Status of Recovery Plans - Northwest Power & Conservation Council

Status of Columbia Basin
Salmon and Steelhead Recovery Plans
April 2008
1. Upper Columbia Spring Chinook and Steelhead Recovery Plan; Completed
October 2007 by the Upper Columbia Recovery Board.
Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board Members:
Yakama Nation
Colville Tribes
County Commissioners:
Okanogan County
Douglas County
Chelan County
Contributing Agencies:
2. Yakima Basin Steelhead Recovery Plan; Draft completed March 2007 with final
expected July 2009 by the Yakima Basin Fish and Wildlife Recovery Board.
Yakima Basin Fish and Wildlife Recovery Board Members:
Yakama Nation
County Commissioners:
18 of the 24 municipalities in the Yakima Basin
3. Snake River Salmon Recovery Plan for SE Washington; Final completed
December 2007 by the Snake River Salmon Recovery Board.
Snake River Salmon Recovery Board Members:
Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
County Commissioners:
Walla Walla
Citizen Representatives:
Walla Walla County
Columbia County
Whitman County
Garfield County
Asotin County
Landowner Representatives:
Columbia County
Garfield County
Asotin County
Irrigation District:
Walla Walla County
4. Klickitat Subbasin Recovery Plan for the Middle Columbia Steelhead DPS;
Currently in draft with final expected July 2009 by NOAA-Fisheries.
5. Rock Creek Subbasin Recovery Plan for the Middle Columbia Steelhead DPS;
Currently in draft with final expected July 2009 by NOAA-Fisheries.
6. Middle Columbia River Steelhead DPS Recovery Plan; Currently in draft with final
expected July 2009 by NOAA-Fisheries and the Middle Columbia Bi-State Forum
Middle Columbia Bi-State Forum Members:
Yakima Basin Fish and Wildlife Recovery Board
Oregon’s Mid-Columbia Sounding Board
Snake River Salmon Recovery Board
Washington Department of Ecology
Oregon Recovery Planning Team
Warm Springs Tribe
Klickitat County
Yakama Nation
Umatilla Tribe
7. Conservation and Recovery Plan for Oregon Steelhead Populations in the Middle
Columbia River Steelhead DPS; Currently in draft with final expected July 2009 by
ODFW and Oregon’s recovery planning forums.
Oregon’s planning form members:
The Mid-Columbia Recovery Planning Team
The Middle Columbia Sounding Board
The Management Action Teams
8. NE Oregon Recovery Plan for Snake River ESA Anadromous Populations; Draft
expected December 2008 with final December 2009 by NOAA-Fisheries.
9. Snake River Recovery Plan; Draft expected December 2008 with final December
2009 by NOAA-Fisheries.
10. Lower Columbia Salmon Recovery and Subbasin Plan (Washington side);
Completed December 2004 by the Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board.
Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board Members:
County Commissioners:
Wahkiakum County
Skamania County
Cowlitz County
Lewis County
Clark County
Citizen Representatives:
Friends of the East Fork Lewis River
Washington State Legislature
Cowlitz Indian Tribe
Wahkiakum County
City of Vancouver
Skamania County
Cowlitz County
Tacoma Power
Lewis County
Clark County
Plan Steering Committee Members:
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Lower Columbia River Estuary Partnership
Northwest Power and Conservation Council
WA Governor’s Salmon Recovery Office
County commissioner representatives
US Fish and Wildlife Service
US Army Corps of Engineers
Citizen Representatives
Cowlitz Indian Tribe
US Forest Service
City of Vancouver
NOAA Fisheries
Yakama Nation
Chinook Tribe
City of Camas
Tacoma Power
11. Lower Columbia Salmon Recovery Plan (Oregon side); Draft expected December
2008 with final December 2009 by ODFW.
Lower Columbia Stakeholder Team Members:
East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District
Clatsop Economic Development Fisheries Project
Columbia Soil and Water Conservation District
Northwest Sportfishing Industry Association
Columbia River Intertribal Fish Commission
Agricultural Landowners (orchards and dairy)
Oregon Small Woodlands Association
Northwest Pulp and Paper Association
Association of Clean Water Agencies
Association of Oregon Industries
Clackamas Watershed Council
Scappoose Watershed Council
Oregon Business Association
Metro Regional Government
Bureau of Land Management
Portland General Electric
Hampton Affiliates
US Forest Service
Trout Unlimited
Georgia Pacific
Oregon Trout
Salmon for All
Fishing Guides
Clatsop County
City of Portland
Port of Astoria
Planning Team:
Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development
Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
Lower Columbia River Estuary Partnership
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board
Governor’s Natural Resources Office
Oregon Water Resources Department
Oregon Department of Agriculture
Oregon Division of State Lands
Oregon Department of Forestry
Bureau of Land Management
Portland General Electric
US Forest Service
NOAA Fisheries
City of Portland
12. Lower Columbia ESU Recovery Plan; Draft expected December 2008 with final
December 2009 by NOAA-Fisheries.
13. Upper Willamette Recovery Plan; Draft expected December 2008 with final
December 2009 by ODFW.
Upper Willamette Stakeholder Team:
Agricultural landowners (orchards, grass seed, nurseries, vegetables)
Oregon Concrete and Aggregate Producers Association
Benton County Soil and Water Conservation District
Polk County Soil and Water Conservation District
Northwest Pulp and Paper Association
Oregon Small Woodlands Association
Association of Clean Water Agencies
North Santiam Watershed Council
Eugene Water and Electric Board
McKenzie Watershed Council
US Army Corps of Engineers
Bureau of Land Management
The Nature Conservancy
Northwest Steelheaders
Willamette Riverkeeper
McKenzie River Trust
Oregon Homebuilders
Grande Ronde Tribe
City of Wilsonville
US Forest Service
Oregon Anglers
Fishing Guides
City of Salem
Siletz Tribe
Planning Team:
Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development
Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board
Governor’s Natural Resources Office
Oregon Water Resources Department
Oregon Department of Agriculture
Eugene Water and Electric Board
Oregon Division of State Lands
Oregon Department of Forestry
US Army Corps of Engineers
Bureau of Land Management
US Forest Service
NOAA Fisheries
14. White Salmon Recovery Plan; Currently in draft with final expected July 2009 by