Form 000.653.F0317 Good Faith Roof Assessment COVER SHEET Project: Task Order No.: Building or Trailer No.: Intended Load: Location/Area: No. of Employees: Type of Structure: Weight of Equipment: + Age of Structure: Weight of Materials: + = Occupied? Yes No Total Weight: Maintained? Yes No Date of Assessment: X 300 lbs. = The roof described above has been assessed by representatives of construction and HSE. The result of this assessment is: Passed Conditionally Passed (see attached checklist and findings sheet for specific information) Did Not Pass (requires further evaluation before P2S and/or P2S-managed subcontractor employee access.) Note: See attached checklist and findings sheet for deficiencies. Superintendent Date Construction Engineer Date HSE Representative Date Building Administrator/Designee Date Received by Copyright © 2009, P2S. All Rights Reserved. Form Date: 01May2009 Page 1 of 5 Health, Safety, and Environmental Form 000.653.F0317 Good Faith Roof Assessment CHECKLIST (check “” as applicable) I. WALLS/ROOF SUPPORT A. Exterior Walls 1. Concrete a. Tilt-up panels b. Cast-in-place c. Precast panels 2. Masonry a. Block (CMU) b. Brick 3. Steel frame w/_______________________siding a. Preengineered building 4 Wood frame w/______________________siding 5. Other ______________________________________ B. II. Interior Walls/Columns 1. Concrete a. Cast-in-place b. Tilt-up panels c. Precast panels 2. Masonry a. Block (CMU) b. Brick 3. Steel frame w/siding 4. Wood frame w/siding 5. Other _______________________________________ ROOF A. Roofing 1. Metal type 2. Built-up type 3. Single-ply type 4. Urethane 5. Asphalt shingle 6. Other _______________________________________ B. Decking 1. Reinforced concrete slab 2. Precast concrete plank 3. Prestressed concrete plank and deck 4. Composite concrete slab 5. Steel w/concrete fill 6. Steel 7. Composite steel 8. Plywood 9. T&G wood plank 10. Other _______________________________________ C. Roof Structure 1. Concrete a. Waffle slab b. Concrete beam c. Precast concrete plank 2. Masonry beam 3. Steel a. Framework type b. Joists c. Trusses C. Roof Structure (cont.) 4. Wood a. Joists b. Manufactured joists type c. Beams type 5. Other III. ROOF CONDITION A. General Appearance 1. .Debris 2. Drainage 3. Visible damage from roof a. Concave/convex b. Surface uniformity - Loose material - Deviations from one area to another c. Sun damage from interior 4. Visible damage from interior a. Concave/convex b. Notable ceiling damage - Water stains on ceiling panels 5. General condition 6. New equipment/alterations 7. Other ____________________________ 8. OK B. Surface Condition 1. Bare spots in gravel/ballast displaced 2. Visible light from below (through ceiling) 3. Alligatoring/cracking 4. Spalling concrete surfaces 5. Slippage 6. Tripping hazards, obstacles on roof 7. Other ____________________________ 8. OK C. Membrane Condition 1. Blistering 2. Splitting 3. Ridging/wrinkling 4. Fishmouthing 5. Loose felt laps/seams 6. Punctures, fastener backout 7. Securement to substrate 8. Membrane shrinkage 9. Membrane slippage 10. Other_________________________ 11. OK GENERAL: Plant maintenance or building custodian should be consulted for building history and known hazards. Copyright © 2009, P2S. All Rights Reserved. Form Date: 01May2009 Page 2 of 5 Health, Safety, and Environmental Form 000.653.F0317 Good Faith Roof Assessment COMMENTS (add additional sheets as necessary): Building or Trailer No.: Copyright © 2009, P2S. All Rights Reserved. Form Date: 01May2009 Location/Area: Page 3 of 5 Health, Safety, and Environmental Form 000.653.F0317 Good Faith Roof Assessment FINDINGS SHEET Roof Sketch Legend: Roof Access Allowed Roof Access NOT ALLOWED Top View Sketch: Roof Sections (see Note No. 1) Side/End View: Inspected (Y/N) Passed* (Y/N) NOTES: 1. Number each different roof section on the above sketches to correspond with the roof sections number and the comments entries. 2. If roof has not passed, explain (in detail) under comments the deficiencies associated with the roof. If possible, show the general “area deficiencies” on the sketch above. 1. 2. 3. 3. 4. See completed example on next page. 5. *If not passed, see Note No. 2 Comments (add additional sheets as necessary): Building or Trailer No.: ___________________________ Copyright © 2009, P2S. All Rights Reserved. Form Date: 01May2009 Location/Area: _____________________________________________________ Page 4 of 5 Health, Safety, and Environmental Form 000.653.F0317 Good Faith Roof Assessment FINDINGS SHEET Example Only Roof Sketch Legend: Example Only Roof Access Allowed Roof Access NOT ALLOWED Top View Sketch: Side/End View: Roof Sections (see Note No. 1) Inspected (Y/N) Passed* (Y/N) 1. X Y Y 2. X Y N 3. X Y N 4. X Y N 5. X Y NOTES: 1. Number each different roof section on the above sketches to correspond with the roof sections number and the comments entries. 2. If roof has not passed, explain (in detail) under comments the deficiencies associated with the roof. If possible, show the general “area deficiencies” on the sketch above. N *If not passed, see Note No. 2 Comments 1. Roof is adequate for 2 persons any place on the roof. Bldg. has 2 unsupported eaves. DO NOT ACCESS THESE AREAS – See Comments. 2. Lean-To Roof – Panel support purlins need engr. review due to rust and the possibility of poor welding at support joints. 3. Lean-To Roof – Fiberglass panels need to be removed and replaced w/metal roofing – these panels cannot be viewed from the roof surface and will not support a person’s weight. 4. Office Area – Roof has obvious cracks and roofing material has been torn away. Roof needs engr. review – DO NOT ACCESS. 5. South Bldg. Entrance Cover – DO NOT ACCESS THIS ROOF – Roof was not designed to carry weight of persons. Building or Trailer No.: ______________________ Note: Location/Area: ___________________________________________ This form is referenced in Practice 000.653.3304. Copyright © 2009, P2S. All Rights Reserved. Form Date: 01May2009 Page 5 of 5 Health, Safety, and Environmental