Organizational Development and Change Syllabus

HRD 607
Managing Organizational Change
Graduate Degree Program
Fall Semester, 2013
Thursday, 6:00-8:30pm
LA 2105
Katie Rosenbusch, Ed.D.
Office: LA2144
Phone: 410-704-3064
Office Hours: Mondays, Thursdays 4:00-5:30pm
OR by appointment
Palmer, I., Dunford, R., & Akin, G. (2009). Managing organizational change (2nd Ed.). McGrawHill: Irwin, NY. ISBN: 978-0-07-340499-8
Kotter, J. and Cohen,D. (2002).The Heart of Change : Real-Life Stories of How People Change
Their Organizations. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. ISBN: 1578512549 or
Weick, K. & Quinn, W. (1999). Organizational development and change. Annual Review of
Psychology 50: 361-86.
Choi, & Ruona, W. (2011). Individual’s readiness for organizational change and its impact on
human resource and organization development. Human Resource Development Review 10 (1):
Van de Ven, A. & Sun, K. (2011). Breakdowns in implementing models of organization change.
Academy of Management Perspectives 25(3): 58-74
**Periodically the instructor will assign additional articles or cases for class. The information
will be given to you at least 2 weeks prior to the class.
This course will examine change in the workplace from multiple perspectives. There will be a
review of forces and factors shaping today’s workplace including three significant external
drivers of change today: 1) technology; 2) globalization; 3) company ownership. Discussions
will consider various foundational issues in organizational change management including
strategy, diagnosis, motivation, resistance, communication, interventions and sustainability.
Throughout this course, students will engage in various activities intended to illustrate or practice
the skills involved in planning and implementing organizational change. Finally, this course will
attempt to increase the student’s personal power, influence and facilitation awareness and
capabilities in operating as a change agent.
At the conclusion of this course, students should be able to:
Accurately identify and describe the historical and contemporary transformations
impacting the workplace and how those factors impact organizations and their work.
Recognize common symptoms and reactions to change in the workplace and
recommended interventions to address the reactions/resistance.
Describe the main principles and characteristics of the multiple models for managing
organizational change and apply those models in analyzing organizational change
Evaluate and assess an organizational change program.
Develop an awareness of influencing and facilitating change.
When submitting papers that involve citing the works of other authors and/or the inclusion of
a list of references, use APA style.
Plagiarism (using the ideas of others without proper citation) is not acceptable and can be
grounds for a fail grade for the assignment and/or the course. All course assignments will be
submitted through Blackboard and will be run through SafeAssign to verify authenticity.
Towson University (TU) is in full compliance with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Students with disabilities should
register with the Office of Disability Support Services (410-704-2638 after admission to
ensure the timely provision of required support services. Students must provide
documentation of a disability from the TU Office for Students with Disabilities.
Emergency Statement (Office of the Provost)
In the event of a University-wide emergency, including the impact of the H1N1 flu pandemic, course requirements,
classes, deadlines and grading schemes are subject to changes that may include alternative delivery methods,
alternative methods of interaction with the instructor, class materials, and/or classmates, a revised attendance policy,
and a revised semester calendar and/or grading scheme. In the case of a University-wide emergency, I will attempt
to communicate with you via e-mail and/or the Blackboard site.
For up-to-date information on the H1N1 flu, see the Dowell Health Center website at: and click on the “Flu Facts” link.
For more general information about any emergency situation, please refer to the following:
Web Site:
Telephone Number: 410-704-2000
TU Text Alert System Sign-up at: This
is a service designed to alert the Towson University community via text messages to cell phones when situations
arise on campus that affect the ability of the campus - students, faculty and staff - to function normally.
H1N1 Influenza Policy Statement: Students should not attend classes or other university events from the onset of
flu-like symptoms until at least 24 hours after the fever subsides without the use of fever reducing medications. Such
absences will be considered excused absences; however, students are responsible for the material covered during the
period of their absence.
You are responsible for providing and maintaining a usable e-mail address through the Learn on Line,
Blackboard website for this course.
Attendance is expected and will be taken. Excused absences (as defined by University policy and
verified as appropriate) will not count against the student. If you are late to class and wish to be
recorded as present, it is your responsibility to notify the instructor no later than the end of class that
Students are expected to complete and submit all course assignments on the dates scheduled.
Accepting an assignment after the scheduled close of the class on its due date is at the sole discretion
of the instructor. If you will be unable to complete and submit the assignment by the due date and
time, the student must obtain the instructor’s approval prior to the start of class on that date.
Students are expected to demonstrate polite, civil behaviors in class by refraining from talking while
others (including the instructor) are speaking, by listening fully to the comments of others, and by
respecting differences in opinions and orientations to the topics at hand.
Please turn off all cell phones, iPods, Blackberries, and any other type of electronic transmission or
reception device unless for use with class assignments. During class time, you should not otherwise
handle, monitor, acquire sensory inputs from or in any other way interact with any such device unless
by my permission. During class time, multitasking using electronic transmission devices is not
acceptable; violators will be asked to leave the class. Laptop computers may be used only and
exclusively for purposes of note-taking and completing class assignments. Your continued enrollment
in this course indicates your acceptance of and commitment to this policy.
Students should contact the instructor if there are any questions about the direction or content of the
assignments, or if they wish feedback on class performance.
The student is responsible for obtaining notes on missed classes from other students.
I reserve the right to collect unannounced and grade any homework or class assignments and to
administer exams for reading assignments at any time.
PROJECT #1: Reflective Commentary
PROJECT #2: Case Study Analysis
PROJECT #3: Organizational Diagnosis Project
Team Contract
Progress Report (Part I)
Progress Report (Part II)
Final Presentation
Final Report
In Class/On-line Presence (5pts/session)
Team Involvement
Assignment Descriptions
PROJECT #1: Reflective Commentary
You will write one reflective commentary which will include an overview of what you learned.
The paper should be approximately 5-7 pages.
Introduction—An overview of your paper’s layout (typically one paragraph)
Overview—Synthesize key concepts that spoke to you covered in the chapters and
lectures (not a chapter by chapter synopsis—just overview and integrate key concepts)
Change Management Impact—Put yourself in the position of an HR professional—What
should HR managers take into consideration as they address these issues of change with
their organization?
Personal Action Plan—How will you apply what you learned from this course?
The overview and impact section should draw upon what you have learned thus far in the course.
It will be helpful to review the chapters before completing this assignment and jot down key take
always. Your personal action plan should include specific things you would do as an HR
professional based on your recommendations in the Overview and Impact sections.
PROJECT #2: Case Study Analysis
Each student will analyze the case study provided (Music Web: Implementing Change).
Students may decide their case analysis methodology; however, the written analysis must
address the criteria identified in the grading rubric. Papers are to conform to APA style; include
at least five scholarly references; and be 5-7 pages in length. Points will be deducted for failure
to follow APA style.
NOTE: The page limit does not include title page, abstract, table of contents, reference page, or appendices.
PROJECT #3: Organizational Diagnosis
For this assignment, you or your group will identify an organization which is either undergoing a
crisis (outlining a need for change) or pursuing an active change. You will then conduct a
diagnosis of this organization, gather information (via secondary means as well as interviews
with 3-5 different employees), and choose some aspects of the organization to study based upon
your initial findings. Throughout this diagnostic and data collection process you will apply
appropriate theories and concepts you learned in class to the chosen organization.
There are four deliverables associated with this project.
1) Team Charter/Project Plan
This contract will serve as a strategy for your collective learning experience. It should
outline group policies and procedures as well as a timeline for development of your final
project. An initial project plan identifying the organization and change effort should be
included. You should recognize that this contract is a dynamic and changing document
that may be revisited and updated throughout the process. Grading of this assignment will
be dependent upon the thoughtful reflection by all group members.
2) Project Reports
This will include an overview of what your team has done to date and any preliminary findings
that you have discovered. It will also include an updated project plan to detail what is left to be
done. Estimated page count 3-5 pages.
Part I—Should outline the exact data collection techniques including any interview or survey
questions to be used
Part II—Should discuss your analysis of the selected organization and the preliminary findings
and some implications for the organization
3) Final Integration Paper
You will submit a written paper documenting your analysis of the selected organization,
describing the crisis, change processes, functions, culture and what can be done (using relevant
theories and concepts) to enhance organizational performance.
The requirements for the paper are as follows:
1. Introduce the change effort by including the situation, organization, industry, and explain the
context for change.
2. Analyze the change effort. Provide considerable discussion about the following:
 Description/images of the change held by the change agents
 Culture and the role of culture within the change process
 Diagnosis of change – what, why, any resistance
 Theoretical constructs and concepts that characterizes the change
 Chosen methods for implementing change-why and the anticipated outcome
 Description of resulting change and alignment with initial vision for change
 Communication of the change
3. Evaluate the quality of the outcome, processes, and the work of the change agents. Explain what
went well and represented best practices. Also, devote attention to areas needing improvement
and lessons learned. Present strategies for improvement and/or enhancement of success. Assure
these strategies are supported with critical analytical reasoning.
4. The paper should make use of supplemental materials/visuals such as graphs, process flow
diagrams, organizational charts, and survey results to compliment the narrative analysis.
5. The paper should be written in APA style and be between 10 and 15 pages in length including the
appendix. A one-page executive summary should also be included. Also, a minimum of six
scholarly resources must be used.
4) Final Presentation
Finally, each group will also make a presentation explaining findings of your research, and the
diagnostic tools/ models used to conduct this analysis. Each presentation should present their
recommendations and findings as if the class was the client. The presentation should be about 30
minutes, including 5 minutes for Q&A. All team members should participate. Further guidelines
regarding all components of this project will be presented during class.
Given the wealth of experience you bring to the class, your regular attendance is an important
part of our learning experience. However, I realize that illness, emergencies and job demands
may require you to miss a class. Notify me and your teammates as soon as possible if you will
be absent for one of these reasons. You will be responsible for the work missed when you are
absent from any class or part of the class.
Learning can only happen when you are playing an active role. It is important to place more
emphasis on developing your insights and skills, rather than transmitting information.
Knowledge is more important than facts and definitions. It is a way of looking at the world, an
ability to interpret and organize future information. An active learning approach will more likely
result in long-term retention and better understanding because you make the content of what you
are learning concrete and real in your mind.
Although an active role can look differently for various individuals, it is expected in this class
that you will work to explore issues and ideas under the guidance of the professor and your
peers. You can do this by reflecting on the content and activities of this course, asking questions,
striving for answers, interpreting observations, and discussing issues with your peers.
Peer evaluation of the project teamwork
Each team member must demonstrate the ability to:
 Collaborate successfully and be inclusive of all members
 Support and respect other member opinions and ideas
 Distribute roles and workload fairly and equitably
 Meet all individual and team project deadlines
 Maintain accurate records of team communications and decisions
 Resolve team conflict
 Make sound and ethical decisions
 Produce professional quality work products
 Seek direction from and maintain communications with the professor as needed
Peer evaluation will be used as the basis of assigning individual grade to team members and
ensuring every member contributes equally to project completion. At end of the semester, each
member of the team will submit a peer evaluation of themselves and their team members
individually (and not in group) as a private email to me providing informal feedback on how well
each team member has added value to this project assignment.
The benchmark standards for grades are described by the following criteria:
The student demonstrates an excellent understanding of the topic by showing a thorough, correct
and accurate understanding of the concepts, theory and/or research, as well as the ability to
evaluation critically the topic. This understanding is shown in written and/or verbal
communications that are clear, precise, grammatically correct and well-formed in logic and
presentation. The student shows a mastery of the subject under discussion, and is able to
integrate concepts within this course and from other areas of application. While not necessarily
original, the work is of superior quality. The A grade is reserved for students who demonstrate
outstanding achievement in all aspects of the assignment or activity.
The student demonstrates a fundamental understanding of the topic. While the key and essential
concepts, theories and research are adequately covered, there may be other relevant aspects of the
topic which are not treated adequately, either in written or verbal presentations or in class
discussion. While written assignments are generally in good form, there may be periodic lapses
in grammar or logic. In general, the work is of good quality. This is the minimal level of
performance expected of graduate students.
The student shows an adequate but not fully correct understanding of the topic. Some key points
are addressed, but other points are left out or are not covered at all. There are specific problems,
weaknesses and/or gaps in accuracy, correctness and/or logic in the presentation of the
assignment. In general, the work is marginally acceptable at the graduate level.
Unacceptable and unsatisfactory for any of several reasons, including: non-completion of the
assignment, non-attendance or non-participation, submitted work of unacceptable quality, and
any other failure to meet minimum standards of course preparation, completion or participation.
Generally, all written assignments will be given a letter grade: A, B, C, or F; + and – grades may
be added to the A, B or C grades. The numerical equivalent of each letter grade is as follows:
A = 473-500 pts.
A- = 450-472 pts.
B+ = 427-449 pts.
B = 400-426 pts.
C = 350-399 pts.
F = Below 350 pts.
Week 1: August 29th
Online Review Syllabus/Introductions
Week 2: September 5th
Understanding Change
Week 3: September 12th
Why Organizations Change
Week 4: September 19th
Diagnosing Change
Week 5: September 26th
Week 6: October 3rd
Hybrid Class—
Organizational Diagnosis Team Time
Resistance to Change
Week 7: October 10th
Implementing Change
Week 8:
October 17th
Week 9: October 24th
Implementing Change Continued….
Week 10: October 31st
Hybrid Class—
Organizational Diagnosis Team Time
Communicating Change
Week 11: November 7th
Communicating Change Continued…
Week 12: November 14th
Hybrid Class—
Organizational Diagnosis Team Time
Week 13: November 21st
Sustaining Change
Week 14: November 28th
Week 15: December 5th
Organizational Diagnosis Project
MOC—Chapters 1 & 2
Weick & Quinn (1999)
MOC—Chapter 3 & 4
Case Study: Nestle (p. 109)
MOC—Chapter 5
Case Study: Welcome Aboard, but
don’t rock the boat (BB)
Submit Project Proposal & Plan
Team Charter DUE Sept. 19th
Online discussion Forum
Team Meeting
MOC—Chapter 6
Choi & Ruona (2011)
Case Study: Apple (BB)
Submit Progress Report Part I
DUE October 3rd
MOC—Chapter 7 & 8
Van de Ven & Sun (2011)
Case Study: British Airways (p.239)
Heart of Change—Introduction Steps
Debrief of Case: Web Music(BB)
Submit Case Study Analysis DUE
October 17th
Online discussion Forum
Team Meeting
MOC—Chapter 9
Heart of Change—Step 3
Submit Progress Report Part II
DUE October 31st
MOC—Chapter 10 & 11
Heart of Change—Steps 4 & 5
Case Study: Super Oil (in class)
Online discussion Forum
Team Meeting
Submit Reflective Commentary
DUE November 14th
MOC—Chapter 12
Heart of Change—Steps 6, 7 & 8
Case Study: The Challenger and
Columbia Shuttle Disasters (p.375)
Final Presentations
Final Paper DUE December 5th
Course: HRD 607—Managing Organizational Change
Program Goals
1. Knowledge of and ability to apply key
concepts, theories, practices, laws and
regulations in the fields of human
resources management and development
and organizational behavior and change
2. Diagnostic and analytic abilities to
investigate and assess organizational
and human resources issues in order to
recommend appropriate solutions
3. Creative problem-solving to create,
apply and carry out effective
interventions to improve both
organizational and individual
4. Presentation skills in order to
communicate ideas and information
effectively and clearly in a variety of
written, public-speaking and technology
mediated venues and formats
5. Interaction skills in working effectively
with others in such a way as to be
influential in a leadership capacity, to
work well with others in team formats,
and to respect and constructively
support others in a diverse operating
The important models and theories
of organizational development and
change are discussed. An overview
of HR’s role as a change agent will
be covered along with an overview
of practical solutions that can be
Students will conduct an
organizational diagnosis project and
will learn to apply various diagnostic
tools to help define organizationwide change and provide
recommendations to their client.
Students will gain a wide variety of
organizational development and
appreciative inquiry techniques in
order to manage change and apply to
the internal and external pressures
exerted on organizations.
Students will prepare and manage an
organizational diagnosis project.
They will present the findings
through a formal presentation at the
end of the course.
Students will work in organizational
diagnostic teams to identify real
issues facing one organization. They
will also participate in discussions
and case studies throughout the
Grading Rubric for Reflective Commentary
0 Points
Content is absent or no
clear direction
5 Points
In part, content
lacks full
development and
2. Overview of Change Content
Content is absent or
understanding of the
concepts are not apparent
Attempts to
understanding of
the concepts, but
aspects are
confused or
3. Change Management Impact
Content is absent or does
not address the issues at
Identifies, the
application of
methodologies in
practice; analysis is
incomplete or
identifies and
compares the
application of
methodologies in
practice; reasoning
is defensible
4. Personal Action Plan
Content is absent or
information does not
understanding of the
subject area and no
Discussion is
incomplete; there is
limited analytical
support for
proposed personal
action to be taken
Thoughts and
ideas are clearly
expressed and
reasonable plan of
action in regards to
5. Writing – representative of
Master’s level, grammar, sentence
structure, paragraph structure,
spelling, punctuation, APA style
and format
No paper was submitted
or demonstrates writing
below the college level;
paper has numerous (15
or more) writing/APA
Demonstrates less
than proficient
academic writing;
paper has 10-14
writing/APA errors
academic writing;
paper conforms to
APA style; paper
has 5-9 different
writing/APA errors
10 Points
information with
Exercises basic
analytical skills in
determining the
key change
15 Points
Clearly outlines the
paper and
provides clear
direction for
Aptly synthesizes
the concepts of
change; uses high
level critical
analysis skills
supported with
contrasts the
application of
methodologies in
practice; exercises
critical reflection
and conducts
Presents clear and
definitive change
approaches that
represent original
thought as well as
best practices as
evidenced by the
scholarly academic
writing and
conforms to APA
style; paper has
less than 5
writing/APA errors
Grading Rubric for Case Analysis
0 Points
Content is absent or
significant elements are
5 Points
In part, content
lacks full
development and
10 Points
information with
supportive analysis
2. Diagnose the need for change
and address the resistance to
Content is absent or
understanding of the
concepts are not apparent
Attempts to
understanding of
the concepts, but
aspects are
confused or
Exercises basic
analytical skills in
determining the
facets involved
3. Identify, compare, and contrast
at least three organizational
change methodologies/practices
that are relevant to the issues of
the case. Determine the
recommended methodology(ies)
with supporting analysis
Content is absent or does
not address the issues at
compares, and
contrasts two
methodologies and
practices; analysis
is incomplete or
compares, and
contrasts three
methodologies and
reasoning is
4. Determine reasonable
alternatives/integrated OD
interventions to implement your
recommended methodology. In
other words, how would you
engage the organizational
membership in the various stages
of the change process?
Content is absent or
information does not
understanding of the
subject area
Discussion is
incomplete; there is
limited analytical
support for
alternatives and
Thoughts and
ideas are clearly
expressed and
analysis and
5. Determine follow-up or
evaluation strategies
Content is absent or
shows misunderstanding
of the subject area
Some areas show
critical analysis;
additional evidence
is warranted
6. Writing – representative of
Master’s level, grammar, sentence
structure, paragraph structure,
spelling, punctuation, APA style
and format
No paper was submitted
or demonstrates writing
below the college level;
paper has numerous (15
or more) writing/APA
Demonstrates less
than proficient
academic writing;
paper has 10-14
writing/APA errors
proposed are
grounded in the
literature and
supported with
sound analytical
academic writing;
paper conforms to
APA style; paper
has 5-9 different
writing/APA errors
1. Provide brief overview of the
problem or situation including facts
about the company, industry and
15 Points
Clearly outlines the
situation and
reasoning for the
Aptly applies the
techniques for
change; uses high
level critical
analysis skills
supported with
contrasts four or
methodologies and
exercises critical
reflection and
Presents clear and
definitive change
approaches that
represent original
thought as well as
best practices as
evidenced by the
Strategies are welldeveloped and
involve original
thought; analytical
and clear
conclusions have
been made
scholarly academic
writing and
conforms to APA
style; paper has
less than 5
writing/APA errors
Grading Rubric for Final Paper
No discussion was
presented or content
does not demonstrate
understanding of the
subject matter
No discussion was
presented or content
does not demonstrate
understanding of the
subject matter
No discussion was
presented or content
does not demonstrate
understanding of the
subject matter
No discussion was
presented or content
does not demonstrate
understanding of the
subject matter
5 Points
Introduction is
incomplete; key data
is missing
Shows effort in
articulating the topic;
however, discussion is
incomplete and/or
lacks key elements
Shows effort in
articulating the topic;
however, discussion is
incomplete and/or
lacks key elements
Shows effort in
articulating the topic;
however, discussion is
incomplete and/or
lacks key elements
Shows effort in
articulating the topic;
however, discussion is
incomplete and/or
lacks key elements
6.Evaluation of the change
effort & Recommendations
No discussion was
presented or content
does not demonstrate
understanding of the
subject matter
Shows effort in
articulating the topic;
however, discussion is
incomplete and/or
lacks key elements
7.Clarity and Coherency
No discussion was
presented or
explanations are
unclear and not
organized logically
(Major issues)
No paper was
submitted or
demonstrates writing
below the college
level; paper has
numerous (15 or
more) writing/APA
Explanations generally
are unclear and not
well organized (Many
Explanations generally
are clear and
(Minor issues)
Demonstrates less
than proficient
academic writing;
paper has 10-14
writing/APA errors
proficient academic
writing; paper
conforms to APA
style; paper has 5-9
different writing/APA
1.Sufficiency of introductory
content for the change effort
2. Discussion of Change
3. Diagnosis of Change
4.Theoretical constructs &
Diagnostic models
5.Methods for implementing
8.Writing – representative of
Master’s level, grammar,
sentence structure,
paragraph structure,
spelling, punctuation, APA
style and format
0 Points
Introduction is not
10 Points
Introduction includes
most of the relevant
Clearly defines and
addresses the
purpose, behaviors,
and actions of the
change agents.
Applies with
confidence the
principles, tools and
techniques for
diagnosing change
Handles in an
adequate manner the
analysis of the case
with known theoretical
Discusses at least two
methods with
supporting analytical
reasoning. Describes
resulting change in a
succinct manner
noting the type or
types of change
Presents a
evaluation supported
with critical analysis
15 Points
Introduction includes all the
relevant information
Critically analyzes the
effectiveness of the change
Discussion demonstrates
mastery of the tools and
Demonstrates mastery of
the theories and concepts;
uses analytical skill to
explore new paradigms or
Demonstrates mastery of
several change
methodologies and
practices. Captures and
aptly describes the outcome
including intended and
unintended consequences
Presents a comprehensive
evaluation supported with
critical analysis; including
what could have been done
differently or could be done
in the future.
Explanations are very clear
and well organized. (Added
helpful details and/or
Demonstrates scholarly
academic writing and
conforms to APA style;
paper has less than 5
different writing/APA errors