St. Petersburg State University FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE CENTRE FOR MEDIEVAL CULTURE STUDIES Mendeleevskaya, 5, St. Petersburg, 199034, RUSSIA. Phone: (812) 328 94 39; fax: (812) 328 08 71 E-mail: Internet: http: \\ philosophy. pu. ru INFORMATION The Center for Medieval Culture Studies is an independent union of St. Petersburg scholars created in 1997 at the Faculty of Philosophy in St. Petersburg State University for extracurricular research of Medieval Culture. MAIN IDEA: * To promote both individual and collective research into philosophy, theology, history, philology, art of European and Russian Middle Age; * To surmount ideological stereotypes concerning theologically determined forms of culture; * To renew traditions of Russian Mediaeval studies in the contemporary spiritual situation; * To set up the fruitful dialogue between secular and religious scientists. INVESTIGATIONS: Educational activities include regular open problem-seminars and discussions for wide range of participants. Research activities involve translations, commentaries and publishing of the Middle Age heritage including both Western-European and Byzantine-Russian traditions. CHAIRMAN OF THE CENTER Prof. Dr. Yuri SOLONIN, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, St. Petersburg State University Specialty: Antropology of Byzantine Fathers MEMBERS OF THE CENTER Dr. Oleg DUSHIN, Coordinator of the Center, Associate Professor, Dept. of History of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, St. Petersburg University E-mail: Specialty: Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas Dr. Alexander POGONIAYLO Associate Professor, Dept. of History of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, St. Petersburg University E-mail: Specialty: Philosophy of Augustinus and Duns Scotus Dr. Igor YEVLAMPIEV Professor, Dept. of Philosophy, Northern-West Academy of State Service E-mail: Specialty: Byzantine Heritage in Russian Culture Dr. Lada TSIPINA Associate Professor, Dept. of History of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, St. Petersburg University E-mail: Specialty: Medieval mysticism; Philosophy of Franciscans Dr. Dmitry SHMONIN Associate Professor, Dept. of Philosophy, Faculty of Fundamental and Humanitarian sciences, St. Petersburg Mining Institute (Technical University) E-mail: Specialty: Second Scholasticism, Philosophy of Jesuits FOREIGN MEMBERS OF THE CENTER: Dr. Ricardo PINERO MORAL Professor, Dept.of Ancient and Medieval Art Faculty of Philosophy, University of Salamanca (Spain) E-Mail: Specialty: Medieval bestiary. ACTIVITY (1997-2002): 35 seminars and discussions dedicated to different philosophical, theological, historical, philological problems of the Medieval Culture. 3 All-Russian conferences: "Francisco Suarez and European Culture of XVI-XVII centuries" (1998); "Middle Ages' Heritage and Contemporary Culture (dedicated to Prof. E. Gilson)" (1999). "Universities and traditions of European education" (1999) 3 International Conferences: "Philosophy of W. Ochkam: Traditions and Contemporeity" (2000) "Byzantine Theology and Traditions of Religious and Philosophical Thought in Russia" (2000) "Aristotle and the Medieval Metaphysics" (2001) Main speakers in these seminars and conferences (1997-2001) were: Prof. Y. Solonin (St. Petersburg) Prof. J.-C. Schmidt (Paris) Dr. S. Ebbessen (Copenhagen) Prof. C. Panaccio (Quebec) Prof. V. Kolesov (St. Petersburg) Prof. I. Medvedev (St. Petersburg) Prof. G. Lebedeva (St. Petersburg) Prof. T. Stichiel (M?nster) Prof. S. Khoruzhy (Moscow) Prof. S. Franklin (Cambridge) Prof. G.Podskalsky SJ (Frankfurt-upon-Main) Prof. B. Markov (St. Petersburg) Prof H.V. Beyer (Vienna - Ekaterinburg) Prof. H.W.M. Rikhof (Utrecht) Prof. A. Kaumantas (Athens) PUBLICATIONS: Published: Almanac "VERBUM" * Issue 1 (1999) "Francisco Su?rez and European Culture of XVI - XVII centuries". * Issue 2 (2000) "Middle Ages' Heritage and Contemporary Culture". * Issue 3 (2000) "Byzantine Theology and Traditions of Religious and Philosophical Thought in Russia". * Second Edition (2001) * Issue 4 (2001) "Philosophy of W. Ochkam: Traditions and Contemporeity". * Issue 5 (2001) "Cultural Images and Intellectual Stiles: Iberian Experiance". * Issue 6 (2002) "Aristotle and the Medieval Metaphysics". Translated into Russian and published (1997-2002): St. Thomas Aquinas.: De esse et essentia; Summa Theologiae. I. VIII; Summa Theologiae. I. XLIX; Guillelmus de Ockham: Summa totius Logicae. I, c. XXXVIII; Summa totius Logicae. III, II, c. XXVII; Questiones super libros Phisicorum. II. Francisco Suarez.: Disputationes Metaphysicae. Disp. V.; Disputationes Metaphysicae. Disp. XXXI; Commentaria "De Anima". Proemium. Etienne Gilson. History of the Christian Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Chapter III. St. Thomas Aquinas. PLANS. PROJECTS (2003): The Center for Medieval Culture Studies plans: * To continue seminars and discussions dedicated to different fields of Medieval Culture studies; * To continue a promotion to all forms of researches into the Medieval Culture at St. Petersburg; * To prepare textbook "Medieval Philosophy and Culture: Heritage and Traditions" for students of Humanitarian specialization's. The Center for Medieval Culture Studies at St. Petersburg State University is interesting in a widening of cooperation with Universities, Institutes other science centers researching all aspects of the Medieval Culture. Dear colleague: For more information you may contact following address: Dr. Oleg Dushin, Coordinator of Center for Medieval Culture Studies, Associate Professor, Dept. of History of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy. St. Petersburg State University. Mendeleevskaya 7/9. St. Petersburg, 199034, RUSSIA Fax: 007 812 328 08 71 E-mail: St. Petersburg State University FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY CENTER FOR MEDIEVAL CULTURE STUDIES ARISTOTLE AND MEDIEVAL METAPHYSICS International Conference October 25 2003 Welcome address Prof. Dr. Yuri Solonin, Dean of Faculty of Philosophy (Auditorium 24) 11.30-13.00 Session I (Auditorium 24) Prof. Dr. Y. Slinin (St. Petersburg) The Aristotle's principle of individuation Prof. Dr. H. Rikhof (Utrecht) The creativity of a theologian: Aquinas' theological transformation of the Aristotelian concept of virtue Dr. I. Lupandin (Moscow) "Disputationes Metaphysicae" of Francisco Suarez as an attempt of axiomatization of Aristotelian Metaphysics Dr. H. Goris (Utrecht) Reception of Aristotle's "De Interpretatione" 9 in the Latin West: Boethius and the scholastics Dr. L. Tonoyan (St. Petersburg) Roman fate of Aristotle's logical legacy (From Cicero to Boethius) Dr. E. Lissaniouk (St. Petersburg) Boethian legacy to Aristotelian logic. M. Guseva (St. Petersburg) Boethius' "Commentary" to Porphyry H. Geybels (Leuven) At the Gates of the Middle Ages: Augustine's Reception of Aristotle Dr. I. Dvorkin (Jerusalem) Metaphysics of the Bible and Metaphysics in Maimonides' philosophy Dr. A. Cherniakov (St.Petersburg) Time and eternity in Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas Prof. Dr. V. Kostetsky (St. Petersburg) The influence of the Aristotelian theory of meaning to the forming of the concept of "intention" in the Medieval philosophy D. Fedchuk (St. Petersburg) Distinction in understanding concept "substance" for Thomas Aquinas and Aristotle Dr. I. Ivanova (Bishkek)Aristotle and philosophical heresies of the Middle Ages A. Smirnova (St. Petersburg) Aristotelian influence on the teaching of Maister Echart E. Razova (St. Petersburg) Gothic Cathedral: Aristotelian philosophical system and shapes of everyday life in the medieval Europe Friday, October 26 Fr. N. McCay-Morrissey (Dublin) The notion of 'hexis' in Aristotle, St. Thomas Aquinas and Selected Contemporary Virtue Theorists Dr. M. Pozdnev (St. Petersburg) "Catharsis" in the mid-XVI century (First Renaissance Comments on the Aristotelian definition of tragedy) Dr. D. Shmonin (St. Petersburg) Knowledge of singular things in the treatise "De Anima" of Francisco Suarez Dr. A.Tolstenko (St. Petersburg) Eriugena's "ontological grammar" Dr. O. Dushin (St. Petersburg) Philosophus: Between Doctor Angelicus and the Reformer Fr. Gregory (St. Petersburg) Varlaam of Kalambra and Byzantine tradition of Aristotelism V. Baranov (Budapest) Aristotle in discussions on icons Dr. N. Baloshina (St. Petersburg) Philosophy of Aristotle in the system of education in Russia of the end of the XVII - beginning of the XVIII century Dr. T. Chumakova (St. Petersburg) Reception of Aristotle in Old Russia (XI-XVI cent.) Dr. E. Ovchinnikova (St. Petersburg) Aristotelian tradition in the development of ethics in Russia of the end of the XVII - beginning of the XVIII century Prof. Dr. I. Yevlampiev (St. Petersburg) Being and raising: from Aristotle to Henry Bergsonne St. Petersburg State University FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE CENTRE FOR MEDIEVAL CULTURE STUDIES Mendeleevskaya linia, 5, St. Petersburg, 199034, RUSSIA. Phone: (812) 328 94 21 Fax: (812) 328 08 71 E-mail: Internet: http: \\ philosophy. pu. ru First Call for Papers The Centre for Medieval Culture Studies is organizing an International Conference with the topic: "From Feasting to Fasting: transformations of the cultural procedures from Antiquity to the Middle Ages". We are planning to discuss the following topics: Ethos of Antiquity and the moral prepositions of Christianity: changes in the philosophical paradigms and strategies of daily conduct; Athens’ Agora and the Medieval monastery: transformations of social Institutions; Freedom of Spirit and Freedom of Body: speech and silence; Citizen and ascetic: models of corporal practices; Philosophical and Christian Ascetics in Medieval and Byzantine Philosophy and Theology; Monastic Canons in the East and the West. The Conference will be at the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of the St.-Petersburg State University 20 - 22 November of 2008. We invite to participation of all interested scientists! For the application, it is necessary to present an abstract (350-500 words) and author's information no later than 1 June 2008. The papers will be published in the almanac "Verbum" after the Conference. All materials should be sending to: Ass. Prof., Ph. D. Oleg E. Dushin Chair of the History of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, St. Petersburg State University, Mendeleevskaya linia, 5, St. Petersburg 199034 RUSSIA Fax: (812) 328-0871 E-mail: APPLICATIONS FOR PARTICIPATION: To participate in the Conference you should send registration form and an abstract (350-500 words) in Russian, German or English. Registration forms should be sent to the Organizing Committee no later than 1 June 2008 (it is a real deadline). Participants should register and send texts of papers by E-mail. The Organizing Committee has rights to reject sent materials. We have to notice that regular mail from Europe to Russia normally takes about 2-3 weeks. Registration fees for foreign participants: 80 Euro - for participants; 40 Euro - for students. Registration fees should pay after arriving at St. Petersburg. REGISTRATION FORM (send by E-mail) Name: ____________________________________________________ Sex: _______________________________________________________ Citizenship: __________________________________________________ Postal address: _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Telephone (office): ____________________________________________ Telephone (home): ____________________________________________ Fax: _______________________________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________________________ Title of report: _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Preferable variant of accommodation: _____________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Date_____________________ INFORMATION FOR RUSSIAN CONSULATE DEPARTMENT TO ISSUE VISA Date of birth (day, month and year): ___________________________________________________________ Passport No: ____________________________________________________________ Passport valid (day, month and year): ____________________________________________________________ Full name of organization: ____________________________________________________________ Position: ____________________________________________________________ Organization address, telephone, faxes ___________________________________________________________ Intended period of stay in Russia: ____________________________________________________________ Place were a Russian consulate-issuing visa is situated: ____________________________________________________________ Home address: ____________________________________________________________ In addition to this information it is need to send good photocopy of national passport (by fax or post)