THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION FOR M.Sc. In Mathematics Research 1) Awarding Institution: University of Edinburgh 2) Teaching Institution: University of Edinburgh 3) Programme accredited by: n/a 4) Final Award: Master of Science by Research 5) Programme Title: MSc in Mathematics Research 6) UCAS Code: Relevant QAA Subject Benchmarking Group(s): QAA 212 7) Postholder with overall responsibility for QA: Head of School of Mathematics 8) Date of production/revision: 9) Educational aims of programme: The main purposes of the programme are to: Develop a broad understanding of Mathematics at the Masters level and develop facility in conducting independent research. Students who receive distinction in this programme should be well qualified to begin doctoral studies in Mathematics. 10) Programme Outcomes: (a) Knowledge and understanding 1. Coursework: Understanding of fundamental aspects at the masters degree level for three of, normally, the following topics: Applied analysis and PDEs, Applied Mathematical Methods, Algebra, Geometry and Topology, Mathematical Models, Probability, and Pure Analysis. Each of these topics will be covered in an intensive year long 40 point course. Assimilation of three of these topics is considered sufficient breadth to begin independent research in Mathematics. 2. Research: The ability to formulate a clearly defined research project with clear milestones and the ability to conduct due diligence of the proposed project to ensure its originality and context with previous research. The ability to conduct the proposed research and present the results for review. A. Teaching/learning methods and strategies All core courses include continuous assessment as well as a capstone exam or project. Research projects receive one on one guidance and training. B. Assessment methods and strategies Assessment methods are specified in each course guide. All learning outcomes in a course are assessed and the mode of assessment is specified for each outcome. In general, each course is assessed by a combination of end of semester examination and/or coursework. The nature of the coursework varies from course to course. (b) Intellectual skills Students will acquire and enhance the following intellectual skills: 1. The ability to plan, conduct and report a programme of original research. (c) Professional/subject-specific/practical skills 1. 2. The ability to clearly make mathematical definitions, formulate theorems and lemmas, and prove theorems and lemmas from first principals. The ability to formulate a programme of study by which a multi-month project can be carried out in a timely manner. (d) Transferable skills 1. Ability to learn new technical subjects, both through reading new material and discussing it with other students and members of staff. 2. Communicate technical concepts effectively by written and/or oral means. 11) Programme Structure and Features: The programme is offered in full-time (12 months) and part-time (24 months) study modes. All learners take courses to the value of 120 points, normally all 120 units are taken from the below list of courses as the three subjects taught over semesters one and two. At the discretion of the programme director a student may substitute up to 40 units of coursework from other suitable courses. Another 60 points are achieved through the successful completion of an MSc dissertation during the summer months. Courses: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. [MATH11107] Applied Analysis and PDEs 1 (20 points, S1) [MATH11108] Applied Analysis and PDEs 2 (20 points, S2) [MATH11105] Applied Mathematical Methods 1 (20 points, S1) [MATH11106] Applied Mathematical Methods 2 (20 points, S2) [MATH11109] Basic Algebra (40 points, full year) [MATH11104] Geometry & Topology 1 (20 points, S1) [MATH11103] Geometry & Topology 2 (20 points, S2) [MATH11102] Mathematical Models 1 (20 points, S1) [MATH11101] Mathematical Models 2 (20 points, S2) [MATH11100] Probability 1 (20 points, S1) [MATH11099] Probability 1 (20 points, S2) [MATH11098] Pure Analysis 1 (20 points, S1) [MATH11097] Pure Analysis 2 (20 points, S2) [MATH11115] Mathematical Reading Course (10 points, S2) [MATH11113] Mathematical Seminar Course (10 points, S2) [MATH11087] Masters Dissertation in Mathematics (60 points, summer period) 12) Other items: None