English III---Unit 6: Early 20th Century Holt Elements of Literature BLM 1 Ongoing Independent Reading Daily Language Activities: Critical Reading Section, 24 transparencies Resources for Teaching Advanced Students: Reading Instruction for the Advanced Classroom, 3-6; Reading Log Copymaster, 12; Metacognitive Strategies, 16-19 Workshop Resources—Writing, Listening, and Speaking: Analyzing a Novel, 59; Presenting a Literary Analysis, 68-73 See Blackboard, “Reading: SSR” for BLMs of reading logs and other SSR documents 2 Ongoing Vocabulary Study Daily Language Activities: Vocabulary Section, 50 transparencies on ; Analogy Section, 25 transparencies Vocabulary Development: Act. #7: “Winter Dreams,” 34 Act.#9: from Dust Tracks on a Road, 42 Act. #10: “Soldier’s Home,” 33 Act. #12: “A Rose for Emily,” 35; “A Worn Path,” 39 Resources for Teaching Advanced Students: “Handbook of Literary Concepts, ” 229-240; “Handbook of Rhetorical Concepts,” 241243; “Word Banks,” 248 Powernotes: Handbook to Literary Terms Checklist of Common Errors, 1 LPSS---updated Summer 2009 Elements of Language Reading Skills and Strategies, 15-16 Reading Process, 546-547 Reading Log, 991 Quick Reference Handbook: Reading, 988-998 Transparencies: Your Reading Process, 1-4 Holt Professional Learning for Language Arts: Strategies for Helping Struggling Readers; Developing Critical Thinking about Literature Vocabulary Strategies, 559, 560, 575, 600, 601, 607, 646, 688, 689, 728, 729, 774, 775, 827, 828, 869, 887, 907, 918, 10371038 Word Choice, 729, 775, 828, 907, 1000-1003 Related Word Forms, 688, 728, 827, 1000, 1004-1007 Analogous Statements, 601, 607, 775, 918, 1037-1038 Quick Reference Handbook: Vocabulary, 999-1009 Holt Professional Learning for Language Arts: Effective Vocabulary Instruction Six Traits: Word Choice, 11-13, 104-105 Word Sharp: Context Clues: Synonym, Antonym, Contrast, Comparison, Example, 1 Reader’s Handbook Supplementary Materials Connect to Reading, 41 Reading Process, 3643 Reading Actively, 4952 Strategy Handbook, 713 Reading Tools, 738757 See LCC, English III, page 95 for a list of recommended novels for this grade level http://www.angelfire.com/ok/freshen glish/bookreportideas.html “91 Ways to Respond Literature” Gallagher, Kelly. Deeper Reading. (Stenhouse, 2004). Practical reading strategies Pilgreen, Janice L. The SSR Handbook: How to Organize and Manage a Sustained Silent Reading Program. (Boyton/Cook, 2000). Improving Vocabulary: 657 Word Families: 676 Word Roots: 762 http://www.readwritethink.org/lesson s/lesson_view.asp?id=20 “Using a Word Journal to Create a Personal Dictionary” http://www.readwritethink.org/lesson _images/lesson20/powerpoint.pdf link to handout on Powerpoint from above lesson. http://www.mw.com/info/new_words.htm Merriam Webster’s Online Dictionary to identify new words Allen, Janet. Inside Words. (Stenhouse, 2007). Practical strategies for teaching vocabulary. English III---Unit 6: Early 20th Century Holt Elements of Literature BLM LPSS---updated Summer 2009 Elements of Language Reader’s Handbook Supplementary Materials Restatement; Word Structure: Prefixes, Latin Roots, Greek and Anglo-Saxon Roots, Suffixes Vocabulary Workshop: Making New Words Your Own (word attack strategies),1ff.; Connecting New Words and Patterns (analogies), 123ff.; Reading New Words in Context (context clues), 141ff.; Vocabulary Words, 233-234 Writing Strategies & Applications, Writer’s notebook, 1076 Informal Writing to Learn: Reading Log, 991; Graphic Organizers, 1068-1069; Outlines, 1071; Prewriting Techniques, 1073-1076. 3 Ongoing Writing Prompts Powernotes: Collection 5, slides 7 and 8 for Activity 9—“Weary Blues” and “Harlem” Brozo in CLSD for the LCC: QtA (Questioning the Author), 12 Holt Assessment—Writing, Listening, and Speaking: Portfolio Assessment, 120-164 Connect to Reading, 41 http://www.readwritethink.org/lesson s/lesson_view.asp?id=902 “Draft letters,” for students to think critically about major writing assignments. Students write letters of reflection to share with a peer before completing the final draft. Reading for Tests, 596-637 http://www.readwritethink.org/lesson s/lesson_view.asp?id=1091 “Analyzing Grammar Pet Peeves” http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/res ource/677/01/ Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) http://content1.docstoc.com/flash/Usi ng%20Quotations.swf Flash-based Teaching Strategies for English Language Learners: Think as a Writer, 2; prompts in Ch. 21-29 Writing Notes DVD Think as a Writer: Interactive Writing Worktext, prompts in Ch. 21-29 4 Ongoing Grammar Study Daily Language Activities: Proofreading Warmups Section, 27 transparencies; Sentence Combining Section, 15 transparencies Resources for Teaching Advanced Students: “Handbook of Grammatical Concepts, ” 244-247 Checklist of Common Errors, 1 Grammar, 47-139; Usage, 140313; Mechanics, 314-477 Commas, 338-363 Diction, 575, 618-619, 842-843, 930-933 Quotation Marks, 379-387 Parallel Structure, 486-487, 1099 Passive/Active Voice, 240-244 2 English III---Unit 6: Early 20th Century Holt Elements of Literature BLM Powernotes: Collection 5, Proofreading Warmups LPSS---updated Summer 2009 Elements of Language Reader’s Handbook Sentence Clarity, 480-497 Sentence Combining, 498-508, 706-708 Style, 510-514, 574-575, 661663, 618-619, 807-809, 842-843, 886-887, 931-933 overview of quotations http://www.readwritethink.org/lesson s/lesson_view.asp?id=248 “Manipulating Sentences to Reinforce Grammar” http://www.docstyles.com/mlaquick. htm quick reference to MLA style http://www.collegeboard.org Students can sign up to have a daily SAT question delivered to their emailboxes. Other invaluable resources for college are available here. http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/gra mmar/ student guide to grammar and writing http://www.testprepreview.com/ free practice tests for ACT, SAT, MCAT, LSAT, etc. http://www.actstudent.org/sampletest /index.html for ACT preparation Grammar Notes DVD, Lesson 11 (passive/active voice), Lesson 30 (strong verbs) Holt Professional Learning for Language Arts: Teaching Grammar in Context Transparencies: Proofreading Warmups, Sentence Combining Six Traits: Sentence Fluency, 14, 106-112; Conventions, 17,113-118 Thinking as a Writer: Interactive Grammar Worktext: Sections 1, 2, 3 Grammar,Usage, Mechanics: Language Skills Practice, Ch. 114, 16 Developmental Language Skills: Ch. 1-14, 16 Preparing for the SAT and ACT 5 The Early 20th Century: The Beginning of the Modern Age and the Lost Generation Writers Holt Reader: Introduction to the Moderns, 198-204 Holt Adapted Reader: Introduction to the Moderns, 146-149 Holt Reading Solutions, 145; 381 Student Edition: “The Moderns: 1914– 1939,” 636; A Closer Look: Popular Comparing Youth of Today/ Youth of the 20s, 35-36 Note-taking: 718 Cornell Notes: 81 3 Supplementary Materials Overview of early 20 & WWI + “Lost Generation”: Hemingway, Firzgerald, Stein, Poud English III---Unit 6: Early 20th Century Holt Elements of Literature BLM LPSS---updated Summer 2009 Elements of Language Reader’s Handbook Supplementary Materials Reading a Website, 513-527 Doing Research, 691712 Drawing Conclusions, 47, 221 Reading on the Internet, 510-537 Possible topics: Al Capone, Lucky Luciano, Babe Ruth, Prohibition, fads, dances, fashion http://www.owl.english.purdue.edu/o wl/resource/557/01/ MLA format http://www.citationmaching.com develops bibliographic entries http://www.ipl.org/div/teen/aplus/ a site for high school and college students on how to research http://www.ebscohost.com database for print and web resources http://search.ebscohost.com online database Focus on Characters: 332 Focus on Theme: 345 Symbol: 383 Focus on Setting: 323 http://www.pbs.org/kteh/amstorytelle rs/bios.html --short bio. of F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald http://www.readwritethink.org/lesson s/lesson_view.asp?id=831 “Connotation, Character, and Color Imagery in The Great Gatsby” http://www.readwritethink.org/lesson s/lesson_view.asp?id=967 “Judging a Book by its Cover: The Art and Imagery of The Great Gatsby” http://www.readwritethink.org/lesson s/lesson_view.asp?id=168 “Become a Character: Adjectives, Entertainment, 638; “Make It New: Symbolism, Imagism, and Beyond,” 644 Visual Connections: Segment 8, “American Dreamers, Part 2” Holt Assessment: Literature, Reading, and Vocabulary, “Literary Period Introduction Test,” 208 6 Researching the Roaring Twenties Visual Connections, Appendix 1: Researching and Interviewing, 77-79 Rubric for Roaring Twenties Research, 37 Historical research, 776ff. Evaluating Web Sites, 813-816 Writing and Researching in a Digital Age DVD, 15 lessons Think as a Writer: Interactive Writing WorkText, Ch. 26 Transparencies, 25-27 WritingNotes DVD, Lesson 18 Teaching Strategies for English Language Learners, Ch. 26 7 F. Scott Fitzgerald and The Great Gatsby Holt Adapted Reader: “Winter Dreams,” 150-159 Students Notes for Chapter 1 Reciprocal Teaching, 38; Students Notes for Reciprocal Teaching #2, 39 Support for literary analysis, 726-727 Quotations: citing sources of, 735; incorporating, 745-747, 799; notetaking and, 786 Think as a Writer: Interactive Writing WorkText, Ch. 26 Transparencies, 25-27 WritingNotes DVD, Lesson 18 Teaching Strategies for English Language Learners, Ch. 26 Holt Professional Learning for Language Arts: Using Literature 4 English III---Unit 6: Early 20th Century Holt Elements of Literature BLM LPSS---updated Summer 2009 Elements of Language Reader’s Handbook Character Traits, and Perspective” http://www.readwritethink.org/lesson s/lesson_view.asp?id=397 “Exploring Literature Through Letter-Writing Groups” http://home.cogeco.ca/~rayser3/gats map.txt lesson plan for collaborative map of setting for Gatsby Circles; Developing Critical Thinking about Literature 8 Imagist Poetry of the Early 20th Century Holt Reader: “The River-Merchant’s Wife: A Letter,” 205-208; “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” 209-216 Resources for Teaching Advanced Students: “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” 146148; “The Red Wheelbarrow,” 149-151; “Ars Poetica,” 152-154 Holt Reading Solutions: Vocabulary and Comprehension (copying master), 154; Additional Vocabulary Practice (copying master), 155 Powernotes (Collection 5): “Love Song” with focus on dramatic monologue Audio CD: disc 14 Holt Assessment: Literature, Reading, and Vocabulary: “The River-Merchant’s Wife: A Letter”; “The Garden”; “A Few Don’ts by an Imagiste,” 210; “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” 213; “The Red Wheelbarrow,” “The Great Figure,” “This Is Just to Say,” 216; “Poetry” and “Ars Poetica,” 219 Fine Art Transparencies: #11 for “The Red Wheelbarrow” plus Teaching Notes, Worksheets, and Answer Key, 32 Who is Prufrock?, 40 Delivery, 688-671, 850-854 Paraphrasing, 724-725; 990 Oral interpretation of a poem, 625-629 Poetic devices, 624 Supplementary Materials Reading Strategies for Poetry: 392 Reading Poetry: 387 http://www.mmoca.org/exhibitions/e xhibitdetails/karlwirsum/index.php (Imagist paintings of Karl Wirsum) http://www.poets.org/page.php/prmI D/1 http://www.writing.upenn.edu/~afilre is/88/imagism-def.html The following site contains thumbnail sketches of work by imagist artists, such as N. C. Wyeth and Norman Rockwell: http://www.americanillustration.org/ html/m_collection.html 5 English III---Unit 6: Early 20th Century Holt Elements of Literature BLM 9 Harlem Renaissance Holt Reader: “Harlem,” 259-261; from Dust Tracks on a Road, 262-273 Resources for Teaching Advanced Students: from Dust Tracks on a Road, 163-165 Holt Reading Solutions: “Harlem,” 171; from Dust Tracks on the Road, 175; Vocabulary and Comprehension (copying master), 173; Additional Vocabulary Practice (copying master), 174 Audio CD Library, disc 19 Powernotes: Collection 5-- “Harlem,” with focus on mood; “from Dust Tracks on a Road,” with focus on autobiography; Quickwrites, 7, 8 Holt Assessment: Literature, Reading, and Vocabulary:, “The Weary Blues,” “Harlem,” “Heyday in Harlem,” 273; “from Dust Tracks on a Road,” 279 Connecting Poetry, Art, and Music in Harlem, 41; Assessing the Presentation, 42; Assessing the Composition, 43 LPSS---updated Summer 2009 Elements of Language Group discussions, 1019-1020 Refining presentations, 853 Informal speaking, 1021-1023 Delivery strategies, 670 Oral interpretation of a poem, 625-629 Writing and Researching in a Digital Age DVD, 15 lessons Reader’s Handbook Supplementary Materials Research: 691 Reading Poetry: 389 Model of Comparison and Contrast: 365 http://www.loc.gov/rr/program/bib/h arlem/harlem.html (excellent resources for Harlem Renaissance) Harlem Renaissance: The Black Poets. 20 mins. Carousel Films, Inc., 1972. http://artsedge.kennedycenter.org/exploring/harlem/artsedge. html “Drop Me Off in Harlem” http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/aaoht ml/exhibit/aopart7b.html “The Harlem Renaissance and the Flowering of Creativity http://www.readwritethink.org/lesson s/lesson_view.asp?id=194 “Varying Views of America” http://www.yale.edu/ynhti/curriculu m/units/1996/1/96.01.02.x.html “Langston Hughes: Artist and Historian” http://www.americaslibrary.gov/cgibin/page.cgi/aa/hughes biog. of Langston Hughes, part of “Meet Amazing Americans: Writers and Artists” series http://www.readwritethink.org/lesson s/lesson_view.asp?id=251 (Discovering a Passion for Poetry with Langston Hughes) http://www.readwritethink.org/lesson 6 English III---Unit 6: Early 20th Century Holt Elements of Literature 10 Ernest Hemingway and the Hemingway Hero BLM Analyzing the Hemingway Hero, 44 LPSS---updated Summer 2009 Elements of Language Support for literary analysis, 726-727 Quotations: citing sources of, 735; incorporating, 745-747, 799; notetaking and, 786 Structure of a composition, 527540 Compositions, 1061-1064 Reader’s Handbook Style: 307 Using Graphic Organizers: 361 Clues About Character: 355 Close Reading Chart: 284 Holt Professional Learning for Language Arts: Developing Critical Thinking about Literature 11 The Poetry of Robert Frost Holt Assessment: Literature, Reading, and Vocabulary, “Birches,” 262; “Common Diction”; “Design,” “Nothing Gold Can Stay”; “Trying to Name What Doesn’t Change,” 259 Audio CD Library, disc 18 Allusion Sonnets Sound and punctuation 12 Southern Writers of the Early 20th Century Holt Reader: “A Rose for Emily,” 217-232; “The Jilting of Granny Weatherall,” 233-248 Holt Adapted Reader: “A Rose for Emily,” Connecting Setting and Theme in Southern Writing, 45 Oral interpretation of a poem, 625-629 Lyric Poetry: 389, 432 Timelines, 998 Support for literary analysis, 726-727 Quotations: citing sources of, 735; incorporating, 745-747, Focus on Setting: 323 Focus on Theme: 345 7 Supplementary Materials s/lesson_view.asp?id=252 (A Harlem Renaissance Retrospective: Connecting Art, Music, Dance, and Poetry) http://nobelprize.org/literature/laureat es/1954/hemingway-bio.html biography http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/boo ks/1999/hemingway/ CNN retrospective on Hemingway http://www.lib.udel.edu/ud/spec/exhi bits/hemingway/ University of Delaware Special Collections http://www.readwritethink.org/lesson s/lesson_view.asp?id=784 “Heroes are Made of This: Studying the Character of Heroes” http://www.readwritethink.org/lesson s/lesson_view.asp?id=209 “Style: Defining and Exploring an Author’s Stylistic Choices” http://www.frostfriends.org/ http://www.poets.org/poet.php/prmPI D/192 http://www.nhstateparks.org/ParksPa ges/FrostFarm/Frost.html town.hall.org/Archives/radio/ IMS/HarperAudio/012294_harp_ITH .html - 5k - http://lcweb2.loc.gov/fsowhome.html (photos of depression era southern towns and landscapes) http://www.mcsr.olemiss.edu/~egjbp/ faulkner/faulkner.html English III---Unit 6: Early 20th Century Holt Elements of Literature 160-167; “Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech,” 168-171; “A Worn Path,” 172-177 Resources for Teaching Advanced Students: “A Rose for Emily,” 155-157; “The Jilting of Granny Weatherall,” 160-162 BLM LPSS---updated Summer 2009 Elements of Language 799; notetaking and, 786 Descriptive details, 550, 557 Structure of a composition, 527540 Compositions, 1061-1064 Holt Professional Learning for Language Arts: Developing Critical Thinking about Literature 8 Reader’s Handbook Supplementary Materials http://www.olemiss.edu/mwp/dir/faul kner_william/index.html