January 2014 Name Age/Sex Hospital Number Date of Admission Organo, John Kurt 12/M 893378 1/1/14 Pre Op Diagnosis Post Op Diagnosis Valdez, Alden 1/M 893467 1/1/14 Procedure Done Intraoperative Findings Histopath Disposition Pre Op: Appendectomy Acute appendicitis 1/1/14 Post Op: Acute Dr. Cayabyab/ appendicitis, Austria suppurative COD: Dr. Celaje 9x1 cm appendix with fibrinopurulent material Discharged Pre Op: Incarcerated Indirect inguinal hernia, Left Dilated internal ring incarcerated viable sigmoid colon Discharged 5x1 cm appendix, congestive Discharged 10x0.8 cm normal looking appendix Discharged Herniotomy 1/1/14 Dr. Catis/ Calayag Post Op: Incarcerated Indirect inguinal hernia, Left Lamoste, Cecyl 27/F 893429 1/1/14 Ignacio, Carmencita 45/F 360874 1/2/14 Raya, Krizzia 14/F 893455 1/2/14 Pre op: Acute appendicitis COD: Dr. Celaje Appendectomy 1/1/14 Post Op: Dr. Calayag Acute appendicitis, COD: Dr. Celaje congestive Pre op: Appendectomy Acute appendicitis 1/2/14 Post op: Rupture Dr. Abary/ Calayag hemorrhagic corpus luteum COD: Dr. Cajucom cyst, R Pre op: Appendectomy Acute appendicitis 1/2/14 Post op: Acute Dr. Calayag/ appendicitis, Marzan ruptured with localized COD: Dr. Dizon peritonitis Noted ruptured corpus luteum with minimal bleeding 6x1.5 cm appendix, ruptured at middle 3rd with localized peritonitis Discharged Amondo, Alvin 11/M 584932 1/2/14 Marcial, Lourdes 48/F 888985 1/2/14 Leonor, Gorgonio 74/M 888939 1/2/14 Pre op: Appendectomy Acute appendicitis 1/2/14 Post op: Acute Dr. Bautista/ appendicitis, Umali Suppurative COD: Dr. Dizon Pre op: Proctoscopy Rectal mass probabaly 1/2/14 malignant Dr. Cayabyab/ Post op: Abary/ Lim Rectal mass probabaly COD: Dr. Cajucom malignant 8x1 cm suppurative appendix Discharged Circumferential multinodular hard mass 50% obstructing the anal canal with noted minimal bleeding Discharged Pre op: Chronic subdural hematoma, left fronto-parietooccipital convexity Hematoma with Discharged loculation overlying the leftfronto-parietooccipital convexity Approximately 2 cm thick Craniotomy, evacuation of subdural hematoma 1/2/14 Hermano, Einst 5/M 893838 1/3/14 Deunida, Carmen 85/F 893821 1/1/14 Post op: Chronic subdural hematoma, left fronto-parietooccipital convexity Pre op: Acute appendicitis Dr. Pama/ Baltazar/ Mangahas Appendectomy 1/3/14 Post op: Acute appendicitis, congestive 7x0.7 cm appendix with congestive vessels Discharged Machinery oil like hematoma with loculation overlying the left fronto-parietooccipital lobe Admitted Dr. Cayabyab/ Austria COD: Dr. Dizon Craniotomy, evacuation of subdural hematoma Pre op: Recurrent subdural hematoma, left fronto-parietooccipital convexity 1/3/14 s/p craniostomy, drainage of Dr. Baltazar/ subdural Mangahas hematoma COD: Dr. Sabalza Post op: Recurrent subdural hematoma, left fronto-parietooccipital convexity s/p craniostomy, drainage of subdural hematoma Gonzales, Romeo 59/M 871492 1/2/14 Casipit, Jeack 5/M 88971 1/1/13 Pre op: Pyelolithiasis, Right s/p extended pyelolithotomy, DJ stenting, s/p ESWL Post op: Pyelolithiasis, Right s/p extended pyelolithotomy, DJ stenting, s/p ESWL Pre op: Avulsed wound, right foot Cystoscopy, removal of DJ stent Discharged 1/4/14 Dr. Ballesteros/ Lim Wound debridement Admitted 1/5/14 Post op: Avulsed wound, right foot Dr. Andaya COD: Dr. Orillasa Leras, Rafael 29/M 89313 1/5/14 Zapanta, Remedios 41/F 891565 1/4/14 Pre op: Communicating hydrocephalus secondary to meningitis Post op: Communicating hydrocephalus secondary to meningitis Pre op: Pneumothorax, right Pre op: Pneumothorax, right Ventriculostomy Discharged 1/5/14 Dr. Baltazar/ Umali COD: Dr. Baltazar Closed tube thoracostomy, Right 1/5/14 Dr. Aleta/ Bautista Admitted Canaway, Ferdinand 47/M 697095 1/4/14 Espiritu, Alma 49/F 895035 1/5/14 Pre op: Fistula in ano, skin tag Fistulotomy, removal of skin tag Post op: Fistula in ano, skin tag 1/5/14 Pre op: Breast mass, left rule out carcinoma Post op: Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, left st IIa T2N0M0 Diza, Eden 43/M 357888 1/4/14 Cortez, Bobby 39/M 377777 1/4/14 Pre op: Cholelithiasis Post op: Cholelithiasis Pre op: Chronic calculous cholecystitis Traquena, Benjamin 53/M COD: Dr. Cajucom Excision biopsy, RFS, Modified radical mastectomy with axillary node dissection Pre op: Herniated nucleus pulposus L4-S1 Post op: Herniated nucleus pulposus L4-S1 Pre op: DM foot, Right Discharged 2x2 cm hard, gritty, whitish mass at left breast Discharged 8 x 1 cm gallbladder w/ 2cm stone impacted at the gallbladder neck, normal cystic and common bile duct Thickened gallbladder with intraluminal stone ~2cm. Normal common bile duct and cystic duct Discharged 1/6/14 Dr. Capuno/ Abary/ Abary/ Calayag Open cholecystectomy 1/6/14 Dr. Celaje/ Bautista Open cholecystectomy 1/6/14 Post op: Chronic calculous cholecystitis Templaza, Wanda 60/F 885783 1/4/14 Dr. Cayabyab/ Abary/ Umali Extended opening at 8 o clock position 1 cm from anal verge and internal opening 1 cm from anal verge with straight tract Dr. Bautista/ Umali COD: Dr. Abary/ Capuno Epidural steroid injection and lumbosacral manipulation Discharged Discharged 1/6/14 Dr. Arandia/ Andaya Wound debridement expired 890164 12/27/13 Post op: Dm foot, Right 1/7/14 Dr. Andaya Casipit, Jeack 5/M 888971 1/1/14 Manalo, Remigio 60/M 887926 1/5/14 De Guzman, Romel 23/M 895171 1/7/14 Vicente, Hermilito 50/M 895261 1/8/14 Reyes, Eduardo 56/M Pre op: Fracture, open, complete, oblique, nondisplaced, distal 3rd tibia, Right Post op: Fracture, open, complete, oblique, nondisplaced, distal 3rd tibia, Right Pre op: Mass right hand COD: Dr. Diokno Wound debridement, sural flap, STSG Admitted 1/7/14 Dr. Orillasa/ Calayag/ Mangahas/ Austria Excision biopsy 1/7/14 Post op: Lipoma vs. Dr. Orillasa/ liprosarcoma right Mangahas hand Pre op: Appendectomy Acute appendicitis 1/7/14 Post op: Acute Dr. Cayabyab/ appendicitis, Austria suppurative COD: Dr. Celaje Pre op: Explorative Acute abdomen laparotomy, probably wedge resection, secondary to appendectomy ruptured viscus 1/8/14 Post op: Ileal perforation Dr. Tuason/ Catis/ probably Calayag/ Lim secondary to 1. GI TB COD: Dr. 2. Typhoid Resurreccion ileitis Acute appendicitis, congestive Pre op: Colonoscopy with Fournier’s wound ~ 6x4 cm fatty mass adherent near vascular structures Discharged 10x1 cm appendix with fibrinopurulent material Discharged Subcentimeter perforation 35 cm from ileocecal valve, fibrinous material surrounding the perforation 3x1 cm appendix, congestive Admitted Fecal material obliterating the Discharged 854654 1/6/14 gangrene s/p debridement fistulectomy (LIFT) and 1/8/14 hemorrhoidectom y (Nov 2013) Dr. Tuason/ Bautista Post op: Fournier’s COD: Dr. Cajucom gangrene s/p fistulectomy (LIFT) and hemorrhoidectomy (Nov 2013) view and cannot be appreciated Pereyra, Gerardo 49/M 888653 1/6/14 Pre op: Internal hemorrhoids, Grade III Hemorrhoidectomy Hemorrhoidal piles noted at the right and left lateral anal canal thrombosed Discharged Post op: Internal hemorrhoids, Grade III Dr. Cayabyab/ Abary Pre op: Acute calculous cholecystitis Cholecystectomy Discharged Post op: Acute calculous cholecystitis Dr. Resurreccion/ Abary/ Calayag/ Marzan Pre op: t/c ruptured appendicitis Explorative laparotomy appendectomy post op: acute appendicitis ruptured with generalized peritonitis 1/8/14 10 x cm gallbladder with thickened wall, cystic and common bile duct not dilated. 2 1x1cm blackish friable stones noted at the gallbladder neck 6x 1 cm appendix, ruptured at distal 3rd with generalized peritonitis Genorea, Marites 46/F 885715 1/6/14 Surio, Gina 27/F 895241 1/8/14 Embalsado, Renato 48/M 852725 1/6/14 Pre op: subarachnoid hemorrhage secondary to ruptured anterior communicating 1/8/14 COD: Dr. Cajucom 1/8/14 Admitted Dr. Calayag/ Marzan COD: Cajucom Craniotomy, clipping of aneurysm 1/8/13 Admitted artery aneurysm Post op: subarachnoid hemorrhage secondary to ruptured anterior communicating artery aneurysm Fabay, Belinda 34/F 8925256 1/6/14 Venzuela, Veneracion 8/F 894054 1/6/14 Dr. Baltazar/ Mangahas COD: Dr. Sabalza Pre op: Ureterolithiasis distal 3rd, right Cystoscopy, uteroscopy, open ended stenting Post op: Ureterolithiasis distal 3rd, right 1/8/14 Pre op: Nephrolithiasis, R Extended pelvolithotomy, right, DJ stent insertion Right Post op: Nephrolithiasis, R Discharged Dr. Mendiola/ Lim 1x1.5cm stone lodge at the renal pelvis noted with minimal purulent material Discharged 4x1cm appendix ruptured at distal 3rd with phlegmon formation Discharged 9x1 cm ruptured appendix middle 3rd with phlegmon formation, good base Admitted 1/8/14 Reyes, Ma. Victoria 44/F 89277 1/8/14 Catungal, Freddie 50/M 894911 1/9/14 Bautista, Erlinda Pre op: t/c ruptured appendicitis Dr. Mendiola/ Cayabyab/ Lim Explorative appendectomy 1/8/14 post op: acute appendicitis ruptured with localized peritonitis Pre op: Acute appendicitis Dr. Calayag/ Marzan COD: Dr. CAjucom Explorative laparotomy 1/9/14 Post op: Acute appendicitis, ruptured with phlegmon; incarcerated indirect inguinal hernia, R Pre op: Dr. Mangahas/Umali COD: Dr. Cajucom incarcerated omentum, right internal ring Explorative 10x 12 x 8 cm Admitted 63/F 895156 1/9/14 Upper gastrointestinal bleeding secondary to ileal tumor Post op: Mesenteric tumor (jejunum) laparotomy, adhesiolysis, excision of mesenteric tumor with end block resection of the jejunum 1/9/14 Dr. Cajucom/ Catis/ Tuason/ Abary/ Cayabyab Rodriguez, Arsenio 69/M 895324 1/7/14 LIzada, Myra 23/F 353817 1/9/14 Tallones, Jun Jun 22/M 874472 1/9/14 Bultron, Ma. Rizza 6/F 890606 Pre op: Benign prostatic hyperplasia Cysto TURP Post op: Benign prostatic hyperplasia Pre op: acute appendicitis probably ruptured rule out gyne pathology Dr. Mendiola/ Lim post op: acute appendicitis, congestive ruptured ovarian follicle left Pre op: Incarcerated indirect inguinal hernia, Right Dr. Bautista/ Umali Post op: Incarcerated indirect inguinal hernia, right; gilbert’s II Pre op: Pneumothorax, Left s/p Closed tube thoracostomy Dr. Bautista/ Umali Post op: Dr. Lim 1/9/14 Explorative laparotomy, evaluation of ovaries, bilateral 1/9/14 mass with multiple cystic components located at 30 cm from ligament of treitz, multiple mesenteric nodeules seen at the root of the superior mesenteric artery. Mass encroaching the jejunal segment Bilaterally enlarged prostate, trabeculated bladder Discharged Congestive appendix with minimal purulent discharge on pelvic area; bleeding ovarian follicle, Left Discharged Incarcerated bowel with viable consistency No mentum seen Inguinal ring defect measuring 1 cm Admitted COD: Dr. Capuno Mesh herniorrhapy 1/9/14 COD: Dr. Capuno Percutaneous thoracic catheter insertion 1/9/14 Admitted Zabala, John 17/M 894941 1/9/14 Marcial, Lourdes 48/F 888985 12/31/13 Pneumothorax, Left s/p Closed tube thoracostomy Pre op: Acute appendicitis COD: Dr. San Pedro Post op: Acute appendicitis, suppurative Pre op: Rectal carcinoma (cT3N1M0) IIIb Dr. Cayabyab/ Austria Post op: Rectal carcinoma (cT3N1M0) IIIb Appendectomy 1/9/14 Dr. Dizon Explorative laparotomy, Abdominoperineal resection, End colostomy 1/10/14 Dr. Tuason/ Abary/ Cayabyab Panganduyon, Aida 62/F 893892 Pre op: Rectal adenocarcinoma st IV (liver) Post op: Rectosigmoid adenocarcinoma st IV (liver) Dr. Cajucom Explorative laparotomy, transverse loop colostomy 1/10/14 Dr. Abary/ Cayabyab Dr. Cajucom Andrin, Kinjie 10/M 895978 1/10/14 Dubria, Ronnie 34/M 885792 1/8/14 Pre op: Acute appendicitis Appendectomy Post op: Acute appendicitis, suppurative Pre op: Indirect inguinal hernia, right Dr. Cayabyab/ Austria Post op: Indirect inguinal hernia, right 1/10/14 1/10/14 COD: Dr. Dizon Herniorrhapy, right Orchidopexy, right Dr. Macalalag/ 7 x 1 cm appendix with fibrinopurulent material Discharged Hard multinodular mass noted 5 cm from anal verge completely obstructing the anal canal closely adherent to the lateral side walls of the pelvic Admitted Hard fixed multinodular, 5cm from the anal verge, circumferential, completely obstructing the anal canal partially obstructing hard mass at the sigmoid colon 8 x 1 cm appendix with fibrinopurulent material adherent Admitted External ring widely patent, admits 2 fingers, internal ring palpated Admitted Admitted Rodriguez, Hilda 73/F 889253 1/8/14 Pre op: Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Right St IIa (T2N0M0) Lim Modified Radical Mastectomy, Right 3x3 cm mass situated at the upper outer quadrant Admitted 1/10/14 Post op: Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Right St IIa (T2N0M0) Casil, Edilberto 37/M 890919 1/10/14 Pre op: Indirect inguinal hernia, right Post op: Indirect inguinal hernia, Right Morales, Patrick 18/M 895999 1/10/14 Cabelin, Ignalin 29/F 896022 1/11/14 Pre op: Acute Appendicitis Post op: Acute appendicitis, gangrenous Pre op: Gunshot wound right thigh Canonoy, Roldan 15/M 636164 1/12/14 COD: Dr. Resurreccion Mesh herniorrhapy, right Discharged 1/10/14 Dr. Calayag/ Austria COD: Dr. Celaje Appendectomy 6x1 cm appendix gangrenous Discharged 1/10/14 Dr. Calayag/ Marzan COD: Dr. Dizon Wound debridement Discharged 1/11/14 Post op: Gunshot wound right thigh Torres, Michael 34/M 874583 1/11/14 Dr. Tuason/ Bautista/ Calayag Pre op: Acute appendicitis Post op: Acute appendicitis, supppurative Pre op: Acute appendicitis Dr. Calayag/ Marzan COD: Dr. Cajucom Appendectomy 1/11/14 8x1 cm suppurative appendix, good base Discharged 6x1cm appendix, suppurative, good base Discharged Dr. Bautista/ Umali COD: Dr. Cajucom Appendectomy 1/12/14 Post op: Acute appendicitis, suppurative Palma, Jick Jick 16/M 896266 1/12/14 Flores, Jose 60/M 048146 1/12/14 Grimaldo, Vitiliano 66/M 894957 1/9/14 Pre op: Acute appendicitis Dr. Calayag/ Lim / Marzan COD: Dr. Abary/ Capuno Appendectomy 1/12/14 Post op: Acute appendicitis, supppurative Pre op: Incarcerated, indirect inguinal hernia, right Dr. Bautista/ Mangahas/ Umali Post op: Incarcerated, indirect inguinal hernia, right; gilbert’s 2 Dr. Bautista/ Umali Pre op: DM foot, right Below knee amputation, right Pre op: DM foot, right 1/12/14 COD: Dr. Dizon Mesh herniorrhapy 1/12/14 4x1cm appendix, retrocecally located appendix, suppurative with good base Discharged Internal ring measures ~2cm, no bowel or omentum seen Discharged COD: Dr. Cajucom Discharged Dr. Andaya/ Cayabyab/ Austria Mactal, Flora 44/F 641299 1/5/14 Vega Alexis 14/M 896280 1/12/14 Pre op: Ruptured middle cerebral artery, s/p clipping, prolonged intubation Post op: Ruptured middle cerebral artery, s/p clipping, prolonged intubation Pre op: Acute appendicitis COD: Dr. Diokno Tracheostomy Admitted 1/12/14 Dr. Calayag/ Resurreccion Enterolysis, appendectomy 1/12/14 10x1 cm appendix with fibropurulent material adherent to its wall, good discharged Post op: Acute appendicitis, suppurative Gacosta , Marilyn 46/f 894046 1/11/14 Pre op: Pleomorphic adenoma right parotid Montallana, daryll 15/m 896084 1/11/14 post op: pleomorphic adenoma right parotid Pre op: Indirect inguinal hernia left, undescended testis left base Dr. Cayabyab COD: Dr. Abary/ Capuno Superficial parotidectomy right 1/13/14 Dr.tuason/Catis COD: Dr.Celaje Herniotomy left , orchidopexy left 1/13/14 Solid mass with well delineated borders smooth surface 3.5 cm in Diameter embedded within the superficial parotid lobe. Discharged Patent processus vaginalis left testicle noted at the right inguinal area Discharged 12x3cm gall bladder dilated with thickened walls with 3 intraluminal stone 1.5cm in diameter cystic duct and cbd not dilated .5cm sigmoid perforation Discharged Histopath: Pleomorphic adenoma. Dr.dizon/calayag post op: Indirect inguinal hernia left, undescended testis left Morales , Jolito 49/m 708245 1/11/14 Pre op: Cholecystolithiasis post op: empyema of the gallbladder , inadvertent sigmoid perforation COD: Dr.Dizon Open cholecystectomy repair of sigmoid perforation 1/13/14 DR. Catis/Tuason COD: Dr.abary/capuno Sayo , Dante 53/m 896399 1/13/13 Pre op: Intracerebral hemorrhage left temporo parieto occipital area Craniotomy evacuation of hematoma post op: Intracerebral hemorrhage left temporo parieto occipital area Dr.baltazar/marza n 1/13/14 COD: Dr.pama Discharged Pineda , marites 40/f 896340 1/13/13 Pre op: Ckd st V Tenchkoff insertion post op: ckd ST v 1/13/14 Still admitted Dr.calayag/marza n COD: January 14 Nabua ,Mary ann 33/f 681967 1/12/13 Alojepan , deceren 20/f 896406 11/14/13 Ursal , Jennifer 28/f 887931 11/12/14 Ducay , Juanita 50/f 795584 1/12/14 Pre op: Lipoma back Excision of lipoma 1/14/14 post op: lipoma back Pre op: Acute appendicitis Dr.calayag/marza n COD: Dr. Resurreccion Appendectomy 1/14/14 post op: acute appendicitis Pre op: cholelithiasis post op: chronic calculous cholecystitis Pre op: Infiltrating ductal carcinoma st IIa (ct2n2m0) Appendix 6x1cm , Suppurative appendix Discharged 6x3cm non distended gallbladder with multiple intraluminal stones cd and cbd normal caliber Discharged 5cm mass at nipple areolar complex hard in consistency. Multiple axillary lymph nodes noted at level I no LN at level II and III Discharged 10x12 cm hard concentric mass at the sigmoid colon adherent to the posterior bladder wall. Discharged Dr.Tuason/calayag / marzan COD: Dr. Cajucom open cholecystectomy 1/14/14 Dr.catis/mangaha s COD: Abary procedure MRM right 1/14/14 Dr.bautista/abary Aquino Macarthur 71/m 885794 11/12/14 20x10cm multinodular encapsulated fatty tissue post op: Infiltrating ductal carcinoma st IIa (ct2n2m0) COD:Dr.resureccio n Pre op: Partial small bowel obstruction secondary to sigmoid Carcinoma Exploratory laparotomy , sigmoidectomy , en bloc partial systectomy end to end anastomosis, cystorrhaphy Sarte , Nestor 58/m 896054 11/12/14 post op: partial small bowel obstruction secondary to sigmoid Carcinoma ( t4bN2M0) stIIIB Pre op: Hematuria secondary to renal tumor, rule out urothelial tumor post op: renal tumor Left 1/14/14 Multiple lymph adenopathy seen on the mesentery Dr.cajucom/catis COD: cajucom Laparoscopic and en radical nephrectomy left , cystoscopy and evacuation of hematoma (+) multicystic mass on the upper pole left kidney Discharged 1/14/14 Dr.arada/macalala g Rocabo , Julie ann 35/f 508437 1/12/14 Pre op: Chronic calculous cholecystitis post op: chronic calculous cholecystitis COD: Dr.arada Open cholecystectomy 1/14/14 Dr.bautista/mang ahas COD: Ariscon ,abner 37/m 895096 1/12/14 Layson , Benjie 26/m 896481 1/14/14 Pre op: IIH ,undescended testis left Mesh herniorrhaphy , orchiectomy left post op: IIH ,undescended testis left 1/14/14 Pre op: Internal hermorrhoids grade IV thrombosed post op: thrombosed internal hermorrhoids Distended Diccharged gallbladder with thickened walls .5cm stones noted at the fundus non dilated cystic duct and common dile duct Internal ring measures 2cm empty hernia sac atrophic left testis 1.5x1cm Discharged Thrombosed right posterior hemorrhoidal pile Discharged Dr.calayag/marza n COD: Dr. Resurreccion Emergency hemorrhoidectom y 1/14/14 Dr.bautista/umali COD: Dr.cajucom Yanson, marck 12/m 896464 1/14/14 Pre op: Appendectomy Acute appendicitis ruptured 1/14/14 post op: acute appendicitis ruptured distal 3rd with generalized peritonitis January 15 Cayetano , warren 11/m 1/15/14 896532 Rasuman ,allysa 17/f 896527 1/15/14 Sandiego rita 71 /f 582735 1/15/14 Dr.bautista/umali COD: dizon Pre op: Appendectomy Acute appendicitis 1/15/14 post op: acute appendicitis Dr.mangahas/uma suppurative li COD: Dr.dizon Exploratory laparotomy , appendectomy cholecystectomy 1/15/14 post op: gangrenous gallbladder with lithiasis, acute appendicitis congestive Carlito ,rubio 40/m 871958 1/13/14 Pre op: Chronic calculous cholecystitis Dr.tuason COD: Dr.Capuno Open cholecystectomy 1/15/14 post op: Chronic calculous Discharged 10x1 cm retrocecal appendix suppurative good base Discharged 5x.8cm appendix suppurative good base Discharged Omentum adherent to gallbladder with copius fibrin, distended GB at 15cm length with gangrenous fundus. Intraluminal yellow brown stone 2cm and .7cm in dm. non dilated cystic duct and common bile duct. Appendix .7x8cm with engorged vasculature Thickened non distended measuring 15cm in length with multiple stones intraluminally Discharged COD: dr.dizon Pre op: procedure Acute appendicitis 1/15/14 post op: acute appendicitis Dr.bautista/mang , suppurative ahas Pre op: Acute appendicitis probably ruptured acute calculous cholecystitis 6x1cm ruptured distal 3rd with generalized peritonitis good base Dr.bautista/umali Discharged cholecystitis Estrada , Maricel 36/f 892096 1/13/14 Pre op: Cholelithiasis post op: cholelithiasis COD: Dr.abary/capuno Laparoscopic cholecystectomy 1/15/14 Dr.catis/tuason Deguzman, susanoo 58/m 776284 Pre op: Rectal ca st III s/p neoadjuvant chemo RT, s/p LAR, TME, loop ileostomy 1/13/14 post op: Rectal ca st III s/p neoadjuvant chemo RT, s/p LAR, TME, loop ileostomy Icd c20 Pre op: Acute appendicitis COD: Dr.abary/capuno sigmoidoscopy end to end anastomosis enterolysis closure of ileostomy largest measures 1cm Non distended Discharged gallbladder measuring 10cm with noted intraluminal stones measuring 1x1cm non dilated cystic duct and common bile duct Dense interloop Discharged adhesion the site of ileostomy 1/15/14 Monacar, judy 37/f 896485 1/15/14 Jamin , Jason 10/m 896368 1/13/14 Dr.cajucom/tuaso n COD: Dr.cajucom Appendectomy 1/15/14 post op: acute appendicitis middle 3rd ruptured Pre op: Septic arthritis Discharged 50cc mucopurulent discharge at the bursa Discharged 9x1cm appendix ruptured middle 3rd with generalized peritonitis , good base Discharged Dr.bautista/umali COD: Dr.capuno Arthrotomy 1/15/14 post op: septic arthritis 7x1cm appendix ruptured middle 3rd good base Dr.cayabyab/anda ya COD: Dr. Diokno January 16 Alair , rose ann 16/f 896557 1/16/14 Pre op: Exploratory Acute appendicitis laparotomy ruptured appendectomy post op: acute appendicitis ruptured with generalized peritonitis 1/16/14 Dr.cayabyab/calay ag Pido , godofredo 83/m 896212 1/14/14 Pre op: Closed complete comminuted fracture 3rd left femur COD: Dr. Celaje Partial hip arthroplasty Discharged 1/16/14 Dr.diokno/azores post op: Closed complete comminuted fracture 3rd left femur Hina , allen rey NB 896088 1/14/14 Pre op: Lumbar myelomeningoco ele hydrocephalus post op: Lumbar myelomeningoco ele hydrocephalus Ventriculo peritoneal shunting , repair of myelomeningoceo le discharged 1/16/14 Dr.baltazar/mang ahas Verdera ,Ernesto 59/m 896568 1/14/14 Asuncion , Renee 5m/f 886991 1/14/14 Pre op: Varicocoele bilateral grade III Left , grade II right COD: Dr. Sabalza Laparoscopic clipless varicocoelectomy with silk ligature (bilateral) post op: varicocoele bilateral 1/16/14 Pre op: Post meningitic hydrocephalus post op: post meningitic hydrocephalus Tador, ian jude 17/m 896550 1/16/14 Dilated spermatic cord , adhesions of sigmoid mesentery with fibrosis left. Dr.Arada/cayabya b Ventriculo peritoneal shunting Discharged Discharged 1/16/14 Dr.baltazar COD: Dr. Sabalza Pre op: Appendectoy Acute appendicitis 1/16/14 post op: acute appendicitis Dr.docena/Austria suppurative 7x1cm appendix retrocecal suppurative Discharged Argarin , rolly john 17/m 896496 1/13/14 Pre op: Acute glomerulonephriti s COD: Dr. Dizon Tenchkoff insertion Still admitted 1/16/14 post op: Acute glomerulonephriti s Dr.cayabyab/austr ia Pre op: DM foot Wound debridement post op: DM foot 1/17/14 COD: Dr. Dizon January 17 Raza ,teresita 48/f 701418 1/15/14 Still admitted Dr.andaya Hernandez, Harvey 37/m 876220 1/15/14 Pre op: Hydrocele bilateral post op: hydrocele bilateral Pagulayan val 32/m 014677 1/15/14 Pre op: Cholecystolithiasis Suliguin , sonny 37/m 894181 1/15/14 Pre op: Left frontal mass t/c osteoma post op: chronic calculous cholecystitis post op: left frontal mass t/c osteoma Dela torre, john king 21/m 895642 Pre op: Open depressed skull fracture left fronto temporal COD: Dr.diokno Hydrocelectomy , orchidopexy bilateral 1/17/14 Left groin has 750cc fluid collection right has 30cc fluid collection Discharged Dr.catis/lim COD: Dr.macalalag Laparoscopic Normal gall cholecystectomy bladder with multiple 1/17/14 intraluminal stones, normal Dr.catis/bautista cystic duct and common bile duct COD: Dr.abary/capuno Excision biopsy Noted bloody bone tumor 1/17/14 Discharged Discharged Dr.baltazar/mang ahas COD: Dr. Sabalza Craniectomy , evacuation of hematoma wound debridement Noted depressed skull fracture in the left fronto temporal area, Discharged 1/15/14 lobe 1/17/14 post op: Open depressed skull fracture left fronto temporal lobe With dural tear contusion hematoma left frontal area. Torres , mary ann 44/f 890844 1/15/14 Monzales, henry 32/m 887404 1/15/14 Lamayan ,Carmelo 57/m 897840 1/17/14 Dizon, Christian 17/m 897946 1/15/14 Palmares , berna joy 19/f 897833 1/15/14 Pre op: Left cerebello pontine angle tumor Dr.baltazar/mang ahas COD: Dr. Sabalza Left retrosigmoid craniectomy tumor excision 1/17/14 post op: left cerebello pontine angle tumor Pre op: cholelithiasis Dr.baltazar/mang ahas post op: chronic calculous cholecystitis 1/17/14 Pre op: Acute appendicitis tear in the underlying dura, egress of hematoma COD: Dr.sabalza Laparoscopic cholecystectomy Dr.catis/bautista COD: Dr.abary/capuno Appendectomy Noted yellowish brown mass at left CP angle area Still admitted Normal sized gallbladder thickened wall with multiple yellow stones, normal sized cystic duct and common bile duct Discharged 5x1 gangrenous appendix Discharged 10x1cm supurative appendix good base Discharged 500cc serous fluid drained with good fluctuations Still admitted 1/17/14 post op: acute appendicitis gangrenous Pre op: Acute appendicitis Dr.calayag/marza n COD: Dr. Cajucom appendectomy 1/17/14 post op: acute appendicitis suppurative Pre op: Massive pleural effusion left secondary to ptb Dr.bautista/umali COD: Dr. Dizon Closed tube thoracostomy left 1/17/14 post op: Massive pleural effusion left secondary to ptb Quiao, Richard 22/m 897892 1/15/14 Sarmogenes, merlinda 45/f 897917 1/16/14 Dr.bautista COD: Dr.Pablo Pre op: appendectomy Acute appendicitis 1/17/14 post op: acute appendicitis Dr.bautista/umali gangrenous COD: Dr.cajucom Pre op: Wound Infected wound debridement post op: infected wound 10x1 gangrenous appendix , good base Discharged Still admitted 1/18/14 Dr.andaya Garzon , relyn john 11/m 897963 1/18/14 Galvadores, larry 17/m 197229 1/18/14 Marinduque , marla 5/f 579307 1/19/14 Quilates , Jerome 9/m 894295 1/19/14 COD: Dr.diokno Pre op: Appendectomy Acute appendicitis 1/18/14 post op: acute appendicitis Dr.cayabyab/austr ruptured , ia generalized peritonitis COD: Dr. Dizon Pre op: Appendectomy Acute appendicitis 1/18/14 post op: Dr.docena/Austria acute appendicitis ruptured proximal COD: Dr. Dizon 3rd with localized peritonitis Pre op: Appendectomy Acute appendicitis post op: acute appendicitis, suppurative 1/19/14 Dr.cayabyab/marz an COD: Dr. Dizon Pre op: appendectomy Acute appendicitis 1/19/14 post op: acute appendicitis Dr.cayabyab/marz 8x1 appendix ruptured middle 3rd with generalized peritonitis Discharged And 6x1 appendix purulent fluid noted upon opening of peritoneum ruptured proximal 3rd located at the pelvis 9x1 cm appendix with fibrinopurulent material adherent to its wall, good base Discharged 7x1 appendix ruptured distal 3rd w/ phlegmon formation , good base Discharged Discharged Gregorio, Jaime 51/M 713668 1/18/14 , ruptured w/ phlegmon formation an Pre op: Chronic calculous cholecystitis Open cholecystectomy COD: Dr. Dizon 1/20/14 post op: Chronic calculous cholecystitis Dr. Catis/Andaya COD: Dr. Abary Timbad, Eduardo 57/M 204334 1/18/14 Cubito, Leira 1/F 841662 1/18/14 Timbad, Eduardo 57/M 204334 1/18/14 Trinidad, Renato 45/M 889077 1/18/14 Pre op: Nodular non toxic Goiter, right Lobectomy with Isthmusectomy, right post op: Nodular non toxic Goiter, right 1/20/14 Pre op: Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy Normal size gallbladder. Non thickened wall. 1 intraluminal stone measuring 2cm in diameter. No dilated common bile duct and cystic duct. 5x5cm round mass, with cystic component. Normal thyroid. Discharged Still admitted Dr. Bautista/Marzan COD: Dr. Resurreccion Gastrostomy Tube Insertion Discharged 1/20/14 post op: Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy Dr. Dizon/Mangahas Pre op: Hematoma s/p Lobectomy, right for Nodular Non Toxic Goiter, Right Re-exploration, evacuation of Hematoma; Ligation of Bleeders post op: Hematoma s/p Lobectomy, right for Nodular Non Toxic Goiter, Right 1/20/14 Pre op: Indirect Inguinal Hernia, right Dr. Bautista/Catis COD: Dr. Resurreccion Mesh Herniorrhaphy 1/20/14 post op: Indirect Inguinal Hernia, Right. Gilberts II Dr. Calayag/Marzan Muscular bleeders. Evacuation of approximately 200cc of hematoma. Intact superior and inferior thyroid artery. Intact middle thyroid vein. Still admitted Discharged Rebadeo, Jayson Jr. 23/M 897470 1/20/14 Pre op: Acute appendicitis Raza, Teresita 48/F 701418 1/15/14 Pre op: DM foot, Left 1/20/14 post op: Acute appendicitis, Suppurative 6x1cm suppurative appendix. Good base. Discharged Dr. Mangahas/Umali COD: Dr. Cajucom Wound debridement Still admitted 1/20/14 post op: DM Foot, Left Bautista, Ramil 34/M 894039 1/18/14 COD: Dr. Appendectomy Pre op: Incarcerated Indirect Inguinal Hernia, left post op: Incarcerated Indirect Inguinal Hernia, Right. Gilberts II Dr. Andaya COD: Dr. Diokno Mesh Herniorrhaphy 1/20/14 Dr. Calayag/Marzan COD: Dr. Resurreccion Dilated internal ring approximately 2cm. (+) omentum on hernia sac. Discharged