Minutes of Meeting
Date: Friday, April 27, 2001
Time: 10:30 a.m. to 12:10 p.m.
Committee Members: Prof. Tony Blair, Dr. Sheila Cameron, Dr. Richard Caron, Ms. Gwen Ebbett, Dr. Alan Gold,
Prof. Neil Gold (Chair), Dr. Linda McKay, Dr. Veronika Mogyorody, Dr. Graham Reader, Dr. James Weese
Absent: Ms. Laura Chesnik, Dr. Alfie Morgan (regrets), Mr. Liam McCarthy, Mr. Jerry McCorkell (regrets), Dr.
Kathleen McCrone (regrets), Dr. Bulent Mutus, Mr. Nameer Rahman, Ms. Anne Reagan
Invited Guests: Dr. Harold Atkinson, Dr. Kai Hildebrandt
In Attendance: Mr. Jim Beluli, Mr. Kerry Eagen, Ms. Renée Wintermute (Secretary)
Formal Business
1 Approval of Agenda
Item 4.1, >Working Group on Student Exchange Programs Update=, was added to the agenda.
Motion to approve the amended agenda - Ms. Gwen Ebbett
Seconded - Dr. Sheila Cameron
2 Approval of Minutes
Minutes of April 10, 2001.
Motion to adopt the minutes - Dr. Graham Reader
Seconded - Dr. Rick Caron
3 Business Arising from the Minutes
It was NOTED that:
$ the Chair, in his capacity as VP, Academic, has consulted with the Budget Committee regarding the resources
required to effectively run the Biotechnology program. Although no funding decision has been reached, the
Budget Committee recognizes that, given the international growth and focus on biotechnology research, the
University should move forward in this direction if it wishes to remain competitive.
4 Outstanding Business
4.1 Working Group on Student Exchange Programs Update
It was NOTED that:
$ the Working Group on Student Exchange Programs, chaired by Dr. Alan Gold, continues to meet to review the
various exchange program policies and practices on campus in the hopes of developing a coherent, uniform
set of policies and procedures. This is necessary to ensure equity across the process.
$ the Working Group is working closely with the Office of the Registrar to develop a uniform policy regarding
transfer credits for students on exchange.
$ the Working Group will present a full report to PDC in Fall 2001.
5 Chair=s Report
It was NOTED that:
$ Prof. Neil Gold, the Deans of the Faculties, Dr. John Corlett and Mr. Kerry Eagen are currently meeting to
negotiate Five Year Plan enrolment targets. Once enrolment targets have been finalized, the Chair will report
back to the Committee.
Items Requiring Approval
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PDC Minutes - April 27, 2001
6 Reports/New Business
6.1 Bachelor of Mathematics
It was NOTED that:
$ the BMath proposal has been developed in response to the necessity to streamline the undergraduate
program, given reduced resources, and the recognition that Mathematics is a unique discipline in that it is
considered as both an art and a science.
$ the proposal will reduce Math offerings from six to two undergraduate degree programs.
$ the BMath introduces more flexibility in the math programs. Courses/electives outside the math curriculum will
not be restricted as they previously were with the BSc (Mathematics) and BA (Mathematics) degree
programs. Students with an interest in Business or Economics, for example, will no longer be locked into
science or arts requirements.
$ the name of the degree reflects what students will be studying.
$ there was concern over the possibility of students taking 34 of 40 courses in their major, although it was
recognized that this would be highly unlikely given, for instance, the scheduling of courses. However, students
interested in pursuing graduate studies in Math will need to take more then the required 22 math courses to
be successful candidates. To impose a maximum on major courses could limit their chance of being admitted
to graduate school.
$ the university has traditionally not placed a maximum on the number of major courses students could take in
their program. This policy should be revisited at a later date.
$ the University of Waterloo has long been successfully offering a Bachelor of Mathematics.
$ the BMath would likely be an important recruitment tool.
$ no new resources, beyond the usual renewal of resources, will currently be required to implement the BMath.
Minor corrections were NOTED:
$ under >Bachelor of Mathematics (Honours Mathematics and Computer Science)= the following sentence
should read: AMajor Requirements - Computer Science: Thirteen courses, consisting of 60-100, ...@
$ under >Bachelor of Mathematics (Honours Mathematics and Computer Science)= the following sentence
should read: AOther requirements: seven courses from any area of study.@
It was AGREED that:
$ the introduction of a specific/separate degree for Mathematics raises some interesting and important policy
and education philosophy issues.
$ there should be a general discussion on the meaning of an undergraduate education at the University of
Windsor. The question of the nature of an undergraduate education has yet to be addressed by the University
overall. Should a Bachelor=s degree provide students with a broader or liberal education? Currently, curricula
are very subject focused.
$ the implications of nomenclature and degree names also needs to be discussed in a broader context.
$ these issues will be discussed at a later meeting.
Motion: That the proposal for a Bachelor of Mathematics, to replace the existing BA and BSc degree
programs in Mathematics and Statistics, be approved.
Dr. R. Caron/Dr. A. Gold
6.2 Bachelor of Operational Research
It was NOTED that:
$ this interdisciplinary program will be administratively run through the Department of Mathematics and
Statistics but academically supervised by the University of Windsor=s Operational Research Group.
$ the University of Waterloo offers an Operational Research program.
$ graduates from the proposed Bachelor of Operational Research will be eligible to receive professional
accreditation from the Canadian Operational Research Society.
$ prospective employers include airlines, major transportation companies, the department of National Defense,
and Bell Canada.
$ the proposed Operational Research program is a co-op program.
$ Operational Research archives are collected and maintained at the University of Windsor, indicating that the
university is one of the major centres for Operational Research in Canada.
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PDC Minutes - April 27, 2001
$ although this proposal has been brought forward by Mathematics and Statistics, there has been extensive
consultation with the other areas involved throughout the development of the program.
$ the Co-op office has indicated that the proposed co-op intake for the program will be manageable.
$ Operational Research provides one approach to decision-making using mathematical modeling as the key
$ no resources, beyond those already provided, are required to run this program.
It was AGREED that:
$ 46-358 Cognitive Processes should be noted as a recommended elective.
$ 91-400 be changed to 91-4xx. (number to be determined by the Office of the Registrar)
Motion: That the proposal for a Bachelor of Operational Research degree program be approved.
Dr. R. Caron/Dr. A. Gold
$ Both the Bachelor of Mathematics and the Bachelor of Operational Research proposals are in keeping with
the area=s Senate-approved Five Year Plan. The PDC notes that these are positive new directions for
Mathematics and Statistics and is grateful to the area for taking such quick initiatives.
6.3 FASS Program/Course Changes
Motion 1: That the following courses be deleted:
32-214 Education Through Music: A Condensed Study
32-215 Education Through Music I
32-218 Education Through Music II
32-315 Education Through Music III
32-415 Education Through Music IV
Ms. G. Ebbett/Dr. G. Reader
Motion 2: That the degree requirements for the BA in International Relations be changed according to the
PDC Program/Course change forms.
Dr. V. Mogyorody/Prof. T. Blair
It was NOTED that:
$ the proposed changes to the BA in International Relations are in keeping with the area=s Senate -approved
Five Year Plan.
$ the proposed changes adapt the requirements to the reduced economics offerings and increase flexibility in
the program.
Items Requiring Discussion
6.4 Delegation of Authority
This item was delayed to a future meeting.
Additional Business
7 Question Period/Other Business
Nothing to report.
8 Adjournment
Motion to adjourn - Dr. Rick Caron
Seconded - Ms. Gwen Ebbett
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