UN HABITAT / UNESCO Training Event: ” How local authorities can enhance a social and a human approach to urban revitalization in Historic Districts” World Urban Forum 4 Nanjing, 3-5 November 2008 Background: Since 1996, UNESCO has been promoting the flagship principle of “Humanizing the City” in close cooperation with UN-HABITAT to jointly contribute to the Istanbul Declaration on Human settlements ratified in 1996 by United Nations Member states as well as to the Millennium Development Goals. Within the framework of the UN Human Rights Based Approach to development proposed in September 2005 by the UN General Secretary, UNESCO and UN-HABITAT are contributing to capacity building for local decision-makers and city professionals. All over the world, inner cities redevelopment is facing major trends like migrations and globalization. The enhancement of tangible and intangible heritage of historical districts must be an integrated part of the human and social approach to urban development. Objectives of the Training Session: In cooperation with the Nanjing South-East University, UNESCO experts (In China and abroad) and Nanjing experts, the district of Zhong Hua Men XI district of historical Nanjing will be taken to illustrate UNESCO guide’s “Historic districts for all” 7 principles. During the Training Session, held at the Urban Planning Exhibition Centre on November 3rd (pm.) and 4th (all day), experts and participants will elaborate orientations for an action plan of revitalization of this district. These orientations of revitalization will be exposed during the 3 hours official UNESCO Training Event which will be open to the public the November 5th (9-12 am. ) at the UN-HABITAT World Urban Forum 4 at the Nanjing International Exhibition centre. The aim of the Training Session is to promote the brochure "Historic districts for all” and the Manual for City Professionals as a useful tool to help municipalities become aware of the role of political will and the need to preserve tangible and intangible heritage. Mayors and decision-makers should be in a better position to ensure a sustainable and integrated approach to revitalize historic districts in their own city and to highlight cultural diversity; to understand the importance of building new forms of social cohesion in cities where urban projects once again centre around human beings; and the importance of keeping a balance between economic competitiveness and harmonious urban development. 1 Agenda of the Training Session: Monday November 3rd: 9 am – 1 pm : Held at the Nanjing International Expo Center FLOOR 1, MF Hall Opening of the UN-HABITAT World Urban Forum 4 3 pm - 6 pm : Held at the Urban planning Exhibition Centre U.P.E.C Launching UNESCO/ Nanjing University Workshop of Historic Districts. Presentation of urban revitalization issues in China by Chinese experts, academics and Chinese local authorities Tuesday November 4th: 9 am – 6 pm : Held at the Urban planning Exhibition Centre U.P.E.C Guided visit of the historic Zhonghua Men XI district in the old city of Nanjing. Discussions between Chinese and foreign participants for proposal and guidelines elaborations within the framework of UNESCO/UN HABITAT guide “Historic districts for all”. Drafting of a scheme for the discussions restitution November 5th. Wednesday November 5th: The Official 3 hours Training Event 9 am – 12 pm : Held at the Nanjing International Expo Center World Urban Forum IV ROOM : MR 2.5 Presentation and discussion about the revitalization orientations of the district worked out : • Diagnosis and study cases • Proposals based on previous discussions • Guidelines / Orientations selected • Lessons learnt from participants 2