Form SSMH 1 Parent/Student Consent The Department of Education and Training’s (DET) procedure, Supporting Students’ Mental Health and Wellbeing outlines DET’s commitment to creating an inclusive learning environment that supports the mental health and wellbeing of all students/children. This form records, in accordance with that procedure, the consent of the student, and/or where necessary, their parent, to allow DET to determine support options in the school environment for students with a suspected or confirmed mental health difficulty. Privacy Notice DET is collecting personal information of the student named in this form, and/or their parent where necessary to allow DET to: determine referral and support options for the student’s suspected mental health difficulty; deliver quality support to your student within the school context; and to discuss the student’s situation and information with external referral and support providers. Any personal information collected will only be accessed by DET employees involved in supporting the student, and clinical care providers and support agencies outside DET as agreed by the student and/or their parent. The personal information collected will not be given to any other person or agency unless the student or, where appropriate, their parent, has given DET permission or DET is authorised or required by law to do so. The information on this form will be stored securely. If you wish to access or correct any of the personal information on this form or discuss how it has been dealt with, please contact the student’s school in the first instance. If you have a concern or complaint about the way your personal information has been collected, used, stored or disclosed, please also contact the student's school in the first instance. Consent provided in this form will be considered valid for the duration of the school’s involvement in supporting the student with mental health difficulties, unless this period is more than a year, in which case consent will be requested annually when the review of the Student Plan, detailing social and emotional support needs takes place. Student’s last name: Date of birth: Student’s first name: Chronological age: EQ ID number: Gender: School: School Year level: Parent: Best contact phone: Does student/parent require an interpreter? Yes No Has an interpreter been used to explain this information? Yes No In order to understand the educational impacts of the you/your child’s mental health difficulty and how the school can make supportive adjustments to your/their education plan, information and advice must be exchanged between certain DET staff and possibly clinical care providers and support agencies outside DET. Please indicate your consent with your signed initial if you agree to DET staff taking the following actions for the purpose of ascertaining support options for you/your child’s suspected mental health difficulty. Initial here: Allocation of a school case manager to coordinate the school support for you/your child. School case manager Name:_____________________________________Role:___________________________ Initial here: Referral to school guidance officer for the purpose of assisting the school to understand you/your child’s mental health difficulties. In particular guidance officers can advise on adjustments to support you/your child’s educational needs in the context of a mental health difficulty, and coordinate school support when necessary. To inform their assessment of the you/your child’s mental health difficulty, guidance officers may undertake class observations, discussions with you/your child’s teachers, semi-structured interviews with you/your child, an interview with your/ the child’s parents, and possible psychoeducational assessments. If a formal psychoeducational assessment is required, the school will provide you/your child with further information and your/your parent’s consent will be requested on a separate form provided by the guidance officer. Initial Facilitation of referral to a clinical care provider if deemed necessary (if you/your child are not Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education and Training Policy and Procedure Register at to ensure you have the most current version of this document. Page 1 of 3 Form SSMH 1 Parent/Student Consent here: currently supported by a clinical care provider), e.g. psychologist via a GP referral, direct referral to Child and Youth Mental Health. Any referral will be discussed with you/your parent’s prior to being made, and the form SSMH4: Student referral to Clinical Care Provider must be completed. (See SSMH4 Student referral to Clinical Care Provider) Initial here: Exchange of information, including diagnostic information from the clinical care provider, among relevant school staff, such as you/your child’s case manager (named above), guidance officer, teacher(s), principal and other departmental staff nominated by the school or you and/or your child, for the purpose of providing supportive educational programs for you/your child. Initial here: Recording of your/your child’s information relevant to their mental health difficulty on confidential guidance files. Guidance files are managed by the school’s guidance officer and may include a record of psychoeducational assessments, actions, reports and other material relevant to you/your child’s education. These files are kept confidential and secured as per DET’s procedure Managing the Departments Records. Initial here: A Student Plan will be developed in OneSchool (an online system that assists in DET’s requirement to collect, store and use information about students so that they may meet its duty of care to all students and staff members and administer and plan for providing appropriate education and support services to students). Any other confidential information pertaining to your/your child’s mental health difficulty will be stored in OneSchool with an appropriate security level (only relevant school personnel, and in some cases, only the Guidance Officer can access this information) and an original signed hard copy (if available) will be held in the registered guidance file in a secured location. Please provide details of your/your child’s Clinical Care Provider or Support Agencies: Agency/Professional Contact person: Contact details (phone/email) I give consent for the recording, use and disclosure of my/my child’s personal information as outlined above and I understand that any information gathered in relation to my/my child’s mental health difficulty will be used by the school exclusively for the purpose of understanding the educational impacts and how the school may provide a safe, inclusive and supportive education program. I understand that I can withdraw my consent at any time by notifying the school principal in writing. Student Name: Date: Signature: Parent Name: Date: Signature: Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education and Training Policy and Procedure Register at to ensure you have the most current version of this document. Page 2 of 3 Form SSMH 1 Parent/Student Consent I have discussed with the student named in this form, and/or their parent, the DET procedure Supporting Students’ Mental Health and Wellbeing, and that a referral to and/or contact with a clinical care provider may be necessary for the purpose of understanding the educational impacts of the student’s mental health difficulty and how the school may respond effectively to provide a safe, inclusive and supportive education program. I am satisfied that the student/parent understands the purpose of the information exchange referred to in this form and the recording of information pertaining to the mental health difficulty of the student named in this form. I understand that by signing below I accept my responsibility under DET’s Supporting Students’ Mental Health and Wellbeing procedure. Date: Case Manager Name: Signature: AND if the Guidance Officer is not the Case Manager I am satisfied that the student/parent has given informed consent to the school recording, using and disclosing information about the student’s mental health difficulty as described above. By signing this form I accept my responsibility under DET’s procedure Supporting Students’ Mental Health and Wellbeing. Date: Guidance Officer Name: Signature: I have met/will meet with the student/student’s parent to discuss concerns and negotiate reasonable educational adjustments. By signing this form I confirm that I understand and accept my responsibility under DET procedure Supporting Students’ Mental Health and Wellbeing. Date: Principal Name: Signature: The original signed version of this form is to remain in the student’s registered guidance file. Copies of this form will be uploaded to OneSchool and provided to the parent and/or student. Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education and Training Policy and Procedure Register at to ensure you have the most current version of this document. Page 3 of 3