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Daniel Denkovski
Position: Research Assistant
Telephone: + 389 70 684 745
 Currently pursuing his PhD in the area of Cognitive Radio
 M.Sc. degree in telecommunications, 2010. Title of MSc thesis: Introducing
Policy based Mechanisms for Resource Management in Cognitive Radio
 Dipl.-Ing. telecommunications, 2008. Title of Dipl.-Ing. thesis: Tradeoff between
Diversity and Multiplexing in MIMO Systems.
Research Interests
 Cognitive wireless networking and policing
 Spectrum sensing in cognitive networks
 Resource management and reconfiguration
 MIMO communications
 Cooperative communications
 C, C++, C#, SQL, Java, Python, Prolog, QualNet, Matlab, SDL (TelelogicTau),
GNU radio.
1. Valentina Pavlovska, Daniel Denkovski, Vladimir Atanasovski, Liljana
Gavrilovska, “A Policy Reasoning Architecture for Cognitive Radio
Networks”, MTA Review Vol. XXI, No. 2, Jun. 2011, pp. 135-150
1. E. Meshkova, J. Ansari, D. Denkovski, Janne Riihijarvi, Jad Nasreddine,
Mihajlo Pavloski, Liljana Gavrilovska, Petri Mahonen, “Experimental
Spectrum Sensor Testbed for Constructing Indoor Radio Environmental
Maps”, IEEE International Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic
Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN) 2011 - Poster track, May 3-6, 2011,
Aachen, Germany.
2. Vladimir Atanasovski, Jaap van de Beek, Antoine Dejonghe, Daniel
Denkovski, Liljana Gavrilovska, Sebastien Grimoud, Petri Mahonen,
Mihajlo Pavloski, Valentin Rakovic, Janne Riihijarvi, Berna
Sayracyy, ”Constructing Radio Environment Maps with Heterogeneous
Spectrum Sensors”, IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum
Access Networks (DySPAN) 2011 - Demo track, May 3-6, 2011, Aachen,
3. Z. Wang, J. Ansari, V. Atanasovski, D. Denkovski, T. Farnham, L.
Gavrilovska, A. Gefflaut, R. Manfrin, E. Meshkova, J. Nasreddine, K.
Rerkrai, M. Sooriyabandara, A. Zanella,” Self-organizing Home Networking
based on Cognitive Radio Technologies”, IEEE International Symposium on
Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN) 2011 - Demo track, May 3-6,
2011, Aachen, Germany.
4. D. Denkovski, V. Atanasovski, L.Gavrilovska, "Efficient Mid-end Spectrum
Sensing Implementation for Cognitive Radio Applications based on USRP2
Devices", COCORA 2011, April 17-22, 2011, Budapest, Hungary.
5. E. Meshkova, Z. Wang, J. Nasreddine, D. Denkovski, C. Zhao, K. Rerkrai, T.
Farnham, A. Ahmad, A. Gefflaut, L. Gavrilovska, P. Mahonen, “Using
Cognitive Radio Principles for Wireless Resource Management in Home
Networking”, IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference
(CCNC) 2010, January 9-12, 2011, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
6. D. Denkovski, M. Pavloski, V. Atanasovski and L. Gavrilovska “Parameter
settings for 2.4GHz ISM spectrum measurements”, 3rd International
Workshop on Cognitive Radio and Advanced Spectrum Management (CogArt
2010), November 07-10, 2010, Rome, Italy.
7. D. Denkovski, V. Pavlovska, V. Atanasovski and L. Gavrilovska, “Novel
Policy Reasoning Architecture for Cognitive Radio Environments,” IEEE
Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) 2010, Miami, Florida,
USA, December 2010.
8. V. Pavlovska, D. Denkovski, V. Atanasovski and L. Gavrilovska, “Novel
Rendezvous Protocol for Asynchronous Cognitive Radios in Cooperative
Environments”, the 21st Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal,
Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 2010, Istanbul, Turkey,
26-30 September, 2010.
9. V. Pavlovska, D. Denkovski, V. Atanasovski and L. Gavrilovska, “A Policy
Reasoning Architecture for Cognitive Radio Networks”, the 8th
Communications International Conference (COMM) 2010, Bucharest,
Romania, 10-12 June, 2010.
10. D. Denkovski, A. Mateska, L. Gavrilovska,” Extension of the WSN Lifetime
Through Controlled Mobility”, Seventh International Conference on
Wireless On-demand Network System and Services (WONS 2010), 3-5
February, 2010, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia.
11. V. Atanasovski, D. Denkovski, T. Farnham, L. Gavrilovska, A. Gefflaut, P.
Mahonen, V. Pavlovska et al., “Cognitive Radio for Home Networking,”
IEEE International Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum
Access Networks (DySPAN) 2010 - Demo track, Singapore, April 2010.
12. O.Ognenoski, V.Rakovic, F.Sarevski, D.Denkovski, V.Atanasovski and
L.Gavrilovska, “Enhancing Quality of Experience in WirelessHeterogeneous
Networks,” 17th Telecommunications forum TELFOR 2009, Belgrade, 2009.
13. A. Mateska, D. Denkoski, L. Gavrilovska,” Novel Distributed And Energy
Efficient Model For Sensor Mobility”, in Proceedings of ProSense Special
Session on Wireless Sensor Networks (ProSense 2009), collocated with 25th
National Symposium of Telecommunications and Computer Networks,
Warsaw, Poland, 17th September, 2009.
14. V. Rakovic, D. Denkovski, E. Todoroska and L. Gavrilovska, “High
Mobility Heterogeneous Networks Scenario,” IX National Conference with
International Participation ETAI 2009, Ohrid, 2009.
15. V. Atanasovski, L. Gavrilovska, D. Denkovski and V. Pavlovska, “Policy
Regulated Networking in Cognitive Radio Environments,” IX National
Conference with international Participation ETAI 2009, Ohrid, Macedonia,
September 26‐29, 2009.
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