Survey on a PTP approach to provide trust in network security for misbehavior detection Neha Pathak R. S. Apare Student in Department of Information technology, Smt.Kashibai Navale College of Engineering Pune, India Assistant Professor in Department of Information Technology, Smt. Kashibai Navale College of Engineering Pune, India ABSTRACT— Previous techniques used for analysis of network security have focused on the action of host node. Only some has been consider for the detection of malicious node based on their association with the known malicious nodes. This method is mostly used in graph analysis and is known as community detection. This project proposes a PTP methodology to propagate trust across network. It also measures the trustworthiness of incoming connection request. The proposed system gains the prior community detection and graphical modeling issue with the use of propagation threat probabilities across the network node. Method used in this paper enhances previous work by using constraints that remove the adverse effect of cyclic propagation. To demonstrate the effectiveness of probabilistic threat propagation botnet detection, community detection and malicious web destination has considered. Keywords: botnet, blacklist, community detection, graph algorithms, Network security. I. INTRODUCTION Network Security is a special field of computer networking. It secures a computer network infrastructure. In Network security network administrator or system administrator handle the network operation. They are also responsible for implementations of the security policy for network software and hardware. They protect a network and the resources accessed from unauthorized access. So it secures the network by protecting and overseeing the network operation. Network inference is a topology which shows the wiring diagram of the network. Community detection is an important application in the field of network inference. It explores the structure of static association between entities. Example of community based system is email traffic between employees of a company, vehicle traffic between physical locations. In network security, it is critical for the defender to analysis and detection of malicious node activity. Methods for detecting unwanted network traffic can be categorized as signature based intrusion detection system [9] or anomaly based detection system [3]. Both of the system is based to analyze the activity of the individual network node rather than the interaction between nodes. Due to the increase of botnets a newer detection technique have developed which view the network host activity to detect the infective behavior of nodes. The behaviors of multiple nodes can be aggregate to perform spatial anomaly [3] detection which considers the relationship of a node with other nodes. In many situations network defenders were able to identify known malicious nodes, either the use of previous detection methods in internal network or from blacklists in external nodes [6]. Using these methods an analysis can be performed to identify host communication with the known malicious nodes on network traffic. Previous work has shown that malicious activity is local in the network space and form communities of maliciousness. By using locality of host that communicate with each other or share common resources, it can be leveraged for the detection of malicious nodes. For example botnet try to leverage a common command and control infrastructure while malicious web websites try to host by service providers. Method for the detection of malicious nodes on a network, independent of their own activities, by leveraging the fact that malicious activity tries to be localized. If a tip node of known maliciousness or their collection is given then proposed system perform graph analysis to compute the threat probability of neighboring nodes. Method work iterative until a Statistical probability of threat is not computed for each node of a graph. In the probabilistic threat propagation (PTP) the probability of a node being malicious is proportional to the level of maliciousness of its neighbor nodes. II. RELATED WORK Paper [1] presents method to detect malicious and infected node in the monitored and external Internet. In this paper a probabilistic threat propagation (PTP) method is used which detect botnets and malicious web destination. A Method present in this paper produces statistical probabilities rather than rank ordered lists. An iterative propagation is used which allows for asymmetric weighting factors. Paper apply threat propagation to the application of detecting malicious web domains and proactively expanding blacklists, strictly through DNS resolutions. Now it’s not relying on registration properties or URL analysis. The intuition behind PTP method is to accurately calculate the thread level at each node and also provenance of the threat also needs to be tracked. So the level of threat at each node is equal to weighted sum of threat of neighboring nodes. The level of threat discounted those nodes received from the nodes of interest. Paper [2] shows that by using a single peer to peer method if a bot is detected in a network then it is possible to detect other member of the same network. In a paper a simple method is presented to identify member host from known peer nodes, of an unstructured P2P botnet in a network. Method provides a list of hosts ordered by a degree of certainty that belong to the same P2P botnet as discovered node belong. Method represents that peers of a P2P botnet communicate with other peers to receive command and update. In spite of some different bots may communicate with other peer bot. Paper shows that for P2P botnets in unstructured topology where bots randomly select peers for communication it is rarely high probability that bots communicate with external bot during a given time window. In other words there is a significant probability a pair of bots within a network have a mutual contact. In this Paper [3] a Botnet Sniffer method is given to detect botnet C&C problem. A proposed approach uses network based anomaly detection to identify botnet C&C channels in a local area network without the knowledge of signature or C&C server addresses. This detection approach can identify both the C&C servers and infected hosts or bots in the network. This approach is based on the observation of the preprogrammed activities related to C&C. a bots within the same botnet will likely show the spatial-temporal correlation and similarity. Paper [4] presents conditional random fields method to build probabilistic models to segment and label sequence data. Methods provide several advantages over Markov models [5] and stochastic grammars for such tasks. Conditional random fields also avoid a limitation of label biased problem present in maximum entropy Markov models (MEMMs) and other Markov models using directed graphical models. Paper used iterative estimation algorithms for conditional random fields. In paper [6] a novel approach is present to detect activity based communities by propagating membership in between the neighboring nodes. To show utility of a method a local implementation is used. These local implementations are checked for community detection by given starting node and then apply it to on two varied data set. There are two methods were used for membership propagation: Static membership and dynamic membership. Static membership utilizes information of tip node into a community which demonstrates the improvement over baseline method. In Dynamic membership propagation method nodes membership probability vary over time. In this Paper [7] a method is used which constructs the blacklists for large scale security log sharing infrastructure. Method Used in this paper uses Page ranking scheme. The ranking scheme measures how closely related an attack source is to a contributor. This is using the attacker’s history and the contributor’s recent log production patterns. This method works in three stages. First stage which is called prefiltering stage where the security alerts supplied by sensors across the Internet are preprocessed. This removes known noises in the alert collection. The preprocessed data are then fed into two parallel engines. One rank is used for each contributor, the attack sources according to their relevance to that contributor. The second stage scores the sources using a severity that measures their maliciousness. The relevance ranking and the severity score are combined at the last stage to generate a final blacklist for each contributor. In Paper [8] an Intrusion Detection System is presented for a network. According to paper the problem of IDS can be addressed by scanning and harvesting attack. A harvesting attack is exploitation where an attacker initiates communications with multiple hosts to control and reconfigure them. While in a scanning attack, the attacker’s communication with multiple hosts is an attempt to determine what services they are running. In this paper an alternative method is used to evaluate IDS focus to frustrate the attacker goals. In order to do this, model captures the attacker’s payoff over an observable attack space. The observable attack spaces represent a set of Attacks an attacker can conduct. An observable attack spaces can be defined the number of addresses to which they (nodes) communicate in a sample period. After evaluation of OAS a payoff function is applied to this detection surface. This paper [9] presents a method called EMBER (Extreme Malicious Behavior view ER). Which analysis and display a malicious activity at the city level. This system uses a metric called Standardized Incidence Rate (SIR) which is the number of host’s show malicious behavior per 100,000 present hosts. These metrics were relies on available data that (1) Maps IP addresses to geographic locations (2) Provides current city populations and (3) Provides computer usage penetration rates. In this Paper [10] a Snort system is presented which is used to detect Network Intrusion Detection in small and large network system. This tool can be deploying to monitor small TCP/IP networks and detect suspicious network traffic an attacks present in network. It can also provide administrators to enough data to make decisions on the action of suspicious activity. Snort is a cost efficient tool. In this Paper [11] a Probabilistic Misbehavior Detection Scheme (iTrust) were presented which could reduce the detection overhead effectively. Method firstly introduced data forwarding evidences for general misbehavior detection. The proposed framework is not only detect various misbehaviors But also a compatible to other routing protocols. Secondly it introduced a probabilistic misbehavior detection scheme by adopting the Inspection Game. This game theoretical analysis demonstrates that the cost of misbehavior detection could be significantly reduced without compromising performance. Paper also discussed how to correlate a user’s trust level to the detection probability. Thirdly it uses extensive analysis to demonstrate the effectiveness and the efficiency of the iTrust. In this Paper to represent data Security the RSA algorithm and Hash function were used for User Authentication. TABLE I ANALYSIS OF EXISTING SYSTEMS Sr. No. Paper Name 1. Probabilistic Threat Propagation for Network Security Friends of an enemy: Identifying local members of peer-to-peer botnets using mutual contacts BotSniffer: Detecting Botnet Command and Control Channels in Network Traffic Conditional random fields: Probabilistic models for segmenting and labeling sequence data Detecting activity-based communities using dynamic membership Propagation Highly Predictive Blacklisting On the Limits of PayloadOblivious Network Attack Detection EMBER: A global perspective on extreme malicious behavior Snort:light weight intrusion Detection for network A Probabilistic Misbehavior Detection Scheme toward Efficient Trust Establishment in Delay-Tolerant Networks 2 3. 4 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. III. Algorithm Used Attack Type Addressed Detection technique Statistical probabilities Malicious and infected node Probabilistic threat propagation Low Iterative algorithm Bot net Mutual Contacts Low Statistical algorithm Botnet C&C Anomaly based detection Very low Iterative parameter estimation algorithm Label bias problem Conditional random field probabilities Static membership and dynamic membership propagation Relevance page ranking Activity based Community detection Temporal analysis Page ranking Observable attack space Blacklist Communication in internet community Intrusion Detection System Not Specified Malicious misbehavior Intrusion Detection EMBER and visualization technique Snort _ No Misbehavior of nodes iTrust system low _ Signature Based analysis Probabilistic approach CONCLUSION Probabilistic Threat Propagation is an iterative approach for graph analytic. It determines malicious node in an observed network by statistical probability. It is difficult to find threat origin to avoid node threat levels being increased uniquely depend on their network presence. PTP outputs approximations of true statistical probabilities that are easily interpretable by an analyst. PTP can use in network security for botnet detection and prediction of malicious domains. ACKNOWLEDGMENT I am extremely thankful to my Project guide Prof. R. S. Apare for suggesting the topic for literature survey and providing all the assistance needed to complete the work. He inspired me greatly to work in this area. False positive rate _ Approaches Consider association of node with others node Yes No Yes _ Yes _ Payoff function _ _ High No Yes _ REFERENCES [1] Kevin M. Carter, Nwokedi Idika, and William W. Streilein “Probabilistic Threat Propagation for Network Security”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Sep 2014. [2] B. Coskun, S. Dietrich, and N. 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