Griffin Biosketch - College of Biological Sciences

Provide the following information for the key personnel and other significant contributors in the order listed on Form Page 2.
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Griffin, Timothy J.
Associate Professor
Director, Center for Mass Spectrometry and
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.)
St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, WA
(if applicable)
Chemistry and Mathematics
A. Personal Statement
Dr. Griffin’s research involves the development and application of mass spectrometry-based tools to study
proteins and proteomes. He pioneered mass spectrometry-based methods for genomic applications as a
graduate student, before post-doctoral training under Dr. Ruedi Aebersold, where he published several seminal
papers in the emerging field of quantitative proteomics. Since his appointment as an independent investigator,
he has continued to pioneer methods (analytical and computational) enabling more sensitive and accurate
mass spectrometry-based proteomic studies in complex biological systems.
He has applied these
technologies to numerous biomedical projects, notably in the area of oral cancer and salivary protein
biomarkers and also oxidative stress-related post-translational modifications.
B. Positions and Honors
Research Intern, USDA Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, WI
Research Assistant, Smith Lab, Dept of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Senior Research Fellow, Aebersold Lab, Dept. of Molecular Biotechnology, University of
Washington, Seattle, WA
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Aebersold Lab, Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, WA
Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, & Biophysics, University
of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
2009Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, & Biophysics, University
of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; Associate Director, Center for Mass Spectrometry and
Proteomics, University of Minnesota
2012Director, Center for Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics, University of Minnesota
Other Experience and Professional Memberships
Phi Beta Kappa
American Chemical Society
American Society for Mass Spectrometry
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Grant review activities (examples): NCI Innovative Molecular Analysis Technologies (IMAT) for Cancer Research
(2008-present), Research Resource P41 review panel (NCRR, 2009), NCI Early Detection Research Network
Biomarker Development Laboratory review panel (2010), NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Danov Scholarship, St. Olaf College
Pharmacia/Upjohn Charles N. Reilly Award for outstanding research in analytical chemistry
Procter and Gamble Fellowship, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison
NIH Genomic Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of Molecular Biotechnology,
University of Washington
Eli Lilly Young Investigator Award in Analytical Chemistry
McKnight Presidential Fellow, University of Minnesota
C. Peer Reviewed Publications
1. Griffin, T.J., Tang, W., and Smith, L.M. (1997) Genetic analysis by peptide nucleic acid affinity MALDITOF mass spectrometry. Nature Biotechnol., 15, 1368-1372. PMID: 9415888
2. Griffin, T.J. and Smith, L.M. (1998) An approach to predicting the stabilities of peptide nucleic
acid:DNA duplexes. Anal. Biochem., 260, 56-63. PMID: 9648653
3. Griffin, T.J., Hall, J.G., Prudent, J.R., and Smith, L.M. (1999) Direct genetic analysis by matrix-assisted
laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 96, 6301-6306. PMID:
4. Griffin, T.J. and Smith, L.M. (2000) Genetic identification by mass spectrometric analysis of singlenucleotide polymorphisms: ternary encoding of genotypes. Anal. Chem., 72, 3298-3302. PMID:
5. Griffin, T.J., Loboda, A., Gygi, S.P., Rist, B., Standing, K.G., and Aebersold, R. (2001) Quantitative
proteomic analysis using a MALDI quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Anal. Chem., 73, 978986. PMID: 11289445
6. Griffin, T.J., Han, D.K.M., Gygi, S.P., Rist, B., Lee, H., Parker, K.C., and Aebersold, R. (2001) Toward
a high-throughput approach to quantitative proteomic analysis: expression-dependent protein
identification by mass spectrometry. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 12, 1238-1246. PMID: 11766750
7. Gygi, S.P., Rist, B., Griffin, T.J., Eng, J., and Aebersold, R. (2002) Proteome analysis of lowabundance proteins using multidimensional chromatography and isotope-coded affinity tags. J.
Proteome Res., 1, 47-54. PMID: 12643526
8. Griffin, T.J., Gygi, S.P., Ideker, T., Rist, B., Eng, J., Hood, L., and Aebersold, R. (2002)
Complementary profiling of gene expression at the transcriptome and proteome levels in S. cerevisiae.
Mol. Cell. Proteomics 1, 323-333. PMID: 12096114
9. Lee, H., Griffin, T.J., Gygi, S.P., Rist, B. and Aebersold, R. (2002) Development of a multiplexed
microcapillary liquid chromatography system for high throughput proteome analysis. Anal. Chem. 74,
4353-4360. PMID: 12236342
10. Griffin, T.J., Lock, C.M., Li, X., Patel, A., Chervetsova, I., Lee, H., Wright, M.E., Ranish, J.A., Chen,
S.S., and Aebersold, R. (2003) Abundance ratio-dependent proteomic analysis by mass spectrometry.
Anal Chem. 75 867-874. PMID: 12622378
11. Xie, H., Bandhakavi, S. and Griffin, T.J. (2005) Evaluating Preparative Isoelectric Focusing of Complex
Peptide Mixtures for Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics: A Case Study in Profiling ChromatinEnriched Subcellular Fractions in S. cerevisiae, Anal. Chem. 77, 3198-3207. PMID: 15889909
12. Xie, H., Rhodus, N.L., Griffin, R.J., Carlis, J.V. and Griffin, T.J. (2005) A catalogue of human saliva
proteins identified using Free Flow Electrophoresis and Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Mol Cellular
Proteomics 4, 1826-1830. PMID: 16103422
13. Xie, H. and Griffin, T.J. (2006) The Trade-Off Between Sensitivity and False Positive Peptide
Sequence Matches Using a 2-D Linear Ion Trap for Tandem Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics, J
Proteome Res 5, 1003-9. PMID: 16602709
14. Vander Haar, E., Lee, S., Bandhakavi, S., Griffin, T.J. and Kim, D.H. (2007) Integration of Nutrient and
Insulin Signaling Through the mTOR-raptor Complex, Nature Cell Biology 9, 316-23. PMID: 17277771
15. Meany, D., Xie, H., Thompson, L.V., Arriaga, E.A. and Griffin, T.J. (2007) Identification of carbonylated
mitochondrial proteins from rat muscle using affinity chromatography-stable isotope labeling and
tandem mass spectrometry, Proteomics 7, 1150-1163. Also featured article in “In This Issue”
commentary section. PMID: 17390297
16. Grimsrud, P.A., Griffin, T.J., Picklo, M.J. and Bernlohr, D.A. (2007) Carbonylation of adipose proteins
in obesity and insulin resistance: identification of adipocyte fatty acid-binding protein as a cellular target
of 4-hydroxynonenal, Mol Cellular Proteomics, 6, 624-637. PMID: 17205980
17. Roe, M.R. Xie, H., Bandhakavi, S. and Griffin, T.J. (2007) Proteomic Mapping of 4-Hydroxynonenal
Protein Modification Sites by Solid-Phase Hydrazide Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry, Anal Chem,
79, 3747-3756. PMID: 17437329
18. Xie, H, Bandhakavi, S., Roe, M.R. and Griffin, T.J. (2007) Preparative peptide isoelectric focusing as a
tool for improving the identification of lysine acetylated peptides from complex mixtures, J Proteome
Res, 6, 2019-2026. PMID: 17397211
19. Woo, S.Y., Kim, D.H., Jun C.B., Kim Y.M., Vander Haar E., Lee S.I., Hegg J.W., Bandhakavi S., Griffin
T.J., Kim D.H. (2007) PRR5, a novel component of mTOR complex 2, regulates PDGFRbeta
expression and signaling. J. Biol. Chem., 35, 25604-12. PMID: 17599906
20. Griffin, T.J., Xie, H., Bandhakavi, S., Popko, J., Mohan, A., Carlis, J.V., and Higgins, L. (2007) iTRAQ
reagent-based quantitative proteomic analysis on a linear ion trap mass spectrometer, J. Proteome
Research, 6, 4200-4209. PMID: 17902639
21. Xie, H., Onsongo, G., Popko, J., de Jong, E.P., Cao, J., Carlis, J.V., Griffin, R.J., Rhodus, N.L. and
Griffin, T.J. (2008) Proteomic analysis of cells in whole saliva from oral cancer patients via valueadded three-dimensional peptide fractionation and tandem mass spectrometry, Mol Cellular
Proteomics, 7, 486-98. PMID: 18045803
22. Bandhakavi, S., Xie, H., O’Callaghan, B., Sakurai, H., Kim, D.H., and Griffin, T.J. (2008) Hsf1
activation inhibits rapamycin resistance and TOR signaling in yeast revealed by combined proteomic
and genetic analysis, PLoS ONE, 3, e1598. PMID: 18270585
23. Jayapal, K.P., Sui, S., Philip, R.J., Kok, Y.J., Yap, M.G., Sherman, D.H., Griffin, T.J. and Hu, W.S.
(2008) Uncovering genes with divergent mRNA-protein dynamics in Streptomyces coelicolor, PLoS
One, 3, e2097. PMID: 18461186
24. Hohberger, L., Wuertz, B.R.K, Xie, H, Griffin, T., and Ondrey, F. (2008) TNF alpha drives MMP9 in oral
carcinogenesis, Laryngoscope. 118, 1395-9. PMID: 18496150
25. Feng, J., Xie, H., Meany, D.L., Thompson, L.V., Arriaga, E.A. and Griffin, T.J. (2008) Quantitative
Proteomic Profiling of Muscle-and Age-Dependent Protein Carbonylation in Rat Skeletal Muscle
Mitochondria, Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences, 63, 1137-52. PMID: 19038828
26. Onsongo, G., Xie, H., Griffin, T.J. Carlis, J.V. (2008) Generating GO Slim Using Relational Database
Management Systems to Support Proteomics Analysis: (IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical
Systems. 2008: 215 - 217)
27. Yan, W., Apweiler, R., Balgley, B., Boontheung, P., Bundy, J.L., Cargile, B.J., Cole, S., Fang, X.,
Gonzalez-Begne, M., Griffin, T.J., et al (2009) Systematic comparison of the human saliva and plasma
proteomes, Proteomics Clin. Appl., 3, 116-134. PMID: 19898684
28. Bandhakavi, S., Stone, M.D., Onsongo, G., Van Riper, S.K., and Griffin, T.J. (2009) A dynamic range
compression and three-dimensional peptide fractionation analysis platform expands proteome
coverage and the diagnostic potential of whole saliva, J Proteome Res. 8, 5590-600. PMID: 19813771
29. Bandhakavi S., Kim Y.M., Ro S.H., Xie H., Onsongo G., Jun C.B., Kim D.H., and Griffin T.J. (2010)
Quantitative nuclear proteomics identifies mTOR regulation of DNA damage response. Mol Cellular
Proteomics, 9, 403-14. PMID: 19955088
30. Rudney, J.D, Xie, H., Rhodus, N.L., Ondrey, F.G. and Griffin, T.J. (2010) A metaproteomic analysis of
the human salivary microbiota by three-dimensional peptide fractionation and tandem mass
spectrometry. Molecular Oral Microbiology, 25, 38-49.
31. Jayapal, K.P., Siguang, S., Philp, R.J., Kok, Y.J., Yap, M.G.S., Griffin, T.J. and Hu, W.S. (2010) A
multi-tagging proteomic strategy to estimate protein turnover rates in dynamic systems, J Proteome
Res, 9, 2087-97.
32. Roe, M.R., McGowan, T.F., Thompson, L.V. and Griffin, T.J. (2010) Targeted 18O-labeling for
improved proteomic analysis of carbonylated peptides by mass spectrometry, J Am Soc Mass
Spectrom, 21, 1190–1203. PMID: 20434358
33. Onsongo, G., Xi, H., Griffin, T.J. and Carlis, J.V. (2010) Relational operators for prioritizing candidate
biomarkers in high-throughput differential expression data, ACM International Conference on
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, accepted as full paper
34. de Jong, E.P., Xie, H., Onsongo, G., Stone, M.D., Chen, X., Kooren, J.A., Refsland, E.W., Griffin, R.J.,
Ondrey, F.G., Wu, B., Le, C.T., Rhodus, N.L., Carlis, J.V. and Griffin, T.J. (2010) Quantitative
proteomics reveals myosin and actin as promising saliva biomarkers for distinguishing pre-malignant
and malignant oral lesions, PloS ONE, 5, e11148.
35. Yee J.C., Jacob N.M., Jayapal K.P., Kok Y.J., Philp R., Griffin T.J., Hu W.S. (2010) Global assessment
of protein turnover in recombinant antibody producing Myeloma cells. J Biotechnol., 148:182-93.
36. Onsongo, G., Stone, M.D., Van Riper, S.D., Chilton, J., Wu, B., Higgins, L., Lund, T.C., Carlis, J.V. and
Griffin, T.J. (2010) LTQ-iQuant: A freely-available software pipeline for automated and accurate
protein quantification of isobaric tagged peptide data from LTQ instruments, Proteomics, 10, 3533-8.
37. Stone, M.D., Odland, R.M., McGowan, T., Onsongo, G., Tang, C., Rhodus, N.L., Jagtap, P.,
Bandhakavi, S. and Griffin, T.J. (2010) Proteomic Analysis of Tumor Interstitial Fluid Obtained in situ
Reveals Unique Features and Diagnostic Potential, Clin Proteomics, 6, 75-82.
38. Yoder, A.R., Stone, M.D., Griffin, T.J. and Potter, L.R. (2010) Mass Spectrometric Identification of
Phosphorylation Sites in Guanylyl Cyclase-A and B, Biochemistry, 49, 10137-45.
39. Bandhakavi, S., Van Riper, S.K., Tawfik, P.N., Stone, M.D., Haddad, T., Rhodus, N.L., Carlis, J.V.,
Griffin, T.J. (2011) Hexapeptide Libraries for Enhanced Protein PTM Identification and Relative
Abundance Profiling in Whole Human Saliva. J Proteome Res., 10, 1052-61. PMID: 21142092 (PMCID
in process)
40. Stone MD, Chen X, McGowan T, Bandhakavi S, Cheng B, Rhodus NL, Griffin T.J. (2011) Large-Scale
Phosphoproteomics Analysis of Whole Saliva Reveals a Distinct Phosphorylation Pattern. J Proteome
Res. 10, 1728-36. PMID: 21299198 (PMCID in process)
41. Kooren, JA, Rhodus, NL, Tang, C, Jagtap, PD, Horrigan, BJ, Griffin, TJ (2011) Evaluating the potential
of a novel oral lesion exudate collection method coupled with mass spectrometry-based proteomics for
oral cancer biomarker discovery. Clin Proteomics, 8: 13. PMID: 21914210
42. de Jong, E. P., Koopmeiners, J. S., and Griffin, T. J. (2011) Sample collection and handling
considerations for peptidomic studies in whole saliva; implications for biomarker discovery. Clin Chem
Acta. 412: 2284-8. PMID: 21889499 (PMCID in process)
43. Jagtap, P., McGowan, T., Bandhakavi, S., Tu, Z. J., Seymour, S., Griffin, T.J. and Rudney, J.D.
(2012) Deep metaproteomic analysis of human salivary supernatant. Proteomics 12: 992-1001. PMID:
22522805 (PMCID in process)
44. Keefe, D., Gupta, A., Feldman, D., Carlis, J.V., Keefe, S. K., Griffin, T.J. (2012) Scaling Up MultiTouch Selection and Querying: Interfaces and Applications for Combining Mobile Multi-Touch Input with
Large-Scale Visualization Displays. Int. J. Human-Computer Studies 70: 703–713
45. Kim, Y. M., Stone, M. D., Hwang, T. H., Kim, Y. G., Griffin, T. J., Kim, D. H. (2012) SH3BP4 is a
negative regulator of amino acid--‐Rag GTPase--‐mTORC1 signaling. Mol Cell, 46: 833-469. PMID:
46. Yoder, A. R., Dickey, D. M., Robinson, J. W., Andersland, J., Rose, B., Stone, M. D., Griffin, T. J. and
Potter, L. R. (2012) A Functional Screen Provides Evidence for a Conserved, Regulatory,
Juxtamembrane Phosphorylation Site in Guanylyl Cyclase-A and B, PLoSONE 7: e36747. PMCID:
47. Jagtap, P., Bandhakavi, S., Higgins, L., McGowan, T., Sa, R., Stone, M. D., Chilton, J., Arriaga, E. A.,
Seymour, S. L. and Griffin, T J. (2012) Workflow for analysis of high mass accuracy salivary dataset
using MaxQuant and ProteinPilot search algorithm. Proteomics, 12: 1726-30 PMID: 22623410
48. Curtis, J.M, Hahn, W.S, Stone, M.D., Inda, J.J., Droullard, D.J., Kuzmic, J.P., Donoghue, M.A., Long,
E.K., Armien, A.G., Lavandero, S., Arriaga, E.A., Griffin, T.J. and Bernlohr, D.A. (2012) Protein
Carbonylation and Adipocyte Mitochondria Function. J Biol Chem, 287: 32967-80 PMID: 22822087
49. de Jong E, Griffin T.J. (2012) Online nanoscale ERLIC-MS outperforms RPLC-MS for shotgun
proteomics in complex mixtures. J Proteome Res, 11, 5059-64. PMID: 22950739
50. Reed J.R., Stone M.D., Beadnell T.C., Ryu Y., Griffin T.J., Schwertfeger K.L. (2012) Fibroblast Growth
Factor Receptor 1 Activation in Mammary Tumor Cells Promotes Macrophage Recruitment in a
CX3CL1-Dependent Manner. PLoS One, 7, e45877 PMID: 23029290
51. Jagtap P., Goslinga J., Kooren J.A., McGowan T., Wroblewski M.S., Seymour S.L., Griffin T.J. (2013)
A two-step database search method improves sensitivity in peptide sequence matches for
metaproteomics and proteogenomics studies. Proteomics, 13: 1352-7. PMID: 23412978
52. Thumbigere-Math, V., Michalowicz, B.S., de Jong, E.P., Griffin, T.J., Basi, D.L., Hughes, P.J., Tsai,
M.L., Swenson, K.K., Rockwell, L., and Gopalakrishnan, R. (2013) Salivary proteomics in
bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw Oral Diseases, epub October, 31, 2013. PMID:
53. Van Riper, S.K., de Jong, E.P., Higgins, L., Carlis, J.V. and Griffin, T.J. (2014) Improved intensitybased label free quantification via proximity-based intensity normalization (PIN) J Proteome Res,
54. Yang, Y., Rhodus, N.L., Ondrey, F.G., Wuertz, B.R.K., Chen, X., Zhu, Y., and Griffin, T.J. (2014)
Quantitative proteomic analysis of oral brush biopsies identifies secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor
as a promising, mechanism-based oral cancer biomarker PLoSONE, 9, e95389
55. Boylan, K.L.M., Afiuni-Zadeh, S., Geller, M.A., Hickey, K., Griffin, T. J., Pambuccian, S.E., and Skubitz,
A.P.N. (2014) A feasibility study to identify proteins in the residual Pap test fluid of women with normal
cytology by mass spectrometry-based proteomics, Clin Proteomics 11: 30. PMID: 25097468
56. Sheynkman GM, Johnson JE, Jagtap PD, Shortreed MR, Onsongo G, Frey BL, Griffin TJ, Smith LM.
(2014) Using Galaxy-P to leverage RNA-Seq for the discovery of novel protein variations, BMC
Genomics 15: 703. PMID: 25149441
57. Jagtap PD, Johnson JE, Onsongo G, Sadler FW, Murray K, Wang Y, Sheynkman GM, Bandhakavi S,
Smith LM, Griffin TJ. (2014) Flexible and accessible workflows for improved proteogenomic analysis
using the Galaxy framework. J Proteome Res, 13: 5898-908 PMID: 25301683 PMCID: PMC4261978
58. Boekel,J., Chilton, J.M., Cooke, I.R., Horvatovich, P.L., Jagtap P.D, Käll, L., Lehtiö, J., Lukasse, P.,
Moerland, P.D. and Griffin, T.J. (2015) Multi-omic data analysis using Galaxy, Nature Biotechnology,
33: 137–139 PMID: 25658277
Book Chapters and Reviews
1. Griffin, T.J., Tang, W., and Smith, L.M. “MALDI-TOF mass spectrometric detection of PNA hybrids for
genetic analysis” in Peptide Nucleic Acids: Protocols and Applications, Nielsen, P.E. and Egholm, M.,
Editors. (Horizon Scientific Press, Norfolk, UK, 1999).
2. Griffin, T.J. and Smith, L.M. (2000) Single-nucleotide polymorphism analysis by MALDI-TOF mass
spectrometry. Review Article. Trends Biotechnol., 18, 77-84. PMID: 10652512
3. Griffin, T.J. and Smith, L.M. “Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Analysis by MALDI-TOF Mass
Spectrometry: I. Analysis of Peptide Nucleic Acid Hybridization Probes. II. Direct Analysis of Invasive
Cleavage Products” in In: Mass Spectrometry and Genomic Analysis, Housby, N. Editor. (Kluwer
Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 2001)
4. Griffin, T.J. and Aebersold, R. (2001) Advances in proteome analysis by mass spectrometry. Review
Article. J. Biol. Chem., 276, 45497-45500. PMID: 11585843
5. Griffin, T.J., Goodlett, D.R., and Aebersold, R. (2001) Advances in proteome analysis by mass
spectrometry. Review Article. Curr. Opin. Biotechnol., 12, 607-612. PMID: 11849943
6. Flory, M.R., Griffin, T.J., Martin, D. and Aebersold, R. (2002) Advances in quantitative proteomics
using stable isotope tags. Review Article. Trends Biotechnol., 20, S23-S29. PMID: 12570156
7. Griffin, T.J., Sherman, J. and Aebersold, R. (2002) “Quantitative proteomics (ICAT)” in Encyclopedia of
the Human Genome, D. N. Cooper, Editor, Nature Publishing Group: London, 959-963.
8. Roe, M.R. and Griffin, T.J. (2006) Gel-Free Mass Spectrometry-Based High Throughput Proteomics:
Tools for Studying Biological Response of Proteins and Proteomes. Review Article. Proteomics, 6,
4678-4687. PMID: 16888762
9. Griffin, T.J., Seth, G., Bandhakavi S, Xie, H, Hu, WS. (2007) Advancing mammalian cell culture
engineering using genome-scale technologies, Review Article, Trends in Biotechnology, 9, 401-8.
PMID: 17681628
10. Grimsrud, P.A., Xie, Hongwei, Griffin, T.J. and Bernlohr, D.A. (2008) Oxidative Stress and Covalent
Modification of Protein with Bioactive Aldehydes, Review Article, J Biol Chem, 283, 21837-41. PMID:
11. Bandhakavi. S., Markowski, T.W., Xie, H. and Griffin, T.J. (2011) Three dimensional peptide
fractionation for highly sensitive nanoscale LC-based shotgun proteomic analysis of complex protein
mixtures, Methods Mol Biol, 790: 47-56. PMID: 21948405
12. Kooren, J.A., Rhodus, N.L. and Griffin, T.J. (2011) “Emerging non-invasively collected genomic and
proteomic biomarkers for the early diagnosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC)” in Squamous
Cell Carcinoma, Mortensen, D.V., Editor. Nova Science Publishers
13. Bandhakavi, S. and Griffin, T.J. (2011) Dynamic range compression: a solution for proteomic biomarker
discovery? Bioanalysis, 3: 2053-6. PMID: 21942515
14. Van Riper, S.K., de Jong, E.P., Carlis, J.V. and Griffin, T.J. (2013) Mass spectrometry-based
proteomics: Basic principles and emerging technologies and directions. Adv Exp Med Biol. 990: 1-35.
PMID: 23378000