DISTRICT COURT, WATER DIVISION 6, COLORADO TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN WATER APPLICATIONS IN WATER DIVISION 6 Pursuant to C.R.S. 37-92-302, you are hereby notified that the following pages comprise a resume of Applications and Amended Applications filed in the office of Water Division 6, during the month of AUGUST, 2012. 12CW55, ROUTT COUNTY, Application for Absolute Water Rights (Surface) Applicant: Bobby George & Rita Nelson, PO Box 212, Yampa, CO 80483; 970-6384429; 970-846-7954; Structure: G Five Pipeline; UTM Coordinates: Northing 4444637, Easting 339197; SE4, SE4, Sec 14, T2N, R85W, 6PM, 494 ft from S, 797 ft from E, Source of PLSS Information: Division of Water Engineers; Source: Phillips Creek, Tributary to the Yampa River; Date of Appropriation, July 24, 12; How appropriated: Plans for 10 Years; Date Water Applied to Use:---; Amount Claimed: 4 cfs; Proposed Use: Irrigate 143 acres (+/-); parts of sec 24, T2N R85W and a porti9on of S13, T2N R85W Landowner: Larry & Wendy Brooks, Yampa, CO; Remarks: There has always been lots of extra water in Phillips Creek. I think I can make some more productive ground. And 100% will return right back to Phillips Creek. 12CW57, MOFFAT COUNTY, Application for Absolute Water Rights (Surface) Applicant: Jim F Kowach, PO Box 327, Craig, CO 81626, 970-824-6275 Structure: Kowach #1, spring; UTM Coordinates: Northing 4484262, Easting 292614, Zone 13; NW4, NW4, Sec 13, T6N, R90W, 6PM, 378 ft from N, 461 ft from W, Source of PLSS Information: Topo GPS data format UTM NAD83; Source: Tributary to Basin Gulch, Tributary to the Yampa River; Date of Appropriation, 1922; How appropriated: dug; Date Water Applied to Use: 1922; Amount Claimed: 10 GPM; Proposed Use: Livestock water Structure: Kowach #2, spring; UTM Coordinates: Northing 4484301,6415, Easting 292601, Zone 13; NW4, NW4, Sec 13, T6N, R90W, 6PM, 251 ft from N, 424 ft from W, Source of PLSS Information: Topo GPS data format UTM NAD83; Source: Tributary to Basin Gulch, Tributary to the Yampa River; Date of Appropriation, 1922; Date Water Applied to Use: 1922; Amount Claimed: 10 GPM; Proposed Use: Livestock water. Kowach #3, spring; UTM Coordinates: Northing 4484398, Easting 292651, Zone 13; SW4, SW4, Sec 12, T6N, R90W, 6PM, 74 ft from S, 594 ft from W, Source of PLSS Information: Topo GPS data format UTM NAD83; Source: Tributary to Basin Gulch, Tributary to the Yampa River; Date of Appropriation, 1922; How appropriation was initiated: Dug. Date Water Applied to Use: 1922; Amount Claimed: 10 GPM; Proposed Use: Livestock water. Kowach #4, spring; UTM Coordinates: Northing 4484436, Easting 293179, Zone 13; SE4, SW4, Sec 12, T6N, R90W, 6PM, 276 ft from S, 2312 ft from W, Source of PLSS Information: Topo GPS data format UTM NAD83; Source: Tributary to Basin Gulch, Tributary to the Yampa River; Date of Appropriation, 1922; How appropriation was initiated: Dug. Date Water Applied to Use: 1922; Amount Claimed: 10 GPM; Proposed Use: Livestock water. Kowach #5, spring; UTM Coordinates: Northing 4484554, Easting 292947, Zone 13; SW4, SW4, Sec 12, T6N, R90W, 6PM, 629 ft from S, 1522 ft from W, Source of PLSS Information: Topo GPS data format UTM NAD83; Source: Tributary to Basin Gulch, Tributary to the Yampa River; Date of Appropriation, 1922; How appropriation was initiated: Dug. Date Water Applied to Use: 1922; Amount Claimed: 10 GPM; Proposed Use: Livestock water. Kowach #6, spring; UTM Coordinates: Northing 4485029, Easting 293242 Zone 13; NE4, SW4, Sec 12, T6N, R90W, 6PM, 2230 ft from S, 2367 ft from W, Source of PLSS Information: Topo GPS data format UTM NAD83; Source: Tributary to Basin Gulch, Tributary to the Yampa River; Date of Appropriation, 1925; How appropriation was initiated: Dug. Date Water Applied to Use: 1925; Amount Claimed: 10 GPM; Proposed Use: Livestock water. Kowach #7, spring; UTM Coordinates: Northing 4485946, Easting 293283 Zone 13; NE4, NW4, Sec 12, T6N, R90W, 6PM, 139 ft from N, 2266 ft from W, Source of PLSS Information: Topo GPS data format UTM NAD83; Source: Tributary to Basin Gulch, Tributary to the Yampa River; Date of Appropriation, 1915; How appropriation was initiated: Dug. Date Water Applied to Use: 1915; Amount Claimed: 20 GPM; Proposed Use: Livestock water. Landowner: applicant; Remarks: Grandfather homesteaded part of this land in 1915 and 1922, the rest was bought in 1925. It has been in the family every since. 12CW59, ROUTT COUNTY, Elk River, tributary to Yampa River. APPLICATION FOR FINDING OF REASONABLE DILIGENCE. Name, mailing address, email address, telephone number of applicant: Rancho Dos Rios, LLC [hereinafter “RDR”], One Union Sq., Ste. 500, Chattanooga, Texas 37402, Brett@eldassociates.com, 423.456.5213. Direct all pleadings and court-related documents to Claire E. Sollars, Esq., P.O. Box 881302, Steamboat Springs, CO 80488-1302, Claire.Sollars@hughes.net, 970.757.2713. Name of Structure: First Enlargement to Thompson Seepage and Waste Water Ditch [hereinafter “Enlargement Ditch”]. Description of conditional water right: Original Decree: The Enlargement Ditch was originally decreed on April 23, 1992, in Case No. 90CW162, in the Routt County Combined Courts, Water Division No. VI. Subsequent Diligence Decrees: January 12, 2000, Case No. 98CW13, Routt County Combined Courts, Water Division No. VI; August 21, 2006, Case No. 06CW02, Routt County Combined Courts, Water Division No. VI. Legal Description: The Enlargement Ditch commences at a point from which the SE corner of Section 12, T6N, R86W of the 6th P.M., Routt County, Colorado, bears south 44 degrees 20 minutes 50 seconds west 1150.26 feet, said point being also the headgate of the Thompson Seepage and Waste Water Ditch decreed in Case No. W-751-74, Water Division 6. The Enlargement Ditch runs thence generally southerly to the northerly right-of-way and barrow ditch of U.S. Highway 40, and thence southwesterly along such barrow ditch on the northerly right-ofway of U.S. Highway 40 to a point approximately 175 feet south and 60 feet west of said SE corner of said Section 12, whence such Enlargement Ditch proceeds generally southerly under U.S. Highway 40 and thence along and adjacent to the East section line of Section 13, T6N, R86W of the 6th P.M. to a point approximately 1000 feet south of said SE corner of said Section 12, whence the Enlargement Ditch proceeds easterly 300 feet, more or less, via a constructed lateral, to the inlet into Kenyon Fish Pond. As further described in the Division of Water Resources data base of Water District 58, the UTM coordinates of the Enlargement Ditch headgate on the Yampa River are 4483791.0 Northing and 33005.0 Easting. Source of Water: The Elk River and irrigation return flows from the Elk River and the West Fork of the Elk River as a result of irrigation of lands in the E2 SE4 of Section 12 and the NE4 of Section 13 north of the Yampa River and east of the West Fork of the Elk River, in T6N, R86W of the 6th P.M., and in the W2 SW4 of Section 7, T6N, R85W of the 6th P.M., lying west of the Elk River. Appropriation Date and Amount: July 1, 1990; 4.0 cfs. Uses: Irrigation. Depth (if well): N/A. Detailed Outline of what has been done toward completion or for completion of the appropriation and application of water to a beneficial use as conditionally decreed, including expenditures: From September 2006 through and including August 2012, RDR spent approximately $200,000.00 in fees, materials and expenses for the design, construction and implementation of an irrigation system to utilize the Enlargement Ditch water rights. These costs include labor and material for ditch construction, irrigation pipe installation, pumps, and backflow valves, as well as fees, materials and expenses resulting from changes to the original design. The total also includes fees and costs for a wetlands delineation report. Additionally, RDR incurred approximately $5,250 for legal fees and costs for the preparation and filing of this Application for Finding of Reasonable Diligence and as a result of RDR defending its water rights. If claim to make absolute in whole or in part: N/A. Name(s) and address(es) of owner(s) or reputed owners of the land upon which any new diversion or storage structure, or modification to any existing diversion or storage structure is or will be constructed or upon which water is or will be stored, including any modification to the existing storage pool: RDR owns the land upon which the conditional water right will be used and stored. Remarks: RDR respectfully requests the Water Court find that RDR has exercised reasonable diligence toward completion of the Enlargement Ditch conditional water right as described in this application and enter a decree to continue said conditional water right in full force and effect. 12CW60 MOFFAT COUNTY. Williams Fork River, Tributary to the Yampa River. Application for Surface Water Right. Applicant: Hamill Family Limited Partnership, LLLP, c/o Scott Grosscup, Balcomb & Green, P.C., P.O. Drawer 790, Glenwood Springs, CO 81602; 970-945-6546. Structure: Hamill Diversion. Legal Description: A surface water diversion located in the SE1/4, SE1/4, Sec. 19, T. 5 N., R. 90 W., 6th P.M., at a pt. located 154 ft. from the East line and 1,128 ft. from the S. line of said Sec. 19, which pt. may also be described using UTM Coordinates Zone 13, NAD 84 projection E. 285279, N. 4471540. The general location of the pt. of div. is shown in Exhibit A to app. Date of Initiation of Approp.: 6/29/2012. Approp. was initiated by entering into an agreement for the delivery of water for ind. uses in the Williams Fork basin and its trib. and by filing this Application with the water court. Date water applied to beneficial use: N/A, cond. water right. Amt.: 1 cfs, cond. Proposed Use: Ind. use in the development of oil and gas resources in the Williams Fork river basin and its tributaries. Applicant is the owner of land upon which diversion structure is to be located. 4 pgs. You are hereby notified that you will have until the last day of OCTOBER, 2012 to file with the Water Court a Verified Statement of Opposition, setting forth facts as to why a certain Application should not be granted or why it should be granted only in part or on certain conditions. A copy of such Statement of Opposition must be served on the Applicant or the Applicant’s Attorney, with an affidavit or certificate of such service being filed with the Water Court, as prescribed by Rule 5, C.R.C.P. The filing fee for the Statement of Opposition is $158.00, and should be sent to the Clerk of the Water Court, Division 6, P.O. Box 773117, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477. THE FOLLOWING PAGES comprise a resume of Protests to the Abandonment List. It is hereby ordered that all persons affected by an individual protest to the Abandonment List shall enter their appearance in such protest no later than August 31, 2012. 12CW58 RIO BLANCO COUNTY 1. Name, mailing address, and phone number of Protestants/Owners: Elk Creek Development, Inc. (“Elk Creek”) attn: Bill Wheeler, P.O. Box 773930, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477, (970) 879-2464. Direct all pleadings to: Glenn E. Porzak, Karen L. Henderson, Porzak Browning & Bushong LLP, 929 Pearl Street, Suite 300 Boulder, CO 80302 Tel: 303-443-6800 Email: gporzak@pbblaw.com; khenderson@pbblaw.com 2. Elk Creek protests the inclusion of the Goosman Reservoir on the Revised Abandonment List. The Goosman Reservoir is in Water District 43, Division No. 6 and is listed on page 3 of the Revised Abandonment List in the amount of 5.6 acre-feet. 3. Description of Water Right: The Goosman Reservoir was decreed by the District Court in and for Rio Blanco County in Civil Action No. 1269 on November 21, 1966, for piscatorial, recreational, and domestic purposes in the amount of 5.6 acre-feet, absolute, with an appropriation date of November 25, 1954. The reservoir is located within the SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 22, Township 1 South, Range 92 West of the 6th P.M., and the initial point of survey of the high water line of said reservoir is located at a point whence the Southeast corner of Section 22, Township 1 South, Range 92 West of the 6th P.M. bears South 6° 44’ East 648.99 feet. The source of supply for the reservoir is the North Elk Creek, a tributary of the White River. 4. Legal Basis for Protest A. Abandonment requires the concurrence of two elements: “a sustained period of non-use and an intent to abandon.” East Twin Lakes Ditches & Water Works Inc. v. Bd. of County Comm’r of Lake County, 76 P.3d 918, 921 (Colo. 2003). “Intent is the critical element in determining abandonment.” City & County of Denver v. Snake River Water Dist., 788 P.2d 772, 776 (Colo. 1990); See also C.R.S. § 37-92-103(2) (2010) (“’Abandonment of a water right’ means the termination of a water right in whole or in part as a result of the intent of the owner” to permanently discontinue use). B. For purposes of the Division Engineer listing, a “failure for a period of ten years or more to apply to a beneficial use the water available under a water right when needed by the person entitled to use same” may create a rebuttable presumption of abandonment. C.R.S. § 37-92-402(11). This requires 10 years of nonuse when water is available under a water right when needed. C. Even if such a presumption of abandonment is satisfied, it is rebutted when the owner “establish[es] some fact or condition that excuses the nonuse or shows the owner’s intent not to abandon the water right.” Haystack Ranch, LLC v. Fazzio, 997 P.2d 548, 552 (Colo. 2000); see also People ex rel. Danielson v. City of Thornton, 775 P.2d 11, 18 (Colo. 1989) (“In order to rebut a presumption of abandonment it is necessary to adduce evidence that the water right owner did not intend to abandon the water right notwithstanding the long period of nonuse that gave rise to the presumption”). D. In determining whether an owner intended to abandon his water right, Colorado Courts have looked to factors such as: (1) repair and maintenance of structures; (2) attempts to put the water to beneficial use; (3) active diversions and prior nonappearance of the water right on abandonment list; (4) efforts to sell the water right or a sale of the water right; (5) filing documents to protect, change, or preserve the right; and (6) leasing the water right; and (7) economic or legal obstacles to exercising the water right. E. Twin Lake, 76 P.3d at 922 (Colo. 2003). “[I]f these factors are insufficient or nonexistent, only then is the failure to put the water to a beneficial use enough by itself to sustain a finding of abandonment. Id. 5. Factual Basis for Protest The Goosman Reservoir was an existing structure and was used continuously to its full decreed capacity and for its decreed uses until 2006. Attached as Exhibit A is an aerial photo of the property showing the reservoir full of water on October 22, 2005. As such, there has not been ten years on nonuse. The property and associated Goosman Reservoir water right experienced several changes of ownership prior to and after 2006. These changes in ownership started with the death of one of the principal owners of the property and water right in May of 2004. However, the Goosman Reservoir water right was expressly referenced in the 2006, 2007, and 2008 deeds transferring the property. See Exhibit B. Therefore, even after the reservoir fell into disrepair and was later filled in, the continued inclusion of Goosman Reservoir in these conveyances evidences an intent to not abandon the Goosman Reservoir water right. Elk Creek purchased the property located at 198 County Road 54, Meeker, CO and its associated water rights, including the Goosman Reservoir, on July 15, 2011 from Cay Stone, Inc. This deed is recorded in the records of Rio Blanco County at Reception No. 301658. See Exhibit C. Elk Creek purchased the property with the intent to re-establish the pond that had been on the property until 2006. In short, there has not been ten years of nonuse of the Goosman Reservoir and Elk Creek has no intent to abandon this water right because it plans to re-establish the pond and put the Goosman Reservoir water right to beneficial use. Accordingly, the Goosman Reservoir should be removed from the Division No. 6 Revised Abandonment List. WHEREFORE, Elk Creek requests that the Court remove the Goosman Reservoir from the Division No. 6 Revised Abandonment List. ROUTT COUNTY COMBINED COURT WATER DIVISION 6 By: /s/ Sharon Martin Court Judicial Assistant