Sverchkov Vladimir Dmitrievich ( 1822

Sverchkov Vladimir Dmitrievich ( 1822-1888)
Sverchkov Vladimir Dmitrievich was a Russian
painter. He worked in the genre of batal, historical and
portrait painting. He is well-known as a master of stained
glass. His personality is covered by mystery and one of the
reasons for it is the fact that Sverchkov almost didn’t live
in Russia. In Russian science Sverchkov’s personality has
recently become an object of studying. His name was
mentioned first in literature by E. Minuhin in 1959.
Sverchkov Vladimir Dmitrievich was born in the
period 1820-1822 in Lovijsa city (the south of Finland).
Russian and Finnish researchers still don’t have a mutual opinion about the date when he was
born. His father prepared him to the army, but young Vladimir was interested in studying art. He
got an opportunity to study art from T.I. Legler artist in Abo (Turku). Then, when he became an
officer he learnt art with the teacher of Drawing Hall of Helsinki University P.A. Kruskopf. In
1843 he went to Roma. The official reason of the trip was that he had problems with the health
because of St. Petersburg’s climate. The other version that Roma attracted artists from Europe
and every young artist wanted to go there. His way to Roma was difficult because he didn’t have
enough money to survive. One day he met Baronessa Stieglitz. She saw him drawing in the
streets. She helped him to go to Roma. At that period his creation was developing. He began his
work as a painter under Russian artist F.A. Moller direction.
Sverchkov Vladimir Dmitrievich died in 1888 in Florence, where he was burred. He
bequeathed his collection of rare art things to Baron Stieglitz’s school. Some compositions were
sent to his friend A.P. Bogolubov in Saratov. His stained glasses are in St. Petersburg and in
Turku Cathedral Church nowadays. Sverchkov’s art works are always assigned to Nikolai
Yegorovich Sverchkov-the artist of XIX century because his name is more popular and he lived
in Russia.
Creative work:
Vladimir Dmitrievich Sverchkov’s creative work has recently been discovered by
Russian science. He is well-known as a master of stained glass. Sverchkov began his career as an
artist with portraits and historical pictures. At the period of the Crimean war (1854-1855) he
made a lot of sketches. In 1850 he worked with interior. In 1855 Vladimir Dmitrievich was given
a gold medal of the first degree for perspective painting and he was given a grant. His pictures at
that period were, for example, “The Scene of Middle Centuries”, “Inside room of Venetian
Rain”. With the help of that grant he could continue his education in Munchen. In 1862
Sverchkov went to Munchen where he learnt drawing on the glass.
His first work of stained glass was shown in 1866 at the academic exhibition. There were
three glass painting as “Christ in Glory”, “The Big Imperial Emblem” and “The Device
Window”. Later these works were bought by Alexander the II. Sverchkov also organized his
exhibitions in Russia.
Nowadays scientists know about 30 stained glasses of that artist. Unfortunately, most of
his works were not saved. One of the most important work was the image of Jesus surrounded by
four evangelists for the Church of Christ Savior in the evangelist hospital. In 1872 by the order
of Meklenburg- Strelitzkih he made his stained glass ‘Christmas”.
Vladimir Dmitrievich’s works showed unusual beauty of stained glass. With the help of
his works a lot of artists have a good opportunity to learn this art.
Florentine influence:
In 1873 Sverchkov decided to go to Florence because he had problems with his lungs. He
lived there in his own house, which
had been built according to his order.
At that period of his life he ceased to
make stained glasses and he worked on
decorating for interiors and making
artist’s studios in his house. There were
studios of foreign artists in the ground
floor, including Arnold Beklin. When
Beklin had problems with money his
friend Sverchkov helped him to make a sketch for the stained glass “Scattering flowers Flora”.
In 1888 he sent a claim for taking part in the exhibition in Bavarian Union of applied art,
but he died on the 2nd (14th) July in 1888. Sverchkov was buried in Allory cemetery in Florence.
On the tombstone was written: Wladimir Swertschkoff geborgen in Finnland 1820 gestorbern in
Florenz 1888.
Learn more:
1. Volobueva T.N. “ to the History of the Art of stained glass in Russia” ( V.D. Sverchkov’s
workshops work)// Petersburg readings. Petersburg and Russia.13-15 April 1994- St.
2. Guseva E.N. Unpublished material for the biography of the artist./ St. Petersburg reading
3. Knyazhitskaya T.V.Litography to the works of V.D. Sverchkov in the collection of the
State Museum of the history of St Petersburg. From the early master’s creative work. St.