RCPCH Sub-specialty Questionnaire Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Department Supervision Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree The patients’ needs and safety are put first Trainees are completing workplacebased assessments regularly 1 2 3 4 >4 Yes No The number of consultants in the department There is more than 1 ST4 – 8 in the department Comments Service requirements The facilities for children and families allow appropriate assessment and management of the patient Strongly Agree Agree Yes No Telephone support for outpatients Endoscopy suite staffed for a minimum of one list per week Laboratory services Paediatric radiology Access to specialised feeding unit (or team) Disagree Strongly disagree The department provides: The department has access to: Comments Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Unit Questionnaire Sept 2009 1 Educational activities Strongly Agree Trainees’ days allow learning paediatric medicine in the subspecialty whilst also gaining proficiency in service provision Agree Yes No Have the tertiary trainees received training in : Technique of endoscopy Anthropometrics Modes of nutritional support Evaluation of patient referred by other teams Disagree Strongly disagree u/c Comments Necessary Skills and Curriculum Strongly Agree The clinical experience has enabled the trainees to achieve curriculum coverage including acute renal failure and chronic renal failure Gastroenterology Agree Disagree Yes No Inflammatory Bowel disease Intestinal failure Upper GI endoscopies Colonoscopies Yes No The trainee has sufficient clinical exposure to: Strongly disagree Hepatology u/c Yes No Yes No Neonatal jaundice Acute liver failure Upper GI endoscopies Liver biopsies Comments Clinical and Ward rounds Gastroenterology The trainee has been able to attend: Hepatology The trainee has been able to attend: 1 Gastroenterology outpatient clinics per week 1 Liver outpatient clinics per week 3 Combined specialty clinics throughout the year 1 Related metabolic disorders clinics per month 3 Clinics where PN patients are reviewed throughout the year 250 Outpatient episodes for other forms of liver disease 3 Combined specialty clinics throughout the year Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Unit Questionnaire Sept 2009 2 Strongly Agree Trainees have had the opportunity to assess and manage children with chronic disease from referral onwards, over a period of time which allows adequate insight into chronic management by and working with the multi-disciplinary team Agree Disagree Strongly disagree N/A Comments Transitional care Trainees have the opportunity to attended at least two adolescent transfer clinics Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree N/A Comments Meetings Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Trainees attend regular clinical team meetings Trainees regularly attend the following meetings: For Gastroenterology: Management of IBD Paediatrics surgeon Management of intestinal failure For Hepatology Suitability of patients for liver transplantation weekly N/A Comments Teaching Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Trainees have been trained in assessment Trainees have been involved in the assessment and/or appraisal of others Trainees have regular opportunities to teach both formally and informally Comments Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Unit Questionnaire Sept 2009 3 N/A Management Strongly Agree Trainees have sufficient access to management meetings and projects Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Comments Overall Please mark on the scale how completely you agree with the following statement: “The department is able to provide the training programme fully with appropriate resources, patients and learning opportunities” 0 1 Not at all 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Completely Date of Completion: ……………………………….. Name of Unit:……………………………………….. Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Unit Questionnaire Sept 2009 4 N/A