Licence professionnelle - Ecole Doctorale Complexité du vivant

Titre de la formation
Developmental Biology workshop
Organisateur de formation :
UPMC- Institut Curie
Public visé :
● Métiers, fonctions ou postes occupés (ingénieurs, techniciens,…)
PhD and Master 2 students
● Conditions d’accès et Pré-requis demandés aux stagiaires : connaissances, niveau d’études et/ou VAE
This course is proposed to PhD students who have previously acquired basic knowledge in Developmental
Biology ; Student selection is based on application and letter of motivation.
Objectifs :
● Objectif général de la formation
This module is an intensive laboratory and lecture course which provides a comprehensive coverage of the
paradigms, problems and technologies of modern developmental biology. Students receive training in
theoretical and experimental aspects of normal cell development as well as abnormal aspects of these
processes that may cause birth defects or diseases. They are exposed to a variety of embryonic systems,
including genetic model system (C. elegans, Drosophila, zebrafish, mouse) and well-established experimental
attributes (frog, chick) using state-of-the-art instrumentation and methodology. Lectures and seminars are
given by renowned international researchers on topics including cell specification and differentiation, pattern
formation, morphogenesis and organogenesis, intracellular signalling and developmental regulation of gene
expression The practicals are designed to reinforce some of the ideas put in the lectures and allow the
students to discuss freely with researchers.
Contenus :
● programme de la formation.
Practicals :
C. Elegans : Realisation and observation of mutants, olfactive tests.
Zebrafish: Analysis of Nodal mutants. Injection in mutants and analysis of operated embryos.
Xenopus : Manipulating embryonic axes, Spemann experiment, mesoderm induction in vitro, Nieuwkoop
recombination, gastrulation in vitro.
Drosophila : Transgenic embryo analysis : study of cuticule, wing and leg imaginal discs, formation of
mecano-sensorial organs.
Mouse : Culture of mouse oocytes and early mouse embryos, .Rhombencephale study in mouse,
Development of organs derived from the primitive intestine, Embryo and Organ Culture
Avian: Whole embryo culture. Intracardiac retroviral injection. Chick-quail grafts. Neural tube electroporation.
Neural crest cell culture
Seminars :
Morphogenetic gradients during development, vertebrate gastrulation, endoderm development and
differentiation, early steps in the regionalisation of the vertebrate embryo, neural induction , neural crest
development and migration, cell migration during organ morphogenesis, axis formation and segmentation in
vertebrates, epigenetic decisions and reproduction in mammals.,germline stem cells, embryonic stem and
progenitor cells during development., organ development and cancer, genetic evolution during development,
development of marine organisms, stem cell development in plants
Organisation matérielle :
● Durée et Rythme de la formation
Short session : 2 weeks seminars
Long session : 3 weeks practical and 2 weeks seminars
● Nombre Maximal et Minimal de Participants.
Short sesssion : 30-35 students
Long session : 18 students.
Calendrier :
● Dates des sessions
2011 :
Short session : October 18th to 30th
Long session : September 26th- October 30th
One session per year
Lieu du cours:
Practicals : UPMC, 9 quai St Bernard 75005 Paris
Seminars : Institut Curie26 rue d’Ulm75005 Paris
Validation :
PhD students : scientific paper presentation.
Master students : project presentation
Frais de participation :
Date limite pour candidater : End of May
Contacts Pédagogiques : Claire Fournier-Thibault at UPMC
Jean-René Huynh at Curie Institute
Contacts pour l’ecole doctorale : Devaux Frédéric
Devaux at
Site web du cours :
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