3800-FM-WSFR0339 8/2005 \COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF WATER STANDARDS AND FACILITY REGULATION General Permit Number: PAG-07 _______ Reporting Period ______ RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING FORM PAG-07 A. General Information: Permittee’s Name: Address: B. Pollutant Concentrations: Attach analytical results for the following pollutants in the exceptional quality biosolids that are applied to the land or that is sold, given away or distributed in a bag or other container for beneficial use. Arsenic (mg/kg) Lead (mg/kg) Selenium (mg/kg) PCBs (mg/kg) C. Cadmium (mg/kg) Mercury (mg/kg) Zinc (mg/kg) Copper (mg/kg) Nickel (mg/kg) Molybdenum (mg/kg) Pathogen Reduction Achieved: Indicate which of the following treatment alternatives was used prior to beneficial use of the exceptional quality biosolids. For Alternatives 5 and 6, list the specific Process to Further Reduce Pathogens (PFRP): Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 4 Alternative 5: Alternative 3 Alternative 6: PFRP Equiv. PFRP Briefly describe the biosolids treatment process performed and submit analytical results and/or process data to demonstrate that the pathogen reduction selected was met: -1- 3800-FM-WSFR0339 D. 8/2005 Vector Attraction Reduction Performed: Indicate which of the following treatment options was performed prior to beneficial use of the exceptional quality biosolids: Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5 Option 6 Option 7 Option 8 Briefly describe the biosolids treatment process performed and submit analytical results and/or process data to demonstrate that the vector attraction reduction selected was met: E. If one of the vector attraction reduction options 1 - 5 in Section D of this form is selected, was the pathogen reduction treatment alternative chosen in Section C of this form met prior to or at the same time the vector attraction reduction option chosen in Section D was met? Yes No F. For the purposes of compliance with terms, conditions, statutes, rules and regulations described in the general permit (PAG-07): 1. Exceptional quality biosolids sold, given away or otherwise distributed in a bag or other container: On the line below, indicate the total amount (dry weight basis) of exceptional quality biosolids sold, given away or distributed in a bag or other container. For amounts greater than 1.1 dry tons distributed during the monitoring period to a single recipient, attach a list identifying the name and address of each recipient and the amount of biosolids distributed. Total amount distributed: 2. dry tons Bulk application of exceptional quality biosolids conducted by Permittee: Provide the following information when bulk applications of EQ biosolids were conducted by the permittee or agent for the permittee: Site Name: Site Location: Municipality: Amount of exceptional quality biosolids land applied County: (dry tons) Description of the beneficial use(s) of exceptional quality biosolids 3. Application rates: Attach a summary of application records for each field receiving exceptional biosolids applied by the permittee or agent for the permittee during the reporting year. For agricultural applications, include the information shown on the attached worksheets (Agronomic Rates). 4. Training required: Name of certified/trained personnel responsible for the land application activity: -2- 3800-FM-WSFR0339 G. 8/2005 Certification: I certify, under penalty of law, that one of the Class A pathogen requirements in Title 25 Pa. Code, §271.932(a) and vector attraction reduction requirements specified in Title 25 Pa. Code, §271.933(b)(1) - (b)(8) have been met. This determination has been made under my direction and supervision in accordance with a system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information used to determine that the pathogen reduction requirements and vector attraction reduction requirements have been met. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including the possibility of fine and imprisonment. NAME AND OFFICIAL TITLE (Use Corporate or Professional Seal As Appropriate): Name: Title: Signature: Telephone: ( ) Date Signed: -3- 3800-FM-WSFR0339 8/2005 Agronomic Loading Rate Summary Worksheet YEAR SITE NAME Desired Crop Yield Field ID Total 1 2 Acres Crop N Need Applied P2O5 Applied K2O Calculated App. Rate Biosolids or Septage Actual Rate Applied Biosolids Planned Crop bu/A T/A lb/A lb/A lb/A Application Method 1 dt/a or gal/acre DT/A NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Surface Application or Injection or Incorporation Total field septage or biosolids must be reported in dry ton (DT) and either in wet ton (WT) or gallons (Gal) -4- Total Field 2 Septage or Biosolids Septage or Biosolids Application WT/A Gal/A DT WT Gal Total Acres Spread Planting Date Acres (e.g., early May) NA