Nombre y Apellido

Nombre y Apellido ___________________________________
Performance-based Assessment
En el aeropuerto / el avión
Please choose from the following project options. It is important to make a decision based on your learning
interests, ability to maximize class time to complete the necessary tasks, ability to work with classmates, and
time commitments outside of school. Your final performance should demonstrate your highest level of
Proyecto #1:
Si quiere trabajar solo/a…
Pretend that you are a flight attendant on Flight 641, a non-stop flight to San José, Costa Rica. The flight is
departing is supposed to depart at 3:45 pm but was delayed 20 minutes. The flight is now expected to arrive in
San José at 6:50pm. Before take-off it is the job of the flight attendant to inform the passengers of the flight
information and safety procedures. Using the vocabulary we have been practicing in class and your prior
knowledge, present this information to the passengers on the plane and use any props, costumes, actions or
visuals to enhance the presentation.
Proyecto #2:
Si quiere trabajar en parejas o en grupos…
Pretend that one person in your partnership/group is traveling alone for the first time. He/She is scheduled to
fly on the non-stop flight 641 to San José, Costa Rica originally scheduled to depart at 3:45pm. The flight is
now delayed 20 minutes. As this person enters the international airport, he/she is overwhelmed and unsure of
what procedures he/she needs to follow. Using the vocabulary we have been practicing in class and your prior
knowledge, create a conversation in which this person communicates with the different employees to ensure
he/she safely gets on the proper flight. Use any props, costumes, actions or visuals to enhance the presentation.
*If one of the two options above do not interest you or allow you to demonstrate your highest level of
proficiency (Presentational Mode- Speaking). You may present a different idea to your teacher. In order for
your idea to be considered it must target the vocabulary and grammar structures currently being used in class.
1. Create a Multi-Media Presentation using one of the following formats:
a. Live Skit or Puppet Show
b. Video Presentation
c. PowerPoint or Prezi Presentation
d. Other – Subject to approval by the teacher
2. A Final Draft of the Written Script must be turned into the teacher by the project due date
a. Finals drafts should be written in blue or black ink or be typed
b. Final drafts should demonstrate the work/ability level of an 8th grade student
c. All final drafts should include a proper heading with all of the names of the participants (one
final draft per group only)
d. If you work in a partnership or in a group, all members of the group will
receive the same grade for the written portion
3. Use Your Spanish Notebook to help guide your presentation. The use of a
dictionary, translation site, and/or teacher guidance is strictly prohibited.
4. Your project must be performed without the use of a written script; it should be
Nombre y Apellido ___________________________________
Performance-based Assessment
En el aeropuerto / el avión
Grading Rubric
Presentational Writing Rubric
Demonstrates Mastery
Demonstrates Partial
Written Content
Written script flows logically,
includes original ideas, and is
on topic.
Written script flows logically,
includes clear ideas, and is ontopic. Email maybe a little
Written script is a little
confusing and very repetitive.
Word Choice
Extensive use of targeted
vocabulary (at the airport / in
the airplane)
Many targeted vocabulary
words used (at the airport / in
the airplane)
Few targeted vocabulary words
used (at the airport / in the
Language Control
Targeted vocabulary and
grammar structures are used
Targeted vocabulary and
grammar structures need minor
Targeted vocabulary and
grammar structures need many
Sentence Structure
Detailed sentences that use
“linking words”
Formulaic Sentences
Lists of words and memorized
Application of Prior
Accurately incorporates
vocabulary and grammar from
past theme(s)
Incorporates vocabulary and
grammar from past theme(s)
with some error
Does not incorporate
vocabulary and grammar from
past theme(s)
Presentational Speaking Rubric
Demonstrates Mastery
Demonstrates Partial
Complete - I clearly convey
the main idea and details that
are relevant and interesting
Generally Complete – I
convey the main idea but do
not provide adequate or
relevant details to support it
Incomplete – The main idea is
unclear and the details I
provide are irrelevant or nonexistent
My spoken lines are easily
understood by a nonsympathetic speaker
My lines are understood by a
sympathetic speaker
A sympathetic speaker has
trouble understanding my
I can speak very clearly
without hesitation,
pronunciation sounds natural
I speak with some hesitation,
problems with pronunciation
do not prevent
I frequently hesitate, problems
with pronunciation distort
meaning and inhibit some
Learned functions, grammar,
and vocabulary are used
Minor problems in usage of
learned functions, grammar
and vocabulary
Major problems in usage of
learned functions, grammar
and vocabulary
Excellent: good eye-contact,
entertaining, neat and
creative appropriate costume,
props, visual to aid my
Fair: some eye-contact,
formulaic, appropriate
costume, props, visual to aid
my presentation
Poor: no eye contact, boring
presentation, no costume,
props or visual or
inappropriate costume, props
or visual