Great Basin Community College Syllabus Art 299-Advanced Mosaics Instructor: Kim Rust Fall Semester: 2007 Course Location: Room 13, Winnemucca Junior High Tuesday-7:00-9:45 p.m. Phone: 623-8120 (Work- Leave message) 623-1130 (Home-please call before 9:00 p.m.) Email: Course Purpose and Goals A. Course Description Students will develop an appreciation of Mosaic Art through the introduction of the historical development of mosaics throughout the world. Students will also learn vocabulary and various techniques used in mosaics through the application of studio projects. B. Course Objectives: (List specific statements that summarize what a student should achieve to complete the course successfully.) The student will be able to: A. Explain the organizing principles of art. B. Analyze a mosaic work. C. Identify the major mosaic styles. D. Discuss various techniques and applications used for different environmental conditions. E. Utilize art terminology for the evaluation of mosaics. F. Identify major art periods in the history of mosaics. G. Compare and contrast the working methods of major artists. C. Student Outcomes: Have a working knowledge of mosaics and the history of mosaics that will be demonstrated through critical thinking and discussion. Be conversant and demonstrate basic artistic vocabulary and visual literacy through exploration of mosaics. The student will also learn themes and purposes of art and how to formally analyze a work art through the elements of composition. Understand and apply the principles and elements of design through the completion of mosaic projects. Demonstrate understanding of the history of mosaics through mosaic projects. D. Measurement of Student outcomes: Student presentation of mosaic projects with a demonstration and explanation of chosen mosaic style. Student led critiques of completed projects. Student will complete assignments based on the principles and elements of design while exploring various mosaic styles. Grading Policy 50%-Attendance-It is important to be present for the various media demonstrations 50%-Final Project The final project is due the last day of the semester. You will choose mosaic technique discussed in class and create a mosaic design. You will be required to describe the chosen technique and how it is used in your project. Supplies: 1-2 bottles of Weldbond Glue (Brown’s hardware and Reliable carry this glue.) Protective eyewear Latex gloves for grouting Glass wine or similar type of bottle and votive that will fit inside bottle base-I will cut bottles in class Seed Beads-These are very small beads that we will use in place of a traditional grout application. You can find these at Walmart, they are used for beading-they are very small beads. Picture frame with flat border at least 1” wide. Substrate for final project. Please discuss with instructor the best adhesive if your final project is an outdoor piece. Projects: Painted glass picture frame Cut glass bottle votive holder Trivet using tile base and reverse method River rock paper holder-small mosaic using cement Free project using two of the laying styles learned in class (Opus regulatum etc.) Mosaics 299 Class Activity 8/28 Introduction, projects, homework assignment-paper mosaic laying styles. Painted glass picture frame. Painted glass due, cut into strips, paper chip homework due 9/4 9/11 Picture Frame 9/18 Glass Bottle votive holder Cut bottle top off, begin to glue glass and beads to decorate 9/25 Glass bottle votive holder 10/2 10/9 Reverse method trivet We will use 6” tile, cement, contact paper, and glass Trivet-glue with cement onto tile 10/16 Trivet-grout 10/23 River rock 10/30 River rock 11/6 11/13 Free Project using two laying styles. Studio Work 11/20 Studio Work 11/27 Studio Work 12/4 12/11 Final project due-take to community college for show Supplies Needed Weldbond Glue, eye protection, fancy beads or doodads for frame, Picture frame Wine or similar bottle Special trinkets or beads for decorative purposes if desired. Final project due on 5/11 Advanced Mosaics final project Recquirements: 1. Must incorporate two laying styles such as Opus Vermiculative etc. 2. Must be at least 12” x 12” or larger. 3. Ideas-coloring book drawings are great places to start. Simple shapes work best, we will be concentrating on following the “rules” for laying the tesserae. 4. Keep in mind that color blending is possible through placing reds and yellows to make orange when seen from a distance. Terra Cotta o Remove any algae or mildew with a bleach wash. o Remove all dirt and dust. o Can be sealed first with a 50-50 mix of WeldBond and water (paint on with an old paintbrush and it will suck it right up). Grout sealer or Saltillo Tile Sealer can also be used. Liquid Nails for Small Projects o My favorite for outdoors when I do not want to mix thin-set. o Stick to almost anything, including metal, terra cotta pots, concrete, etc. o Very short "bowl time" (elapsed time before product sets up and can no longer be used) o Always use gloves - serious chemicals. o Cleans up with solvent.