CTRAC – TSA L Disaster Behavioral Health Services Committee Thursday April 12, 2012 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm Room D-10, CTCOG Building 2180 N. Main Street, Belton AGENDA 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Approval of March 8, 2012 meeting minutes 3. Review and adjustment of the agenda 4. Discussion of the FY’12 Committee work plan A. Develop a resource kit similar to that developed by the Bell County Health District to take to the RMOC if it is activated – See Attached Table of Contents for the Disaster Behavioral Health Go-Kit - Completed B. Develop just-in-time disaster behavioral health training for shelter managers which would include resource materials on behavioral health issues for shelter managers. Report by Eldon regarding information materials in storage at the RAC and Bell County Health District. Items in RAC storage: Quick Series: Emergency Preparedness for Persons with Disabilities – 50+ copies: Quick Series: Stress Management for Emergency Personnel -12 copies: Training Manual for Mental Health and Human Services Workers in a Major Disaster– 150 copies: Field Manual for Mental Health and Social Service Workers in a Major Disaster: Preparing for Disaster – USAA-100 copies: Psycho-Social Issues for Children and Adolescents in Disasters – 50+ copies: Psycho-Social Issues for Older Adults in Disasters – 50+ copies. Bell County Health District: Went to storage area and could not access boxes due to heavy furniture being stacked in front of them C. Investigate a point-to-point sheltering arrangement for mental health group living facility evacuation from Brazoria County. - Eldon D. Inquire through Chance Freeman what resources could make available to the region on short notice. Once these are cataloged, then the Committee can do a gap analysis of what is available as opposed to what resources would be needed to respond to a disaster for the first 72 hours. - Melanie E. Preparation of News Releases to be used when a disaster is imminent, or immediately after a disaster – See list of fact sheets/ pamphlets, etc. collected for this purpose (brought to last meeting). 5. Review of Red Cross Disaster Behavioral Health Services training availability for our Region – can be scheduled when we have 30 participants. Need to interface with Dennis Baker about potential shelter leadership preparedness training. 6. Scheduling “Compassion Fatigue” training. -Melanie 7. Levels of interest in supporting roles on other RAC Committees: Mass Fatalities Committee Emergency Preparedness and Response Committee Sheltering Committee EMS Operations Committee 8. Other Announcements, General Discussion, etc. 9. Next Meeting: May 10, 2012 10. Adjourn LIST OF FACT SHEETS/ARTICLES/BROCHURES TO BE USED FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION AND PRESS RELEASES A Guide to Managing Stress in Crisis Response Professions After a Disaster: What Teens Can Do Austin: Disaster Mental Health Children in Disasters: Hospital Guidelines for Pediatric Preparedness Compassion Fatigue Hits Vet Caregivers Coping with Disaster: Emotional Health Issues of Disaster Workers on Assignment Coping with Disaster: Returning Home from a Disaster Assignment Dealing with Emotional Impact of Disasters is a Key Part of Recovery: Crisis Counseling Can Help Children with Holiday Blues Dealing with the Effects of Trauma: A Self-Help Guide Disaster Mental Health Services: Overview – Red Cross Emotional Health Issues for Victims of Disaster: Red Cross Fast Facts About: Child Mental Health Helping Children After a Disaster: A Guide for Educators Helping Children After a Disaster – Mental Health Assoc Helping Children Cope with Disaster – Red Cross Helping Children Cope with Fear and Anxiety How to Deal with Grief In the Wake of a Trauma: Tips for College Students Interventions at Home for Pre-schoolers to Adolescents Managing & Preventing Stress for Disaster Response Workers Managing Stress During a Crisis: A Guide for Supervisors Managing Your Stress During a Disaster Mental Health Response to Mass Casualties Psychological First Aid for Teachers Returning Home after Disaster Relief Work: A post Deployment Guide Stress Reactions to Traumatic Events: DSHS Pamphlet Survivors of Shootings Grieve in Stages Talking to Children after a Disaster: A Guide for Parents & Teachers Texas State Resource Guide Tips For Disaster Workers: Possible Alcohol & Substance Abuse Indicators Tips for Talking to Children in Trauma: Interventions at Home for Preschoolers to Adolescents Tips for Talking with Children and Youth after Traumatic Events: A Guide for Parents & Educators Two Years Later: Continued Difficulties of First Responders Understanding and Responding to the Needs of Children After Large-Scale Disasters Victim Identification And Family Support in Mass Casualties: Massachusetts Model What to Expect in Your Personal, Family, Work & Financial Life After a Disaster 1/11/2012