MILD/MODERATE INDIVIDUALIZED TRANSITION DEVELOPMENT PLAN Candidate Name: CSUSM Identification #: CAL STATE SAN MARCOS PRELIMINARY EDUCATION SPECIALIST MILD/MODERATE INDIVIDUALIZED TRANSITION DEVELOPMENT PLAN (ITDP) Teacher Candidate: _________________________________ ID #: _____________________________________ Preferred Phone: ___________________________________ CSUSM E-mail:____________________________ University Supervisor: __________________________ Cooperating Teacher: __________________________ School/District: _______________________________ Semester/Year: _______________________________ Dates: From _________ to ___________ Projected Exit Date: ________________________ EXPLANATION AND DIRECTIONS: Prior to the completion of a Preliminary Education Specialist program, each Education Specialist candidate must complete an Individualized Transition Development Plan (ITDP) that summarizes the candidate’s strengths, areas of need for continued professional growth, and possible future professional development activities, inclusive of up to 12 semester units of university coursework. The plan is based upon the candidate’s reflections on performance in coursework and assessed performance on the Education Specialist Teacher Performance Expectations in clinical practice. The ITDP is developed with input from the candidate’s university supervisor and cooperating teacher and must be approved and signed by the candidate and the Education Specialist credential program coordinator or designee. The ITDP is used by the candidate to assist in the development of an Individualized Induction Plan (IIP) that will guide advanced preparation and application of knowledge and skills in the candidate’s Clear Credential preparation program. CSTP Domain A: Making Subject Matter Comprehensible to Students TPE 1 Specific Pedagogical Skills for Subject Matter Instruction Demonstrates understanding of disabilities 1.1 and their effects on students’ learning, skills development, and behavior Uses principles of Universal Design for 1.2 Learning (UDL) to systematically provide students with IEPs, accommodations, modifications, and differentiated instruction and assessment in the Common Core State Standards (Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, History-Social Studies) and Next Generation Science Standards for grade levels and service delivery modes of legal assignment Professional Strengths: Professional Growth Goal(s): Professional Development Activities/Coursework (to further develop knowledge and skills in this TPE area): Moderate/Severe ES EDMX 635 (4) _____ (Semester/Year) EDMX 573 (6) _____ (Semester/Year) CSTP Domain B: Assessing Student Learning TPE 2 Monitoring Student Learning During Instruction Uses data collection systems and multiple 2.1 measures to monitor student progress based upon each student’s IEP to determine whether students are adequately progressing toward learning key concepts of Common Core State Standards Purposefully uses multiple and 2.2 differentiated formative and summative assessments to evaluate student learning in order to adjust instruction Professional Strengths: Professional Growth Goal(s): Revised December 2014 1 MILD/MODERATE INDIVIDUALIZED TRANSITION DEVELOPMENT PLAN Candidate Name: CSUSM Identification #: TPE 3 Interpretation and Use of Assessments Demonstrates knowledge of how to assess 3.1 and identify students whose cultural, ethnic, gender, or linguistic differences may be confused with manifestations of a disability Can explain to a student and his/her 3.2 family, the student’s academic and behavioral strengths, areas for academic growth (including IEP goals), and how to help the student achieve the curriculum Uses and understands the purposes of 3.3 different diagnostic methods and tools (i.e., special education eligibility, baseline determination, progress monitoring, ELL proficiency; summative assessment, special assessment for individual student) Understands and uses a variety of informal 3.4 (e.g., analysis of student work) and formal formative and summative assessments to determine students’ progress and plan or modify instruction Professional Development Activities/Coursework (to further develop knowledge and skills in this TPE area): CSTP Domain C: Engaging and Supporting Students in Learning 4.1 4.2 5.1 5.2 TPE 4 Making Content Accessible Participates in developing and implementing IEP instructional goals and that ensure access to and progress in the Common Core State Standards and inclusion in general education curriculum and instruction Selects and uses various instructional materials, strategies, supports, and resources to prioritize and sequence content to facilitate student access to and learning of Common Core State Standards TPE 5 Student Engagement Uses differentiated materials and methods to ensure active and equitable engagement of students Makes instruction personally and instructionally relevant by using student experiences and community resources and structuring adequate opportunities and time for applied learning activities Professional Strengths: Professional Growth Goal(s): Professional Development Activities/Coursework (to further develop knowledge and skills in this TPE area): CSTP Domain C: Engaging and Supporting Students in Learning (Continued) TPE 6 Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Practices Professional Strengths: Sets student expectations based upon 6.1 knowledge of typical and atypical development Revised December 2014 2 MILD/MODERATE INDIVIDUALIZED TRANSITION DEVELOPMENT PLAN Candidate Name: CSUSM Identification #: Develops and implements age- appropriate 6.2 instructional and behavior accommodations and supports (e.g., Behavior Interventions Plans and informal support plans) that facilitate successful inclusion of students with IEPs in general education curriculum and instruction Facilitates student self-efficacy, self6.3 determination, and access to emotional and mental health services and supports TPE 7 Teaching English Learners Knows and uses a) English Language 7.1 Development (ELD) principles and methods (e.g., structured English immersion, contextualizing key concepts), b) students’ prior learning and background, and c) analysis of students’ errors in oral and written language to develop students’ literacy in English and differentiate instruction according to students’ language abilities Uses ELD principles and methods and 7.2 primary language resources (e.g., books, students’ primary language skills, paraeducators, peers) to enable students to develop academic language, comprehend core curriculum content, and express understanding in a variety of ways Professional Growth Goal(s): Professional Development Activities/Coursework (to further develop knowledge and skills in this TPE area): CSUSM Coursework: ELL/Multicultural, EDUC 602 (3) _____ (Semester/Year) CSTP Domain D: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for Students 8.1 8.2 9.1 9.2 TPE 8 Learning about Students Gets to know students’ a) skills, knowledge, and academic language abilities, b) personal abilities and interests, c) communication modalities, and d) health and other risk factors through interpersonal interactions, formal and informal assessments, and parent communication and involvement Reflects on above student data (with consultation from others, as needed) to identify and provide needed supports for students with IEPs TPE 9 Instructional Planning Plans a sequence of instruction with longterm and short-term goals for student learning of Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards Uses evidence-based methods (e.g., direct instruction, cooperative learning) to enable students to meet IEP goals and grade level or alternative curriculum goals Uses effective communication, co- Professional Strengths: Professional Growth Goal(s): Professional Development Activities/Coursework (to further develop knowledge and skills in this TPE area): CSUSM Coursework: ELL/Multicultural, EDUC 602 (3) _____ (Semester/Year) Revised December 2014 3 MILD/MODERATE INDIVIDUALIZED TRANSITION DEVELOPMENT PLAN Candidate Name: CSUSM Identification #: 9.3 teaching, and coordination skills with general educators and other service providers (e.g., related service personnel, paraeducators, community agencies, family members) to plan instruction CSTP Domain E: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning 10.1 10.2 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 TPE 10 Instructional Time Allocates and adjusts instructional time to maximize achievement of IEP goals, Common Core State Standards, and Next Generation Science Standards Maximizes instruction time by establishing and applying norms, procedures, and routines, and incorporating instructional, augmentative, and assistive technology TPE 11 Social Environment Uses classroom management methods and systems that create a safe, caring, and respectful learning environment aligned with students’ IEP plans, school discipline policies, and family cultural considerations Teaches, expects, and supports students to work independently and collaboratively and to jointly problem solve Understands and uses school-wide positive behavior intervention and support systems and services for students with behavior, social, emotional, trauma, and mental health needs Knows how to develop and implement a positive Behavior Intervention Plan based upon a Functional Behavioral Analysis Professional Strengths: Professional Growth Goal(s): Professional Development Activities/Coursework (to further develop knowledge and skills in this TPE area): CSTP Domain F: Developing as a Professional Educator TPE 12 Professional, Legal and Ethical Obligations Knows CA and federal laws and 12.1 procedures pertaining to students with IEPs, English learners, MTSS/SS, 504 plans, and eligibility and placement Knows and uses district policies and 12.2 federal law to respond to dangerous student behavior Knows and honors obligations to protect 12.3 the confidentiality, health, and safety of students, families, and school personnel Models ethical behavior and honors laws 12.4 relating to professional misconduct Knows and uses district guidelines and 12.5 procedures to report suspected cases of Professional Strengths: Professional Growth Goal(s): Professional Development Activities/Coursework (to further develop knowledge and skills in this TPE area): Revised December 2014 4 MILD/MODERATE INDIVIDUALIZED TRANSITION DEVELOPMENT PLAN Candidate Name: CSUSM Identification #: child abuse, neglect, or sexual harassment TPE 13 Professional Growth Evaluates own teaching practices and 13.1 subject matter knowledge, and sets goals for increasing knowledge and teaching effectiveness Participates in the larger educational 13.2 community for professional growth CSUSM Master of Arts in Education Degree: EDUC 602 (3) ____ (Semester/Year) EDUC 622 (3) ____ (Semester/Year) EDUC 698 (3) ____ (Semester/Year) Revised December 2014 5 MILD/MODERATE INDIVIDUALIZED TRANSITION DEVELOPMENT PLAN Candidate Name: CSUSM Identification #: Disposition Statement 1 2 3 4 5 6 Self Rating (1 – 4) Pre Post Disposition Growth Reflection: Given Mild/Moderate Education Specialist coursework and EDMX 572 clinical experiences, in what ways have my dispositions changed or been enhanced for at least one of the six dispositional areas? Social Justice & Equity Candidates appreciate the languages, communities, and experiences learners bring to the classroom. Candidates advocate for and support marginalized communities and individuals. Collaboration Candidates practice the skills of collaboration in their professional interactions with students, colleagues, parents/guardians/ caregivers, and those in the wider community. Critical Thinking Candidates analyze various professional contexts, resulting in more informed decisionmaking about professional practice. Professional Ethics Candidates make and act on well-reasoned, principled judgments. Reflective Teaching & Learning Candidates critically review their professional practice and the impact it has upon student success. Life-Long Learning Candidates recognize the need for and are committed to actively seeking new knowledge, skills and experiences. To the best of my knowledge, the information is accurate and complete and represents the candidates’ professional strengths and goals for future professional growth. Education Specialist Candidate Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: __________ University Supervisor Signature:__________________________________________________ Date:___________ ES Program Coordinator (or Designee) Signature: _____________________________________ Date: __________ Revised December2 2014 6