R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 The Economic Theory of Exhaustible Resources Most of the dominant energy sources of today – oil, natural gas, uranium and coal – are non-renewable or exhaustible. These resources are formed by geological processes that typically take millions of years, so we can view these resources for practical purposes as having a fixed stock of reserves. That is, there is a finite amount of the mineral in the ground, which once removed cannot be replaced. Time plays an important role in determining how to exhaust a mine having a finite quantity of a resource (say coal in a coalmine or oil in a oil well). A unit of ore extracted today means less in total is available for tomorrow. Each period is different because the stock of the ore remaining is a different size. We are interested in studying how quickly the mineral should be extracted – what the flow of production is over time, and when the stock will be exhausted. We now study the simplest model of the theory of the mine. Obviously, decisions regarding the exploitation of mine are dynamic: they are spread over multiple time periods. A manager of a mine will have to bother about not only the current profit but also for future profits. With production using non-renewable resources, the decision to produce and earn a profit of 0 today 1 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 necessarily precludes the ability to produce and earn profits in future. To provide the trade off, the manager should apply a discount rate to future profits since a dollar earned today is worth more than a dollar earned tomorrow. The present value (PV) of profit streams, 0, 1,…n, is calculated as, PV 0 1 1 r 2 1 r 2 n 1 r n The profit streams, 0, 1,…n should be chosen such that PV is maximized. In static analysis (involving no effect of time on profits), classical economic theory states that profit maximization is achieved by setting the production level where marginal cost (MC) is equal to the marginal revenue (MR) received. Here the marginal cost consists of marginal production cost (capital, labour and materials) of producing the last unit of output. Let us denote the marginal production cost as MCp, where MC =MCp. In the case of exhaustible resource, the resource manager must trade off the opportunity value of selling the resource today versus the opportunity value of selling it at some further time. This is precisely the notion captured by the concept of User Value or User Cost. Thus the user cost in period i (Ui) reflects 2 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 the opportunity value of producing a unit of output in that period. Thus for a firm dealing with exhaustible resource production, MC =MCp + Ui. What are the properties of user cost? It reflects the opportunity cost of extracting the resource. Obviously, it depends upon the resource left at the mine. It tends to reduce as more quantity is produced. Finally, when the mine is exhausted, user cost is zero. Note that the term exhaustion of a mine is an economic concept. Exhaustion does not mean that the mine will no more have any ore. A mineral deposit is economically exhausted when the marginal cost of production exceeds the value (price) of the mineral. If the ore is continued to be extracted beyond this point, the mine owner will incur loss. Note that user cost is also called as profit or resource rent or royalty price in the literature on exhaustible resources. 3 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 User cost Cost $ Price line Marginal cost User cost Quantity Q 4 Marginal production cost Average production cost User cost is zero at exhaustion, when MCp>price R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 Let us now consider a mine that has option to exhaust it in two periods. The firm will maximize the PV of profits, subject to the condition that the amount extracted in both the periods should be equal to the total ore available in the mine. max 0 1 1 1 r P0Q0 C (Q0 ) 1 P1Q1 C (Q1 ) 1 r subject to Qo Q1 Q where Pi and Qi represent the price and quantity of mine in period i, and Q is the total quantity of resource available in the mine. Note that Q0 and Q1 are the decision variables here, and Q is a constant. We can solve this optimization problem analytically using the Lagrangean method. 5 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 Form the Lagrangean, L P0Q0 C (Q0 ) 1 P1Q1 C (Q1 ) Qo Q1 Q 1 r The optimality conditions are given by the following. L P0Q0 C (Q0 ) 0 0 Q0 Q0 L 1 P1Q1 C (Q1 ) 0 0 Q1 1 r Q 1 L 0 Q0 Q1 Q1 0 Note that, P0Q0 C (Q0 ) P0Q0 C (Q0 ) Q0 Q0 Q0 MR0 MC0p U0 Thus, the above optimality conditions lead to, U 0 U1 . 1 r This is the relationship that governs the behaviour of user cost over time. This means that the user cost must rise at the rate of interest if the net present value of profits from the resource is to be maximized. 6 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 The same relationship can be extended for more periods. For n periods, the relationship is, U0 U1 U2 U n 1 2 1 r 1 r 1 r n 1 Note also that, Ui PiQi C (Qi ) Qi i Qi Profit per unit (or, marginal profit) in period i Hence, the above relation for user cost shows that profitmaximizing pattern of extraction should occur such that the marginal profit increases at the rate of interest. This relation is not difficult to understand. What will happen if the marginal profit (i.e., user cost) increases slower than the rate of interest? The owner of the mine will try to extract all the resources from the mine as quickly as technically feasible, sell it, and invest the money in some other assets whose value would rise at the rate of interest (e.g., a savings account). He is better off by doing this. On the other hand, if marginal profit rises faster than the rate of interest, the entire stock of ore would be held in the ground until the last moment in time and then extracted. In this case, the 7 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 mine is worth more unextracted because the rate of return on holding the ore in the ground exceeds the return on alternative investments. Thus, unless the marginal profit of the mine is growing at exactly the same rate as the value of other assets, extraction will either be as fast as possible or deferred as long as possible. To have mineral extraction, hence, the marginal profit must be growing at the same rate as that of alternative assets. So far we assumed that the time periods are discrete. The above formula can also be generalized for the continuous case. It t is continuous, we can write, U t U t 1 r or U t U t rU t Taking limits on both sides, lim 0 U t U t lim rU t 0 dU rU t dt whose solution is, U t U 0e rt . 8 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 It is also possible to solve the above problem assuming continuous case using the principles of dynamic optimization. For the continuous case, the optimization problem should be rewritten as follows. T max q, t e rt dt 0 such that T q dt Q 0 This can be solved using Optimal Control Theory or Calculus of Variations. Let us now consider a numerical example. Let us use the discrete version of the model. Let Q = 150 and r = 12%. Let the demand curve for Period 0 be, p0 = 50 – 0.5 Q0, with the marginal cost of production to be $2 per unit. Similarly, let the demand curve for Period 1 be, p1 = 60 – 0.2 Q1, with the marginal cost of production to be $3 per unit. Now, U0 = 50 – 0.5 Q0 – 2 and U1 = 57 – 0.2 Q1. For profit maximization, U1 = (1.12)*U0 , or, 57 – 0.2 Q1= 1.12(48 – 0.5 9 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 Q0). Solving, we have Q0 = 35.21, p0 = 32.40 and U0 = 30.40. And, Q1 = 114.79, p1 = 37.04 and U1 = 34.04. This is the optimal combination of outputs. Consider some other combination, say, Q0 = 30 (which will keep p0 = 35). Correspondingly, Q1 = 120 and p1 = 36. U0 = 33 = U1 = 33, and hence, U1 < (1.12)*U0. This will encourage mine owners to produce more Q0 in the current period till the equilibrium U1 = (1.12)*U0 is reached. Let us now consider a situation where the marginal cost of production is zero. This is a reasonable assumption when we consider the extraction of oil from oil wells. Once some fixed costs are incurred, additional oil production can take place with negligible additional costs. This assumption of zero marginal costs has much relevance in the literature on economics of natural resources as most of the studies have concentrated on the most important natural resource of this century, namely oil. When MCpi = 0, then Ui = MRi – MCpi = MRi = pi Thus, whatever we have calculated in the context of user costs apply directly to prices. Thus, when MCp = 0, 10 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 p0 p1 p2 p n 1 1 r 1 r 2 1 r n 1 pt p0e rt dp rp dt pt r p This result is often called Hotelling's r-percent rule or Hotelling's rule. 11 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 Dollars Hotelling's rule p t =p 0 e rt Time 12 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 Variation of User cost and Price Dollars Price U t = U 0 e rt Marginal cost of production Time 13 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 Hotelling's rule is based on three key assumptions: 1. Zero marginal production costs, 2. Long term profit maximization, and 3. Perfectly competitive market. Hotelling's rule says that prices will tend to rise in a smooth, predictable manner with the rate of interest. In order to entice oil producers to hold oil for future periods, they must receive a return on exactly r per cent per year. Prices cannot rise faster than r per cent per year since current production would cease in anticipation of a return greater than r per cent, driving up current prices, which would induce shifting of production toward the current period and restore the rule. The reverse logic holds if prices rise slower than r per cent per year. Producers will raise current production which will lead to lower price levels, and thereby induce shifting production to future periods, thus restoring the equilibrium. Let us now continue the numerical example we saw earlier. Let the marginal cost of production be zero. Now, p0 = 50 – 0.5 Q0 and p1 = 60 – 0.2 Q1. For profit maximization, p1 = (1.12)*p0 , or, 60 – 0.2 Q1= 1.12 (50 – 0.5 Q0). Solving, we have Q0 = 34.21 and p0 = 32.89. And, Q1 = 115.79 and p1 = 36.84. This is the optimal combination of outputs. 14 Consider some other R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 combination, say, Q0 = 30 (which will keep p0 = 35). Correspondingly, Q1 = 120 and p1 = 36. Obviously, p1 < (1.12)*p0. This will encourage mine owners to increase Q0 in the till the equilibrium p1 = (1.12)*p0 is reached. 15 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 Price 60 Choke price, p' 50 40 p0 = 32.8 30 20 10 0 0 q0 = 10 20 30 34.2 40 Quantity mined in Period 0 16 50 60 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 Price 80 Choke price, p' 60 40 p1 = 36.8 20 0 0 q1 = 50 100 115.8 Quantity mined in Period 1 17 150 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 At any price, given the demand curve, there is likely to be a price p' at which no one will be willing to buy more of the mineral. This price p' is generally called the choke price. For example choke price is 50 for Period 0 and 60 for Period 1 in our example above. Choke price occurs because other competitive resources may become cheaper than the given resource. For example if oil prices continue to escalate, at one point of price, cost of using oil to derive energy may become costlier and other energy technologies such as solar or nuclear may become more competitive. These technologies are often called the backstop technologies of oil. Ideally, the mine owner would seek to have a stock of mineral go to zero at exactly the point of zero demand. Therefore, Given a choke price, the planner would seek to have the last unit of output extracted at p'. To do otherwise deprives society of maximum benefits. It is possible to use Hotelling's rule to determine the optimal extraction path (quantities to be mined over time) for a given choke price. Here, the time periods needed for full extraction is an endogenous variable. This is left as an exercise for students. Hotelling's rule provides a very fundamental relationship for the price behaviour of exhaustible resources. The paper was 18 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 published in the 1930s. However, there have been claims and counter claims about the validity of Hotelling's rule in practice. We shall study a few empirical studies later on. However, Hotelling's rule is based on very simplistic rules discussed earlier. Let us now relax some of the assumptions and experiment how the rule changes. Expectations Hotelling's rule is based on a unique set of expectations about the future, and present supply and demand conditions. With a certain set of assumptions of future prices, profits, future supply and, current demand and supply conditions, the initial price is kept at p0, and it continues to rise according to Hotelling's rule (at the rate r). But, at time t1, say, the expectations of producers have changed. This can happen on several counts. Expectations are heavily influenced by the expected size of the resource base. What will happen if new resources are identified in large quantities? In the absence of any change in demand patterns, current and expected future market prices are reduced. However, if producers expect a much greater growth of future demand than previously expected, the prices will be raised. 19 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 Effect of expectations on Hotelling's rule Dollars High New expectations Low Old expectations t1 Time 20 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 These expectations have played an important role in fixing the prices of exhaustible resources, especially the world oil prices, in practice. Note that price of oil has not varied smoothly as predicted by the Hotelling's rule. Perhaps, expectations have played a key role in the sudden jumps observed in 1973, 1979 and in 1991. Draw a figure of actual price of oil by hand. 21 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 Apart from expectations, still other explanations on the movement of prices in practice can be found by relaxing the assumptions behind the Hotelling's rule. Let us now do this. An increase in costs of production (extraction costs for oil) If costs of production are positive, note that prices do not follow Hotelling's rule, but the user costs will. For a given price with positive extraction costs, the present profit will reduce. This will induce producers to produce less, as they do not have the incentive to produce more. The lower quantity produced in the current period will, in turn, increase the current price relative to the zero cost case. For example, if we assume a constant marginal production cost of $5 dollars per unit of resource in our latest example (Hotelling's rule in page 14), we will find that Q0 = 33.42 which is less than 34.21 for the case of zero marginal cost of production. Correspondingly p0 = 33.3 (more than 32.89 for the zero cost case). Also, the ratio of p1 to p0 is 36.7/33.3 = 1.10, which is lower than the rate of price increase in the zero cost case (equal to 1 plus the rate of interest, 1.12). Thus price rise will be slower with positive production costs. Because production in every time period will now be smaller, 22 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 the lifetime of the mine will now increase. Thus, an increase in production cost results in lengthening the life of the mine. Changes in patterns of demand Changes in demand are a function of the level of income, technical substitution possibilities, and relative prices. Under competitive economic conditions, the effect of an increase in demand will be to increase the price of the resource in all periods. This will result in slight re-alignment of optimal quantities to be produced in all periods. Assuming a higher price elastic demand curve for period 0, say, p0 = 50 – 0.25Q0, we now have Q0 = 54.2, which is higher than the earlier lower elastic demand curve. This is because, the larger production in period 0 will not diminish the prices very much compared to the case of a lower elastic demand curve, and hence the mine owners are encouraged to produce more. Changes in interest rate Suppose that the rate of return on investing assets alternative to mineral extraction raises. If interest rate adopted by oil producers is lower than the rate they could earn by investing in other assets (market rate), oil producers will tend to shift all the 23 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 production to the present and extract more ore today (compared to a smaller market rate). This will in turn reduce the current market price. Thereafter less ore will be extracted so that the rate of return on the remaining ore rises now at the higher general interest rate. As an increase in interest rate will tend to shift production to the present than in the future, the life of the mine will be reduced. Let us assume a higher interest rate (r = 20%) in our example. Continuing with our calculation, we find that new Q0 = 37.5 which is more than 34.21 for the case of 12% interest rate. Correspondingly p0 = 31.3 (less than 32.89 for 12% rate). Size of the resource base If the stock is large enough, an extracted resource is much like a conventional product. That is, the resource will have zero user cost and price will be equal to the marginal production cost. As the stock diminishes and if there are no substitutes in sight, the fact that the resource is exhaustible becomes important. At his stage, there is a high user cost. Consider the picture in the next page. From the time period 0-t, the resource stock is so large that its price is almost constant (assuming a constant marginal production cost). At t1, its 24 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 exhaustibility becomes critical and hence its price jumps and thereafter (price or user cost) begins to rise at the rate of interest. At t2, new reserves are discovered which drives prices down. At t3, because of expected high future demand and low reserves, price suddenly shoots up. Dollars Effect of size of resource base t1 t 2 Time 25 t3 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 We can analyze the effect of time and size of resource base on resource prices more mathematically. We have, ut = u0 ert. Then, pt = ut + ct, where ct is the marginal cost of extraction. Assume that the marginal cost of extraction is constant, i.e., ct = c. Hence, pt = c + u0 ert. Let us assume an iso-elastic demand curve, say, pt = qt-, where is the constant price elasticity. Thus, qt = pt-1/. We have, qt dt Q 0 c u0e rt 1 dt Q 0 Assuming unit elasticity of demand ( = 1), we have, dt Q rt c u e 0 0 e rt dt rt Q u0 0 ce Integrating the LHS, we have, 1 c u0 Q ln rc u0 u0 c e rQc 1 26 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 Hence, ce rt pt c u0e c rQc e 1 rt We can make a few observations using this result. Let there be a huge stock of the resource, i.e., Q is large. In this case, u0 becomes small and hence pt c initially. Thus, when stock of the resource is large, its user cost is small and hence price equals marginal costs. The exhaustible resource behaves like a conventional commodity, whose unit cost of production is c. But, as time increases, the fact that the resource is exhaustible ce rt begins to bite. It t is large, rQc becomes very large and e 1 hence the contribution of c in determining pt is negligible. 27 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 Presence of a backstop fuel A backstop fuel is a substitute for the conventional exhaustible resource which, though not cost effective at present, may become competitive at some price in future. A backstop fuel can be a renewable energy source such as solar energy or nuclear fusion that can supply unlimited quantities of energy. Alternatively, they may be the unconventional crude oil from tar sands, oil shales, coal etc., which though non-renewable, are available in such large quantities that their user costs are effectively zero. Assume that these backstop fuels are infinitely elastic at the choke price p' and that virtually unlimited supplies of the backstop fuels are available at the price p'. At the choke price, the backstop fuel will take over from the exhaustible resource and the producers will like to exhaust the mine at the choke price in order to derive maximum benefit from the mine. We have already seen how p' can fix the life of a mine and the initial price p0. Backstop fuels can affect the pricing of exhaustibe reources today. Assume that solar energy is available as a backstop fuel for oil at a constant cost of $70 per barrel or oil equivalent, i.e., p' = 70. Assume that existing oil reserves are sufficient to menad the demand in the next thirty years. Then, we can estimate what 28 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 should be the price of oil today (assuming competitive markets and applicability of Hotelling's rule). We have, using Hotelling's rule, p0 p30 . 1 r 30 If r = 10%, p0 = 70/(1.1)30 = $4.01. If r = 5%, p0 = $16.20 If r = 12%, p0 = $2.34 Calculations such as these are obviously highly subjective and inexact. However, our calculations indicate that the present oil prices (around $25-30 per barrel) appear to be well above the levels implied by a competitive market. If marginal costs of production increases from nearly zero today to say $10 per barrel in the thirtieth year, then, Hotelling's rule modifies as, p0 0 p30 10 . 1 r 30 If r = 10%, p0 = 60/(1.1)30 = $3.44 If r = 5%, p0 = $13.82 If r = 12%, p0 = $2.00 29 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 Deposits of differing quality Let us assume that there are two different mines of the same resource with different quality (characterized by differing production costs). The difference in production costs may be due to the ore quality or the thickness of the seam, but it can also be the same quality ore with different distances from a central market (transport costs will be higher for the mine located far away from the market). Consider the deposits with differing costs within a competitive industry. Mine 1 has c1 extraction costs and has s1 total reserves. Similarly, mine 2 has c2 extraction costs and has s2 total reserves. Let c2 > c1. Obviously production begins at mine 1 first as for any given price mine 1 will enjoy more profits than mine 2. In fact, if the price is less than c2 (but greater than c1), mine 2 will incur loss if it begins production. Hence mine 2 will have to wait till all the deposits in mine 1 are exhausted. 30 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 Dollars Deposits of differing quality p 20 c 20 p 10 c 10 User cost for mine 2 User cost for mine 1 0 t1 31 Time t2 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 Suppose that mine 1 gets exhausted attime t1. By then, the price would have increased to, say p2 and if p2 > c2, mine 2 will begin production. However, now the price will not follow old path, but will begin a new path with the user cost for mine 2 at t1, i.e., (p2–c2) as the initial user cost, and it will rise at the rate of interest. Mine 2 will continue production either till it is physically exhausted or till a choke price is reached (when a backstop technology will takeover). Suppose now that the lower grade deposit is available in unlimited quantities. Then, the lower grade deposit will not behave like an exhaustible resource, but is rather a backstop technology, for which user cost is zero. Hence, price equals cost for this resource. As we have assumed constant costs, the price of second deposit will be constant at c2. 32 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 Dollars Deposits of differing quality and backstop technology p 2 = c2 p 10 c 10 User cost for mine 1 0 t1 33 Time R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 It is easy to find out u10 and t1 using the mathematical framework suggested earlier. Assuming an isoelastic demand curve with unit elasticity, i.e., pt = 1/qt, we have, total resource in Mine 1, Q1, is, t1 dt rt 0 c1 u10 e Q1 Integrating the LHS, we have, 1 c1 u10 e rt Q1 ln rc1 c1 u10 e rt 1 1 and c2 c1 u10 e rt . These two equations contain two unknowns 1 (u10 and t1) and hence can be solved. The following is the result. u10 c1 c2 rQ c e c c 2 1 1 1 1 1 c c t1 ln 2 1 r u10 For c2 = 10, c1 =1, Q1 = 50, u10 = 0.0022 and t1 = 69.16. 34 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 Introduction of Taxes Resource based industries are subjected to substantial taxation. A large part of their profit may be pure rent, and this is obviously a tempting target for taxation. Some taxes can be levied on the extractive industry without distortion, and will not affect the allocative efficiency. Other forms of tax may have different impact on the economy. We shall study the extent to which imposition of different taxes affects the patterns of resource extraction, usually called "bias" or "distortion" due to the tax. Profits Tax Of the many forms of taxation that affects resource depletion, by far the most widespread is the profits tax or rent tax or royalty tax or tax on user costs. Let be the tax rate levied on mineral profits. Hotelling's rule for two consecutive periods t and t+1 is now written as, pt c(1 ) pt 1 c(1 ) 1 1 r Because rent in each period is taxed exactly the same, the term (1 – ) cancels from both sides. Thus with profits tax, there is no way the mine operator can avoid the tax by shifting 35 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 production. Hence, profit tax is neutral or non-distorting to extraction path. But, the tax does affect future discoveries. As rent tax reduces the returns from explorations, a higher tax rate provides a lesser incentive in investing in further exploration. The above equation shows that there is no change in price or quantity. Hence, the profit tax is completely absorbed by producers, and not passed on to consumers. Royalty Extractive companies are normally required to pay a royalty to the government of the country in which they operate. This is typically a payment on the total revenues, not on profit. Now if we equalize the present value of user costs, we have, (1 ) pt c (1 ) pt 1 c 1 1 r where is the royalty tax. Note that, unlike the profit tax, it is not possible to cancel the term (1 – ) now. Let us redo our calculation with = 20%, r = 12% and c = 5. Using Hotelling's rule, we can compute the equilibrium quantities (q0 and q1) and corresponding prices (p0 and p1) as q0 = 33.22; q1 = 116.78; p0 = 33.39; and p1 = 36.64. For the case of zero royalty tax, q0 = 33.42 (we have computed this earlier). Note that there is a 36 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 reduction in q0 compared to zero royalty tax case. Thus, royalty reduces the production in initial periods. This is because royalty has an effect analogous to rising costs of extraction. Because royalty is calculated on revenue, its effect can be reduced by postponing production to future years, as the royalty on the present value of rent can then be reduced. Royalty is a fixed share of revenue. By postponing it to future years, one can improve the present value of profits. Thus, the ultimate effect of royalty tax is extension of the life of the mine. Lower amounts of extraction and higher prices in the initial periods reduce resource use, indirectly inducing conservation of the resource. Note the equilibrium price p0 is higher now compared to the same for zero royalty case (33.29). This means, a part of royalty tax is passed on to consumers in the form of higher price. Sales Tax Suppose that the government announces a constant specific tax on the sale of the resource. Then, pt ut c . Equalizing present value of user costs over to successive periods, we have, pt c 1 pt 1 c . 1 r Note that the effect of sales tax is equivalent to increasing the cost of production from c to (c + ). As before quantity 37 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 produced in the initial periods will be reduced, rising the prices up. Thus, part of the tax burden is passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices. Lower initial quantities induce conservation, and obviously postpone the time to depletion of the mine. Now suppose that the government announces a sales tax schedule of the form t = 0 ert, i.e., government sets an initial tax 0 and allows the specific tax to grow at the rate of interest. Now, pt c t 1 pt 1 c t 1 1 r 1 pt 1 c 1 t 1 1 r 1 r 1 pt 1 c t 1 r Note that t cancels on the both the sides. Thus this tax introduces no distortion, as producers cannot avoid the tax bu shifting production. However, this tax effectively reduces the user costs, or the value of the unextracted resources. Resource owners absorb the entire tax. 38 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 Effect of Uncertainty Our discussion so far alluded to the impact of uncertainty on allocations involving exhaustible resources. Let us now study the impacts of uncertainty. Uncertainty arises in many different areas in exhaustible resource use – stock size r the amount of ore in the ground, effects of research and development (cost and arrival of backstop technologies) etc. Before studying the effects of uncertainty, let us briefly recapitulate the mathematics for handling uncertainty. Consider a situation where an individual is facing uncertainty while making decisions – such as the stock market. Suppose that he has a chance of receiving FIM 200 with a probability of 0.2, and FIM 300 with a probability of 0.8. This means that if the individual is in a similar situation, say, a thousand times, he will receive FIM 200 two hundred times and FIM 300 eight hundred times. Thus, on an average, he will get FIM 280 in this situation, i.e., his expected payoff in this situation is FIM 280. One can treat this expected payoff as a certainty equivalent of the uncertain situation. However, an individual will consider an assured payment of FIM 280 to be more valuable than an uncertain prospect of FIM 200 with probability 0.2 and FIM 300 39 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 with a probability 0.8. To account for these subjective feelings, the theory of expected utility has been developed. The expected utility of the uncertain prospect can be written as 0.2 * U (FIM 200) + 0.8 * U (FIM 300) where U (.) is the individual's utility of income. This can now be compared with U (FIM 280). Normally, most of the individuals are risk-averse. They will consider the utility of an uncertain income to be smaller than the utility of its certainty equivalent. That is, for risk-averse people, 0.2 * U (FIM 200) + 0.8 * U (FIM 300) < U (FIM 280) In other words, for a risk-averse person, the utility function is concave. A certain income of FIM 280 yields more utility than the uncertain prospect of FIM 200 with probability of 0.2 and FIM 300 with probability of 0.8. The distance FIM 280 – FIM Z is called risk premium required for the individual to be indifferent between the uncertain prospect and a certain FIM Z. If the individual is more risk-averse, the concavity of the utility function becomes larger and the risk premium becomes higher. 40 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 Utility Concave utility function U (FIM 280) 0.2U (FIM 200)+0.8U (FIM 300) FIM 200 FIM 280 FIM Z FIM 300 41 Income R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 Coming back to our study on resource extraction, let us first study the effect of uncertainty in the stock size or the price behaviour. Suppose that the total stock size is uncertain, but certain probable values are known. Let the stock size is 100 tons with probability 0.2 and 150 tons with probability 0.8. By this we mean that if the producer continues to extract resource from the mine and if he finds additional resource after extracting 100 tons, then he is certain that the mine will have exactly 50 more tons. In this situation, how does the planner arrange a plan of extraction? Say an arbitrary plan is devised and extraction proceeds. At the instant when the 100th tone is removed, the planner can know whether the mine has no further resource or 50 more tons of the resource. Now he faces this certain situation. If the stock is zero, backstop fuel (if available) takes over and if 50 more tons are remaining, extraction continues till exhaustion and then back stop technology takes over. Note that the first 100 tons and the next 50 tons (if some mineral is found after 100 tons have been extracted) are known with certain, and hence the extraction in these cases will follow Hotelling's rule. The actual problem is the linkage between the two phases. See the figure in the next page. Note that there is a discontinuity in price at the end of the first phase. If more ore is found after 42 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 100 tons are extracted, there will be a reduction in user costs bringing down prices. If no more resource is found, user costs suddenly increase and price reaches the cost of backstop fuel. This situation can lead to an externality involving information. Note that because of the discontinuity, it is possible for producers to shift production from the first phase to the second, and gain additional profit. However, by assumption, it is not possible as we have assumed that the availability of zero or 50 more tons will be known exactly after the first 100 tons have been extracted. But, in practice, producers do get an idea of the future availability as they remove ore, and they can modify their production schedule. If a person has benefited using this information externality, he can sign contracts today to deliver ore in future at today's prices. Such contracts are called contingent contracts. 43 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 Effects of uncertainty Price Choke Price p' Time 44 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 Societies are normally risk-averse. This means, the utility to society of an uncertain prospect of 100 tons of ore with 0.2 probability and 150 tons with 0.8 probability will be less than the utility of its certainty equivalent. In other words, U (140) > U (100) + {0.2 * U (0) + 0.8 * U (50)} In effect, the society views the uncertain situation as equivalent to the availability of lesser mineral. We know from our previous lectures that when the total value of the resource becomes lesser, initial quantity decreases and price increases. That is why we have seen that when positive extraction costs are introduced or higher distortionary taxes are introduced, quantity produced initially reduces with a corresponding increase in initial prices. This fact brings us to an important conclusion – the presence of uncertainty leads to a higher price than would be observed under certainty. 45 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 Now suppose that a planner has two deposits, one with a certain stock (say, 120 tons) and another with uncertain stock discussed earlier. Which deposit will he chose first? Suppose planner extracts the uncertain deposit first. He would then know, after mining 100 tons, whether zero or 50 tons remained in that deposit. Thus a new phase can be designed to extract 120 + 0 tons or 120 + 50 tons. But, by extracting the certain deposit first, this information comes very late and is wasted. Thus, the optimal plan is to exploit the uncertain deposit first and then have a second phase with 120 + 0 or 120 + 50 tons. 46 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 Choke Price p' Effects of uncertainty Price 120 + 0 120 + 50 100 Time 47 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 Uncertainty and backstop technologies Fusion as a source of energy is said to have no effective fixed stock of reserves. If it becomes available, fusion will be able to replace other energy sources, such as coal, oil, uranium and gas. At what cost will it become available for commercial use? If fusion is the backstop energy supply, how will uncertainty about its long-run cost affect the extraction paths of alternative sources of energy? Let us now deal with the situation in which the actual cost becomes known at the instant the stock of conventional fuels is exhausted. The date of arrival of the backstop is assumed to be known and is related to the speed of exhaustion. Let us assume that a backstop technology will take over once the available resource is exhausted, but its cost is uncertain. Let the uncertain cost assume value CH with probability , CL with probability (1 – ), 0 < < 1. Thus the average cost or certainty equivalent is CM = CH + (1 –) CL. Now, the issue here is setting up the initial prices so that exhaustion occurs near CM. At the moment exhaustion occurs, 48 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 the actual value of the cost of the backstop is revealed and price moves to that level. For normal risk-averse societies, UH + (1 –) UL < UM, which means that the total welfare (measured here by utility) under certainty with CM is considered to be higher than the total welfare with uncertainty. As before, this will lead to a higher initial prices compared to the certainty case. A more realistic case would have the cost of the backstop revealed at a known date in the future. At the date cost is revealed, the problem becomes one of exhausting the remaining stock along a certainty path – say one of the two branches if there are two uncertain values for the backstop at the outset (see figure). Let t1 be the time at which the cost of backstop is revealed. Note the discontinuity of the price path at this time. Obviously, if CL is realized, then price at t1 will drop and rise sharply to reach the smaller backstop price. On the other hand, if CH is realized, there will be a jump in initial price, and the backstop price will be reached at a slower rate. The dotted line indicates the path if there is no uncertainty and it is known at time = 0 that the cost of backstop is knows with certainty as CM. Because, UH + (1 – 49 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 ) UL < UM, the initial price p0 will be smaller than the case of uncertainty. 50 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 Effects of uncertainty on the cost of backstop CH CM Price CL p0 t1 51 Time R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 Uncertain date of arrival of backstop technology Let TL be the earliest possible date of arrival with probability (1- ) and TH with probability . If early date is realized, price jumps down at TL, such that it reaches backstop cost at exhaustion (TX). If the late date is realized, price jumps at TL, goes above back stop cost p' such that the stock gets exhausted at TH (=TX), and the price then reduces to the backstop price. The certainty equivalent date is TM = TH + (1 – ) TL. Under certainty, exhaustion will be planned for that date. Since TH > TM, uncertainty has led to a higher initial price than under certainty path ab, and extends the life of the mine. 52 R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 Uncertain date of backstop realization of early date Price Choke Price p' p0 TL Time 53 TX R. Ramanathan/ Energy and Environmental Economics / HUT/ January-April 2001 Uncertain date of backstop realization of late date Choke Price p' Price b p0 a TL Time 54 TM T H=TX