722 129.970 3.374 1.392 2.641 2.246 29.430 17.008 3.897 4.370 15.097 1.924 3.745 25.270 3.129 16.352 129.875 3.254 1.394 2.664 2.253 29.632 17.020 3.960 4.307 13.159 1.927 3.819 25.249 3.153 17.069 128.860 3.263 1.386 2.712 2.267 29.584 17.035 3.805 4.307 14.710 1.924 3.737 25.690 3.019 16.761 130.200 3.240 1.382 2.699 2.301 29.538 16.951 3.254 4.307 14.710 1.899 3.767 25.359 3.150 16.761 129.318 3.239 1.370 2.695 2.255 29.414 16.954 3.984 4.276 14.490 1.886 3.679 24.991 3.121 16.761 129.115 3.171 1.374 2.695 2.296 29.385 16.926 3.984 4.200 13.338 1.933 3.733 25.657 3.076 15.263 127.030 3.300 1.386 2.684 2.251 29.370 16.997 3.809 4.335 14.622 1.926 3.779 25.421 3.080 16.246 129.206 Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Poland Romania Slovakia Slovenia EU-12 EU-27 5.582 101 4.282 1.001 5.854 2.488 3.489 18.220 14.811 2.444 491 58.763 189.071 5.498 143 4.280 891 5.853 2.485 3.487 18.246 14.897 2.444 486 58.710 186.887 5.325 144 3.652 890 5.867 2.480 3.487 16.891 14.819 2.240 506 56.301 186.271 5.326 136 3.674 796 5.865 1.582 2.531 16.136 14.819 2.236 509 53.610 183.485 5.331 158 3.631 770 5.862 1.642 2.604 16.301 14.324 1.935 491 53.049 181.909 5.265 136 3.606 834 5.863 1.734 2.837 15.906 14.270 1.941 509 52.901 183.101 5.190 169 3.566 762 5.809 1.856 2.791 15.957 14.117 1.939 491 52.647 181.965 5.116 151 4.254 823 5.807 1.839 2.696 16.177 13.714 1.931 499 53.008 182.122 5.101 148 3.551 802 5.790 1.825 2.672 15.608 13.717 1.936 492 51.642 178.672 5.304 143 3.833 841 5.841 1.992 2.955 16.605 14.388 2.116 497 54.515 183.720 Source: EUROSTAT, 2011 97 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.20 Consumption of nitrogen from synthetic fertilisers in the EU kt N Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Netherlands Portugal Spain Sweden United Kingdom EU-15 Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Rep. Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Poland Romania Slovak Rep. Slovenija EU-12 EU-27 kt N 2004 2005 2007 2008 Ø 2000- 118 120 104 100 99 104 104 106 162 165 165 165 163 160 156 166 234 212 202 206 206 198 195 222 167 165 162 163 159 158 159 164 2.317 2.392 2.278 2.330 2.323 2.204 2.200 2.403 1.848 1.792 1.788 1.828 1.779 1.786 1.599 1.807 285 262 255 259 228 227 207 217 368 366 388 362 350 343 339 310 828 819 789 753 685 641 701 708 300 296 288 275 269 263 261 268 113 103 96 95 88 83 80 78 1.114 1.111 1.075 1.158 1.023 951 937 977 191 187 182 177 164 170 175 197 1.167 1.195 1.131 1.130 1.074 1.026 1.005 1.036 9.212 9.185 8.903 9.001 8.610 8.314 8.119 8.659 145 150 130 134 134 137 158 160 8 8 8 9 9 8 10 9 262 311 289 304 293 289 295 311 22 29 30 26 29 30 15 24 320 336 330 333 354 326 341 319 29 39 36 36 38 39 45 56 98 102 115 116 117 119 122 127 896 864 831 948 892 996 1.056 1.142 240 269 239 213 242 241 234 324 82 85 81 93 90 90 100 115 64 59 63 59 63 64 70 69 2.166 2.250 2.153 2.271 2.261 2.339 2.445 2.655 11.377 11.436 11.056 11.272 10.870 10.653 10.564 11.313 98 106 149 161 190 207 136 159 2.099 2.283 1.551 1.753 150 232 286 346 609 726 247 274 70 90 732 1.009 158 178 918 1.076 7.392 8.599 166 146 8 9 340 299 22 25 232 321 51 41 119 115 1.050 964 345 261 118 95 42 61 2.491 2.337 9.884 10.936 2000 2001 2002 2003 2006 2008 kg N per ha 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Ø 2000- 2008 35 116 88 76 78 108 73 83 54 152 29 44 64 74 71 26 77 61 22 55 11 28 49 16 34 130 37 60 36 119 79 74 86 105 73 82 53 153 27 43 61 76 72 27 55 73 32 57 16 29 47 18 35 121 38 61 31 118 75 73 77 105 65 89 51 149 25 42 60 72 69 24 56 79 34 56 15 33 49 16 36 124 38 59 30 119 78 73 79 107 66 83 50 143 25 46 57 69 69 25 67 83 33 57 23 46 59 14 42 115 42 61 30 117 77 71 78 105 58 81 52 140 23 41 52 63 67 25 59 81 38 60 23 45 55 17 47 127 43 60 32 115 73 70 75 105 60 80 44 137 22 37 56 61 64 26 62 80 36 56 23 42 63 17 46 125 44 58 32 113 72 69 74 94 64 79 48 137 21 37 56 60 63 30 59 83 19 59 24 44 66 17 52 142 46 58 33 121 83 73 82 107 54 72 49 142 21 39 63 62 67 31 56 73 29 55 30 47 71 24 60 139 50 62 31 108 71 59 71 92 38 68 46 128 19 29 51 60 58 33 52 96 27 40 28 45 67 25 61 84 48 55 32 116 77 71 78 103 61 80 50 142 24 40 58 66 67 28 60 79 30 55 21 40 58 18 46 123 43 60 Source: After IFA, 2011; EUROSTAT, 2011 and CBS, 2011 98 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.21 Consumption of phosphate from synthetic fertilisers in the EU kt P2O5 kt P2O5 Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Netherlands Portugal Spain Sweden United Kingdom EU-15 Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Rep. Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Poland Romania Slovak Rep. Slovenija EU-12 EU-27 kg P2O5 per ha 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Ø 2000-2008 48 45 36 52 795 351 113 96 504 54 63 569 39 279 3044 4 5 43 7 45 11 20 270 56 19 18 498 3542 47 45 34 52 759 315 112 97 457 54 63 604 37 279 2955 4 5 53 7 45 15 20 317 86 21 17 589 3544 45 45 33 45 729 327 106 97 449 52 57 606 37 282 2910 4 6 46 5 68 15 30 303 73 19 16 585 3495 38 45 32 45 721 284 110 96 454 52 54 508 38 279 2756 4 4 44 7 67 10 31 338 64 20 16 605 3361 39 52 32 45 685 303 88 85 393 45 51 585 35 260 2697 9 4 49 7 69 10 32 346 75 21 17 638 3335 35 52 31 45 599 274 88 84 346 43 50 465 30 237 2379 11 5 49 7 66 14 32 422 74 21 15 716 3095 35 49 31 43 561 265 81 82 381 43 47 461 31 229 2339 12 5 45 3 62 15 32 412 49 24 15 673 3012 38 47 30 40 631 317 91 61 319 45 48 526 33 215 2441 13 5 61 4 70 15 34 462 68 30 17 778 3219 21 23 14 25 296 174 64 54 194 33 32 158 23 132 1243 13 5 55 2 38 9 24 410 64 28 11 660 1903 38 45 30 44 642 290 95 84 389 47 52 498 34 243 2.529 8 5 50 5 59 13 28 364 68 22 16 638 3.167 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 14 32 14 24 27 21 29 22 33 27 16 22 13 18 23 1 48 10 6 8 4 6 15 4 8 37 8 19 14 32 13 23 27 18 31 22 30 28 16 24 12 18 23 1 36 12 8 8 6 6 17 6 8 34 10 19 13 32 12 20 25 19 27 22 29 27 15 24 12 18 22 1 40 13 6 12 6 9 18 5 8 31 10 19 11 32 12 20 24 17 28 22 30 27 14 20 12 17 21 1 30 12 9 11 6 12 21 4 9 31 11 18 12 37 12 20 23 18 22 20 30 23 13 23 11 15 21 2 28 13 9 12 6 12 21 5 11 35 12 18 11 38 11 20 20 16 23 20 24 22 13 18 10 14 18 2 33 14 9 11 8 11 27 5 11 29 14 17 11 35 11 19 19 16 25 19 26 23 12 18 10 14 18 2 30 13 4 11 8 11 26 3 12 31 13 17 12 34 11 18 21 19 23 14 22 24 13 21 11 13 19 3 33 14 5 12 8 13 29 5 16 33 15 18 7 17 5 11 10 10 16 13 15 17 9 6 7 9 10 3 32 16 3 7 5 9 26 5 14 22 13 11 Ø 2000-2008 12 32 11 19 22 17 25 19 26 24 14 20 11 15 20 2 34 13 6 10 6 10 22 5 11 32 12 17 Source: after IFA, 2011; EUROSTAT, 2011 and CBS, 2011 99 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.22 Consumption of potassium from synthetic fertilisers in the EU kt K2 O kt K2O Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Netherlands Portugal Spain Sweden United Kingdom EU-15 Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Rep. Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Poland Romania Slovak Rep. Slovenija EU-12 EU-27 kg K2O per ha 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Ø 20002008 51 54 88 80 79 77 80 68 1033,5 1014,5 544 503,1 58 58 135 130 400 380 64 66 43 40 467 481 48 50 394 396 3.485 3.398 2,6 2,6 1,7 1,7 24,6 31,4 6,6 8,6 52 54,6 11,6 11,8 35 40 370 380 14,6 15 16,8 17,4 22,3 20,9 558 584 4.042 3.982 50 85 75 68 960,1 480 58 130 378 66 37 488 55 375 3.305 3 1,6 30,6 11,5 70 11,5 44 378 14 16,5 20,6 601 3.906 49 85 77 68 932 485 57 128 380 67 37 488 46 376 3.275 3 3,1 32,1 10 72 13 43 388 13 16 20,7 614 3.889 45 89 81 67 900 479,5 56 131,8 345 45 35 493,7 41 351,7 3.161 4,6 1,7 39,4 7,1 75 12,2 44 405 17 16,5 21,5 644 3.805 42 89 76 67 734,8 426 55 128,6 291 42 33 387,4 37 336 2.745 4,9 2 45,8 7 75 12 44 425 20 16,1 21 673 3.418 43 89 77 67 731,1 442,6 52 110 298 46 33 411 37 316 2.753 6,9 1,8 46,7 7,3 86 13 46 502 15 19,7 21 765 3.518 46 84 72 64 794,2 511,3 47 84 303 44 34 432 39 325 2.880 3,8 2 62,5 6 83 13 42 537 37 21 22 829 3.709 23 55 37 39 390,4 179,1 37 68 149 36 21 188 28 207,4 1.458 4,5 1,8 55,5 6,8 33 12 32 410 35 0 13 604 2.062 45 83 72 65 832 450 53 116 325 53 35 426 42 342 2.940 4 2 41 8 67 12 41 422 20 16 20 652 3.592 2000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Ø 2000- 2008 15 63 30 36 35 32 15 31 26 32 11 18 16 25 27 0 17 6 7 9 5 10 20 1 7 45 9 21 16 58 29 31 36 30 16 29 25 34 10 19 16 25 27 0 12 7 10 9 5 11 21 1 7 43 10 21 15 61 28 31 32 28 15 30 25 34 10 19 18 24 25 1 11 8 13 12 5 13 22 1 7 41 11 21 15 61 29 30 32 29 15 29 25 35 10 19 15 23 25 1 23 9 13 12 8 17 24 1 7 41 11 21 14 64 30 30 30 28 14 31 26 23 9 20 13 21 25 1 11 11 9 13 7 17 25 1 9 44 12 21 13 64 28 30 25 25 14 30 20 22 9 15 12 20 21 1 15 13 8 13 7 16 27 1 8 41 13 19 13 64 29 29 25 26 16 26 20 24 9 16 12 19 21 1 11 13 10 15 7 16 31 1 10 43 15 19 14 61 27 28 27 30 12 20 21 23 9 17 12 19 22 1 13 15 7 14 7 16 33 3 11 44 16 20 7 40 14 17 13 11 9 16 11 19 6 7 9 14 11 1 12 16 8 6 7 12 26 3 0 26 12 12 14 60 27 29 28 26 14 27 22 27 9 17 14 21 23 1 14 11 9 11 6 14 26 1 7 41 12 20 Source: after IFA, 2011; EUROSTAT, 2011 and CBS, 2011 100 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.23 Conversion factors used to calculate LUS Type livestock Bovine animals Category livestock Under 1 year old 1 but less than 2 years old Male, 2 years old and over Heifers, 2 years old and over Dairy cows Other cows, 2 years old and over Sheep and goats Equidae Piglets having a live weight of under 20 kg Breeding sows weighing 50 kg and over Other pigs Broilers Laying hens Poultry Ostriches Other poultry Rabbits, breeding females Pigs LU factor 0,4 0,7 1 0,8 1 0,8 0,1 0,8 0,027 0,5 0,3 0,007 0,014 0,35 0,03 0,02 Source: Commission Regulation (EC) No 1200/2009 101 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.24 Population trend of livestock in Croatia Year LSU % of 1911 % of 1991 1911 1991 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 1.812.014 1.320.566 904.346 867.382 853.857 828.034 888.494 100 73 50 48 47 46 49 100 68 66 65 63 67 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 878.314 882.572 886.237 925.046 981.936 909.845 978.842 924.070 854.576 882.414 48 49 49 51 54 50 54 51 47 49 67 67 67 70 74 69 74 70 65 67 Source: author’s calculation after CBS 2011 and Stipetić, 1964 102 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.25 Livestock units 2000–2008 in Croatia LSU Type livestock Cattle Pigs Sheep Goats Poultry Horses Total LSU/ha UAA 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 352.701 305.277 52.868 7.939 150.546 8.984 878.314 0,75 355.003 300.378 53.950 9.294 155.619 8.328 882.572 0,75 342.492 316.834 58.002 9.653 152.228 7.029 886.237 0,75 359.342 338.019 58.664 8.609 153.197 7.217 925.046 0,77 358.848 375.013 72.158 12.606 155.092 8.219 981.936 0,83 361.554 302.977 79.648 13.448 144.869 7.349 909.845 0,75 367.813 377.866 67.984 10.288 145.292 9.600 978.842 0,80 354.519 342.156 64.599 9.190 144.019 9.586 924.070 0,77 2008 Ø 2000 -2008 343.312 285.732 64.338 8.388 140.187 12.619 854.576 0,66 355.065 327.139 63.579 9.935 149.005 8.770 913.493 0,76 Source: CBS, 2011 103 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.26 Average annual (2000–2008) nutrient load from livestock in Croatia Type livestock Cattle Pigs Sheep Goats Poultry Horses Total kg/ha UAA kg N/ tN LSU Excreted by livestock 70 80 70 70 85 60 76 24.855 26.171 4.451 695 12.665 526 69.363 58 kg N/ tN LSU Applied to agric. land 53 60 53 53 64 45 57 18.641 19.628 3.338 522 9.499 395 52.022 43 kg kg t P2 O5 P2 O5/ Excreted by Applied to LSU livestock agric. land 28 9.942 9.942 70 18 16 72 25 49 22.769 1.113 159 10.766 219 44.967 37 22.769 1.113 159 10.766 219 44.967 37 t K2O K2O/ Excreted by Applied to LSU livestock agric. land 70 56 35 32 48 60 59 24.855 18.320 2.225 318 7.219 526 53.463 44 24.855 18.320 2.225 318 7.219 526 53.463 44 kg t nutrients nutri./ Excreted by LSU livestock 168 206 123 118 206 145 184 59.651 67.260 7.788 1.172 30.650 1.272 167.793 139 kg t nutrients nutri./ Applied to LSU agric. land 151 186 105 101 184 130 165 53.437 60.717 6.676 998 27.484 1.140 150.453 125 Source: author’s calculation after CBS, 2011; NN 56/08; LNV, 2006 and DEFRA, 2000 104 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.27 Nutrients from livestock excreta produced and applied onto Croatian agricultural land tN Year t P2O5 Excreted by Applied to Excreted by livestock agric. land livestock t nutrients t K2O Applied to agric. land Excreted by livestock Applied to agric. land Excreted by livestock Applied to agric. land 1911 1991 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 127.713 99.554 68.513 65.773 64.780 62.773 67.706 95.784 74.666 51.385 49.330 48.585 47.080 50.779 47.485 45.870 32.054 30.764 30.316 29.198 31.839 47.485 45.870 32.054 30.764 30.316 29.198 31.839 95.775 69.998 47.751 45.449 44.631 43.196 45.591 95.775 69.998 47.751 45.449 44.631 43.196 45.591 270.973 215.423 148.318 141.987 139.728 135.167 145.135 239.045 190.534 131.189 125.544 123.533 119.474 128.209 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 70.708 71.051 71.346 74.470 79.050 73.247 78.801 74.392 68.797 71.038 53.031 53.288 53.509 55.853 59.288 54.935 59.101 55.794 51.598 53.279 35.133 35.303 35.449 37.002 39.277 36.394 39.154 36.963 34.183 35.297 35.133 35.303 35.449 37.002 39.277 36.394 39.154 36.963 34.183 35.297 50.064 50.307 50.516 52.728 55.970 51.861 55.794 52.672 48.711 50.298 50.064 50.307 50.516 52.728 55.970 51.861 55.794 52.672 48.711 50.298 155.905 156.660 157.311 164.200 174.298 161.502 173.749 164.027 151.691 156.632 138.228 138.898 139.474 145.582 154.535 143.190 154.048 145.429 134.492 138.873 Source: own calculation after CBS 2011; NN 2008 and Stipetić, 1964 105 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.28 Nutrients load from livestock excreta tN Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Netherlands Portugal Spain Sweden UK EU-15 Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Poland Romania Slovakia Slovenia EU-12 EU-27 Croatia t P2 O5 Excreted by livestock Applied to agric. land Excreted by livestock 190.512 260.447 271.712 106.990 1.897.072 1.272.053 246.022 509.154 670.094 495.996 168.491 826.798 129.247 1.100.278 8.144.866 78.695 13.555 129.773 13.465 151.381 24.961 63.047 564.131 366.421 39.730 57.273 1.497.351 9.689.638 69.363 142.884 195.335 203.784 80.243 1.422.804 954.040 184.517 381.866 502.571 371.997 126.368 620.098 96.935 825.208 6.108.649 59.021 10.166 97.330 10.099 113.536 18.721 47.285 423.098 274.816 29.798 42.955 1.123.013 7.267.228 53.031 162.739 189.798 225.674 79.978 1.628.979 1.050.670 174.738 300.454 529.282 330.036 137.570 771.326 92.967 809.496 6.483.708 69.893 12.039 119.664 13.301 112.007 22.169 55.995 506.622 325.436 50.715 32.056 1.329.869 7.692.340 44.967 Total nutrients (t) t K2 O kg N/ha UAA Applied to Excreted by Applied to agric. land livestock agric. land Excreted by Applied to Excreted livestock agric. land by livestock 162.739 189.798 225.674 79.978 1.628.979 1.050.670 174.738 300.454 529.282 330.036 137.570 771.326 92.967 809.496 6.483.708 69.893 12.039 119.664 13.301 112.007 22.169 55.995 506.622 325.436 50.715 32.056 1.329.869 7.692.340 44.967 517.524 469.896 710.049 644.937 790.709 722.781 263.504 236.756 5.025.671 4.551.403 3.527.404 3.209.391 587.728 526.223 1.214.364 1.087.075 1.840.213 1.672.690 1.253.497 1.129.498 452.405 410.282 2.540.655 2.333.956 343.072 310.760 2.860.951 2.585.881 21.927.745 19.891.529 243.314 223.640 41.910 38.522 390.621 358.178 47.595 44.229 436.913 399.067 77.177 70.937 194.932 179.171 1.786.177 1.645.144 1.132.920 1.041.315 146.857 136.925 126.281 111.963 4.629.587 4.255.249 26.483.517 24.061.107 167.793 150.453 164.273 259.804 293.323 76.535 1.499.620 1.204.681 166.968 404.756 640.837 427.466 146.344 942.531 120.857 951.177 7.299.172 94.726 16.316 141.184 20.829 173.524 30.046 75.890 715.424 441.063 56.413 36.952 1.802.367 9.101.539 53.463 164.273 259.804 293.323 76.535 1.499.620 1.204.681 166.968 404.756 640.837 427.466 146.344 942.531 120.857 951.177 7.299.172 94.726 16.316 141.184 20.829 173.524 30.046 75.890 715.424 441.063 56.413 36.952 1.802.367 9.101.539 53.463 58 188 101 48 65 75 65 117 46 258 45 33 42 68 63 15 95 34 16 26 13 21 34 25 19 115 27 53 58 kg P2O5 /ha UAA kg K2O/ha UAA kg total nutrients/ha UAA Applied to Excreted by Applied to Excreted by Applied to Excreted agric. land livestock agric. land livestock agric. land by livestock 43 141 76 36 48 56 48 88 34 193 33 24 31 51 47 11 71 25 12 19 9 16 25 19 14 86 21 40 43 49 137 84 36 55 62 46 69 36 171 36 30 30 50 50 13 84 31 16 19 11 19 31 23 24 64 24 42 37 49 137 84 36 55 62 46 69 36 171 36 30 30 50 50 13 84 31 16 19 11 19 31 23 24 64 24 42 37 50 187 109 34 51 71 44 93 44 222 39 37 39 59 56 18 114 37 25 30 15 26 43 31 27 74 33 50 44 50 187 109 34 51 71 44 93 44 222 39 37 39 59 56 18 114 37 25 30 15 26 43 31 27 74 33 50 44 157 512 295 117 171 208 154 280 126 651 120 100 111 176 170 46 293 102 57 75 39 66 108 79 69 254 85 144 139 Applied to agric. land 142 465 269 105 155 189 138 251 114 586 109 92 101 159 154 42 269 93 53 68 36 61 99 72 65 225 78 131 125 Source: author’s calculation after CBS, 2011; NN, 2008; EUROSTAT, 2011; MAFF, 2000 and LNV, 2006 106 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.29 Total nutrients load from fertilisers and livestock excreta Fertilisers N P2 O5 Netherlands Belgium Slovenia Denmark Cyprus Ireland Germany Croatia France EU-15 UK Greece EU-27 Finland Italy Poland Austria Czech Rep. Sweden Spain Portugal EU-12 Hungary Slovakia Lithuania Estonia Romania Bulgaria Latvia 142 116 123 77 60 80 103 98 78 67 66 61 60 71 50 58 32 79 58 40 24 43 55 46 40 30 18 28 21 24 32 32 11 34 19 17 41 22 20 15 25 17 19 26 22 12 13 11 20 14 12 10 11 10 6 5 2 6 Livestock excreta K2 O Total 27 60 41 27 14 27 26 45 28 23 21 14 20 29 22 26 14 11 14 17 9 12 11 7 14 9 1 1 6 194 208 196 116 108 126 147 185 128 109 102 100 96 119 98 106 57 102 82 76 46 67 76 64 64 46 24 30 34 N P2O5 193 141 86 76 71 88 56 45 48 47 51 48 40 36 34 25 43 25 31 24 33 21 19 14 16 12 19 11 9 171 137 64 84 84 69 62 39 55 50 50 46 42 36 36 31 49 31 30 30 36 24 19 24 19 16 23 13 11 Fertilisers + Livestock excreta K2 O Total 222 187 74 109 114 93 71 47 51 56 59 44 50 34 44 43 50 37 39 37 39 33 30 27 26 25 31 18 15 586 465 225 269 269 251 189 131 155 154 159 138 131 105 114 99 142 93 101 92 109 78 68 65 61 53 72 42 36 N P2O5 K2O Total 335 257 209 153 131 168 159 144 126 114 117 110 99 106 84 84 75 104 89 64 57 64 74 60 56 42 37 39 31 196 169 96 95 119 89 79 80 77 70 65 71 59 55 63 53 61 44 41 50 50 36 29 35 29 22 27 15 18 249 247 115 136 128 120 97 92 79 79 80 58 69 63 66 69 63 48 53 54 48 45 41 34 40 34 32 19 21 780 673 421 385 378 376 335 316 283 263 262 238 227 224 212 205 200 196 183 168 155 145 145 129 125 98 97 72 70 Source: author's calculation after CBS, 2011; NN, 2008; EUROSTAT, 2011; MAFF, 2000 and LNV, 2006 107 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.30 Gross nitrogen balance for Croatia in 2006 Code Item tN % kg N/ha UAA N inputs F1 Total fertilisers A1 Livestock manure production B11 Biological N fixation legumes B12 Biological N fixation - free living organisms C1 Seeds and planting material L111 Atmospheric deposition Total N inputs 130,000 74,392 25,957 4,921 1,845 14,147 251,262 52 30 10 2 1 6 100 106 60 21 4 2 12 204 N outputs C21 Harvested crops C22 Harvested forage crops Total N outputs N surplus N recovery/efficiency Estimated loss to water 90,993 36,094 127,088 124,174 61,318 72 28 100 49 51 49 74 29 103 101 50 Source: author's calculation 11.31 Gross phosphorous balance for Croatia in 2006 Source: author's calculation 108 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.32 Gross potassium balance for Croatia in 2006 Source: author's calculation 109 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.33 Crop nutrient requirements Nitrogen tN ha kg N/ha UAA Crop Cereals Wheat Maize Barley Others Phosphate t kg P2O5 P2O5/ ha UAA Potassium t kg K2O/ K2O ha UAA Total nutrients t kg nutrients/ nutrients ha UAA Subtotal 175,551 296,195 59,159 39,212 570,117 148 151 118 110 144 25,982 44,725 6,981 4,313 82,001 79 102 83 75 91 13,869 30,212 4,910 2,941 51,932 109 158 113 105 135 19,135 46,799 6,685 4,117 76,736 336 411 314 290 370 58,985 121,736 18,576 11,371 210,669 Subtotal 35,308 8,413 43,721 95 128 101 3,354 1,077 4,431 102 75 177 3,601 631 4,232 174 113 287 6,144 951 7,094 371 316 687 13,099 2,659 15,758 Dry pulses and beans Beans Other pulses Subtotal 6,367 684 7,051 95 95 190 605 65 670 100 100 200 637 68 705 150 150 300 955 103 1,058 345 345 690 2,197 236 2,433 Subtotal 16,759 16,759 197 197 3,302 3,302 160 160 2,681 2,681 240 240 4,022 4,022 597 597 10,005 10,005 Subtotal 62,810 31,881 22,345 117,036 83 151 100 105 5,213 4,814 2,235 12,262 113 140 120 122 7,098 4,463 2,681 14,242 143 234 130 165 8,982 7,460 2,905 19,347 339 525 350 392 21,293 16,738 7,821 45,851 Subtotal 1,051 1,628 7,464 10,143 88 106 100 100 92 173 746 1,011 80 110 100 100 84 179 746 1,010 120 165 130 135 126 269 970 1,365 288 381 330 334 303 620 2,463 3,386 2,628 100 3,635 190 3,591 170 4,093 120 139 13,948 0 0 135 117,624 325 80 110 100 157 0 104 8,542 1,531 2,324 3,411 15,807 0 90,609 8,542 325 2,296 120 2,746 130 4,093 120 176 17,677 0 0 146 127,299 750 390 410 340 471 0 384 19,712 7,462 8,660 11,597 47,431 0 335,532 Oil crops Sunflowers Rape seed Root crops Potatoes Industrial crops Soyabean Sugar beet Others Vegetables Onions Cabages Other vegetables Forage crops Alfalfa Grass-clover Silage maize Other fodder crops Subtotal Fallow land Total arable land Kitchen gardens Meadows and pastures Fruit and grape Orchards Olive groves Vineyards Subtotal Nurseries & ossier willows Nutrient requirements 26,282 19,134 21,123 34,109 100,648 7,553 873,028 7,604 60 456 100 760 130 989 290 2,205 273,193 45 12,294 40 10,928 30 8,196 115 31,417 2,863 90 1,069 80 2,154 70 6,085 80 13 30 116 142,581 220 180 180 197 140 312 6,998 2,405 5,538 14,941 59 384,155 31,807 13,363 30,766 75,936 422 1,230,183 2,226 70 802 60 2,154 70 5,182 68 30 70 110 135,586 1,908 60 535 40 1,231 40 3,674 48 17 40 86 105,988 Source: author's calculation 110 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.34 Crop nutrient recovery Source: author's calculation 111 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.35 Source apportionment of N and P inputs into the aquatic environment Source: (EEA, 2005) 112 Chapter 11: Appendices 11.36 Environmental pressure from N and P onto Croatian water resources in 2008 Source: author's calculation 113 Chapter 12: References 12 REFERENCES Bašić, F., 2002. 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