Journalism Department Online / Course Evaluation Form (DO NOT put your name on this document. If filling out in Microsoft Word enter the requested information and tab to the next field. If filling out in printed form, write the information in the space provided. Use an X for those that need only an indication of which choice applies.) COURSE INFORMATION Completed course Course Number: Course Title: Section Number: Instructor's Name: Dropped course STUDENT INFORMATION Major: Journalism , Other Class rank: (check one) Freshman Other Approximate GPA: Concentration: Advertising Sophomore Junior Expected grade in course: , Broadcast News Senior , News/Ed , PR Graduate student (put actual grade if received) Reason for taking the course: (mark X in as many as apply) required interested in subject recommended by adviser fit my schedule recommended by other students instructor's reputation Other (please specify): Please respond to the statements below and on the following pages by marking an X in the appropriate box. Please use the following scale: 1-strongly agree 2-agree 3-agree somewhat 4-disagree somewhat 5-disagree 6-strongly disagree NA-not applicable STUDENT ATTITUDE / BEHAVIOR 1. I came to the course interested in the subject 2. I feel comfortable contacting the instructor 3. I feel comfortable contacting the assistant 4. I consciously try to make a tie-in between what is covered in the course and my own experience and that covered in other courses 5. I use the learning opportunities provided in the course 6. I participate in class activities 7. I prepare for quizzes 8. I welcome class assignments 9. I welcome discussion questions 10. Comments and clarification: Agree 1 2 3 4 Disagree N/A 5 6 Journalism course evaluation form, page - COURSE ORGANIZATION Agree 1 2 3 4 Disagree 5 6 Agree 1 2 3 4 5 Disagree 6 Agree 1 2 3 4 5 Disagree 6 4 Disagree 5 6 11. Course objectives are made clear at the outset of course 12. Objectives for various segments of the course are made clear 13. Lessons are clearly organized 14. Main points are clearly summarized 15. Course logically progresses from one point to the next 16. Comments and clarification: COURSE CONTENT 17. Course content seems relevant to the stated course objectives 18. Course content seems relevant to my career objectives 19. Course content seems relevant to my educational objectives 20. Course content is useful to me 21. Course content seems related to other academic and to real world situations 22. Comments and clarification: COURSE MATERIALS 23. The text is interesting 24. The text is useful 25. Lessons are interesting 26. Lessons are useful 27. Lessons are presented effectively QUIZZES AND OTHER GRADED ASSIGNMENTS 28. Quizzes are useful learning tools 29. Discussion questions are useful learning tools 30. Assignments are useful learning tools 31. Quizzes fairly reflect the material presented 32. Discussion questions fairly reflect the material presented 33. Assignments fairly reflect the material presented 34. Tests adequately measured what I learned and/or my applied skills Agree 1 2 3 2 Journalism course evaluation form, page - 3 35. Discussion questions adequately measured what I learned and/or my applied skills 36. Assignments adequately measured what I learned and/or my applied skills 37. Workload is comparable to other courses of this level and credit allocation 38. Comments and clarification: YOUR INSTRUCTOR Agree 1 2 3 4 Disagree 5 6 Agree 1 2 3 4 5 39. The instructor is available for consultation 40. The instructor is present during online office hours 41. The instructor is open and tolerant of differences of opinion 42. Comments and clarification: RESULTS IN MY TAKING THIS COURSE Disagree 6 43. This course made me think 44. I enjoy the course 45. I learned as much from this class as I would have from a class in a traditional classroom 46. I would recommend this course to someone else 47. I would recommend an online course to someone else 48. I am still interested in this subject OPEN END QUESTIONS – Please provide your honest comments. If entering on a computer, the shaded typing box will expand as necessary. If writing on this form, continue on the back as necessary. 49. What do you like best about the course? 50. What do you like least about the course -- and what might be done to resolve your criticism? Journalism course evaluation form, page - 51. Other constructive comments, please. All responses will be tabulated anonymously. DO NOT put your name on this document. If you are filling this out in Microsoft Word, save the document and e-mail it as an attachment to If you are filling it out on paper, please mail it back to: Cathy Philpot Department of Journalism Campus Box 526661 The University of Memphis Memphis, TN 38152-6661 Thank you for your time. The Department of Journalism appreciates your time to help us make our courses as beneficial as possible. 4