22nd Congress of the World Association for Buiatrics

A. Attendance
Upon invitation of the German Association for Buiatrics, the 22d Congress of the
World Association for Buiatrics was held in Hanover, Germany, from August 18 to 23,
More than 2260 delegates from 54 countries participated in the scientific and social
B. Scientific programme
52 keynote lectures, 256 oral and 420 posters communications were presented on most
topics related with buiatrics sciences. 12 workshops, 9 seminars and several visits were
also organised.
The proceedings (with the abstracts), the proceedings (with the keynote lectures) and
the CD-rom (with the full papers) can be ordered from the Hanover meeting organising
committee :
E-mail: henner.scholz@tiho-hannover.de
C. General Assembly of the World Association for Buiatrics (WAB)
During the WAB Committee Meeting and the WAB General Assembly, the following
developments were discussed and approved:
C.1. Statement of account from July 1, 2002 to July 1, 2004 (in euros)
-) Balance on July 2, 2000: 12880
-) Receipts: 11953
-) Expenses: 11300
-) Balance on July 1, 2002: 13533
C.2. Thanks to the sponsor of the WAB secretariat
Merial was acknowledged for his financial support to the WAB secretariat.
C.3. Application of new groups and new contact members to the WAB
The SIVAR (Societa Italiana Veterinari per Animali da Reddito) has been accepted as
affiliated groups to the WAB.
Dr H. Bo (China), Dr D. Depetris (Italy), Dr A. El-Sebaie (Egypt) and Dr F. Wittwer
(Chile) have been accepted as contact members to the WAB.
Affiliated groups are invited to inform the WAB secretariat about any change in the
name and/or address of their contact members.
C.4. Venue of the 24th Congress of the World Association for Buiatrics in 2006
Monaco (Monte Carlo) was proposed by the Committee as the official venue of the 24th
Congress of the World Association for Buiatrics in October 2006.
Further information can be obtained from Dr H. Navetat
e-mail: Buiatrie@wanadoo.fr
C.5. Venue of the 25th Congress of the World Association for Buiatrics in 2008
The candidatures and candidacy files must be sent in 15 samples to the WAB
Secretariat before April 1, 2004. The candidacy files must contain detailed information
organising committee, scientific committee, potential major sponsors
geographical localisation
local infrastructure for conferences, accommodations and social activities
scientific programme (invited and free presentations, satellite symposia, joint
meetings, professional visits and other potential proposals)
social programme
marketing for the promotion of the congress
proceedings, CD-rom and simultaneous translation
balance of the finances including the fees to the WAB (please contact the WAB
secretariat for more details)
any other topic of potential interest for the selection of this venue.
The final decision will be taken by the WAB committee in July, 2004 in Quebec City
C.6. Nomination of a new Secretary General and an Honorary Secretary General
Following the resignation of Dr P. Lekeux as Secretary General, the WAB committee
has nominated Dr O. Szenci as the new Secretary General up to 2004 (see full address
Dr P. Lekeux was nominated Honorary Secretary General.
D. 2002 Pfizer Award
The winner of the 2002 Pfizer Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Advancement
of Knowledge in the Origin and Treatment of Bovine Diseases Caused by
Microorganisms (US$10.000) is Dr A. I. Donaldson : e-mail:
alex.donaldson@bbsrc.ac.uk Alex Donaldson graduated from the School of Veterinary
Medicine, Trinity College, University of Dublin in June 1965 and immediately went to
the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph to study for a PhD degree. In 1969
he went to the Animal Virus Research Institute (later renamed the Institute for Animal
Health), Pirbright as a post-doctoral research worker. Apart from the period 1971 to
1973, when he was a Visiting Professor at the University of Guelph, Alex Donaldson
remained at Pirbright throughout his 30-year career. This included four years as Head of
the World Reference Laboratory for FMD and 13 years as Head of Laboratory. Alex
Donaldson?s main contributions have been in the areas of the aerobiology,
epidemiology and pathogenesis of FMD. His contributions to the aerobiology of FMD
include the following: demonstration that the quantities of airborne virus excreted by
infected animals is virus-strain dependent, identification of the sites of origin of
airborne virus in infected animals and characterization of the size distribution of
particles in infectious plumes, identification of the climatic factors which influence the
survival of airborne virus, quantification of the minimum infectious doses of airborne
FMD virus for different species by inhalation. In addition, Alex Donaldson's research
has contributed to the development of improved diagnostic tests for vesicular viruses
and increased knowledge of the pathogenesis and transmission of other exotic diseases
of cattle, including Aujeszky?s disease. He has also investigated the transmission of
FMD virus by vaccinated animals after challenge exposure and identified the period
during which they can transmit virus to susceptible animals. Rinderpest is another
disease he has researched. He and his co-workers have investigated alternative strategies
for vaccination against rinderpest and shown that cattle given a powder vaccine
intranasally can be protected. At the international level Alex Donaldson has served as
Secretary of the OIE FMD and Other Epizootics Commission for 9 years and Chairman
of the Research Group of the Standing Technical Committee of the European
Commission for the Control of FMD for 6 years. He has also served on various EU
working groups and been the Chairman of FAO expert consultations for the EMPRESLivestock Programme. He has undertaken expert missions to more than 27 countries on
behalf of international animal health organisations, development agencies and
veterinary services.
Alex Donaldson has been prolific during his research career and published more than
180 scientific articles.
E. 2002 Merial Gustave Rosenberger Memorial Award.
The winner of the 2002 Merial Gustave Rosenberger Memorial Award (?10.000) is Dr
Marian Kusenda from the department of internal diseases of ruminants and swine,
University of Veterinary Medicine, Kosice, Slovak Republic.
F. Next (23d) Congress of the World Association for Buiatrics
Any further information may be obtained from the WAB Secretariat, c/o
Site: Quebec City, Canada
Date: July 11-16, 2004
Information: Dr E. Bouchard, President
Address: 210, rue Lee, bureau 275
Quebec G1K2K6, CANADA
Phone : +1-418-5233555; fax : +1-418-5231371
E-Mail: info@wbc2004.ca or emile.bouchard@UMontreal.CA
Website: www.WBC2004.ca
G. Specialisation in Buiatrics
Dr W. Klee from Munich is chairing a working group on specialisation in Buiatrics in
Fax: +49-89-3151923
E-mail: wolfgang.klee@med.vetmed.uni-muenchen.de
H. Further information
Any further information may be obtained from the new WAB secretariat, c/o
Dr O. Szenci
Szent Istvan University
Faculty of Veterinary Science
P.O. Box 2
H-1400 Budapest, Hungary
Phone: +36-29-521-301
Fax : +36-29-521-303
E-mail : oszenci@univet.hu