Field Residue Decomposition Trials History: In the late 1990’s, commercial lawn care companies were looking for an organic thatch reduction material. Several products were screened for this purpose. The product that proved to be most effective was an OMRI registered emulsified fish material (Pacific Natural) produced in Vancouver, British Columbia. Pacific Natural was labeled as both an organic fertilizer and a compost accelerator. It has since been shown to contain two times the cellulose digesting bacteria as any other fish fertilizer. This is due to the single species of fish being used to produce Pacific Natural. For the last several years, Pacific Natural has been commercially sold for thatch reduction in residential turf, commercial turf and on golf courses. Starting in 2000, Pacific Natural was introduced into commercial agriculture for field residue reduction. It was first used on Blue Grass sod. Several pivots of Blue Grass seed were being rotated into potatoes the following spring. Historically, residual sod requires hand removal at harvest. After Roundup herbicide was applied to the grass field and the sod disked, eight gallons per acre of Pacific Natural was applied through the pivot irrigation system. On fields where this practice was used, we observed the following: a. All of the sod residue had been completely composted in the soil, b. The soil was more mellow, less dirt was been removed from the field, c. A slight increase in yield due to an increased tuber set. Pacific Natural has become the standard material used for the decomposition of sod, from both grasses grown for seed and pasture grasses in fields being rotated into other crops. In the Spring of 2002, a potato grower in Royal City, Washington planted a field that had been in wheat the previous year. This field had excessive straw residue. Potato planting was difficult due to straw plugging the planter. At row closure, late June, 5 gallons of Pacific Natural and 5 gallons of urea solution (to help adjust the C to N ratio) was applied through the irrigation system on one-half of the field. In late August, ten feet sections of row were screened with a ¼ inch mess screen to evaluate residual straw. The following picture confirmed the activity of this treatment. Note: an increased number of tubers with smaller size in treated area. This is attributed to a nitrogen flush created by composting of residue too late in growing season. Also note the bright color of straw in control. Little decomposition has taken place after 2 months in moist soil. Field residues, such as sod, straw or corn stubble, cause several problems for the grower of root and tuber crops: Potatoes: Sod and Corn Stubble – must be hand removed at harvest Cereal Straws – in addition to planting difficulties, can cause an unwanted nutrient imbalance during the growing season Sugar Beets: Any crop residues – interfere with precision planting where seeds are evenly spaced at a relatively shallow depth. In addition, any straw that extends from the surface to seed depth becomes a conduit for frost. In-field composting, decomposition of field residues, offers the following benefits to the grower: 1. Ability to rotate root and tuber crops into cereal and grass fields 2. Save tillage costs to incorporate residues 3. Improve organic matter and tilth of soils 4. Provide a safe, simple application product (as opposed to sulfuric acid) It has been noted that some potato processors are rejecting shipments that contain corn stubble residues. With corn acreages increasing due to ethanol production and the increased number of cattle on feed in Idaho, decomposition of corn residue is becoming a priority. 2007 Corn Residue Decomposition Trial Procedure: April 24, 2007, approximately two cubic feet of soil, with an abundance of crop residue, was collected from a field in St. Anthony, Idaho. Three digester boxes were constructed, interior dimensions of 12”X12”X 8” H Collected soil was sifted with ¼” mesh screen to remove residue. A base soil sample was taken from the sifted soil. Approximately 2/3 of sifted soil was evenly distributed into digester boxes. Crop residue was divided into three lots, cob and root ball quantities were equalized. The weight of each lot was noted. Crop residue was introduced into the digester boxes. The boxes were noted, from left to right, as control, treatment 1 & treatment 2. Soil temperature was noted at 56° F at time of treatment. The control was misted with approximately .10 inch of water, covered with 1/3 of the remaining sifted soil, and misted with another .10 inch of water. Treatment 1 was the equivalent of 5 gal/ac of Pacific Natural and 5 gal/ac of 20-0-0 urea solution in .20 inches of water, applied directly to residue before covering with 1/3 of remaining sifted soil. This treatment was to determine the necessity of having direct contact of residue and treatment. Treatment 2 was covered with the remaining sifted soil and treated with the equivalent of 5 gal/ac of Pacific Natural, 5 gal/ac of 20-0-0 urea solution, 8 oz per acre Wil-Pen soil surfactant in .20 inches of water. This treatment was to determine if decomposition was as effective if treatment was made after incorporation of residue. During the next 50 days, the boxes were kept moist with rainfall and additional water amounting to approximately 2 inches of water. It should be noted that two days during this period had daytime temperatures in excess of 90° F. The boxes were allowed to dry for 5 days prior to evaluation of decomposition. Due to obvious difference in weed growth between treatments, weeds were harvested from each box independently, counted and weighed. Control Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Contents of control and treatments were sifted across ¼” mesh screen, residues were analyzed and weighed. Soil samples were collected from the sifted soil for each box. Results: Weed Production Control Treatment Control Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Treatment 1 Weed Population 134 193 174 Treatment 2 Weight 1.40 oz 2.00 oz 1.50 oz As the three boxes were sifted, it was obvious that Treatment 2 soil was more moist. This could have some effect on weight of residue since it was not dried, before or after treatment. This was done to duplicate field conditions as closely as possible. Residue Decomposition Control Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Treatment Beginning Weight Ending Weight Reduction Control 19.00 oz 7.25 oz 12.00 oz Treatment 1 23.50 oz 8.25 oz 15.25 oz Treatment 2 28.00 oz 10.00 oz 18.00 oz Please note difference in color of residue. Composting is definitely in progress for both treatments. In both treatments, there was good reduction of root stalk ends, cobs were still intact, but soft, indicating that decomposition would occur with more time. Soil Test Results Change Trtmt 1 Change -42 73 -52 -10 28 -9 +1 69 -4 +83 335 -30 +1 30 +2 +0.3 6.0 +0.2 -0.10 1.15 +0.03 +0.05 0.70 -0.08 +0.3 8.2 -0-2.0 7.0 -3.0 -0.6 1.6 -0.6 -4 75 +2 -03.2 -0.1 -0.1 0.7 -0.1 Base Control Trtmt 2 Change NO3 #/ac 125 83 87 -38 NH4 #/ac 37 27 28 -9 P ppm 72 73 71 -2 K ppm 365 448 398 +33 SO4 ppm 27 28 26 -1 pH 5.8 6.1 5.9 +0.1 OM % 1.12 1.02 .97 - 0.15 B ppm 0.78 0.83 0.79 +0.01 Zn ppm 8.2 8.5 8.0 -0.2 Mn ppm 10.0 8.0 9.0 -1.0 Cu ppm 2.2 1.6 1.6 -0.6 Fe ppm 73 69 65 -8 Ca* 3.3 3.3 3.1 -0.2 Mg* 0.8 0.7 0.7 -0.1 *Meg/100 grams The changes in soil tests can help explain the difference in weed growth. Even though additional nitrogen was applied as urea, less NO3 and NH4 was available in the soil after 55 days in both treatments. Some of this reduction can be attributed to moisture at the time of sampling. Economics Conclusions Corn stubble residue can be reduced by applying Pacific Natural and urea solution. Rates are 5 gal/ac Pacific Natural blended with 5 gal/ac 20-0-0. Resent research also indicates that humic or other organic acids may accelerate this process. Best application timing would be in the fall just prior to disking. Apply through the irrigation system with a minimum of .20 inch of water. If application is made after disking, use a good quality soil surfactant such as Wil-Pen at labeled rates.