Event Summary and Pictures - the Cardiovascular Sciences

Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program
10th Annual Student Research Day
The Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program (CSCP) held its 10th Annual Student Research
Day on February 18th, 2009. This was a fun-filled, interesting, and educational day where all CSCP
trainees attend and were able to meet with students in other departments/Faculties. Following opening
remarks by Dr. Carin Wittnich, the day was planned to allow for a mix of student presentations, an
awards ceremony, and guest speakers.
Selected trainees presented their research in a series of 10-minute presentations followed by a brief
question period. Presentations covered a broad range of topics in cardiovascular research.
Session I: Chair – Emma O’Donnell
Kumar Perampaladas (MSc – Department of Pharmacology)
“Effects of Rosiglitazone on nitrate-induced endothelial dysfunction”
Jenna Adleman (MSc – Institute of Medical Science)
“Vascular reactivity reserve and resting tonus in retinal arterioles of healthy subjects”
Sonya Hui (MSc – Department of Physiology)
“Targeting calcium-sensitive mechanisms of cell cycle progression for development of novel anti-proliferative
vascular therapies”
Sam Tirgari (MSc – Department of Physiology)
“Characterizing the role of RGS5 in arterial vasculature”
Carly Spragg (MSc – Department of Exercise Sciences)
“Post-exercise hypotension and blood pressure’s circadian rhythm in pre-hypertensive older adults”
Shawn Lacombe (MSc – Department of Exercise Sciences)
“Interval exercise and post-exercise hypotension”
Megan Thompson (MSc – Institute of Medical Science)
“Epigenetic influences on placental function in maternal diabetes”
Laura Voicu (MSc – Department of Physiology)
“Deceased urine osmolality: An early sign of hypoxic renal injury in rats”
Session I Speakers (L-R): Kumar Perampaladas, Jenna Adleman, Sonya Hui, Sam Tirgari, Carly
Spragg, Shawn Lacombe, Megan Thompson, and Laura Voicu
Session 2: Chair – Geoffrey de Couto
Melanie Henriques (MSc – Department of Physiology)
“Human neutrophil peptides: A novel agonist of platelet activation and aggregation”
Luke Tan (MSc – Department of Physiology)
“Sex differences in newborn heart responses to hyperoxia”
Laura Banks (MSc – Department of Exercise Sciences)
“Left and right ventricular function following prolonged exercise”
Talha Farid (MSc – Institute of Medical Science)
“ATP sensitive potassium channels and ventricular fibrillation”
Mike Sellan (MSc – Department of Physiology)
“Iron-overload causes sinus bradycardia due to a reduction in firing rate of pacemaker cells in sinoatria node”
Mark Moon (MSc – Department of Physiology)
“The role of Mindin post myocardial infarction”
Session II Speakers (from left to right): Melanie Henriques, Luke Tan, Laura Banks, Talha Farid,
Mike Sellan, and Mark Moon
The afternoon component of the Research Day was highlighted by our Guest
Speaker, Dr. Michelle Bendeck, Professor in the Department of Laboratory
Medicine & Pathobiology at the University of Toronto. She delighted the students with
an informal presentation in which she shared the highs and lows of her career path in
academia and her life experiences in general. An enthusiastic question and answer
period followed in which Dr. Bendeck provided insight into possible career paths for
students in both academia and industry as well as the feasibility of balancing
research with family life.
The 2008-2009 Lorne Phenix Graduate Award was presented to Luke Tan, MSc, Department of
Physiology, Supervisor: Dr. C. Wittnich. This award focuses attention on the issue of heart disease which is still the #1 killer of both men and women in Canada. Women who have heart problems are at
least equal if not at greater risk than men and Mrs. Phenix hopes that this award will serve to
encourage trainees to pursue this area of research to address this particular problem.
The 2009 Bigelow Book Prize was presented to Jane MacIver, PhD, Institute of Medical Science,
Supervisor: Dr. V. Rao. This award was established in 1995 to recognize and honour a pioneer clinician
and scientist in the field of cardiovascular sciences; Dr. Wilfred Bigelow. Awardees should exemplify
the personal traits of Dr. Bigelow, including drive, curiosity and scientific integrity.
L-R: Kathryn Phenix (Mrs. Phenix’s
daughter), Mrs. Geraldine Phenix,
Luke Tan, and Dr. Margaret Rand,
Chair, Awards Subcommittee)
L-R: Dr. Carin Wittnich, Pixie Currie
(Dr. Bigelow’s daughter), Jane
MacIver, Dr. Margaret Rand (Chair,
Awards Subcommittee)
We were honoured to have the Phenix and Bigelow families present to hand out the awards. During
lunch the students and award winners enjoyed mingling and chatting with the donor families.
Certificates and gifts were also presented to those students who successfully completed the
Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program over the past year.
Elissa Tepperman, MSc/IMS, Supervisor: Dr. V. Rao
Rohit Sheshgiri, MSc/IMS, Supervisor: Dr. V. Rao
Jessica Prodger, MSc/IMS, Supervisor: Dr. V. Rao
Katharine Currie, MSc/EXS, Supervisor: Dr. J. Goodman
Kieran Quinn, MSc/PSL, Supervisor: Dr. H. Zhang
Marc Busato, MSc/EXS, Supervisor: Dr. J. Goodman
Tenille Ragoonanan, MSc/PSL, Supervisor: Dr. G. Hare
Galina Kichigina, MSc/IMS, Supervisor: Dr. G. Gross
Mila Kisilevsky, MSc/IMS, Supervisor: Dr. C. Hudson
Lara Gotha, MSc/IMS, Supervisor: Dr. B. Strauss
Anton Mihic, MSc/PSL, Supervisor: Dr. R. Tsushima
After the awards ceremony, a special presentation was made to all the students and guests. The
Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program Student Research Day celebrated it’s 10th anniversary.
Special cakes were presented and an official cake cutting ceremony was held; with the assistance of
Pixie Bigelow and Gerald Phenix.
The Student Research Day was created out of the original CSCP
Scientific Day workshop. The workshop was a day long event that
brought together surgeons, cardiologists, nurses, and perfusionists, as
well as clinical and research trainees. Over time the workshop became
the purview of the newly established Heart & Stroke/Richard Lewar
Centre. This allowed the CSCP to return to its roots and create the
Annual Student Research Day to allow students to showcase their
research work and provide a medium for them to learn to present in
the format seen at larger international meetings but in a friendly peer
environment. This hugely successful day is now the highlight of the
CSCP annual activities. We look forward to the next 10 years of
successful Student Days.
The Student Research Day was a success and would not have been possible without the combined
efforts of several individuals. The Planning Co-Chairs (Victoria Simpson and Laura Voicu) would like to
thank Mostafa El Beheiry and Albert Tsui for helping out with various tasks throughout the day, Dr.
Bendeck for a delightful presentation, and Session Chairs, Emma O’Donnell and Geoff de Couto. In
addition, the committee gratefully acknowledges the invaluable financial support of the Heart and
Stroke Foundation of Ontario.