End of Foundations Clinical Skills Exam Instructions September 16, 17, 23 & 24, 2015 1. The goal of the EOF CSE is to make sure you are prepared to perform clinical medicine during the Applications phase. 2. You have 2 cases to see. 3. The setting for both of these cases is a medical clinic. 4. For each of the cases there is 50 minutes allotted for you to spend interacting with the patient. 5. There is no written assignment associated with either case. 6. You should perform a complete (comprehensive) history including chief complaint, history of present illness, past history, medications, allergies, family history, social history, preventive health, and review of systems 7. You should perform a complete (comprehensive) head-to-toe physical examination, which includes proper examination of every body system. 8. You should demonstrate appropriate communication skills, professionalism, and physical exam skills that promote patient comfort and understanding. 9. A checklist created by the faculty will be used to assess whether or not you did the necessary tasks and whether you did them correctly. 10. You’ll be signing into a computer outside each exam room to get the patient information for the case. This will include the patient’s name, chief complaint, vital signs and instructions for the case. 11. You will gather in the alcove outside 308 at 12:30 where you’ll get last minute instructions. About 5 minutes before your case is to begin you’ll be escorted to the suite and allowed to sign in to the computer. 12. A series of announcements will guide you through the case. You’ll get a 1 minute warning before the case starts. When you hear the “start’ announcement, you may knock on the door and begin your case. Thirty five minutes into the case you’ll get a ‘5 minute warning” and then you’ll get a “the case is over, please stop” announcement. 13. Our system is automated and run by pre-programmed software. Once it starts, it stays on time whether or not you’re there. All of the details of these events is programmed ahead of time which is why you can’t switch places with a classmate. BE SURE YOU ARE THE CORRECT EXAM ROOM EACH TIME – IT MAKES A REAL MESS OF THINGS IF YOU START IN THE WRONG EXAM ROOM…PLUS WE HAVE TO INTERRUPT YOU AND MOVE YOU. 14. Since these are standardized patients, there are a few parts of the PE you should not perform: corneal reflexes, gag reflex, breast, pelvic, rectal or male GU exams. Otherwise you should interact with these people just as you would with any normal patient. Avoid any conversation that you wouldn’t have with a patient. 15. When you’re finished with your visit or when your time is up you are finished for the day. Please return your clipboard and all papers, including any notes you made during the encounter, to the monitors in the hallway. 16. Any questions? 17. Good Luck! C:\Users\ccorall.EMORYUNIVAD\Box Sync\EVENTS\EOF CSE\EOF 2015\Learner Instructions EOF 2015 final.doc