LESSON PLAN Course Name Installation and Maintenance of a Biosolar Roof Date / Time / Location Date: Module / Unit Carry out habitat management on a Biosolar Roof Lesson Title/Subject Carry out habitat management on a Biosolar Roof THEORY AND PRACTICAL Lesson Objectives Course Level Time: UK L2 Duration Location: 7 hours Know how to carry out habitat management on a biosolar roof. Know and understand the need to manage vegetation on biosolar roof. Be able to manage, features, structures and vegetation on a biosolar roof. Previous knowledge assumed None required Course Work / Homework None 1 Prepared by Steven Crane for TOI 683 ‘Up on the Roof’ 31/3/15 Time in mins Subject Matter / Content 15 30 2 Explain how management work is affected by the environmental and habitat value of the roof in terms of its ecology and biodiversity Activity: Teacher Activity: Student Materials / Resources / Notes Introduction with aims and objectives White board Introduction and explanation of environmental legislation. How to interpret and apply this knowledge to maintain the desired habitat value and how this fits with local biodiversity and environmental action plans. Handouts Prepared by Steven Crane for TOI 683 ‘Up on the Roof’ 31/3/15 60 Explain how to recognise invasive plants and conditions that may be damaging to the habitat value of a biosolar roof Understanding and identifying invasive plants, their characteristics, life cycles and features. How they are able to exploit the roof environment to their own advantage to the detriment of the roof habitat and cultivated plants. Understanding the principles of competition, growth, vigour and adaptability. How invasive plants act pest and disease hosts. 30 Explain the basic management tasks required to sustain the habitat value. Understanding the need to maintain temporary and permanent ponds, removing invasive plants, silting and contamination problems. Understanding the need to maintain wildlife shelters, hibernation and nesting sites without negatively impacting on the habitat value. 15 Recognise the state, coverage and species of vegetation. Covered in activity recognising invasive plants and conditions 30 Explain the basic management techniques used to control vegetation Understand the principles of vegetation control covering physical, cultural and chemical, the limitations and strengths of different techniques including pollution, contamination and potential harm to pollinators and wildlife. 3 Prepared by Steven Crane for TOI 683 ‘Up on the Roof’ Group activity researching information Reference books and internet access PP presentation, handouts Covered in activity recognising invasive plants and conditions 31/3/15 Covered in activity recognising invasive plants and conditions PP presentation, handouts 60 Identify vegetation, features and structures that require management according to specification Practical activity: Identifying invasive plants and assessing the damage being caused. Identifying and assessing the condition and maintenance requirements of structures and features which are not energy solar components 75 Manage vegetation sustainably Practical activity: Carry out a risk assessment to cover the work activity. Using physical and cultural methods for removing invasive plants 75 15 15 4 Maintain structures and features according to plans and specification Deal with organic and inorganic matter and litter safely and sustainably Practical activity: Carry out a risk assessment to cover the work activity. Using appropriate methods for maintaining structures and features which are not energy solar components Practical activity: Deal with waste, separate organic and non-organic waste. Prepare green waste for composting either on site or offsite Summarise lesson objectives, aims and activities, check on learning and understanding Prepared by Steven Crane for TOI 683 ‘Up on the Roof’ Learners to work in teams: Identifying vegetation for removal and damage. Propose and specify suitable management techniques. Personal protective equipment, Roof demonstration rig Identifying condition of structures and features. Propose and specify suitable management techniques Learners to work in teams: Carry out a risk assessment. Safely remove invasive plants according to their specification Learners to work in teams: Carry out a risk assessment. Safely maintain features and structures to specification. Learners to work in teams: Safely deal with waste. In class Q&A 31/3/15 Personal protective equipment, Roof demonstration rig Personal protective equipment, Roof demonstration rig Personal protective equipment, Roof demonstration rig General Comments: Post Lesson Evaluation: Created as part of the ‚Up on the Roof‘ project supported by the EU LL Programme. Please us the contact form on: www.biosolarroof.com for further information. 5 Prepared by Steven Crane for TOI 683 ‘Up on the Roof’ 31/3/15