File - Indian Stream Health Center, Inc.

New Hampshire & Vermont Resource List
Abuse Reporting
Adults: (VT) 802-871-3317 or 1-800-871-3317
Statewide Hotlines:
(800) 228-7395 (For Domestic Violence)
(800) 489-7273 (For Sexual Assault)
(NH) 603-271-7014 or 1-800-949-0470
Children: (VT) 1-800-649-5285
(NH) (DCYF): 271-6562 or 1-800-894-5533 (fax: 271-6565)
NH Response: RESPONSE Hot Line: 1-866-662-4220
Berlin: 603-752-5679
Colebrook: 603-237-8746
Lancaster: 603-788-2562
Addiction Resources (also see Substance Abuse/Treatment)
Alanon – Alateen
(VT) 1-866-972-5266
(NH) 603-645-9518
Alcoholics Anonymous
(VT) Northeast Kingdom Area 70, District III
Phone: 802-334-1213
Toll Free: 1-877-334-1213
Various Meetings are held in Derby, Concord, Craftsbury, Danville, East
Burke, East Charleston, Hardwick, Island Pond, St. Johnsbury, Lowell,
Lyndonville, Newport, Orleans, Westmore
(NH) NH Area Assembly of Alcoholics Anonymous
Toll Free: 1-800-593-3330
Littleton | Littleton Beginners Meeting D (126022)
Sunday, 6:15 PM-7:00 PM
St Rose Of Lima Church Hall | High St
Littleton | Original Sun Night Grp SD (108730)
Sunday, 7:30 PM-9:00 PM
St Rose Of Lima Church Hall | High St
Berlin | Guardian Angel Big Book DB (143538)
Sunday, 7:00 PM-8:00 PM
Androscoggin Valley Hospital | 58 Page Hill Rd
Lancaster | North Country Group DH (159947)
Sunday, 9:30 AM-10:30 AM
Weeks Memorial Hospital | North Road
Littleton | Out To Lunch Bunch X (177113)
Monday, 12:00 PM-1:00 PM
Congregational Church | Main Street
Berlin | Berlin Group S (108699)
Monday, 7:00 PM-8:00 PM
St Paul Lutheran Church | 389 Norway St
Colebrook | Colebrook Monday Step CX (108703)
Monday, 8:00 PM-9:00 PM
St Brendan’s Church | 28 Pleasant Street
Berlin | Derby Discussion D (605978)
Tuesday, 7:30 PM-8:30 PM
Derby’s Lodge-Step One | Corner of Spring and School St
Lancaster | Lancaster Tues Nite Literature (685252)
Tuesday, 7:00 PM-8:00 PM
St Paul’s Episcopal Church | Brown house rear of church
Littleton | Out To Lunch Bunch CD (177113)
Tuesday, 12:00 PM-1:00 PM
Congregational Church | Main Street
Berlin | Derby Discussion (605978)
Wednesday, 7:30 PM-8:30 PM
Derby’s Lodge – Step One | Spring Street
Colebrook | Colebrook (108703)
Wednesday, 8:00 PM-9:00 PM
St Brendan’s Church | 28 Pleasant Street
Littleton | Littleton Wed BB Study Group (688762)
Wednesday, 8:00 PM-9:00 PM
1st Congregational Church | 189 Main St
Littleton | Out To Lunch Bunch OD (177113)
Wednesday, 12:00 PM-1:00 PM
Congregational Church | Main Street
Next page
-Tri-County CAP
Step One: Crisis Intervention and Sobriety Maintenance Center
Friendship House: Residential Treatment Programs (28-day and longer)
IDIP: Impaired Driver Intervention Programs for DWI offenders
Outpatient Services: Outpatient Counseling, Employee Assistance Programs
For more information or to speak confidentially with staff, call:
Berlin: (603) 752-7941 Bethlehem: (603) 869-2210 Woodsville: (603) 747-2535
NH Department of Health and Human Services
Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Services
603-271-6110 or 800-804-0909
After hours- State Referral Line #211
SAMHSA, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator
1-800-662-HELP (English & Español)
1-800-487-4889 (TTY)
-Vermont Alcohol and Drug Information (free brochures/educational materials)
-NH Alcohol and Drug Information ClearinghousePhone: (800) 804-0909, press 2 or (603) 271-2677
Fax number: (603) 271-6105 (brochures/educational materials)
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
(VT) Vermont CARES
P.O. Box 5248
1290 Hospital Drive Suite 1
Burlington, VT 05402
St. Johnsbury, VT 05819
Vermont Department of Health
108 Cherry Street
Burlington, VT 05402
Hotline: 802-863-7245 or 1-800-882-AIDS (2437)
Answered 8:30 am- 4:30pm weekdays (except holidays)
Voice: 802-863-7200 (VDH)
Vermont People with AIDS (PWA)
P.O. Box 11
Montpelier, VT 05601-0011
Phone: 802-229-5754 or 1-800-698-8792
Next page
(NH) DHMC HIV Program
The HIV Program collaborates with Vermont Comprehensive Care
Clinic to provide HIV care in Brattleboro.
Location: Brattleboro Memorial Hospital, 17 Belmont Avenue
Phone: (802) 257-8860
Hours: Third Monday of every month 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Location: Cheshire Medical Center, 580 Court Street, Keene
Phone: (603) 354-5454 ext. 2185
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Location: One Medical Center Drive, Lebanon
Phone: (603) 650-8840 or (603) 650-6060
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Location: 100 Hitchcock Way, Manchester
Phone: (603) 629-1752
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Location: 2300 Southwood Drive, Nashua, NH 03063
Phone: (603) 577-3478
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Infectious Disease Associates
Address: 10 Prospect St., Ste. 201, Nashua, NH 03060
Phone: (603) 595-1305
Fax: (603) 598-4097
AIDS Hotline
In New Hampshire: (800) 752-2437
If Calling Out of State: (603) 271-4502
Adult Day Programs
(VT) Green Mountain Adult Day Services of Orleans County
148 Prouty Drive
Newport, VT 05855
Phone: 802-334-3188
Contact: Program Director
The Meeting Place (Adult Day Program)
Northeast Kingdom Homecare, Inc.
P. O. Box 250
100 Second Street
Newport, VT 05855
Phone: 334-7604
Fax: 334-1347
Next page
Neighbor to Neighbor Intergenerational Volunteer Programs
Contact the Area Agencies on Aging to arrange services.
Newport AAA Ph: 334-2190
Adult Education Programs
(VT) Northeast Kingdom Learning Services (GED)
1 Main Street, Newport, VT
(Has Centers in Canaan, Hardwick, Island Pond, St. Johnsbury)
North Country Career Center (Adult/Vocational Ed)
209 Veterans Ave, Newport, VT
Adult Education and Literacy
1 Main St
Newport, VT
(802) 334 – 3030
(NH) Adult Learner Services Coos County
166 Main St
Berlin, NH
(603) 752 – 1927
Adult Protective Services
(VT) For Abuse Reporting: 802-871-3317 or 1-800-871-3317
Fax: 802-871-3318
(NH) Bureau of Elderly & Adult Services (BEAS) 603- 271-7014
Toll Free from within NH at 1-800- 949-0470
NH Response: RESPONSE Hot Line: 1-866-662-4220
Berlin: 603-752-5679
Colebrook: 603-237-8746
Lancaster: 603-788-2562
Alzheimer’s Association of VT and NH
300 Cornerstone Drive, Suite 120
Williston, VT 05495
Phone: 802-316-3839 or 1-800-272-3900 (Helpline)
Amlyotropic Lateral Sclerosis
ALS Association
27001 Agoura Road, Suite 250
Calabasas Hills, CA 91301
Phone: 818-880-9007
Fax: 818-880-9006
Next page
Compassionate Care ALS
P.O. Box 1052
West Falmouth, MA 02574
Phone: 508-563-3677
Contact Person: Ronald Hoffman
Direct Line 508-951-4644
Arthritis Foundation, Northern and Southern New England Chapter
6 Chenell Drive, Suite 260
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 1-800-639-2113 (ME, NH, VT only) or 603-224-9322
Assistive Technology
Toll Free: 1-800-827-2714
Assistive Technology Exchange of New England
Get new or used Assistive Technology, Durable Medical
Equipment and adaptive vehicles for sale, loan or donation.
Automobile Donation
(VT) (Lutheran Social Services)
In Vermont: Must apply through ReachUp Casemanagers
(NH) (Lutheran Social Services)
GNG New Hampshire:
340 Granite Street, 3rd Floor
Manchester, NH 03102
BAART (Methadone/Suboxone Clinics)
475 Union Street
Newport, VT
Phone: 802-334-0110
Fax: 802-334-7280
Opiate Addiction and Treatment Resource: 1-800-755-9603
Bed Bugs
NH Public Health Dept: 877-411-1142
(VT) American Cancer Society
Northern New England Region-Williston, VT
55 Day Lane
Williston, VT 05495
Phone: 802-872-6300 or 1-800-227-2345
Next page
Cancer Patient Support Program
P. O. Box 64700
Burlington, VT 05406
111 Colchester Avenue
2nd Level, Vermont Cancer Center
Burlington, VT 05401
Phone: 802-847-4848 or 1-800-358-1144 ext. 4848
Ladies First
Vermont Department of Health
Phone: 1-800-508-2222
TTD: 1-800-319-3141
Free Pap tests, Mammograms, Office Visits if eligible
Vermont Cancer Center at UVM
University of Vermont College of Medicine
The Courtyard at Given-4th Floor North
89 Beaumont Avenue
Burlington, VT 054-4414 or 1-877-540-HOPE (4673)
American Cancer Society
Northern New England Region-Williston, VT
55 Day Lane
Williston, VT 05495
802-872-6300 or 1-800-227-2345
(NH) New Hampshire
2 Commerce Dr, Bedford, NH 03110
603- 472-8899 or 1-800-640-7101
Two Rivers Ride for Cancer Inc
53 Spring St.
Colebrook, NH 03576
c/o Rosemary Mulliken
Let No Woman Be Overlooked
Breast and Cervical Cancer Program
800-852-3345, ext. 4931
Colebrook: Indian Stream Community Health Center, Inc. 237-8336
Berlin Coos County Family Health Services - North 752-2900
Groveton Weeks Medical Center 788-2521
Cerebral Palsy
United Cerebral Palsy
1825 K Street NW Suite 600
Washington, DC 20006
Phone: 800.872.5827 / 202.776.0406
Next page
Association for Cerebral Palsy
73 Main Street, Room 17
Montpelier, VT 05602
Phone: 802-223-5161
Children’s Integrated Services (with NEK Learning Services)
55 Seymour Lane, Suite 27
Phone# 334-5335
Fax# 334-5488
Contact: Dawn Powers
Children with Chronic Health Conditions Services
(VT) CSHN – Children with Special Health Needs
Vermont Department of Health
108 Cherry Street, PO Box 70
Burlington, VT 05402
802-863-7338 or 800-660-4427
Vermont Family Network
600 Blair Park Rd, Ste 240
Williston, VT 05495
(NH) New Hampshire Partners in Health
Child and Family services
25 Main St
Lancaster, NH 03854
603-788-4172 or 1-800-640-6486 x 4243
Special Needs Support Center
(IEP & 504 Assistance)
Phone: 603-448-1268
Family-Centered Early Support & Services
Northern Human Services
(Developmental playgroups)
Phone: 603-837-9547 x 1223
Fax: 603-837-9061
Special Medical Services (NH Title V Program for Children with Special
Health Care Needs)
129 Pleasant St
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603-271-4488 toll free: 800-852-3345 x 4488
Choices for Care Contacts (Medicaid Waiver Programs)
(Long Term Care)
Eligibility is based upon 1)Financial eligibility as determined by Dept of Economic Services
and 2) Clinical (medical) as determined by Long Term Care Services.
There are three Medicaid Waiver types…1)Home Based Options known as Flexible Choices
2)Enhanced Residential Care Options for Level 111 Assisted Living and 3) Nursing Home
Next page
(VT) Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living
Main Office Number 802-871-3069
Medical Waiver Supervisors
Sarah Lane RN/Paula Brown RN
Additional Contacts: For non-routine LTC Medicaid Issues only
ESDO Director Sean Brown 802-769-6456
Deputy Commissioner Richard Giddings 802-769-2113
(NH) New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services Community Based Care Services, BEAS
129 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301
603-271-7014 Adult Protection Inquiries
800-949-0470 Toll Free Adult Protection Inquiries
603-271-4375 Long-Term Care Ombudsman
Chronic Disease Self Management
Indian Stream Health Center
141 Corliss Lane
Colebrook, NH 03576
Contact: Lisa Maccini 603-237-8336
Area Churches that may be able to provide financial assistance for patients in crisis:
N. American Martyrs (Catholic Church), Fr Craig – food pantry there also- one call gets both: 2374342
Community Baptist: Justin Weberg – 237-4050
Monadnock Congregational: Rebekah Larsen – 237-4980/4414
St. Stephen’s Episcopal: Richard Davenport – 331-1676
Faith Chapel Assembly of God: 237-4294
River of Life: 237-4342 Pastor Rick Goss (cell) 348-0451
Kingdom Hall, Jehovah’s Witnesses: 237-8600
Latter Day Saints (only help members of LDS): 237-4586
Ind. Baptist Church: (W. Stewartstown) Matt Coons - 246-8623
Note: Congo, Methodist & St. Stephens are part of the “ministerium” – “same bucket”- that
also is the food bank. Call the Catholic church and Linda communicates with the food
bank. One stop shopping.
Community Care Homes- Vermont Only (Private homes, not necessarily licensed)
St. Johnsbury/Lyndonvill area
Susie Greaves- 802-626-8266
Strawberry Hill area, up to 3 residents
Requires resident to be independent in bathing and restroom
People can spend down to Medicaid eligibility
Deborah Baldwin-802-748-9411
Near the hospital, 2-3 residents
No independence level required
Next page
Martha Nutter-802-748-3687
Waterbury area
Private pay only
Joan Lang-802-748-5813
Barnet, VT
Alicia Person-802-274-6727
St. Johnsbury
2-3 Residents
She has young children, several dogs and cats, family oriented, includes residents in family
activities if they want
Deaf/Hearing Impaired
(VT) Vermont Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
209 Austine Drive Suite 310
Brattleboro, VT 05301-2694
802-258-9500; FAX 802-254-3921
57 Regional Drive
Concord, NH 03301
603-224-0691 TDD
603-224-1850 Service/Intake
Dementia Resources
Alzheimer’s Association- Support Groups in Vermont
300 Cornerstone Drive, Suite 128
Williston, VT 05495
1-800-272-3900 24/7 Helpline
Alzheimer’s Association- Support Groups in New Hampshire
Colebrook 603-752-3010 Patty Stolte
Littleton 603-444-4498 x1502 Shand Wentworth
(VT) Island Pond Dental Associates (Dr. Parenteau)
82 Maple Street
Island Pond, VT 05848
Phone 802-723-4300
Fax 802-723-4544
Accepting patients of any age
Accept Medicaid/Annual cap for adults w/Medicaid =$493 per year with at
least a $3.00 co-pay each visit. May be eligible for sliding scale arrangements
after that w/proof of income and # of people in home.
Medicare only adults can apply for sliding scale payment arrangements. They
can call the clinic to discuss.
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Medicaid Dental Dollars is standard for everyone who has medical benefits
through Medicaid.
The “dental vouchers” are administered through the Economic Services
Division office, and require proof of current income, require a co-pay and
are limited to extractions and issues related to pain and swelling.
(NH) Indian Stream Health Center
Community Oral Health Program
141 Corliss Lane, Colebrook, NH 03576
Contact: Brenda Puglisi: Phone 603-388-2414 Fax 603-388-2441
Molar Express
Provides dental care to residents of Coos and Northern Grafton counties.
Emphasis on basic restorative and hygiene care for ages 5-18 and some nursing homes.
Department for Children and Families
(VT) 100 Main Streets, Suite 230
Newport, VT
Phone: 802-334-6723
(NH) 129 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603-271-4440
(VT) American Diabetes Association VT affiliate
1 Kennedy Drive, Suite L8
South Burlington, VT 05403
Phone: 802-654-7716 or 1-888-DIABETS
Diabetic Supplies-Medicare/Medicaid
North Country Hospital Patient Assistance Fund /Case by case
Contact: Wendy Franklin
Phone: 334-4186
Fax: 334-3510
(NH) Diabetes Self Management Program
Upper Connecticut Valley Hospital
181 Corliss Lane
Colebrook, NH 03576
Contacts: Carrie Rancourt / Wanita Begin
American Diabetes Association, New England
10 Speen Street 2nd Floor
Framingham, Massachusetts, 01701
Phone: 617-482-4580 Fax: 508-626-4260
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(VT) Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living
11 East State St.
Montpelier, VT 05602
Phone: 1-800-639-1522
(NH) Northern Human Services
87 Washington Street
Conway, NH 03818
Telephone: (603) 447-3347 Fax: (603) 447-8893
Durable Medical Equipment
(VT) Apria
37 Commerce Avenue
South Burlington, VT 05403
Phone: 1-800-341-2659 or 802-865-7801
Assistive Technology Reuse Project
Phone: 802-241-2387
Keene Medical Products, Inc
Route 5, Derby Time Square
Newport, VT 05855
Phone: 334-5160 or 334-5672 Fax: 334-8852
KCI- Wound Vac
7A Williston Park Avenue
Williston, VT 05495
Phone: 1-800-275-4524 Fax: 1-888-245-2295
338 Commerce Street
Williston, VT 05495
Phone: 802-660-9626 or 1-800-498-9626 Fax: 802-658-3136
602 Main Street
Lyndonville, VT
Phone: 802-626-0321 or 1-800-639-1508 Fax: 802-626-0327
(NH) Kiwanis Club of Colebrook (Has some items to loan)
P.O. Box 241, Colebrook, NH 03576
Phone: (802) 962-3368 (Tom Gwinn, Club Secretary)
119 Railroad St
Keene, NH 03431-3747
Phone: 603-352-0227
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Keene Medical Products, Inc
275 Washington St
Keene, NH 03431-4366
Phone: 603-357-3222, 800-639-3807 Fax: 603-357-9469
603 Main St
Gorham, NH 03581
Phone: 603-752-7694, 800-287-7698 Fax: 603-752-5812
Assistive Technology Exchange in New England
Therapy Solutions, LLS Wound Vac
35-B East Main Street
Marlton, NJ
Phone: 1-800-715-5423 Fax: 1-800-715-5422
Elder Services
(VT) Area Agency on Aging for Northeastern Vermont
59 Waterfront Plaza
Unit # 14
Newport, VT 05855
Phone: 334-2190
Fax: 334-3389
(NH) Bureau of Elderly and Adult Services
ServiceLink Aging and Disability Resource Center
(VT) Epilepsy Foundation of America
Epilepsy Association of Vermont
P.O. Box 6292
Rutland, VT 0572
Phone: 802-775-1686 or 1-800-565-0972
(NH) Epilepsy Foundation of Mass, RI, NH & ME
540 Gallivan Blvd 2nd Floor
Boston, MA 02124
617-506-6041 x 102, 888-576-9996 Fax: (617) 506-6047
Epilepsy Center at DHMC (Level 4 Epilepsy Center)
Adult Center
Lebanon, NH (DHMC)
Manchester, NH
Phone: (603) 650-8309
Phone: (603) 695-2940
Pediatric Center
Lebanon, NH (DHMC)
Phone: (603) 653-9669
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Financial Assistance
(VT) Area Agency on Aging
59 Waterfront Plaza, Unit # 14
Newport, VT 05855
Phone: 334-2190
Fax: 334-3389
Community Adult Resource Team (CART)
-Last Resort Grants for Elderly or Disabled Adults
-Accessed at Choices for Care meeting
-Administered through Area Agency on Aging
Department for Children and Families
Economic Services Division
Medicaid, VHAP, General Assistance
Long-Term Care Medicaid-Michael Scherer 334-3927
100 Main Street
Newport, VT 05855
Phone: 1-800-479-6151
Newport Office 334-4830
Fax: 334-3386
Northeast Kingdom Community Action
70 Main Street
P.O. Box 346
Newport, VT 05855
Phone: 334-7316 or 1-800-639-4065
North Country Hospital
Patient Care Initiative Fund
Discretionary Funds/Case by Case Basis
Send completed request from to Wendy Franklin/office in
Human Resource Building
Phone: 334-4186
Fax: 334-3510
*See “Churches”- discretionary funds may be available
New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services
Emergency assistance with rent, housing, utilities, and housing costs
603- 271-5142
Tri-County Community Action Program, Inc.
30 Exchange Street
Berlin, NH 03570-1911
3 Parsons Street
Colebrook, NH 03576
Next page
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Bureau of Elderly and Adult Services
ServiceLink Resource Center of Coos County
610 Sullivan St. Suite 6, Berlin, NH 03570
866-634-9412 or 603-752-6407
New Hampshire has a law that requires your town to provide you with financial
help, if you meet certain conditions, such as a limited income. Senate Bill One (law
RSA 165) was effective back in 1986. It requires that every local town in the state of
New Hampshire provide financial assistance and cash aid to town residents who are
not able to pay basic living expenses or bills. In effect the law requires that each
town and city in New Hampshire to have a local welfare program to help people
who are poor and in need of assistance with living expenses.
*Direct financial assistance is generally available to those that qualify from the Social
Security and the Supplemental Security Income disability program. Both of them are
paid for and are administered by the federal government and the Social Security
Administration. They do have restrictions in place and any aid is only offered to those
with a proven disability and that meet certain medical criteria. If you are approved, then
a number of benefits may be provided. Phone 1-800-772-1213.
Food Shelves
(VT) NEKCA-Canaan
253 Gale Street, PO Box 69
Canaan, VT 05903
Phone: 802.266.7134 Fax: 802.266.7269
NEKCA- Newport
Main Street, Newport
Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm
NECKA-Island Pond
62 Cross Street
Island Pond, VT 05846
United Church of Newport
Third Street
Monday-Friday 8:30am-1:00pm
Commodity Supplemental Food Program
For People over 60
Pregnant, Post-Partum Women
Children aged 0-6
Applications available from Medical Home MSW or CCC
(NH) Colebrook Area Food Pantry
55 Pleasant St, Colebrook, NH 03576
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Helping Hands North Inc.
96 Main Street, Colebrook, NH 03576
Head Injury/Traumatic Brain Injury
(VT) Brain Injury Association of Vermont
92 South Main Street
P. O. Box 482
Waterbury, VT 05676
Phone: 802-244-6850 1-877-856-1772
Fax: 802-244-4005
Division of Disability and Aging Services
Traumatic Brain Injury Program
Send a Completed application, which is available on the DDAS
website to: DDAS/TBI Program Supervisor
103 South Main Street
Weeks Building
Waterbury, VT 05676
(NH) Brain Injury Association of New Hampshire
109 North State Street, Suite 2, Concord NH 03301
1-800-773-8400 or 1-603-225-8400
Next page
Disabilities Rights Center
PO Box 3660
Concord, NH 03302
603-228-0432 800-834-1721
NH Bureau of Special Medical Services (BSMS)
800-852-3345 ext. 4488
New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services
129 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301
603-271-8166 800-852-3345, ext. 8166
TDD: (800) 735-2964
Division of Adult Learning & Vocational Rehab
State Dept of Education
78 Regional Dr, Bldg. 2
Concord, NH 03301
Contact person: Paul Leather, Director
Division of Behavioral Health
Dept of Health & Human Services
105 Pleasant St
Concord, NH 03301 603-271-5007
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The Krempels Center (located on the Community Campus)
100 Campus Drive, Portsmouth, NH 03801
*Awards, grants average $5,000 per family for families of children or adults
with brain trauma, tumor or stroke
Hearing Impaired/Deaf
Audiology Center at Fanny Allen Health Care
Fletcher Allen Health Care
790 College Parkway
Colchester, VT 05446
Phone: 802-847-3970
Audiology and Speech and Language Clinic
E.M. Luse Center for Communication: Speech, Language and Hearing
Pomery Hall
489 Main Street
Burlington, VT 05405
Phone: 802-656-3861
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center Audiology Department
1 Medical Center Drive
Lebanon, NH 03756
Phone: Audiology 603-650-8123
Otolaryngology 603-650-8125
Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living
103 S. Main Street
Waterbury, VT 05671
Phone: 802-241-4532
VT-EDP (VT Telecommunications Equipment Distribution Program)
Vermont Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
209 Austine Drive
Brattleboro, VT 05301
Phone: 802-258-9500 or 1-888-254-3323
Vermont Interpreter Referral Service
130 Austine Drive, Suite 110
Brattleboro, VT 05301
Phone: 802-254-3920 or 1-800-639-1519
American Heart Association-Vermont Affiliate
434 Hurricane Lane
Williston, VT 05495
Phone: 802-878-7700 or 1-800-639-6024
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Home Care (Home Health) Services
(VT) Orleans/Essex Visiting Nurse Association (VNA) & Hospice
46 Lakemont Road
Vermont, VT 05855
Phone: 802-334-5213 Fax: 802-334-8822
(NH) Northwoods Home Health and Hospice
603-237-8235 fax: 603-788-5068
Personal Touch Home Health
157 Main Street, Suite 3
Berlin, NH 03570
603-752-3099 Fax: 603-752-3205
Homeless Shelters
(VT) Barre
Good Samaritan Haven
(802) 479-2294
P.O. Box 1104 Barre, VT 05641
Brattleboro Area Drop In Center
(802) 257-5415
Not an overnight center
60 South Main Street Brattleboro, VT 05302
Morningside Shelter
(802) 257-0066
Women's Freedom Center
(802) 254-6954
Collect calls accepted
For women and children
Burlington Emergency Shelter
(802) 862-9879
For adult men and women
PO Box 1481
Burlington, VT 05402
(802) 864-7402
Firehouse Family Shelter (families) and Waystation (adults: 36 beds)
Women Helping Battered Women
(802) 658-1996
Battered women's shelter
Safeline Community Action
(802) 685-7900
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Battered women's shelter
PO Box 254
Chelsea, VT 05038
John W. Graham Emergency Shelter
Day: (802) 877-2521
After hours: (802) 877-2048
Capacity: 17; Families and individuals
Clarina Howard Nichols Center
(802) 888-5256
Battered women's shelter
Women & children up to 28 days
Open Door Mission
(802) 775-5661
John Cassarino Overnight, 15 beds
David Dean Veterans, 18 beds
Rutland County Women's Network
(802) 775-6788
Battered women's shelter
Springfield Family Center
(802) 885-3646
White River Junction
Upper Valley Haven
(802) 295-6500
Capacity: 8 families
(NH) Claremont
Southwestern Community Services
(603) 542-3160
Homeless shelter
Friends Emergency Housing
(603) 228-1462
Capacity: 23; One handicap accessible; Will take families
Salvation Army
(603) 225-5586
Capacity: 24; No children
My Friend's Place
(603) 749-3017
Capacity: 18
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Bancroft House
(603) 823-8842
Franklin Shelter
(603) 934-3404
Monadnock Area Shelter
(603) 357-1654
Capacity: 7 single males, 3 single females, up to 6 families
Kerry House
(603) 528-8086
Tyler Blain House
(603) 788-2344
Capacity: 8; Families and individuals
Lebanon/Upper Valley
Tri-County Cap Homeless Programs
Cold Weather Program
(603) 443-6150
Hours: 8-4:30pm during the week. If you need assistance after hours and on the
weekends, please call Headrest at (603) 448-4400 and ask for the cold weather
Families in Transition
(603) 641-9441
Capacity: 40 families or single women
Helping Hands
(603) 623-8778
Transitional housing for men in recovery
New Horizons for New Hampshire
(603) 668-1877
Capacity: 76 men and women over 18; No children; Wet shelter
Harbor Homes
(603) 882-3616
Capacity: 3 women, 2 men & 2 families
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Nashua Housing Authority
(603) 883-5661
Nashua Pastoral Care Center
(603) 886-2866
Nashua Soup Kitchen & Shelter
(603) 889-7770
Ashe St. Shelter: 20 men, women, or families
Kinsley St. Shelter: 10 single women or families
Salvation Army Food Pantry, Serves Nashua, Merrimack, Hudson & Litchfield
(603) 883-7841
Southern New Hampshire Services Inc., Nashua, NH
(877) 211-0723
Monadnock Area Transitional Housing
(603) 924-5033
Pemi Bridge House
(603) 536-7631
Crossroads House
(603) 436-2218
Capacity: 107 individuals and families
(VT) Brattleboro Memorial Hospital
Brattleboro Retreat
1-800-RETREAT or 802-257-7785
Central Vermont Hospital (Berlin)
Copley Hospital (Morrisville)
Fletcher Allan Medical Center (Burlington)
Gifford Medical Center
Grace Cottage Hospital (Townsend)
Next page
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Mount Ascutney Hospital and Health Center (Windsor)
North Country Hospital (Newport)
Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital (St. Johnsbury)
Northwest Medical Center (St. Albans)
Rutland Regional Medical Center
Southwestern Vermont Medical Center (Bennington)
Springfield Hospital
(NH) Alice Peck Day (Lebanon)
Androscoggin Valley Hospital (Berlin)
Catholic Medical Center (Manchester)
Cheshire Medical Center (Keene)
Concord Hospital (Concord)
Cottage Hospital (Woodsville)
Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation (Greenfield)
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center (Lebanon, NH)
Elliott Hospital (Manchester)
Exeter Hospital (Exeter)
Next page
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Franklin Regional Hospital (Franklin)
Frisbee Memorial Hospital (Rochester)
Hampstead Hospital Hampstead – Private Psychiatry (Hampstead)
HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital (Concord)
Huggins Hospital (Wolfeboro)
Lakes Region General Hospital (Laconia)
Littleton Regional Hospital (Littleton)
Memorial Hospital (North Conway)
Monadnock Community Hospital (Peterborough)
New Hampshire Hospital- Psychiatric (Concord)
New London Hospital (New London)
Northeast Rehabilitation Hospital (Salem)
Parkland Medical Center (Derry)
Portsmouth Regional Hospital (Portsmouth)
Saint Joseph Hospital (Nashua)
Southern New Hampshire Medical Center (Nashua)
Speare Memorial Hospital (Plymouth)
Next page
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Upper Connecticut Valley Hospital (Colebrook, NH)
Valley Regional Hospital (Claremont)
Weeks Medical Center (Lancaster)
Wentworth Douglass Hospital (Dover)
Household Goods/Appliances/Computers Refurbished/Used
266 Pine Street
Burlington, VT 05401 (also has locations in Barre/Morrisville)
Phone: 802-658-4143
Information and Referral
P.O. Box 111
Essex Junction, VT 05453
Free and confidential referral information from United Way
of Vermont.
New Hampshire 2-1-1
PO Box 211
Manchester, NH 03105
Free and confidential referral information from United Way
of New Hampshire.
American Kidney Foundation- For Dialysis and Transplant PTs
11921 Rockville Pike, Suite 300
Rockville, MD 20852
National Kidney Foundation Serving New England
85 Astor Avenue, Suite 2
Norwood, MA 02062
Phone: 781-278-0222 or 1-800-542-4001
Vermont Kidney Association
P.O. Box 244
Burlington, VT 05401
Phone: 802-863-4087
Dialysis Coordinator
Next page
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New Hampshire Kidney Foundation
816 Elm Street
Manchester, NH
Fresensius Medical Care of Lancaster- Dialysis Center
173 Middle Street
Lancaster, NH 03584
603-788-5222 Service/Intake
Language Interpreter Services
North Country Hospital’s Service (as per policy)
Optimal Phone Interpreters (OPI)
VT Interpreter Referral Service – 800-639-1519
Lutheran Social Services - LSS
261 Sheep Davis Road, Ste A-1
Concord, NH 03301
603-224-8111 Main 800-244-8119 Toll Free
603-224-5473 FAX
Learning/Reading Disabilities
Stern Center for Language and Learning (children & adults)
183 Talcott Road, Suite 101
Williston, VT 95499
Phone: 802-878-2332
Fax: 802-878-0230
Contact Greta at 802-662-1765 regarding Evaluations
Evaluations for adults are
$1,000, they don’t accept any insurance. Combo of Stern Center scholarships and Voc
Rebab funding make patient portion fairly small, per Greta.
NH Dept. of Health and Human Services –
DHHSNH Bureau of Developmental Services
105 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301
603-271-5034 Service/Intake
800-852-3345 Toll Free
603-271-4912 FAX
Legal Aid
Vermont Legal Aid 1-800-889-2047
Lawyer Referral Service 1-800-639-7036
-first 30 minutes free for consultation
-additional time and cost at attorney discretion
Next page
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New Hampshire Legal Aid
-Legal Advice & Referral Center
48 South Main St.
Concord, NH 03301
-New Hampshire Legal Assistance
117 North State Street
Concord, NH 03301
-The Pro Bono Program of the New Hampshire Bar Association
2 Pillsbury Street, Suite 300
Concord, NH 03301
Lungs and Breathing
American Lung Association-Vermont Chapter
372 Hurricane Lane Suite 101
Williston, VT 05495
802-876-6500 or 1-800-LUNGSUSA (586-4872)
American Lung Association- New Hampshire
1800 Elm Street, Unit D
Manchester, NH 03104
603-369-3977 or 1-800-LUNGSUSA (586-4872)
Lupus Foundation of America-Vermont Chapter
57 South Main Street
P.O. Box 115
Waterbury, VT 05676
Phone: 802-244-5988 or 1-877-73LUPUS (735-8787)
Lupus Foundation New England
40 Speen St, Framingham, MA 01701
Meals on Wheels(VT) Through Vermont Center for Independent Living 802-229-0501
Jenny Patoine, Nutrition/Wellness Coordinator
Area Agency on Aging for Northeastern VT
481 Summer Street, Suite 101
St. Johnsbury, VT 05819
Vermont Center for Independent Living
Under 60 and Disabled
11 East State Street
Montpelier, VT 05602
Phone: 802-229-0501 or 1-800-639-1522
Next page
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(NH) North Country Senior Meals-Colebrook
One Colby Commons
Colebrook, NH 03576
603-237-4957 Service/Intake Colebrook office number
603-752-2545 Service/Intake Berlin office number
603-837-2424 Service/Intake Whitefield office
Medical Alert/Emergency Response Systems
Caring Responders (through Lin Care)
Phone: 866-993-0661
Fax: 866-993-2402
111 Lawrence Street
Framingham, MA 01702-8156
Phone: 1-800-LIFELINE (543-5463)
LifeSentry (through Vortech Medical Communications)
Phone: 334-6604 or 1-800-692-0262
Local Contact w/ Vortech Mickie Vanheeder 802-334-6604
(She screens for Medicaid and other funding, AAA refers to her)
Vtech phone company (probably others) offers Careline and Home
Safety models that are included with the phone, no monthly costs. Available at Walmart, KMart, on-line for purchase.
Vermont Health Connect
312 Hurricane Lane, Suite 201
Williston, VT 05495-1840
Phone: 855-899-9600
Phone: 1-800-318-2596 Assistor help: 1-855-899-9600
Medicaid Transportation
Department of Vermont Health Access
312 Hurricane Lane, Suite 201
Williston, VT 05495
Fax requests for prior authorization to 802-879-5915
North Country Transit
31 Pleasant St
Berlin NH 03570
1-888-997-2020 or 603-752-1741
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Mental Illness/Psychiatric Services
(VT) National Alliance for the Mentally Ill of Vermont (NAMI-VT)
Support Groups
162 South Main Street
Waterbury, VT 05676
Phone: 802-244-1396 or 1-800-639-6480
Northeast Kingdom Human Services, Inc.
154 Duchess Ave, Newport VT
560 Railroad St, St. Johnsbury VT
Newport Phone: 802-334-6744
Fax: 802-334-7455
St. Johnsbury Phone : 802-748-3181
Has two crisis beds in St. Johnsbury
Services also include Embedded Case Management
Elder Care Clinician- Donna Laurin, LICSW
Children’s Programs w/Alternative Programs to work with
Families, Home Visits, Etc.
NEK HS Crisis Line (after hours) 1-800-696-4979
Vermont Protection and Advocacy
141 Main Street, Suite 7
Montpelier, VT 05602
Phone: 802-229-1355 or 1-800-834-7890
(NH) Northern Human Services
The Mental Health Center
55 Colby Street
Colebrook, NH 03576
603-237-4955 Fax 603-237-4882
Colebrook Developmental Disabilities
Vershire Center
24 Depot Street
Colebrook, NH 03576
603-237-5721 Fax 603-237-5093
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill of New Hampshire (NAMI-NH)
85 North State Street
Concord, NH 03301
603-225-5359 800-242-6264
Mental Health Providers
Canaan, VT
Laurie Connors, MSW
Indian Stream Health Center
253 Gale St
Newport/St. Johnsbury VT
Dean Corcoran, LADC
Center for Well-Being
Eastern Ave & Railroad St
Next page
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Judith Markey, MD
357 Western Ave
Medicaid/Medicare/Pvt Insurance
Colebrook, NH
Greg Lamm, LICSW
Indian Stream Health Center
141 Corliss Lane
Lancaster, NH
All ages/families/couples
Emily Cowan, LICSW
84 Main Street, Suite 3
Home visits up to 12 miles
Evenings &W/E available
All Ages
Liz Fleming, LICSW
Phoenix Counseling
107 Main St
All insurance except Medicare
Patty Grondin, LCMHC, NCC
One Keystroke Away
97 Main St
All insurance except Medicare
all ages, all forms of therapy
internet counseling
Joseph Keenen, Ph.D.
Child Development Clinic
97 Main St &
Lancaster Physician Office
Children, teens
All insurance except Medicare
Sue Rouillard, M.Ed.
29 View St
Whitefield, NH
Challenging child specialist
Littleton, NH
Ajilla Pospesil, LICSW
15 Main St
counseling/child specialist
Angela Thomas Jones, MA, LADC, RYT
Littleton & Sugar Hill offices
Drug & alcohol counseling
Carol Lidstrom, MD
10 West Main St
Carol Herzig, LICSW
130 Cottage St
All ages
Catholic Charities
16 Cottage St
Center for New Beginnings
229 Cottage St,
Next page
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Claire Von Karls, LICSW
Riverside Counseling Center
42 Mill St
Edward Martin, Ph.D.
5 Union St
PTSD/Cognitive Therapy
Jeffrey Kay, Th.D., Ph.D.
Riverside Counseling
42 Main St
Katherine Lofgren, LICSW
754 Mann’s Hill
603-444-8966/cell 728-8346
Families& couples
Shand Wentworth, LICSW
Lane House, Cottage St
All ages
Steve Noyes, LADC, LICSW
Ammonoosuc Family Health
25 Eustis Rd
603-444-2464 ext 123
counseling/drug & alcohol counseling
teens & adult
Susan Brown, MA
15 Main St
Berlin/Gorham, NH
Barbara E. Corman, LICSW
14 Green St., Berlin
Elaine Davis, LADC/LCMHC
36-A Exchange Street, Gorham
Daniel Millis, LADC
drug counseling/assessments/
Anger management
Elizabeth P Hess, Ph.D.
856 Western Ave, Berlin
Gorham Veteran Center
515 Main St, Gorham
veterans & their families
Janice McKenzie
Catholic Charities
633 Third St, Berlin
Judy-Marie Buteau, LICSW
52 Main St, Berlin
Laurie Brodeur, Ph.D.
856 Western Ave, Berlin
Next page
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Lorraine Mushackee, LICSW
115 Main St, Gorham
Melony Lyons, MS LADC
Tri-County CAP
Berlin, NH
Gregg Churchill, LADC, LCMHC
Recovery Services
177 Main St, 3rd Floor, Berlin
cell: 603-986-5250
Stephanie Gould, LMHC
166 Main St, Berlin
E. Martin Kaufman, MD
St. Luke’s Medical Center
7 Page Hill Rd, Berlin
Multiple Sclerosis
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
75 Talcott Road, Suite 40
Williston, VT 95495
Phone: 802-864-6358 or 1-800-FIGHTMS (344-4867)
One Bedford Farms Drive, Suite 105
Bedford, NH 03110
Phone 800-344-4867 or 1-800-FIGHTMS (344-4867)
Muscular Dystrophy
Muscular Dystrophy Association
1 Marcus Boulevard, #203
Albany, NY 12205
Phone: 518-489-5495 or 802-862-6424
Narcotic Anonymous
Vermont: (802) 862-4516 Toll Free: (866) 580-8718
New Hampshire: 603-645-4777
National: Toll Free 888-NA-HELP-U (888-624-3578)
National Organization for Rare Diseases
Medication Assistance Programs for specific diseases
- 31 -
Nursing Homes/Facilities/Community Care Homes/Retirement Homes Division of Licensing and Protective Services
Level 1= Skilled/Rehab (can only be given by licensed nurse or doctor)
Level 2= Non-skilled/Nursing Needs
Level 3=Assisted Living (nursing overview, no nursing care needed)
Level 4=Independent Apartments
Medicare Benefit Period-for Original Medicare
-begins the day you are admitted to an in-patient hospital stay or a SNF
-ends if no care received in last 60 days
-no limit on number of benefit periods
Qualifying Hospital Stay
-3 in-patient day hospital stay
-must enter SNF within a short time, w/in 30 days
-must require skilled nursing care
ERC= Enhanced Residential Care
ACCS= Assistive Community Care Services
Bel-Aire Quality Center
Level 1 and 2
Bel-Aire Drive
Newport, VT 05855
Phone: 334-2878
Contact: Rose Mary Mayhew
Bel-Aire Center
Level 3
Coos County Nursing Hospital
W. Stewartstown, NH
Phone: 603-246-3321
Contact: Nancy Hughes
Level 1 and 2
Coos County Nursing Home
364 Cates Hill Rd
Berlin, NH 03570
Derby Green Nursing Home
P.O. Box 24
Derby, VT 05829
Phone: 802-766-2201
Level 1 and 2
Genesis Country Village Center
91 Country Village Road
Lancaster, NH
Phone: 603-788-4735
Holton Point Center
Phone: 603-788-4650
Level 1 and 2
Level 1 and Level 2
Level 3
Michaud Memorial Manor
Level 3 EHC & ACCS
3 Herrick Road
Derby Line, VT 05830
Phone: 873-3152
Fax: 873-9206
Contacts: Ward Nolan, Teresa Nelson
Next page
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The Morrison
6 Terrace St
Whitefield, NH 03598
Phone: 603-837-2541
Level 1, 2 and 3
Newport Health Care Center
Level 1 and Level 2
Newport Residential Care Center
Level 3
148 Prouty Drive
Newport, VT 05855
Phone: 334-7321
Contact: Helen Gagnon, Director of Nursing
The Pines Rehabilitation and Health Center (Northern Kare)
Lyndonville, VT
Level 1 and Level 2
Phone: 802-626-3361
Ombudsman 1-800-917-7787
Opiate Addiction and Treatment Resource 1-800-755-9603
Parkinson’s Disease Foundation
1359 Broadway, Suite 1509
New York, NY 10018
Phone: 212-923-4700 or 1-800-457-6676
Austin’s Drug Store
38 Main Street
Orleans, VT 05860
Phone: 754-6300
Brown’s Drug Store
Main Street
Derby Line, VT 05830
Phone: 873-3122
Indian Stream Health Center
141 Corliss Lane
Colebrook, NH 03576
Kinney Drugs
55 Shattuck Hill Road
Derby, VT
Phone: 334-1600
Rite Aid
Rt 3, Main St.
Colebrook, NH
Next page
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Rite Aid
Derby Road
Derby, VT 05829
Phone: 334-5133 or 334-2313
Rite Aid
59 Waterfront Plaza
Newport, VT 05830
Prescription Drug Assistance
Indian Stream Health Center
Colebrook, NH
Contact: Brenda Puglisi
Phone: 603-388-2414
Dartmouth Hitchcock-Medication Assistance Program
Contact Lori, Social Worker
Phone: 603-650-5400
Partnership for Prescription Assistance
SHIP-State Health Insurance Assistance Program - VT
Regional Coordinator- Pat Paine
481 Summer Street, Suite 101
Phone: 802-748-5182
Private Duty Caregivers/Respite
Northeast Kingdom Homecare, Inc. (Homecare, Respite)
P.0. Box 250
100 Second Street
Newport, VT 05855
Phone: 334-7604
Fax: 802-334-7604
Orleans/Essex VNA and Hospice Inc. (Home Health, Homecare/Respite, Long Term
Care, Hospice)
46 Lakemont Road
Newport, VT 05855
Phone: 334-5213
Fax: 802-334-8822
Professional Care Coordinator and/or Caregiver (independent)
P.O. Box 225
Orleans, VT 05860
Phone: 754-6413
Contact: Cynthia Turner
Next page
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Direct Care Online Caregiver Registry (List of independent care givers)
If no computer call the Senior Helpline at 1-800-642-5119
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There are multiple individuals in the community that are willing to provide care. Please call
ISHC’s Outreach or Care Management Departments to discuss this option.
Prosthetic and Orthotic Supplies
Green Mountain Prosthetics and Orthotics, Inc.
P. O. Box 1236
Stowe, VT 05672
Phone: 802-253-3155 or 1-800-253-3155
Pager: 802-250-3425
Promis (Prosthetic & Orthotic Svc’s with a Mission)
204 West Main Street
Littleton, NH 03561
Phone: 603-444-0500 or 1-888-776-6478
Yankee Medical
276 North Avenue
Burlington, VT 05401-1486
Phone: 802-863-4591 or 1-800-649-4591
Protective Services/Hotlines
(VT) State of Vermont Agency of Human Services
Department for Children & Families
Main Street
Newport, VT 05855
Local Office: 802-334-7623
To Report Abuse: 1-800-649-5285
-Adult Protective Services 1-800-564-1612
-Child Abuse 1-800-649-5285
-Domestic Violence 1-800-228-7395 or 1-800-799-7233
-Office of Public Guardian- 1-800-642-3100 or 802-365-4478
-Sexual Violence and Rape 1-800-489-7273
-Teen Dating Abuse 1-866-331-9474
-Vulnerable Adults 1-802-241-2345 or 1-800-564-1612
Orleans and Northern Essex Counties
Newport 24 Hour Hotline 802-334-0148
93 East Main Street
Newport, VT 05855
Walk-in hours 8:30-4:30
Caledonia and Southern Essex Counties
St. Johnsbury 24 Hour Hotline 802-748-8645
1222 Main Street, Suite 301 (3rd floor, Dean Hale Building)
St. Johnsbury, VT 05819
Phone: 802-748-8645 ext. 326
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(NH) Coos Family Health Services- RESPONSE
133 Pleasant St
Berlin, NH 03570
HOTLINE: 1-866-662-4220
Next page
NH Division of Children and Families
Adults: 603-271-7014 or 1-800-949-0470
Children: 271-6562 or 1-800-894-5533 (fax: 271-6565)
Suicide and Crisis Hotlines
National Hopeline Network 1-800-784-2433
National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Crisis (Online Emotional Support, hours vary)
Hearing and Speech Impaired- 1-800-799-4889
IMALIVE An Online Crisis Network-Suicide and Crisis Chat
National Graduate Student Crisis Line 1-800-472-3457
Post Partum Depression 1-800-773-6667
The Trevor Project 1-866-488-7386 for LGBTQ Youth
Vet2Vet Veteran’s Crisis Line 1-877-838-2838
Youth America Hotline 1-877-968-8454 (teen counseling)
Social Security Administration Offices
Montpelier 1-877-505-4542
Burlington 1-877-840-5776
Littleton, NH 1-877-405-7658
Psychiatric Evaluation and Treatment
Fletcher Allen Mental Health Services
Seneca Center @UHC Campus
St. Joseph Building, Level 6
1 South Prospect Street
Burlington, VT 05401
-Anxiety and Mood Disorders Care
-Psychiatry/Intensive Outpatient Care
-Psychiatric Partial Hospitalization
Geriatric Psychiatry
Psychiatric Consultation, Inpatient
Psychiatry, Pediatric
Through The Vermont Center for Children, Youth
and Families (Dr. Hudziak, etc.)
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Phone: 802-847-2224
Fax: 802-847-7998
Referral form available on their website.
Telemedicine available in some areas
Phone/email consult available with Dr. Pillard
Psychopharmacology Consults for Medical Providers
Next page
Substance Abuse Services/Day One
Substance Abuse Treatment Center
Northern Human Services
Eric Johnson, Executive Director
87 Washington Street
Conway, NH 03818
Senior Meals (VT)
Area Sites
Barton Barton Senior Center 802-525-4400 Tues/Thurs
Canaan Canaan Senior Center 802-266-8160 Wed
Gilman Lunenberg-Gilman-Concord 802-892-6616 Tues/Thurs
Greensboro 802-533-7051 Mon/Wed/Fri
Island Pond, IP Senior Center 802-723-6130 Mon/Tues/Fri
Newport 802-334-5369 Mon/Wed/Fri
North Troy 802-988-2349 Tuesday
Orleans 802-754-6442 Wed/Fri
Westfield 802-744-2484 Thur
Stern Center for Language and Learning
Evaluation and teaching for people with Learning Disabilities, Dyslexia,
Autism, Attention Deficit Disorders, Learning Style Differences
Williston- 183 Talcott Road, Willison, VT 05495
Phone: 802-878-2332
West Lebanon-1 Oak Ridge Road, West Lebanon, NH 03785
Phone: 603-653-5606
Spina Bifida
Spina Bifida Association of America
4590 MacArthur Boulevard, NW Suite 250
Washington, DC 20007
Phone: 202-944-3285 or 1-800-621-3141
Substance Abuse/Treatment
Outpatient Services
Northeast Kingdom Human Services (Suboxone program)
- 37 -
181 Crawford Road
Derby, VT
Phone: 802-334-5247
Crisis Line 1-800-696-4979
(Mailing) P.O. Box 724
Newport, VT 05855
Next page
2225 Portland St
St. Johnsbury Office
Phone: 802-748-3181
BAART- Behavioral Health Services- Methadone/Suboxone Program
475 Union Street
Newport, VT 05855
Phone: 334-0110
Bruce Latham, DO- Suboxone Program
29 Monadnock Street
Colebrook, NH 03576
Kristen Aremburg- Suboxone Program
ROAD to a Better Life
678 Meadow St.
Littleton, NH 03561
Tri-County CAP
Outpatient Counseling, Employee Assistance Programs
For more information or to speak confidentially with staff, call:
Berlin: (603) 752-7941 Bethlehem: (603) 869-2210 Woodsville: (603) 747-2535
In-Patient Services
(VT) Fletcher Allan Substance Abuse Treatment Center
Phone: 802-656-8714
Maple Leaf Farm Associates-adult residential/aftercare
10 Maple Leaf Road
Underhill, VT 05489
Phone: 802-899-2911 or 1-800-254-5659
Fax: 802-899-9965
Contact the Admissions Department
Retreat Healthcare (Brattleboro Retreat)
Adult residential/dual diagnosis/adolescent inpatient/residential
75 Linden Street
Brattleboro, VT 05301
Phone: 802-257-7785 or 1-800-738-7328 (RETREAT)
Contact the Admissions Department
Serenity House-adult residential/aftercare program
98 Church Street
Wallingford, VT 05773
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Phone: 802-446-2640
Contact the Admissions Department
Valley Vista-residential program for women and adolescents
23 Upper Plain
Bradford, VT 05032
Phone: 802-446-2640
Contact the Admissions Department
Next page
(NH) Tri-County CAP
Step One: Crisis Intervention and Sobriety Maintenance Center
Friendship House: Residential Treatment Programs (28-day and longer)
IDIP: Impaired Driver Intervention Programs for DWI offenders
Farnum Center
235 Hanover Street
Manchester, New Hampshire 03104
Greater Nashua Council on Alcoholism
615 Amherst Street
Nashua, New Hampshire 03063
Cynthia Day Family Center: programs offered are designed for persons
with mental and substance abuse disorders, pregnant / postpartum
women, women, and residential beds for clients' children
Keystone Hall: programs offered are designed for pregnant / postpartum
women, adolescents, men, residential beds for clients' children, DUI /
DWI offenders, and criminal justice clients.
Hampstead Hospital Hampstead – Outpatient, Partial Hospitalization/
Day Treatment, Residential Short-Term Treatment, Hospital Inpatient
218 East Road
Hampstead, New Hampshire 03841
Headrest Inc
14 Church Street
Lebanon, New Hampshire 03766
NH Div Alcohol/Drug Abuse Prevention
(also known as and Recovery/Tirrell Halfway House)
15 Brook Street
Manchester, New Hampshire 03104
603-836-5145 Intake phone: 603-668-2971 or 603-668-2976
Phoenix House of New England
Dublin Center: providing substance abuse treatment, holistic treatment,
and buprenorphine services
- 39 -
3 Pierce Road
Dublin, New Hampshire 03444
Phoenix Academy at Dublin: programs offered are designed for
persons with mental and substance abuse disorders, gays and lesbians,
pregnant / postpartum women, and adolescents
3 Pierce Road
Dublin, New Hampshire 03444
603-563-8107 x 4568
Next page
Franklin Center: providing substance abuse treatment, detoxification,
holistic treatment, and halfway house services
14 Holy Cross Road
Franklin, New Hampshire 03235
603-934-5297 x 3850
Keene Center: programs offered are designed for persons with mental
and substance abuse disorders, adolescents, men, and women
106 Roxbury Street
Keene, New Hampshire 03431
603-358-4041 x 6400
Serenity Place (also known as NCADD Affiliate)
*Targeted for DWI/DUI offenders
101 Manchester Street
Manchester, New Hampshire 03101
Southeastern New Hampshire Services
272 County Farm Road
Dover, New Hampshire 03820
AMCCC: programs offered are designed for men and women
Intake phone: 603-749-3034 or 603-749-3981 x 211
Avis Goodwin IOP: programs offered are designed for pregnant /
postpartum women & women
Turning Point Halfway House: programs offered are designed for
men and women
Transitional Housing
Rural Community Transportation (RCT)
1161 Portland Street
St. Johnsbury, VT
Phone: 802- 334-0243 or 802-748-8170 ext. 2017
Van in Newport area: 802-888-6200
After hours beeper: 283-8870
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Fax: 802-334-1425
-Transports anyone with Medicaid w/ three days notice
-Recipients can make own requests for trips under 30 miles
-Trips over 30 miles need physician referral prior auth forms
-Monthly “Standing Orders” are possible but must be renewed
At least two days prior to next month
-Medicaid Car Exemptions are possible w/form completion
-Transports people over 60 without Medicaid/arranged thru
Area Agency on Aging @ 802-334-2190
Next page
Disabled American Veterans
Transportation to White River Junction VA or Apple Tree Bay in Burlington.
Call 334-2717 (or 334-6051 in evenings) five days in advance.
Department of Vermont Health Access
312 Hurricane Lane, Suite 201
Williston, VT 05495
Fax requests for prior authorization to 802-879-5915
North Country Transit
31 Pleasant St
Berlin NH 03570
1-888-997-2020 or 603-752-1741
Air Transportation
Air Ambulance 1-800-424-7060
Air Trek 1-800-247-8735 or 1-800-633-5387
Angel Flight 1-800-549-9980
Boston Med Flight 1-800-233-8998
DHART 1-800-650-3222
Veterans Affairs
White River Junction VA Medical Center
215 North Main Street
White River Junction, VT 05009
1-866-687-8387 or 1-802-295-9363
Good Contacts:
Sandy Filiault, RN Case manager ext. 5404
Benefits Department ext. 5321 or 5177
Mary Busbee, Administrative Officer for
Social Work Services, ext. 6250 (can find social worker or case manager
assigned to particular people) Has update to info on current programs for veterans and
survivors…benefits and programs always changing, per Sandy and
case managers don’t always know the latest ones because there are so
Vermont Health Connect
Assister Line 1-855-554-4488 Need Navigator ID
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Customer Service line 1-855-899-9600
NCH Assister Denise Currier ext. 7606
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